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Maturity Changes in the Marketplace

Brooke Linden


Hi all,

As  many of you know, the teen grid was shut down on Friday. This week, we  will be rolling out some changes in Marketplace to ensure Residents  under 18 will not be exposed to adult content. Here is a quick summary  of what changes will be occurring.

Phase 1: 1/27 Release
On  Thursday, the Marketplace will move to the General, Moderate, and Adult  content levels already in use in the Viewer. Just prior to this release  (starting on Wednesday), we will be running a process that will add a  content level to existing items. Once the release has been completed,  you will be able to review the ratings set on your Marketplace listings  by viewing your inventory: there will be a new column “Maturity” showing  what level the item falls into. Search will now support viewing general  or moderate/adult content. Please view the updated listing guidelines (link points to the current guidelines) on Thursday for more details.

Note  that, in addition to automated process to migrate listings, it will  continue to be possible to flag listings. Please take some time after  the new guidelines are posted to review your listings and make sure they  comply. People will be able to start flagging listings based upon the  new guidelines on Thursday (though I do not expect that we will see much of this right away), so the sooner you can do this, the better!

Phase 2: by 2/28/2011
Before  the end of February, Marketplace will be updated to allow setting  maturity level preferences at a more granular level than is currently  supported, such as allowing Residents to view moderate content without  adult content included.

Why was this done in 2 steps? Timing, pure and simple. We  wanted to ensure we had the proper controls in place as soon as  possible for the teens entering the main grid. Phase 2 will provide  further refinement.

A quick update on Maturity is on the agenda for the Marketplace Office Hours on 1/26.



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Something in title? Or even the name of the image? They no longer rename images like they did back on Xstreet so image name will also be in a listing's HTML page. Just an idea if nothing else helps ;-)

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Hi Brooke

Thanks for the new guidelines, easier to understand than the previous ones...

Before you allow flagging from users can merchants have some better search options in their area? Some of us have a LOT of items to wade through and re-classify....


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I changed everything. I changed the name, I changed the image, I changed the description, I changed the keywords.

Nothing fixes it. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. It keeps going right back to adult even when it's a bare ass listing.

I give up. LL doesn't want me to have a business, fine.

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Ai Velde wrote:


I changed everything. I changed the name, I changed the image, I changed the description, I changed the keywords.

Nothing fixes it. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. It keeps going right back to adult even when it's a bare ass listing.

I give up. LL doesn't want me to have a business, fine.

Anything in the other language sections that could trip it up?

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Ai Velde wrote:

Holy crap. LOL! Every time I refresh more items are adult. This is hilarious!

Ai, that tells me that they are in the process of automatically scanning and "adjusting" your listings. Take a break, make a hot chocolate and come back tomorrow to see where it stands. I think you are fighting a computer right now, and it's not only much faster than you, it's also dumber and meaner.

In those immortal words ... "Let the eWookie win!"

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I'd print the HTML page and see if there's still something in it that could qualify as adult.

Have you made sure it's in the right category (in one that isn't set to adult by default)? The name of the boxed item?

Oh, and totally unrelated, but in order to avoid flagging or other issues I'd remove the celebrity names from the listings / keywords, there's a paragraph about it in the listing guidelines which says it's not allowed.

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They obviously don't have it right yet. They never get it right the first time. So why is everyone surprised? They are probably aware of the problems already and it will be fixed. Just patience as usual.

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/me lays a single soft velvet rose at the foot of the brick wall .. and waits for Ai to pause and take a breath ...

It will be okay Ai .. I promise. It is always darkest before the floor caves in and the sky falls on your head.

Errr .. something like that.

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Brooke Linden wrote:

Here's the text of the email. We sent it to all merchants who currently have an active listing.

I suppose it would be too much to ask for the commerce team to get even a simple task like that right?

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Try remove words such as lovingly, kissable, lustrous,  You also break the new listing rules by using names like Angelina Jolie and Lady GaGa in your text.  See if that gives you any milage.

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Done for both listings, still get "Successfully updated, but the text in the keywords field forced a change in the maturity level".

Thank you though, I appreciate the help, but yeah, no progress. So I'm just going to do what Darrius said and wait and try again later, maybe I'm just fighting with a computer.

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Ok, I had a different problem, my sex animations with really explicit pictures, change from adult to general O_O Of course I just edit them to adult again, but not sure what keywords their systems is using...
My sex sound hud go to adult, even with no sexual pictures...so tried to change it to moderate and couldn't, remove lot of sexual keywords and nothing, until I realize I use word "orgy" in description and that was the thing that was chaging to adult. Ok fine, I can remove that word, but why all my explicit sex animations were in general??? who knows.

A question I have right now... Sex beds are now mature?? when you just use sex word and no pictures, of course. I changed mine to mature, but still not sure

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Ai, in portugues you used these keywords for "Anuna skin demo": "<meta name="keywords" content="female skin, female, skin, shape, lady gaga, angelina, celebrities, celeb, details, realistic, cyber, neko, InVision, eyes, discounts, freebies, bonuses, pale, dark, vampire, goth, fashion, cheap, xxx"/>".  I guess "XXX" is the wrong one.

LE: The item is called in english "Special Eyes: Time by |IV| InVision"  and in other languages "ANUNA skin DEMOS by |IV| InVision"

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Sorry Brooke, but the auto detecting of "mature" words in descriptions is a bunch of dung. Plain and normal words are being flagged as mature constantly. If you would have a automated system in place that would highlight the mature words (according to the software) that would be one thing, but this is looking for a needle in a haystack now with 5k characters descriptions... especially because it is flagging words that are not mature.

I find it weird that mature looking clothing (slut wear) can be sold as PG as long as it does not contain mature words. So teens can buy and dress up like a ho as long as it does not contain certain words.

Also not to forget that the whole mature words flagging can easily be bypassed by attaching a pdf file with the original description that is now considered to be mature.

Edit to add: that I hope the new CEO is observing how this is being implemented.  I also welcome Brooke and any other linden from SLM to dig through my 'mature' listings (which are all PG) to find the magical mature words, I can't find them.

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My sculpted SANTA CLAUS was moved as Adult.

No clue why, i didn't change anything but managed to just set it as General just by ticking the General box and updating.

F@#@#$ my life.

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Why is bondage and BDSM adult? fetish and kinky is moderate... this is shameless


and the selection box isnt sticky, not even on a logge in account...


this is just to d silly...

are they going to pay me for the lost sales this weekend? as ppl cant find my items?

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Okay this is hilarious really.

I sell classic and modern jet fighters mostly.

I do take the history of the airplane from wikipedia (!)

And exactly that part flagged jets in my inventory adult. Jets which can be flown by 12 year olds on other platforms?

Sorry guys. Get your stuff right please!

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Ai Velde wrote:


I changed everything. I changed the name, I changed the image, I changed the description, I changed the keywords.

Nothing fixes it. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. It keeps going right back to adult even when it's a bare ass listing.


Seems I am having the same issue. I can not make stuff like my 1 prim camp fire or my wooden crates with sit animation anything other that Moderate. Looks like my statment of "Wold work great in a gorean or Medieval setting" gets it flagged and once flagged you can not adjust it down to the PG setting.


LL, We are adults here. No need to treat us like kids. We can read the rules and adjust our goods to the approprate levels!


Ai Velde wrote:

I give up. LL doesn't want me to have a business, fine.


It is not that LL doesn't want you to have a business, it is that LL tends to hire young people who have no understanding of business and no understanding of how the real world works. They do not understand what it takes to make a business run and some even see SL as nothing more than a game. It was obvious when they were going to add a 99L listing charge to free items and the Linden stating it kept saying things like "It is only a .33 cent charge, I dont see why everyone is so upset."

It is even obvious with these changes. LL made a change that effected every business on the market place. It effectivly took your stock and hid it from the bulk of the people viewing the site. No concern for the impact of such a change on the business owner, no worries as to the dammage it could cause. No thought beyond "Think about the children"


LL, Let me put this into prespective. I have been sim shopping for the last week. I stopped today after seeing what you did. I am not sure I want to buy a full sim now. I am not sure it will be woth the money.

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