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TessaPaige Jupiter

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Everything posted by TessaPaige Jupiter

  1. <iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/UQsfnTdASKUpuucEZg" width="480" height="480" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="https://giphy.com/gifs/cbc-schitts-creek-UQsfnTdASKUpuucEZg">via GIPHY</a></p>
  2. Interesting....I am in Ontario (East side of Canada) and my internet provider is having intermittent issues as well. OH man I need to do a bunch of last day Gacha pulls! ahahahhahahahahhah. SL please fix thy self!
  3. YES!!!! I was planning to learn blender before I got hooked on Gachas LOL. I will say this, buying and selling gachas has taught me a lot about sales in world so it has been a great lesson. I have a post graduate certificate in small business so I was able to put it to use in SL. I am a multimedia artist in RL and prior to Gachas I used my arts background to create public interactive spaces in SL. NOW it's time to play around with those awesome programs while my inventory of gachas gets depleted. Woo hoo!
  4. Hi my Avatar is Tessa and she is a Gacha Addict who turned that addiction into a decent SL business that funded her need to pull and paid her rent on her little island home and stores. Prior to her introduction into Gachas back in January 2020 she loved to decorate and create public spaces for people to enjoy (for free) but felt limited by the designers she was able to find through SL search. Gacha events introduced her to a whole slew of designers she never heard of before. The shiny new things they stuffed inside the machines piqued her interest in finding more designers and sampling their wares. She is saddened by the news that she will no longer be able to click the virtual machines again to get a prize. That being said, we need to be a little more sensitive to the designers whose businesses were primarily Gachas. They will be losing a huge revenue stream. Whether you love or hate Gachas this is going to be a big hurdle for people in the Gacha community to jump. I know of one designer who is going out of business and closing shop and there might be more making those announcements soon too. Farewell ye ole’ virtual machine Tessa is gonna miss you. ☹
  5. @PatchLinden I am not sure if this has been asked or not. What will happen with the Gacha Category on MP? Will the name change? Do existing stores, yard sale locations, on MP and inworld that have the name Gacha in them need to change the name and rebrand? Please add this to your FAQ. Cheers, Tess
  6. It’s time to get your game on in The Game Room. Jupiter Projects has finally come back with a new project in the Belli house on the hill for all you lovely Bellisserians to enjoy. As we approach the end of summer why not have some fun with interactive games. We have bowling, Zombie shooter, a Shuffleboard table and beer Pong! While you are there get your fortune told with the magical Tarot deck. In the back you can chill and have a BBQ. All the MadPea games give instructions in local chat when you start to play the game. Mash a button and follow the instructions. For the Tarot deck just click on the deck and choose a spread to find out what your future holds. Happy gaming! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Shady Corners/183/42/47
  7. Thank you so much for enjoying Welcome to Wonderland. The last day is April 30th. Pop on by if you have not already or if you have then come on by for one last hurrah! The next project will be quite different and a comment on the state of the world these days...stay tuned for up dates. Cheers, Tessa http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Shady Corners/189/39/46
  8. I am absolutely thrilled y'all are enjoying Wonderland! @Rufferta shhh I did get an alt or 2 so this place could be open to all Belli residents full time. I do revolving themes hopefully you will enjoy the next one just as much.
  9. Hey everyone! Welcome to Wonderland is still open for y'all to get your Alice in Wonderland fix. A new theme will be coming soon...I am waiting to snag a cabin! Gemma Cleanslate wrote a lovely article about the installation in the SL Newser blog take a peak http://slnewserplaces.blogspot.com/2020/03/alice-in-wonderland-at-bellisseria.html. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Shady Corners/187/42/46
  10. Oh this is so annoying. In less than 48 hours $19, 674L worth of Merchandise has been purchased fraudulently from my MP store. $7000 has been recovered by LL so far in the last 3 hours or so. I submitted my ticket for that amount. Now I am waiting for the rest of the funds to be recovered. I sent in tickets as soon as I saw the avi who was gifted was a new born. Hot items from my store 3 Bamse Gamer sets with extras, 1 Dead Dollz Bridal Gown RARE and the AF Tiffany Dining set with an extra chair. I delisted my other Tiffany set for now...sigh. I wish this system was easier and safer for us...sigh. Perhaps we should make a list of the items they tend to buy from all of us? Is there a pattern?
  11. Thank you Kristen and LL for your speedy response. Money received, woo hoo!
  12. Yep...I got targeted again! I just filed a ticket. This was a brand new rare from the Arcade event. Perhaps we should wait to post new rares? ugh...
  13. I am thrilled you enjoyed Wonderland. Come back anytime. I will be doing little tweaks here and there. Darn I wish I had just 20 more prims to work with it!
  14. Jupiter Projects presents WELCOME TO WONDERLAND. Pop on by and have some tea and cake with Alice and the gang. Take a spin on the Mad Teacup ride or ride the flamingo and the Cheshire cat. You and a loved one can cuddle on the sofa, do some yoga outside or "hang" out in Alice’s bedroom. All Bellisseria citizens are welcome 24/7 for a limited time TBD. For the best viewing experience set your windlight to Orange Incubus or something along those lines and use the best graphics settings. ENJOY! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Shady Corners/187/42/46
  15. Thank you @Patch Linden and LL for the return of funds from the fraudulent sale! You rock!
  16. WOW, some MP sellers have been hit extremely hard by these fraudsters! This happened to me in January but it was not nearly as bad as some of you have been hit. I was devastated to find out that $747L was taken out of my account for a fraud issue. I was also quite disappointed that I did not receive my item back. I am a new Gacha reseller and have gone full steam ahead into investing in merchandise. I submitted a ticket immediately after receiving the email from LL but never received a response. I just submitted another ticket after my friend directed me to this thread. I hope that I can get a refund and not have to worry about my massive financial investments in gacha merchandise. Now the question is how can we as sellers protect ourselves from this kind of fraud and will LL not penalize us for the fraud moving forward? Will we have to continue submitting tickets? Is it safe to sell RARES again?
  17. We wish you a Merry ChristmasWe wish you a Merry ChristmasWe wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy New YearGood tidings we bring to you and your kinWe wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year Come on over to Santa's Hideaway and have a little visit this holiday season.
  18. Homes, homes homes! All sorts of homes are available. The question is for how long? My alts have been catching and releasing so many traditionals and Vics these last few days. The beach house I wanted since Bellisseria's inception was my intended target. Well, I got two! One traditional just now and an incredible Victorian on the beach a couple of days ago. The game of homes is not for everyone but, if you don't like what you have now then this is definitely the time to play. Break a pixel everyone!
  19. Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way! O what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way! Santa's Helper the fabulous Hal arrived at Santa's Hideaway the other day with a special gift box filled to the brim with unique presents for all the lovely folks in Bellisseria! Pop on over for some holiday cheer, ride the carousel, take a selfie with Santa or the snowman, get your own Santa hat with or without lights, have some turkey, cuddle by the fireplace and don’t forget your free wearable sled located at the entrance and Christhiana's exclusive Christmas gift under the tree before you leave! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from Jupiter Projects! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Shady Corners/186/43/46
  20. Hey does anyone want to start a holiday decorating thread or for the first Holiday season in Belli? I love seeing what everyone is doing and it would be fun for all of us to share. Thoughts?
  21. Victorians are everywhere, North, South, East, West OH MY! These are pretty typical Victorian style homes in Toronto, Canada.
  22. This is my alt's home in Paislee Springs. Sadly she will be letting it go when the Victorians become available. This is the first time I have posted any of my interior design work or builds in the forum. The addition is built with good old fashion prims, lol. I tried to go for a more open and airy feel. Normally, I like to fill the space and make it homey so this was a challenge for me.
  23. I think these are pretty cool for an ultra modern region: https://design-milk.com/12-houses-geometric-white-exteriors/?utm_source=Design+Milk+Newsletter&utm_campaign=b8945fe413-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_1033d478fd-b8945fe413-21280129
  24. Thank you for visiting! I absolutely love all the pics you awesome folks are taking at Santa's Hideaway. Pop by anytime and hang out as long as you like.
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