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What's the best way to deal with Verbal harassment?


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Hi there, just a quick question. Tonight I have gone shopping with a friend of mine and we are both bbw's and have been verbally assaulted in local chat by a very well known person in SL.... Normally in his profession he is welcoming and pleasant, but seems in his provate life he is vile. I have reported him and his friend to SL but I have also heard this does nothing. I don't know what else to do. He was so disrespectful. I know I have not been here long but in my time here I have never had this type of confrontation, and tbh it has left me a little shell shocked that there are people who would just get up in a persons face and give them grief! I'm not one to name and shame but don't know what I am meant to do to make sure this is dealt with.. any advice would be greatly appreciated!!

Thanks in advance for anyone that replies

Belle Sonsie x

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hiya , the first thing to do is mute the person & ignore their stupid remarks , if u dont react , it takes away the kick they seem to get from abusing ppl , most ppl in local will realise they r just tryng to cause trouble , i hope u enjoy sl once u get past all the idiots lol

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I blocked him, and his mates, it just seems so unjust that he will do this to others and get away with it. I do have thick skin, but my friend was in shock! As I said, in his SL job he comes across so nice and fun loving to everyone, I have seen him DJ, but to see this in his personal life, it's just mind blowing. Such a shame that people don't get banned for being like that!

Thanks for replying "otherman" :) x

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Mute, for one. Then you can't hear anything he says anyway. Also AR. Sometimes AR's are effective, sometimes they are not. It's still worth filing them, since the more there are, the more effective they are. Other than that, there's really nothing to be done. If the abuse happened on land you own, you can ban the offending individual. If the abuse happened on land you do not own, and the abuser also does not own the land, you can IM the landowner about the encounter. The landowner may choose to ban this person from his or her sim(s), since having people harass your guests is bad for business.

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bbwbabe wrote:

I blocked him, and his mates, it just seems so unjust that he will do this to others and get away with it. I do have thick skin, but my friend was in shock! As I said, in his SL job he comes across so nice and fun loving to everyone, I have seen him DJ, but to see this in his personal life, it's just mind blowing. Such a shame that people don't get banned for being like that!

Thanks for replying "otherman"

How might you deal with someone like this in RL?  Ignore and walk away perhaps?  You have been given good advice here.  Who knows why someone would say something nasty to someone else for no apparent reason...but it happens every day.  Do not give someone like him a second thought.  Enjoy your SL.

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Realize that this person probably IS normally a bigot like that, but that it's part of their JOB to be friendly and courteous to everyone at the venue. I know a few people that work in these kind of environments, and while not bigots themselves it's no secret that they pretty much hate my guts, but for different reasons. They HAVE to be polite or they risk getting reported to the owners and fired, so they are, even though you can tell they are squirming behind their own teeth at having to be. Best thing to do is mute and ignore, because just like was said previously, it's your reaction that they're after.. and when you give them none they get bored and go away, and probably less likely to attempt such a thing again on others. No reward = waste of time and effort.

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I don't know what's the very best way, but here's one:

One good way is just to ignore them, like you didn't hear or see them.  Don't give any feedback at all, that's what they are waiting for so they can continue.  Without feedback, they most likely will soon get tired of having one sided chat.  Even if they continue their monologue, it's better not to respond anything.  Feedback is their food which keeps them going on and on.  Rather TP away than say something.  So the abuser gets nothing.

Not to give any feedback to the abuser is hard to do, but it is very effective.  The abuser will be dissappointed as their abusing had no obvious effect on the victim.

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There isn't really much you can do besides.

1. Mute

2. Eject/Ban from Land

3. Abuse Report

4. If you don't own the land contact the person running the business and ask them about it.

5. You can just try and ignore what they say and see if they go away.

6. You could also ask them what their problem is in an IM and see how they respond and decide to ignore them from there as sometimes people do create drama for others, however if you were in a store with your friend shopping and someone came up and trolled randomly then more than likely it is a troll.

7. Just try not to make yourself a victim of Griefing/Trolling. In other words don't feed the troll, and don't make a griefer or someone who knows how to grief mad.

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my usual tactic when i get the verbals is to chat them about their roleplay skills

like wow! ur gangsta rp is awesome. u relly good at it. like if i not know dif an this not sl then i be like total convinced. u relly good at it. like patent even

and then wait and see how they respond (:

sometimes they ramp it and chat stuff like: i am not rp. i am mean it for reals, u xxxxxxxx......

and then i say woot !!!  immersive rp. cool !!! i like when ppl do that. is way better than ooc

and on and on and on and on and on and on. i got a smart aleck reply for just about anything in these situations (:

most verbals gangstas run away after they been inworld with me. 10 minutes tops usual. i even end up being blocked myself by some of them. jejejejee (:

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