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How long have we had a moon?

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A scientist said a few weeks ago that the earth must have been covered in shallow sea and had less gravity when the dinosaurs were around, this caused a stir in the press, many could not get their heads around it. Well here is a theory that could explain that.

If you look at the rocks you can see that the land either side of the pacific are the same as the are either side of the Atlantic and that the sea bed is new rock, this would mean that the the old crust of the planet was the whole old surface with the oceans covering that making most of the land shallow seas when the dinosaurs were around, and that what we see as the sea bed now is new rock made from a rapidly expanding earth, so how is it that the earth for billions of years is one size, then rapidly starts to expand to a degree that the new surface is many times the old surface.

That is not hard to explain, it would have to mean that the moon was not there for those billions of years and has only arrived in the last few million years, well it arrived when the new rock appeared, so how ever old the oldest part of the sea bed is is when the moon turned up.

How does it make the earth expand? Tidal forces, like the affects it has on the sea it also has on the rock but to a smaller degree, this would mean that each time the moon goes round it expands the earth by a few fractions of a mm.

Were did all the new rock come from?, it didn't, this would mean the earth is hollow, and that void is getting bigger with every cycle of the moon.

I think if you look at the depth that earthquake seismic waves bounce about in is the depth of rock and the center is gas, add that rock together and you get a planet size of this planet without the sea bed, in fact there are many little facts apart from the bone structures of dead dinosaurs that point to the earth being a lot smaller.

How did the moon get there? Could have come from a passing brown dwarf, or put there so to expand the earth,lol.

Do any of you have any thoughts on this.


This added after a page of reply.

The earth spins, we all agree on that.

In any centrifuge no matter how fast it spins the lighter elements will be in the center and the heavy element out on the edge and if that spin rate is constant will create layers of density.

This can be proved in any school lab, now apply that basic knowledge to the earth.

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Mmhhmm..we've always had a Moon. I naively thought I could fly up to it once, and so I flew and flew and flew. I kept going for hours (had no other life back then). After about 10,000 metres, desperation set in as I realised it wasn't doable. It seems unattainable, which is sad as I'd quite like a little 512 up there, to get away from it all.

Oh...sorry...wrong universe :(

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ROB34466IIIa wrote:

I think I'll call you moonstruck in Latin ... :robotindifferent:

Since the Apollo 11 missions, moonrock has been tested on age and has been proven to be the same billion year old basalt rock the earth is made of.

Carbon dating shows moon rocks to be even slightly older than earth rocks, presumably because it was smaller and cooled and became stable more quickly.  Also rocks from the moon that have been discovered on earth (lunar meteorites caused by impacts upon the moon) point to the fact that the moon has been around from very early in earth's evolution and easily pre-date life on earth.

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Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

As you agree that rocks can be carbon dated, lol, i think that makes you very ignorant on the subject.

You may think whatever you like .. radiometric dating ( a scientific measurement ) does indeed date moonrock as more than 4 billion years old.

How' s that for ignorance ? .. besides .. drop these 'lol' s whenever you' re insecure about your own statements. Really shows your own ignorance.

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Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

Do you have any proof that those rocks came from the moon.


You can't carbon date rocks, only things that were living first can be carbon dated, that is basic 101, lol.

I stand corrected, please replace with radiometric dating, but the dating still remains a fact.  The lunar meteorites discovered on earth share the same radiometric dating and chemical composition as lunar rocks found in moon craters from where they were most likely expelled.

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One of the theories is that after a solar / gas bang a lot of gas debris floated in space around that bang, cluttering together as different gas balls. When the smaller bits cooled down they became planets with actual magma like dense mass. The sun is so big and heavy that it's still in that state. However the magma like planets were contantly bombared with cooled down left over debris in space from the bang. This bormbardment caused new magma/rocky like debris dust around the earth. When the earth wasn't bombarded anymore the newly created debris dust around the planet also started to clutter together finally becoming the moon. At the time there was no life at all since the earth still was in transition from magma to a very thin crust cooling down. It explains why the chemical composition of moon rock is earth like.

If this theory is true the moon as a whole mass is indeed a bit younger than the earth, but not by much.

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Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

With respect but  radiometric dating is flawed in many aspects.

Water can leach Potassium in hours.


Jeez another You Tube armchair expert and a creationist too. So God is now planting lunar meteorites in the earth as well as dinosaur bones to fool us, what a trickster he is.   Anyway from Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moon_rock


Mare basalts

Mare basalts are named for their frequent rate of constituting a large portion of the lunar maria; they are made of mare basalts, which are like terrestrial basalts but have many important differences. The basalts show a large negative europium anomaly. Extraordinary potassium content can be found in a specific basalt, the so-called VHK (Very High K) basalt.

There is no rainwater or surface water on the moon to wash potassium from something.  That's a 101 too.  So the radiometric dating of moon rock stands at 3.1bn to 4.25bn years old.

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So you are saying they didn't find water in moons rocks, then explain why they think there is water there, in fact they think water is on every planet and moon in some form, but they think mostly in the rock and that most planets with surface water have it in the form of ice, hence them thinking that ice is at the poles of the moon.


LOL, I don't believe in god, LOL, far from it.

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I didn't say that.  I said there was no rainfall or surface water.  I readily agree there is ice below the surface, but water in the form of ice is not a solvent so therefore it cannot wash potassium out of rocks above it on the surface.

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Lucinda Bulloch wrote:


If you look at the rocks you can see that the land either side of the pacific are the same as the are either side of the Atlantic and that the sea bed is new rock, this would mean that the the old crust of the planet was the whole old surface with the oceans covering that making most of the land shallow seas when the dinosaurs were around, and that what we see as the sea bed now is new rock made from a rapidly expanding earth, so how is it that the earth for billions of years is one size, then rapidly starts to expand to a degree that the new surface is many times the old surface.

That is not hard to explain,


Not really hard to explain indeed!  .. it's called continental drift  ;P

Earth isn't expanding and hasn't been expanding since the day the last rock slammed into the bigger rock that eventually formed the planet we are on right now .. followed by the even bigger-rock that hit the earth-rock and that resulted in rocks being torn off the earth-rock and start to form the moon-rock (according to latest - and even very liekly to be true but considering the timeframes invovled, we might never see it happening elsewhere - theories)

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Lucinda did you watch docter dino? he said stuff like this all the time before they put him in jail

the ideas are not new, bull**bleep** but not original.

if you rlly want answers to your questions that fit you google niburu  


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Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

With respect but  radiometric dating is flawed in many aspects.

Water can leach Potassium in hours.

PS I don't agree with the creationist or the evolutionist, I have my own thoughts on that subject, I may do a thread on that one later.

Please don't.

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Tiffy Vella wrote:

Mmhhmm..we've always had a Moon. I naively thought I could fly up to it once, and so I flew and flew and flew. I kept going for hours (had no other life back then). After about 10,000 metres, desperation set in as I realised it wasn't doable. It seems unattainable, which is sad as I'd quite like a little 512 up there, to get away from it all.

Oh...sorry...wrong universe

It's too far away to be reached. It's further away than even the stars. If you watch it, you'll see that that the stars pass in front of it instead of behind, so goodness knows how far away the moon is - and how big it must be for the distant stars to pass in front of it.

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I am just wondering what the trolling aspect of this thread will be, as with Lucinda as the OP there is almost bound to be one. I suspect the idea here is to provoke a creationist into making an argument.

Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

A scientist said a few weeks ago that the earth must have been covered in shallow sea and had less gravity when the dinosaurs were around, this caused a stir in the press, many could not get their heads around it. Well here is a theory that could explain that.

I am not sure why this would cause a stir in the press, the fact that the earth was mostly covered with shallow seas in prehistoric times is a well know fact, we know this because fossilised sea creatures such as ammonites and belamites are very common finds just about everywhere.

Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

If you look at the rocks you can see that the land either side of the pacific are the same as the are either side of the Atlantic 

correlation does not imply causation

Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

and that what we see as the sea bed now is new rock made from a rapidly expanding earth, 

Or maybe from volcanic and seismic activity which we can actually see and record.

Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

That is not hard to explain, it would have to mean that the moon was not there for those billions of years and has only arrived in the last few million years, well it arrived when the new rock appeared, so how ever old the oldest part of the sea bed is is when the moon turned up.

correlation does not imply causation


Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

How does it make the earth expand? Tidal forces, like the affects it has on the sea it also has on the rock but to a smaller degree, this would mean that each time the moon goes round it expands the earth by a few fractions of a mm.

Were did all the new rock come from?, it didn't, this would mean the earth is hollow, and that void is getting bigger with every cycle of the moon..

Now here your argument gets really feeble, we know the earth distorts slightly, due to the gravitational pull of the moon, but this does not occur equally all around the earth at the same time, the moon just bends the earth slightly and then bends it back again when it's gravitational pull is on the opposite side of the earth. The tides go in and out they dont get further and further in each day. 

We know the earth isn't hollow, by, well, digging holes.

Lucinda Bulloch wrote:


I think if you look at the depth that earthquake seismic waves bounce about in is the depth of rock and the center is gas, add that rock together and you get a planet size of this planet without the sea bed, in fact there are many little facts apart from the bone structures of dead dinosaurs that point to the earth being a lot smaller.


Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

The earth spins, we all agree on that.

In any centrifuge no matter how fast it spins the lighter elements will be in the center and the heavy element out on the edge and if that spin rate is constant will create layers of density.

This can be proved in any school lab, now apply that basic knowledge to the earth.

The gravity of the earth drags things towards it, thats how we remain standing on the surface, its why we need rockets to get into orbit, and its why if I dropped a huge lead weight on your head, you would have a terrible headache and not a nice view of my lead weight flying off into space.


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