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Enhancements Gone Berserk

Luna Bliss

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Dartagan Shepherd wrote:

True, I hate to venture too far into conjecture territory, but this thing has all the signs of some independent arrangement with LL.

They wouldn't touch the MB scripts at "all". You would think way back before DD they would have said "let's build a direct pipe (our own version of llGiveInventory) rather than rebuild an entire delivery system.

Rather than sanely re-work XStreet they decided to do a from-scratch project (always something to be avoided where possible).

It reeks of some independent deal for the acquisition, that they couldn't legally modify MB code or further modify the old XStreet code.

The way this team operates doesn't seem to have any sort of accountability to LL. Most management would be looking for new hires about now.

I've often thought because of the way things appear that the commerce team gets a commission or their pay from how the marketplace performs, which would explain how and why they optimize it for themselves rather than a product that meets bare minimum ecommerce requirements for their customers (which aren't many or unreasonable).

It seems far too autonomous to be part of a responsible company. Rod won't even touch the issue, so doesn't look like much help for management. They're leaking customers, banning more, losing trust, etc. How much incentive do you need before you jump in and get HR involved?

Aside from not bearing the same legal responsibility as all other business in the U.S.

Funny money (to them) or not, would love to see an independent audit on this puppy.

But who knows, making sense isn't on the feature list.

Who knows... we might as well be victim of Coffee and Power.

Maybe in this whole year they did nothing but cutting the job in small pieces that can be bit on at the Coffee and Power site...

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Darien Caldwell wrote:

Pamela Galli wrote:

Amazing that there are still merchants who do not know about the inworld group, or this one, or both.

I only started back as a merchant about 2 months ago, after being 'retired' for 3 years. I expect there's a lot I'm not aware of.

It's not like LL tells anyone anything.


Really?  I could swear I remember you here when the Marketplace was first introduced.  You were a big fan, as I recall. And didn't you have some card game business or something?


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Madeliefste Oh wrote

Who knows... we might as well be victim of Coffee and Power.

Maybe in this whole year they did nothing but cutting the job in small pieces that can be bit on at the Coffee and Power site...

Yuk, Coffee and Flowers, don't remind me. Phil did a flip flop on that one once already. First he said it's good for smaller simpler jobs (assuming less complex than shopping carts) but not for something like SL, which was on the order of an operating system.

A couple months later he says they may start integrating it into SL.

He got the magic formula fever I think. The illusion that what we have more is something more than the next iteration of virtual worlds and that it was due to things like the Love Machine or other concepts that over the long haul have shown cracks if they could open their eyes. Unfortunately I think he's contributed to what should be a mature company having a small time mentality.

I mean, jeez Phil ... built this hybrid open/crowd sourced/commercial thing (which is all the love machine and friends are), televangelize people to fall for it and you're a living testament to the old Microsoft Halloween Papers. You'll never be a large scale venture until you lose the fluff bits and go pro with the offering level.

Some of those elements will work here, where you can do that internally in a company you control and with users who eat immersion for breakfast, but ventures like that won't fly out there in the real world.

Coffee and Flowers isn't a keeper and that magic formula that worked in LL and SL is about solid product, not half baked concepts and social engineering.

That's why it's getting pitched to high heaven and isn't doing anything close to volume and the level of jobs listed are at the "will paint hearts on your boxer shorts for $2" level.

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I have totally missed out on the fact that there was an in-world group. Probably poor research but somehow I hoped keeping track of what was announced on the forum, blogs and trough the merhcant dashboard would be enough :)


As for two weeks back. I tracked my 899L enhancement as I only pay for one at this price every week. I was charged 4 times 899L when this happened. So lets say one was for this week (week 15) which is correct looking at charged date. One was for week 14 (last week) as I see I wasn't charged for that week. I was however charged for week 13 (two weeks ago). that still leaves 2x899L unaccounted for. If Dakota really meant only 2 weeks back. If not those other two 899 must be for prior weeks which I atm can't identify.



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Koltari wrote:

I have totally missed out on the fact that there was an in-world group. Probably poor research but somehow I hoped keeping track of what was announced on the forum, blogs and trough the merhcant dashboard would be enough


It would be enough except when they make announcments there that they don't here.  But here is where they have said they will communicate. I am much more amazed at those who are in the inworld group but little to no awareness of the forums.


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"All these "how poorly the LL Commerce Management Team and Developers Team do their business" are actually very informative of what kind of employees they can afford, and what kind of company it is . Facts speak for themselves".


Actually that's more an indicator of how much the profits are being pocketed. ;-)

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"will paint hearts on your boxer shorts for $2"   this made me lol so much hehehe...sums it all up to me!

they should all really give up on this failed California business model of ----- hey man i bet i can whip up some glossy presentation to trick people into working for free or outbidding each other to see who can work hardest for the least money.

worse yet is expecting to pull anything high quality or technically complex from this type of insanely insulting working environment that attempts to throw away decades of labor protections, unions & worker's rights.

those with best skills will obviously go to where working conditions are best.

its simple. if they cannot efficiently connect skilled people with real money, a stable working environment & some modicum of respect, only the lowest common denominator accumulates, gathering up all the dumb & clueless to sink on a ship together.

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>they should all really give up on this failed California business model of ----- hey man i bet i can whip up some glossy presentation to trick people into working for free or outbidding each other to see who can work hardest for the least money.

Did you see what CTL just posted?

Please stop feeding them ideas.

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When will this proiblem be fixed i sent in my ticket and im just severly annoyed i transfered all my l onto another account so it cant charge me but if i ever get more than 3k bam i get charged this is ridiculous im a creator  for god sakes i need to beable to have my L on my main account so i can upload and work on it without having to go through so many additional steps like changing permissions so i can move it from one account to another then changing the permissions back




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Koltari wrote: Though still quite impossible to keep track of what was refunded and what was charged :catsurprised:

I use order# stated on my Transaction History (https://secondlife.com/my/account/transactions.php?lang=en-US) as a clue to find what subscription they charged or refunded for on My order history page (https://marketplace.secondlife.com/orders) on MP.

Today I noticed I was charged for a subscription they failed to deliver. I guess I'll have to file a support case if it's not refunded within a few days.


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Thank you :catvery-happy:

I did notice that just now as I ordered an item off MP a week ago that's not been delivered. So going trough "My Account" on MP I did see all those enhanced add charges and refunds. Now to only match them all up and count them..I do wish they'd make finding information more intuitive. Or the best would be to have more then the order number in the overall transactions :catfrustrated:

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