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Prokofy Neva

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  1. I'd have to disagree as this is done more often than you may realize. It is a trivial matter to rent a Shoutcast server in SL and it does not cost very much. Those renting them don't check to see what purpose they are put to. A DJ or anyone using a Shoutcast server simply looks at the addresses of those on the sim -- he may even TP someone in for that purpose. Devices that look up IPs which are illegal under the TOS in fact are reportedly still sold on the MP and used anyway. Another method is to see the IP resulting from when someone posts on your blog -- blog services provide this tracking. LL doesn't chase everything it takes a dim view of. The idea that your IP is "always dynamically changing" is also one of those nerd beliefs that doesn't pan out in real life, where your IP address even if it "changes dynamically" does so with a short range and even a label like "Verizon NY". IP tracking is also not the only thing needed to find an alt, as some people put all the same groups on their alts and even the same looks and description.
  2. I have found when you put two together, they hear each other in chat, they go nuts after awhile, you have to keep them apart. But if you use the "profile" version where you have to first address them by name to get a response, they don't seem to learn that behaviour and stay quiet, thank God. I kept them 96 m apart often if I have more than one. I did get Bazarov some fur boots. There's that. But he needs to learn to appreciate George Kennan the Elder better than he does presently.
  3. I have about 12 chatGPT characters I set up with Pantera's script that has profiles, and I've tweaked them a bit but one of them has turned on me. Ungrateful wretch. I have exiled him to Siberia. They are placed around various themed locations in the SL Public Land Preserve, and most are ok. I do find that if the sims are re-set they have to be re-set as well which becomes a chore.
  4. Happy Rez Day! Question: what happened to Sluniverse's pictures? Do you have a copy?
  5. This is a thread about Second Life. I stand by my remarks. It's been my direct experience in 20 years of living and working in Second Life.
  6. If you have to keep insisting to everyone that you are "not a child," chances are that in fact you are trying to get away with being one.
  7. If this lovely utopia were really true and effective, no Native American tribe would ever have to go to war with any other tribe. And yet they were constantly at war with each other. And they warred for territory and influence, which you don't mention in your lovely scenario, which they needed for hunting to survive and for farming (some tribes did have crops). Life is more complicated that economic systems devised by people on the Internet who don't live them.
  8. Another thought occurs to me: licensing for creators to allow cashouts, rather than allowing them for anybody and everybody as is the case now, no questions asked how you made the cash.
  9. Yeah, that was probably me. "Drinks and snacks" and a "job app" for filling store shelves, like a Door Dash only for managers of stores. Why did I say that? Because he was a guy in business, not someone who was a computer engineer making widgets and gadgets. I found that helpful. I think it's good if people who have business experience selling actually things to actual customers, rather than making stuff only, or coding, are at the helm. I stand by that. What I worry about now is that I *thought* the "vision thing" for the Lab was become "the Bank of the Metaverse". or "The Amazon of the Metaverse," i.e. they would sell currencies and goods online, and get away from the land model of server re-rental which is heavy in cost and staff. By taxing sales and currency purchases/sales/cashouts, they would become the bloodstream of the Metaverse and make a bundle, like whoever sold pick axes during the Gold Rush, or whoever owned the railroads. So if they have abandoned that "cash cow" that would make them "the Bank of the Metaverse" by selling it (the "partnership" part isn't so clear to me when it's described as a sale), then they are selling off SL for parts, as some of the Negative Nabobs have been saying in this thread. And that's sad. I don't know if their Lab Gab really addresses THAT question.
  10. I was doing her a favour. I'm sure she thanked me and was unaware of how annoying it was. The end.
  11. You're right! She ditched them apparently for this episode. It looks like it is in a Linden stilt home so likely she didn't have the prims lol. Or maybe she finally noticed my constant carping about those damn cats over the years. Anyways, progress! I'm not bothered by the fact that talking avatars don't 'do much' or have hackneyed gestures. It's ok. Here it is:
  12. All I want is for Strawberry to ditch those awful outdated animated cats that jiggle and distract throughout her show. They MUST go.
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