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Fashion Expert Gidge Uriza: The Tattoo's the Thing

Linden Lab


It was difficult to think on just one thing to talk about in my post for Fashion Expert Days but eventually I settled on what I feel is an advance that truly improved the fashion experience for every Resident, not just us prissy fashionista types. What is it?

Tattoo layers. Specifically as it relates to makeup options.

Now thanks to tattoo layer makeup, you can own one skin and change it up in infinite ways by purchasing blush, lipstick, eyeshadows, eyebrows, eyelashes etc and make it your own several times over.


Starting with any base skin, you can go ultra glamorous to simple, lovely girl next door with just a few additions of tattoo layer. 

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Many of the top tier skinners also now include or offer tattoo layer makeups that are specifically toned to be a perfect match to the skin tone you purchased (not to mention a perfect fit to the skin). Belleza offers lipsticks and pictured below, PXL creations has both eye and lip colors to compliment the skins.

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With the advent of tattoo layers I've also completely tossed all my old prim lashes, preferring to add a layer or few or tattoo layer lashes for depth and fun looks.

Picture 4.jpg

My best advice for all tattoo layer makeups is to DEMO! Just like skin, everything won't fit everyone.

I'm wearing:
Makeups from: Adam N Eve, cheLLe, Miamai, Baiastice, PXL Creations, Belleza
Lashes from: Amacci and Miamai
Hair - EXILE - Hollie Dae in Chardonnay
Eyes - Poetic Colors - Cosmic Dawn

I am a fashion blogger at It’s Only Fashion for the past three years. Previously a contributor at Second Style and occasionally at Freestyle, I love everything about fashion, especially challenging what is defined as beautiful.

Gidge is one of today's Fashion Experts and will be "on call" to respond to comments and answer questions both here and in the Fashion Forums from 9 am - 4 pm, Pacific Standard Time, Tuesay, September 20. 


Recommended Comments

Truly great for the women...and frankly the guys too...I'm happy to see folks not only adding the tattoo layer to tattoo packages thus giving us an extra clothing layer, but also the release of facial, body, and scalp hairstyles thus improving my skin beyond the facial and body hair styles offered by the skin creator...and some hair designers are doing great things mixing the scalp tattoo hair with prim hair...and yes frankly adding a little color for a healthier look to a guys cheeks-haven't seen anything like facial or body scars yet, but I'm sure someone is thinking of them for the RPGers.

Dare I say though that this would not have been quite as nice an addition if the Lindens didn't also get it together and allow us to layer within a layer.My basic look-just the skin as is-is now modified with body hair,facial hair,rosy cheeks and freckles and a hair base and tattoo all on the tattoo layer, thus leaving me all my clothing layers for...well clothes layering..lol..

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There are actually a lot of scars and other options out there these days. cheLLe has some scars and I'm sure lots of other creators do too. I'd say scan marketplace I am sure there are lots of fun things to be found.

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