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Linden Lab

Join Wendi, Vix, and members of the Land team this Wednesday, the 27th of October at 12pm (noon) PT at Linden Estate Services to discuss various support and Mainland-related topics. 

This month, it’s an extra spooky meeting, as we discuss all the haunted goings on in Second Life, and share a preview of the very special Linden Bears being given away in the Bellisseria Trick or Treat event!

The Concierge and Land User Group meeting is a monthly, public meeting intended for discussion and education of Second Life topics of use to both Mainland Residents and Estate owners.

Linden Lab

Have land questions? We've got answers! The Concierge and Land User Group meeting is a monthly, public meeting intended for discussion and education of Second Life topics of use to both Mainland Residents and Estate owners.

Join Wendi, Vix, and members of the Land team, and discuss various support and Mainland-related topics, Wednesday at 12pm PT at Linden Estate Services.

Linden Lab

The Concierge and Land User Group meeting is a monthly, public meeting intended for discussion and education of Second Life topics such as current known issues, bugs, project viewers, and new features, as well as general Mainland issues.

Join Wendi, Vix, and members of the Land team as they sit down and discuss various support and Mainland-related topics, Wednesday at 12pm PT at Linden Estate Services


Linden Lab

The Concierge and Land User Group meeting is a monthly, public meeting intended for discussion and education of Second Life topics such as current known issues, bugs, project viewers, and new features, as well as general Mainland issues.

Join Wendi, Vix, and members of the Land team as they sit down and discuss various support and Mainland-related topics, Wednesday at 12pm PT at Linden Estate Services


Linden Lab

The Concierge and Land User Group meeting is a monthly, public meeting intended for discussion and education of Second Life topics such as current known issues, bugs, project viewers, and new features, as well as general Mainland issues.

Join Wendi, Vix, and members of the Land team as they sit down and discuss various support and Mainland-related topics, Wednesday at 12pm PT at Linden Estate Services


Linden Lab

The Concierge and Land User Group meeting is a monthly, public meeting intended for discussion and education of Second Life topics such as current known issues, bugs, project viewers, and new features, as well as general Mainland issues.

This month, join us for a VERY SPECIAL "Meet The Team" edition of the user group, as all the members of the Concierge team will be on hand this time! Come and meet us, ask questions about concierge and land, and, yes, ask us for bears! 

The meeting will take place on Wednesday, May 26th at 12pm PT at Linden Estate Services


Linden Lab

The Concierge and Land User Group meeting is a monthly, public meeting intended for discussion and education of Second Life topics such as current known issues, bugs, project viewers, and new features, as well as general Mainland issues.

Join Wendi, Vix, and members of the Land team as they sit down and discuss various support and Mainland-related topics, Wednesday at 12pm PT at Linden Estate Services


Linden Lab

The Concierge and Land User Group meeting is a monthly, public meeting intended for discussion and education of Second Life topics such as current known issues, bugs, project viewers, and new features, as well as general Mainland issues.

Join Wendi, Vix, and members of the Land team as they sit down and discuss various support and Mainland-related topics, today at 12pm PT at Linden Estate Services


Linden Lab

Auctions Update!

Happy Friday!

Our new auctions system has now been live for awhile and we wanted to give you an update on how it’s working. We’ve been very pleased with our Linden-run auctions and judging from your response, so have you. Our team of land experts will be continuing to offer those daily. 

Our Resident to Resident auctions need a little more work. Effective the morning of October 14, creating new Resident to Resident auction listings will no longer be possible, while we take them back to the drawing board. All existing auction listings will be allowed to complete as originally scheduled.

Any additional requests for abandoned Mainland can always be made via support ticket and we will continue to evaluate whether they are eligible for direct sale.

Linden Lab


Hello Residents of Second Life!
Hi, Tommy Linden here, one of your friendly Supervisors from the Support Department. I’m sorry to bring you this news, but we are temporarily unable to offer Region transfers using USD. At the present time all Region transfers between Residents will be required to use L$ for the transaction amount, agreed upon between the buyer and seller. You will, however, still be able to pay any associated fees in USD.
Not all is lost! The good news is, I have already spoken with our engineers, and we're working on re-introducing this functionality as quickly as possible.  We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and are moving quickly to make things work as seamlessly as possible again in the near future. 
Tommy Linden

Linden Lab

We’re happy to announce some great changes for Estate Managers which rolled out in Tuesday’s Viewer Release.

This shiny new viewer is a brave foray into improving the state of Estate Access Management! We can’t wait to see what you think about it. Here’s what you’ll find:

  •  New “Access” tab in the Region/Estate floater with subtabs for “Estate Managers”, “Allowed”, “Allowed Groups”, and “Banned”
    • Recording banned date, banned by, and last login for each banned account †
    • Search & Sort within each of the sub-tabs
    • Copy Banlist & Allowed-list
    • Added a confirmation for adding or removing from a list
    • More Estate Managers!
    • We’re upping the number to 15. Remember, with great power comes great responsibility.

† these features only available going forward.

Known Issues

  • There is currently an issue where newly added Estate Managers will need to relog in order to view access lists. A fix for this will be arriving in an upcoming server release.

As always, please file a Jira to tell us about any problems you discover or request additions or feature changes to this functionality.


Xiola Linden

Hello Land Owners!

Wow - it's been kind of quiet over here in the land bog, but we have some news to share! Read all about it in the Featured News section of the blog by clicking this link. The quick version is that the Second Life product team has added the ability for private Estate Owners to do Region restarts via the web - and introduced a new 'Safe Mode; that will help disable scripts, physics and collisions in order to make it easier to get in and remove issue causing items. 

Read the full blog in featured news - it's worth it!


Linden Lab

Calling all Landowners! This Project Viewer is definitely one that you’re going to want to try out.

So, you know the story: You have a vampire-themed area in Second Life and each Resident who visits your space has to adjust their personal environment settings to get the full spooky nighttime effect. Or, you’ve invited a bunch of friends to a sunset beach party and some of them have their environment settings at midday--not exactly what you had in mind. You’ve long dreamed about the day when you can control the environment settings for all Residents visiting your space. We’re happy to say that your dream has now come true.

The Environment Settings (Windlight Region Settings) Project Viewer, available today, gives you the opportunity to try the new region environmental controls that include sky, water, and day cycle settings. This feature gives landowners and region managers the ability to customize and define unique environmental region settings that are automatically shared by others in that region (unless those users have chosen personal overrides). Now, your vampire destination will always be dark and scary and everyone at your beach party can enjoy a perfect, beautiful sunset.

One last thing before you get started. For now, everyone in your region must be using this Project Viewer to see the customized environment you’ve set.  Otherwise, the lighting will appear as it as it would normally. When we’ve completed this trial, and made any needed changes, we’ll roll this feature into the SL Viewer Beta and eventually, the main SL Viewer.

So, give it a go and let us know what you think!

Helpful Links:
    •    Download the Environment Settings (Windlight Region Settings) Project Viewer
         Windows | Macintosh | Linux
    •    Environment Settings (Windlight Region Settings) Project Viewer documentation on the SL Wiki
    •    File Bugs in the SL Viewer (VWR) section of JIRA and link to STORM-1126 issue
    •    Share Your Experiences on this thread in the Land Forum
    •    Follow us on Twitter @Secondlife and tweet using the hashtag #SLViewer

Vogt Linden

To make Mainland parcels easier to purchase, we have implemented a new system that automatically takes recently abandoned Mainland parcels and makes them available for Mainland landowners and Premium account members to buy directly at discounted rates. By using the new system, you no longer have to go through Support, which was a longer and more involved process.

Purchasing Mainland Parcels Directly is Easier
Start by looking at the Mainland on the World Map, and enabling the check box “Land for Sale.” When you find a parcel that you might be interested in, check out the owner. If the parcel is owned by Governor Linden and marked, “Abandoned Land - For Sale,” then you can purchase it by clicking on the “Buy Land,” button. Today, we are pricing abandoned land at L$1 per square meter (pricing subject to change) and, of course, the regular monthly tiered land costs apply for ongoing maintenance. Over time, we may also make older abandoned land available for sale, using the same process. Our goal is to increase the Mainland occupancy for a more active and beautiful environment for all to enjoy.

For more more detailed information, take a look at this wiki page.

So, if you’ve ever been thinking about owning your very own piece of the Mainland, or expanding your current holdings, then now is a great time to take a look and snap up some great properties.

Brett Linden

Imagination will take you everywhere. But, in Second Life, finding a place to create and build isn't always so easy. In fact, it can even be a bit stressful if you aren't prepared or lack knowledge about how land works.

Before you take the plunge to acquire your own land for a dream home, business, club or art project, it might be helpful to read what one independent blogger has to say about the process.
Second Life resident Apollo Manga recently created a useful series of blog posts to address the various steps and potential pitfalls in acquiring land within Second Life. In his multi-part series for Examiner.com, Manga weighs the pros and cons of getting land on the "mainland" vs. a "private region." 
For example, did you know that you don’t have to be a paying Second Life member to acquire land in a private region? Also, it’s important to know the rules for any private region you acquire — they are published and viewable in the land’s associated “Covenant” (accessible by right-clicking the land, then selecting “About Land” and the “Covenant” tab). 
Manga also gives tips and tricks that will help you better use Second Life Search and the World Map to identify the best property for your needs.  
To read the full series of articles, check out "Buying your first Second Life land" on Examiner.com in these four parts:

Of course, there's also the official Linden Lab Land Buying FAQ, too. To get a feel for the types of property available in Second Life, you can browse listings on the Second Life Marketplace for mainland and private island locations.

Nelson Linden

In February of this year, we shared our 2010 land pricing plan where we discussed pricing and policies for private regions and  addressed grandfathering, transfers, and retail pricing. In the spirit  of giving you as much advance notice as possible about changes that may have an impact on your plans and budgets, here are two important updates on 2011  pricing:

1) All retail private region maintenance, including grandfathered pricing, is expected to continue without increase through Dec. 31, 2011. 
What you pay now, as a retail customer, is what you’ll continue to pay through the end of 2011.

2) We will adjust how education and non-profit advantages are provided, effective Jan. 1, 2011.  
All  education and non-profit private regions of any type, purchased after Dec. 31, 2010, will be invoiced at standard (i.e. non-discounted) pricing.  All currently discounted renewals which occur after Dec. 31, 2010, will be  adjusted to the new price at that time. To continue to provide  entry-level, private spaces to educators just launching their programs,  we will be providing Homestead and Open Space regions to qualifying  organizations without their meeting the retail full-region criterion. Customer Support will be available to answer any questions that you may  have about these changes.

We  hope that these announcements help you effectively plan for the coming  year. And, we’ll continue to update you well in advance of any  additional pricing changes.

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