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New to SL!

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Hey Everyone! Ok so I'm new to the SL world! A friend of mine convinced me to sign-up as I was bored out of my life one day. So here I am with a Virtual Model (with lots of cool free clothes) ... have explored a bit (have to say the Sturgis place is kewl) - but I'm not sure what else to do? 


How about some cool things, places, ideas for the new girl? I'm really interested in seeing what this world is all about and how to maximize my virtual reality experience. 



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I'd definitely follow your friend around to see where all the cool spots are. There are tons of places to visit and explore. If you like to roleplay there are lots of RP sims available, just depends on your interests. One of my favorite things to do when I was first starting was to go to amusements parks and carnivals. There are a few really good ones that can be fun!

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Welcome to Second Life! :smileyhappy: Deja already gave you an excellent advice for some entertainment. Another good way to start is to explore the Destination Guide. According to your tastes and interests, you can find so many places for visiting, dancing, shopping, RP and so much more.

There are no real best advice to give you. It's gonna be your SL, your world, your imagination. Just follow your intuitions. Be curious, adventurous, don't be shy to join groups and meet people. And yes, your friend can certainly help you showing you the ropes for a good start.

I wish you a wonderful (Second) life! :smileyhappy:


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Lately I've been surfing a lot in SL, you can find some nice place to try surfing by looking in search many have free surf board rezzers you can use. 

You can play linden realms to get some free L$ for shopping.

When I was new to SL I got addicted to ball room dancing for about 6 months, It's a good way to meet people and talk to then on on one, I was never much for the clubs were most people are talking in open chat.



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Do and don't...

Don't believe the guy that wants to "See what this bed does."

Don't wear a gift that requires you to type something like "/69 owner [insert name of person who gave it to you]"

Don't believe that RLV means "Really Likable Visitor"

DO search for your closeted interests, like Star Trek, fairy living, or how to be a mermaid.

DO explore many places, even the less visited places.

DO talk to others and say hello.

DO play with yourself... dress up, change shapes, try skins, etc.

Follow those and the rest will come naturally.... :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2:

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My advice (joking aside)?

Immerse yourself, let your imagination run away.

From experience, I have seen people come here, wonder what to do, dance (be animated), chat and then ask "what next?" but if all they wanted to experience was a 3D chat world then that's about it and after 3 months, they realise that Skype, MSN, Facebook or any one of the other personal invasion of privacy platforms is far more effective for sharing their RL with the world.

If on the other hand you want to throw your imagination to the wind and let yourself immerse, you can enjoy the goofy way that SL lets you go:-

  • Surfing, find/buy a surfboard and all the required equipment and go and find a surfing beach
  • Hang gliding or parachuting, of course you need all the clothing and equipment, simply falling from a height just won't do.
  • Go scuba diving, needs wetsuit, scuba equipment and a suitable tropical underwater reef
  • Take a hot air balloon ride that makes its way across several sims and just see where you end up, great way to pass the time with someone when just chatting.
  • Take a bus or train ride on mainland across a continent.  I never knew these existed until recently and you just go for sim after sim seeing what people have made, quite fascinating what you come across.
  • Play paintball against someone.  (Rumours that I cheat are not true.  It's not my fault that opposition didn't get the last minute memo to change to real ammo is it?)
  • Whine about lag and how SL isn't what it used to be - oh wait, that's for when you get jaded ;)

Bottom line, to sum it up in three words "do something different".  If all you do when you're here is everything you do daily in RL, then why bother trying SL?  Each to their own however, just have fun what ever you do and best wishes for all that you do.

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If you can imagine it, then it probably exists in some form in Second Life. I can't get the search function to work in later viewers, so I don't know if I can recommend you search for places with those key words. Maybe you can find groups with those key words (whatever your interests are, try them as a search phrase. Keep in mind, you can only search for adult items and places if you are adult or payment verified.)

The destination guide on this website has a lot of good places to go. 

Another fun way is just to right click a random person, and look at their profile picks. Unless it says that is their  home (homes are almost always private), teleport to those places and check them out. Keep landmarks. Start now to keep things in renamed folders by the way including landmarks. You will be happy you did so, later.

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Seven Overdrive wrote:

Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

Sassy Romano wrote:

You have to have pixel sex within a week or your account is automatically deleted.

Which Linden is in charge of keeping track of all that?

Voyeur Linden of course. :smileylol:

First Prize in the Answer Of The Week contest :D


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