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Harley Hynes

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If I saw what your adversary had put in her profile, I wouldn't think badly of you,  SHE is the one that I would think is the fool because it is so poorly written and really makes no sense. It is a child's tantrum, nothing more.

She appears to be just a bully who has no life of her own and has to engage in drama tearing others down to make herself feel better. 

The reason  you are getting the advice you are about blocking her and ignoring her is because it works.  Bullies feed on attention.  When you give them none they eventually go away. 

Want to really drive her crazy?  Then ignore her completely and ban her from your land.  Ask your friends to do the same.  If she harasses you in a public venue, don't respond.  Report her to the staff or owner and ask them to deal with her.  Do this in a reasonable and calm manner to prove you are the adult in the situation and that you are not looking for a war.  Many venue owners do not want people like this causing drama and they may well ban her if they see you are not adding to the drama. If you have to leave and go elsewhere. Then go about your SL happily having fun.  When it comes to this type of situation, living well is the best revenge you can take.

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Amethyst Jetaime wrote: "Want to really drive her crazy?  Then ignore her completely and ban her from your land."

Small sidestory: I'm on a german amateur radio forum and we've had problems with a deranged individual,
that was peppering certain members with E-mails, private notes and forum threads, containing death threats,
obsceneties (most of them have no equivalent in the english language) and other assorted niceties.

First, the victims were trying to defend and retaliate, but that heated things up even more.
However, when everyone simply started to ignore that guy, putting his e-mail addresses into the junk filter,
the whole trouble died down very quickly. When a new victim made the error and posts a thread in the forum about that
deranged individual, the mods very quickly remove the thread and instruct the victim.

I got one hate mail from this guy, simply ignored it, never answered - guess what? Nothing came ever after.

So, your advice is definitely right on the money - Mute, Block, Ban, Ignore - It works.
The only point, at which authorities need to be called in, when that deranged individual appears
at the RL-address of a victim. To prevent that for me, I never post any private information online, the only two entities,
that have RL-info about me is LL's billing department and the L$-Exchange I use (as required by german law)
and noone else here on SL.


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can level up (:

like don't ban. don't mute. just ignore. like totally ignore

when they come you just act as if they not there. chat to everyone else like normal. no matter what they say or do

if someone else says something about it I just start chatting to them about how some people are worth mute/ban but others not. like only got so much energy to waste on actual clicking ban/mute buttons. and some people just not worth that much effort even. is defo not worth an AR either bc like you have to type for that. and I only got so much typing in me. and I not wanna waste it on unimportant things. even if I have got all day and nothing much else to do either

drives them insane when do that way (:


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But why do you keep checking his/her profile?  Just leave it be.  Atm, you're giving this person exactly what they want which is a reaction.  Refuse to feed their need and eventually they'll give up. 

LL don't and won't intervene because it is TRIVIAL.  Making comparisons with the Columbine massacre is just silly, IMO.

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I once angered someone, like really angered them and they retaliated in a similar fashion. Except that they took it many steps past simply posting childish rants and raves in their profile. One of the funny parts is, to this day, I'm still not sure what I did. By the time it was over, neither did the person who went off like a tornado siren. Go figure.

Needless to say this person, who was very angry-again I don't know why-took it upon herself to do whatever she could to, I assume "trash" me, including bringing in others to "back" her. Such a fool she was, fool and a tool, really. She thought attacking me, my life, my parenting and my child, would be a good idea. it only served to make her look foolish. Sure some of her trashy friends and people with little to no class may have believed what she said, but I am willing to bet most didn't. Her, shall we say "bravest" move, was attempting to verbally attack my disabled son. Now I could have retaliated back. Because, you just don't go there, ever. I could have sent in numerous ARs. But why bother? I'd simply be feeding her need for attention, and I don't do that. Much in the same way that when my son throws a fit, and acts as one would expect a child to act at times, I ignore him. There's no need to feed into it.

I understand being pissed off about things people say. People can be pretty brutal with their words. Some people are very good at getting under your skin. Some people thrive on it. Retaliating back in the same manner, is only going to prove to them you're up for the challenge. I don't think you want to be placed on the same level as someone like that. At least, I'd like to hope you don't. Who would? It not only makes someone look ignorant, but also incompetent . So when you fight back, which is what I gather you're trying to do, you look just as bad. I know, no one ever wants to hear that, but it's true. I have a hard time being empathetic, at times, with people who stoop down to the level of the person(people) they are so adamantly against. I've been there, it can be extremely hard to both hold your head high, and also hold your tongue, when you're being challenged. Or even when you feel like you're being challenged and attacked. Especially when it comes to things very personal to us. For me, it would be my son, and how I raise him. It's difficult for me to swallow sometimes, because people really can be cruel if they so choose. I have to put my bigboy drawers on sometimes though, and I do just that. It's gotten easier over the years, especially now that he's an older teen and we've been on our own since the day he was born. He's much better at ignoring the asshats he encounters too. It's a tough process, but we all have the ability to get there, when we try.

I am glad however that LL doesn't go after each and every personal squabble. Even if it seems, and probably is, terrible to you, it really is just an issue between you and this person. Outside of the issue, to everyone around, it's not nearly as bad looking. That's how most personal disputes are, really. It's best that LL lets us handle these things. Could you imagine if they got involved in every issue, just how busy they'd be? Especially with regards to profiles containing things they shouldn't. They'd be chasing their tails nonstop, it seems. When there is so much more going wrong around us that is 100% out of our control they need to be focused on(and aren't doing the most spectacular job at to begin with). I know you think this person should be banned, admonished, told to fix their profile and dealt with by LL. I understand why. I understand the feelings of both anger and frustration you're feeling. But I also know you're probably the bigger person, and have the ability to BE that person, so you ought to. Forget about what LL isn't doing, that you believe they should be doing. Take it upon yourself to turn this into something that really doesn't matter. You could even turn the entire situation around into something good, if you try. Might not seem possible, but I promise you, it is.

That will stick it to her more than anything else you, or anyone else, could do or say. Be the bigger person, prove it's not getting to you (even if it is) and that's the best possible revenge you could ask for. You've magically turned her into a meaningless blob of nothing, without even trying.

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I have AR'd the two in Epione on 27th February, still there,
the cubes in Bouraq are gone, since there is no feedback from the abuse-desk,
we don't know, if a Linden had removed them or if the landowner did it.
The junk in Gallii is still there.

However, I filed the ARs for Gallii & Bouraq yesterday
and since the Lindens have the right to an undisturbed weekend too,
I expect, that someone takes care of that junk at the beginning of next week.

And then there was that colorful rotating junk in Sage, that stuff is gone.


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Last night I logged on to find the whole sim where I have three parcels covered in multiplying giant dice. The root prim was on one of the other islands, but affecting my parcels as well as all the others. Movement was impossible. Such a mess! Luckily, it got cleared eventually and everything is back to normal. Now stuff like THAT..That is worth reporting and LL attention.

As for this personal dispute, you people don't want to take good advice and apply it to the situation. You would rather continue feeding it and expecting LL to handle it. For all you know, they have addressed it. They are not necessarily going to inform you that they have. I know how frustrating dealing with this sort of stuff can be, but the advice given to you here is the best thing to do if you really want to be free from it. You continue to post about it and cry "But LL needs to take care of it." Well crying to everyone here about it won't get LL to take care of it for you. All this is doing is making you look as bad as the person you claim is persecuting you because you refuse to take good advice and stop feeding it. In the end, this person is having the last laugh and the joke is on you. I sympathize as it is never pleasant to know someone is disparaging you, but if you would just stop feeding it, you would be amazed at how quickly they would move on. Right now, you are just too much fun for them. That is the choice you are making.

Good Luck!

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It seems, filing Abuse Reports is no longer possible / useful.

Of almost all ARs I filed since the 25th of February and today, none of them seems to be acted upon.
Those, which are resolved seem to be resolved by the landowner, as the land options often had changed.

Worse yet, I no longer get the confirmation mails when filing an AR.
Either I have been blocked for filing too many ARs for AnnMarie's junk
or LL has decided to do away with the abuse help desk completely.

I think, I'll try to raise the issue of the remaining two 'dick dish' particle spammers with the landowner,
where these spammers are placed.
I also will notify my landlord about the non-acting of LL in this regard.

Note: The above is only in regard with Abuse Reports.
The region support team (where you report offline/sick regions) are an absolute dream
to work with. Response is quick and friendly and they get the job done.


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Update: The two 'Dick Dish'-Spammers in Patagonia are gone.
Notifying the landowner did the trick. And he activated Autoreturn. Thank you Sir.

Linden Lab's AR-team? The perfect definition of a No-Show.

This Spammer-Deployer now moved on onto the Alleni- and Lida-Regions,
again finding parcels with Build set to Everyone and Autoreturn off.


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This seems like the same thing that is happening to my former partner and I.  Crazy person started with harassing posts, then IMs, even local postings of doctored logs.  Reported and muted nearly 40 names so far; but Linden Labs has said all they can do is log our complaints.  I have it easier as I am a bum who owns no land or anything like that, but my former owns properties and rents homes, now they have taken to crashing her lands and destroying her buildings.  I do not know how, I am far from computer literate, so I can understand why you would wish to leave.  With this kind of support from LL sure makes it hard to stay and take it, ignore and mute just is not enough when this happens.

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