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What happened in History on this date

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Today, June 12th, 2013, Facebook lights up with support and protest icons, in support of Edward Snowden. 


Here's the icon, for those that may wish to join in, and be part of this history. 



 *The icon is being used as a tempory profile picture. Also, because time moves on, this is history happening.  : )

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Celestiall Nightfire wrote:

Today, June 12th, 2013, Facebook lights up with support and protest icons, in support of Edward Snowden. 


Here's the icon, for those that may wish to join in, and be part of


 *The icon is being used as a tempory profile picture. Also, because time moves on, this is history happening.  : )

I'd have to join Facebook to wield the profile pic, but I'll be with you in spirit, Celestiall. Meanwhile, my neighbor, a state legislator, had the misfortune of going for his mail while I was out biking. His ear has been bent ;-)

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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Celestiall Nightfire wrote:

Today, June 12th, 2013, Facebook lights up with support and protest icons, in support of Edward Snowden. 


Here's the icon, for those that may wish to join in, and be part of


 *The icon is being used as a tempory profile picture. Also, because time moves on, this is history happening.  : )

I'd have to join Facebook to wield the profile pic, but I'll be with you in spirit, Celestiall. Meanwhile, my neighbor, a state legislator, had the misfortune of going for his mail while I was out biking. His ear has been bent ;-)

Hmm, I guess that goes with the territory if one is a legislator.  (Although, he might start picking up his mail at a different time of day.  ; )


*Makes plans to install bike path inworld, in hopes of getting a bent ear....

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6-21-2013   Russian president Vladimir Putin offers to return a replica of New England Patriot's team owner Robert Kraft's 2005 Super Bowl ring. Kraft, who offered the ring to Putin on bended knee in an upscale Moscow bar that year, felt it only fair that the ring be returned after a series of publicity photographs were released, showing a shirtless Putin engaging in manly activities. While the images were generally thought intended to garner support from Russia's women voters, Kraft saw it differently, got tired of waiting for Putin to set a date and requested return of the ring. The whereabouts of the original ring are still unknown to all, except Dmitry Medvedev, who is still busy looking for shoes to match.

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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

  Russian president Vladimir Putin offers to return a replica of New England Patriot's team owner Robert Kraft's 2005 Super Bowl ring. Kraft, who offered the ring to Putin on bended knee in an upscale Moscow bar that year, felt it only fair that the ring be returned after a series of publicity photographs were released, showing a shirtless Putin engaging in manly activities. While the images were generally thought intended to garner support from Russia's women voters, Kraft saw it differently, got tired of waiting for Putin to set a date and requested return of the ring. The whereabouts of the original ring are still unknown to all, except Dmitry Medvedev, who is still busy looking for shoes to match.






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Good morning!  It is June 22nd.






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6-22-1978    Astronomer James Christy discovers that Pluto (Greek god of the underworld), the Solar System's ninth and usually most distant planet, is dancing through the heavens with a partner, Charon (Hades' ferryman). In August of 2006, a rising wave of objection over same-sex orbital coupling, voiced by religious conservatives, causes the ejection of Pluto and Charon from the Solar System's planetary list. Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune and Uranus, all with multiple orbital partners of both genders are spared by a vocal contingent from the polygamous branch of the Mormon church while Mars, with two male moons (Phobos and Deimos) is put on a watch list.

Mother Earth and her daughter Moon escape scrutiny. When queried about the apparent oversight, Right Reverend Wright, head of the Righteousness Planet Society opined: "What our planet does with its own family is nobody's business, what other planets do with their families is our  business."

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The "ejection ....from the Solar System..." really caught my eye. I remembered reading a fascinating tale that involved such a theme. It had to do with science evolving and the way our knowledge of how things work and why, and it had an amazing twist of Greek mythology. I did manage to find it online but it's a LONG story. Not only that, my link has a lot of background imagery that makes in harder to read. When I read originally I was looking at pages in a book.

It's by Isaac Asimov, one of my very favorite human beings ever. I am a science fiction fan and it was in that part of the library that I first saw his stuff, but I heartily recommend ALL of his nonfiction books. He had an absolute gift for explaining science in a way that not only educated but entertained and left you seeking more.

To anybody who has read the above, here's the link: http://geobeck.tripod.com/frontier/planet.htm

You'll need some time but if you can struggle past the dumba** background image I think you'll find the reading well worth your while.

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

The "ejection ....from the Solar System..." really caught my eye. I remembered reading a fascinating tale that involved such a theme. It had to do with science evolving and the way our knowledge of how things work and why, and it had an amazing twist of Greek mythology. I did manage to find it online but it's a LONG story. Not only that, my link has a lot of background imagery that makes in harder to read. When I read originally I was looking at pages in a book.

It's by Isaac Asimov, one of my very favorite human beings ever. I am a science fiction fan and it was in that part of the library that I first saw his stuff, but I heartily recommend ALL of his nonfiction books. He had an absolute
for explaining science in a way that not only educated but entertained and left you seeking more.

To anybody who has read the above, here's the link:

You'll need some time but if you can struggle past the dumba** background image I think you'll find the reading well worth your while.

I loved that Asimov story, Dillon. A warning to readers, there are quite a few typos in the transcription.

I'll make a note to look up more of his non-fiction. I find myself increasingly interested in reality, as it truly is stranger than fiction.

I was careful to eject Pluto and Charon from the planetary list, not the system, but my wording was intentionally suggestive.

Asimov brings up an interesting topic in that piece, the fundamentally common occurence of "coincidence". I think it was in his book "Innumeracy - Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences", that John Allen Paulos commented that he thinks it's a miracle that, in a world so full of innumerate people, we don't have more miracles.

I think I've linked this before, but as a demonstration of our reluctance to accept "coincidence" this is my favorite...

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If you did link that coincidence clip before, I must have missed it.

I would have commented earlier but I got interrupted partway through it and just now had time to come back and watch the rest. Loved it.

Yes, the Asimov thing had a lot of typos, but the essence was there. I'm pretty sure that was one 'chapter' in a book of stuff to do with astronomy. There was another chapter about planetary moons, which pointed out (by using examples from other planets) that  moons were miniscule in comparison to their primaries and that they travelled in orbits quite close to their primary. Then (after dropping enough hints so that if he was talking in front of the class you'd have raised your hand by then) he said something like, "So why is OUR moon so big and what is it doing way out THERE?".  One of the best.

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