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Arwyn Quandry

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  1. When I moved into my new slice of mainland, LL cut me a clean, square 1024 out of a larger area of abandoned land, which is nice. However, it left an itty bitty 16m microparcel right in front between my and my neighbors' land. We're both land-level residents who enjoy our ocean view. That tiny parcel makes me real nervous, because it's the perfect size for some jerk to come in and place an adboard or some other trolly, annoying content. However, if I bought it, I believe I'd be bumped up to the next tier level, and I really don't want to pay for that much more land when I'm happy with the spot I've got. What's my best move here? Leave it and pray no one awful takes it? Bite the bullet and buy the land? What would you do?
  2. I'm having the same issue. My alt is set to have access in the panel user the correct username, but he can't open doors or use the panel at all.
  3. I can only see this leading to a home selling black market. The insane prices people charge for water parcels on mainland are bad enough. Imagine if they made alts to squat all the decent premium spots and demanded hundreds to transfer them to you. No thanks.
  4. Technically I'm early putting out decorations, but since the Halloween trick or treat bucket is available, I figure I'm not going to upset anyone with an extra week of decor.
  5. Something changed with mirrors in this update. As you can see in my settings, I have mirrors turned off. Yet this PBR mirror was live updating while I watched it. It wasn't reflecting any objects in the build or people but the raw terrain under the build. Very weird.
  6. I'm amazed they've decided to finish the top edge of the Ranch area off already, implying there won't be many more of them. They could do as they have with the some of the other themes and incorporate new small sections of that theme in other places, but it surprises me since they're so popular.
  7. The idea of a rating system for people is positively dystopian. Hello Black Mirror!
  8. I primarily use Zo on my femboy av, Fleur on my main av, and Avalon on my child av. Ethnicity-wise, my femboy is meant to be half Japanese, half white, and the other two are "ambiguously brown" - no specific ethnicity in mind. I've had people guess they're several different Indigenous tribes, Black, Indian, and mixed race. I just went with what looks good to me. When I buy skins, it seems like every darker skin is advertised with Briannon, while light skins vary in the head used. People have definitely pegged that head in a very particular hole, for better or worse.
  9. I've had so many more positive experiences than negative shopping! The only negative I can really think about wasn't even really a shopping issue but a blogging issue. I used to write a very small personal and fashion blog where I did a lot of opinion pieces. When the Teen Grid was going to be merged, I wrote about how LL needed to clean up MP because so much adult content wasn't tagged correctly and took a few screenshots of adult items with G tags. Well, the creator of one of those items, a really massively big name sex bed maker, took deep offense at his improperly tagged item being used as an example and sent me some very nasty IMs. I think I was banned from his store as well, not that I'd ever shopped there. To this day, any time his name comes up in conversation, all I can think of is how rude he was!
  10. I've heard from some folks that there's supposed to be a beta release that fixes some of the issues that the current release has, but I've had no luck finding it. Anyone know where they put the beta downloads?
  11. Sure, if half the people were naked and wearing chains, and the other half were in sci-fi armor with cattle prods, and all of them had floating text over their heads with their 'dialogue'.
  12. Super creepy. There's a sim on Zindra with a massive build that's absolutely chock full of them. I'm talking hundreds of mesh people in varying styles, all posed as part of an elaborate fake city that someone built. I run across it occasionally while exploring and find it absolutely fascinating. The creator is active and constantly updating them too, making new scenes. I don't know what drives her to do it but it's one of those things that just feels so SL.
  13. Serious reply: I use it during discussion events that I attend. At first I was pretty hesitant to voice because there's a mismatch between the av I attend the discussions on and my RL voice, but other people also mismatch and no one seems bothered by it, so I got brave. It works well in that structured environment where you're waiting to be called on to speak. Out in the rest of SL though? Never. I'd never voice in public while I'm shopping and I hate the people who eat into their mics on a busy sim. Get on a private call with your friends and leave us in peace if you're gonna do that.
  14. It's not super common but I've seen it done before. There's a kids creator who got a lot of hate for doing it some years back, no idea if they still do or not. I've heard of it happening with genitals before too. Creators usually defend it as a measure to stop copybotters from buying their products but as someone has pointed out, they can just go to a no-script area or use an alt. It feels more vengeful than legitimate.
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