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Freya Mokusei

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Everything posted by Freya Mokusei

  1. You're not entitled to help from fellow residents, making childish posts about my behaviour doesn't incentivize helpfulness from me, doubtful it will others. Your PM was received with less politeness than you claim to have put into it. I treat folks as they appear to deserve to be treated, and commit time where that time is likely to be appreciated. I take steps to manage my stress levels based on urgency and the healthiness of the dynamic involved. Looks like I made the right call and will be sticking to it from here on out. Kind fricken' regards.
  2. Not sure this is the right place, Second Life does not support OpenSim. Maybe ask at some central OS authority? Been a long time since I played about with it, didn't use the Sign-Up page to create accounts.
  3. Not possible. Available viewers (and arcitectures) listed here: Second Life - Downloads
  4. Maybe it's shy. It's also likely that you've disabled Scripts in your Linden home. See more about Parcel Permissions at the link below:- [source: SL Wiki: Script Permissions]
  5. No problem. Am happy to try and help but in my experience, going back and forth before the problem can be understood rarely ends positively. Forums are good for investigating unknown issues, this seems like a fairly known issue that's hard to qualify. Local experts to you will probably be able to tell you more about what you can expect from your machine and how to tune/improve your Second Life experience directly without lots of confusing demands and instructions. Dell certainly know what they're doing and have pretty reasonable customer support. Good luck!
  6. Probably something you've attached is talking to you, or about you. Try removing all attachments from your avatar or swapping to a clean outfit. Uninstalling the viewer won't fix changes you've made to your avatar.
  7. Not sure this forum will be an ideal resource for you. Do you have a technical friend, or support agreement with the place you purchased the machine?
  8. Willing to bet money that this is a graphics/performance issue. Second Life is not ideal for laptops. Seems like your Radeon chip should give you perhaps 10-20 FPS on standard quality rendering in SL - doesn't look like the worst thing, though Windows 10 complicates things. Are you sure it's running under Radeon when it's failing to load SL?
  9. Is user error and nothing to do with SL. Skype protocol intentionally designed to allow "click to call" links on websites. Example here: MSDN - Skype URI Tutorial. Your friend almost certainly clicked a link like this presented in chat (or on a website), which began the call. In this way, a user in SL can encourage Skype to react (SL can't do this automatically). I don't use Skype - for much more obvious reasons than this - so can't test directly. If you don't like this behaviour disassociate the skype: protocol, uninstall or reconfigure Skype. [Further: File Association Tutorial for Windows 10]
  10. Tried to pick a post to reply to but there's not a whole lot of useful content being written in any one message and unfortunately I am particularly stretched for time today so can't HTML. Not surprised by your opinion but I feel like this is more of the same and I've already replied pretty roundly to these complaints. Most of your language is the same silly judging and hyperbole used by the OP, especially but not limited to... Prokofy Neva wrote: shove BDSM on everybody I wish I could take credit for that but nope. Didn't do that. The residents of Second Life are the ones who chose the specific sets of flavours of content that comes under the Adult banner. They're free to do this, all I've been doing in this thread is pointing out why removing this freedom isn't useful or very likely to occur. As an aside, interesting parallel between this quote and those folks that claim things are being repeatedly "shoved down" someone's "throat". I find those people funny, but universally wrong. Freedom to associate, display advertising and discuss topics of interest is not "shoving", you don't have a right to only see things that you personally like and approve of, etc. Prokofy Neva wrote: modern liberal democratic life and women's rights. Bolded are words you appear to be mis-using in this context. I and others have pointed out repeatedly that many women run the social clubs/businesses the OP was complaining about and that many others enjoy these themes. I don't know that liberalism is on the side of those who seek to reduce personal freedom, or that the democratic process is likely to show your 'moral condemnation' to have a majority in Second Life (not that it matters, isn't a democracy). Consider myself liberal and feminist, previously discussed. Either one of us is lying or this issue has more nuance than your posts suggest. Prokofy Neva wrote: That these natural senses of revulsion that most people have are converted into stodgy conservativism by people practicing a medieval culture is of course one of the hypocrisies of Second Life. Cute, but again, no. Medieval culture was way more into despotic control, corruption and mindless moral fanaticism than it was consent and sexual liberty. Stodgy and conservative always been stodgy and conservative, sorry! Prokofy Neva wrote: That women "choose" this is in question, given the enormous number of people harmed by these relationships and cases in real life of torture and criminality. It doesn't fly. "Enormous" is clearly hyperbolic, neither torture nor criminality comes under BDSM as I've understood and practised it for a decade or so, so I reckon this is junk too. I feel like there's probably a good question worth discussing under this mess somewhere, but with all this distortion I doubt it's going to be productive here right now. My experience and personal history heavily suggests people choose to participate in BDSM freely, I have no reason to take this particular claim of yours seriously given the language it's couched in. I was clear before that I was mostly posting to this thread for entertainment value and making jokes at the expense of fuddy-duddy's. Would prefer you see this reply as addressing your points with the politeness deserved and also acknowledging that our opinions will continue to differ and that's okay because nothing will change. I've no interest in converting anyone, especially Carlotta or yourself. You're welcome to your opinions, I'mma keep on using Search to find good times.
  11. Christin73 wrote: If you have ever looked on mp for anything, lets say you type in mp search police uniform. You typlicy get sexy police uniforms for women People assume that all women in sl want to be sexy not practical. A very valid point, and I fully agree. However - to bolster your point further - Google Image Search suffers this same problem, and I fully expect the majority of other online search tools, too. You're on the money, but this might be more a more deeply-rooted issue than one affecting MP or Second Life in particular. @Dillon Thanks for the compliments! Glad you've been enjoying!
  12. Phil Deakins wrote: Perhaps you're not used to meeting perfect gentlemen like me Can guarantee not. But conversely:- (Took me forever to find the radio edit for this forum, oof!)
  13. Madelaine McMasters wrote: I can help you do that!!!! Ya but can you help me do it to Phil's, er, little head? >.> <.< Asking for no reason.
  14. Phil Deakins wrote: I behaved like a perfect gentleman throughout. ??? I had to steer chat back to the straight and narrow on more than one occaision! But if that's how you remember it then okay. Typical strategy for those I would rather impress intellectually is to sublimate sex/roles. SL suffers a derision of interest. I definitely did discuss it briefly! For clarity WRT the thread (not accusing you of misinterpreting, but audience might): Wouldn't have been okay to ravish me. Voiced fantasy != consent.
  15. Ceka Cianci wrote: I give them a score of 3/10 for getting 8 pages.. Screw that, we got 8 pages. Her content was rubbish, the people drawn were largely because of the positive points being made. I actually had a fair bit of fun, and would rather not credit her with that. She's anti-fun.
  16. CarlottaAdagio wrote: To all you rape & torture supporters: Go and seek psychological help. You have lost yourself in a morally corrupted dreamworld. Out yourselves in the real world and you will see how wrong and distraught you are. First I was angry at you... Judgey judgey judgey. You can usually tell the authoritarians because they react with anger before empathy (and cliché follows soon after). Such useless appeals to a morality you barely hold yourself, you're clearly trollin' at this point. No-one's supported the strawmen you're putting up. Sorry-not-sorry we won't change our exciting, healthy and consensual behaviour for you or your regressive agenda. Thanks for confirming almost everything I've posted. You won't be missed!
  17. Maybe! 6 FPS is probably typical for a "very crowded club" with "eye candy" on. I'm on a 4Gb Nvidia 970 and rarely sink this low, though maybe 10-15FPS. I'm pretty good at muting folks who are lagbutts and I don't really go to busy clubs. It's been a while since I've done any performance testing, but I don't really experience what other folks refer to as "lag" even from the UK. You do forget to mention some important factors that might be telling of poor experiences - Geography, Sim Ping, graphics RAM, caching space and speeds, operating system (OS X always runs at fewer FPS than Windows, IME). Some viewers see performance gain over others, but this varies a lot. Second Life's a bit hard to measure like this, computers are complicated, networks are complicated, and rendered scenes can go from like 3000 triangles to 130,000. If you have a well-optimised network and PC you can almost certainly always squeeze slightly better performance but I'm afraid I wouldn't know what to suggest.
  18. Ceka Cianci wrote: eating popcorn, watching his sports channels.. Safeword safeword! Sticky fingers are no joke.
  19. Compared to what? SL does fairly well for a product that's 15 years old. See if Quake 3 still stands up. It sounds like you're making some mistakes in your reasoning though, lag happens because of network delays regardless of how good your PC is at rendering. Second Life is entirely online, and entirely user-generated - which means a lot of performance is network and optimisation based (and no-one can guarantee optimisation).
  20. Thanks! I have a good eye for this. At this rate, we'll have a small bundle of folks not shy to admit they can handle a little slap with their tickle. GOOD. I hope you're all having a blast with your kinky selves. I'm certainly within the 57% statistic Sassy uses and have no trouble fulfilling my fantasies in a way that allows me to retain my autonomy and my freedom at the same time with no help from backwards fuddy-duddy's judging my mental health from afar. I ain't playing pretend and I've been at this for a while, I know what I like. I also know my facts and how to get what I want, so I don't need folks like Carlotta for anything. I agree that this must be the worst platform to try and be a crusading puritan - I bet most of us have seen this strategy before and the associated attempt to reduce healthy communication and get us back in our compliant and missionary-style boxes. Boring!
  21. Not a surprise, is rolling restarts. http://status.secondlifegrid.net/2016/03/21/post2741/ Suggest you try logging into a sim at the very north of the grid.
  22. No useful information in your post. Uninstall & reinstall, or fix whatever the problem is with your "graphics". If you want help here, you're gonna have to give us some clues.
  23. CarlottaAdagio wrote: Ever thought about why LL has forbidden Age Play (Child Pornography Roleplay) in SL? Second Life instituted the age play policy because depictions and simulations of that specific content are illegal in many countries and because of a particular case that gained press attention. It has nothing to do with your pseudo-science and nothing to do with how roleplay might intersect with real life minors (it doesn't). We could talk about the benefits of things like and aversion therapy in others, but your perspective is too limited to reach this. Needless to say I don't think you understand cause-and-effect, and are just repeating common talking points that fit your narrative of choice. You're seeking to condemn things based on feelings and fictions, and this undermines your case. Carrying poor logic over toward consensual roleplay with women becomes doubly false since you're starting off on a bad premise. Oops.CarlottaAdagio wrote: And they can form ideas and opinions about women. Every picture, every movie, every animation can influence and affect people's thoughts and opinion. Nope. This is junk. There's no peer-reviewed evidence to suggest this is true at all and most social science done in this area directly contradicts your claim. Folks have been studying the effect of violent videogames (a related field, and one that idiots also occaisionally claim is to blame for real life violence) for a long time, here's what's been happening.  Violent crime in the US has been decreasing steadily as computer games have proliferated. This is a pretty clear correlation and many researchers have reported the same findings. Over and over again. There are a couple of marketing hacks and egocentrists that agree with your position, but they don't present any useful evidence to back up their claims either and so can easily be discarded. The majority of other folks who agree with your position are either folks pushing authoritarian narratives (like yourself), "family values" nonsense or tabeloid journalists. [Source] If - by some stretch - you do have a real study that seems to agree with your claim, please try. I would love to see it. CarlottaAdagio wrote: In real life all this is no fantasy. Women are suffering various types of cruelty, torture, persecution and oppression. Every day rape and violence against women is happening in our world Caught in a landslide, no escape from re-aaal-ity~ Since you bring this up out of nowhere, why aren't you out there tackling that? Why are you wasting your time with the dignity of avatars? Avatars who are controlled by folks who explicitly agree and enjoy the results of the roleplay? Seems like there's many ways you could actually help real victims of real violence, but instead you're choosing to play Internet fuddy-duddy and yell at clouds. The people you're claiming to speak in defence of don't want your help, they're happy getting abused and degraded and will go on enjoying it for many years to come. This is a pointless exercise. You're demonstratively wasting your time here for the following reasons:- There are no victims, everyone has a good time or leaves Many people seek this activity out for fun purposes, the audience is substantial There is no incentive to change and the environment is tolerant of this behaviour There are no negative effects in indulging in this behaviour BONUS ROUND: CarlottaAdagio wrote: men who feel powerless in real life and try to compensate their feelings of being a loser with brutal rape fantasies about women. I see that you have no problems perpetuating ideas of harmful masculinity. Do you feel like this language - calling some men losers - will reduce the amount of real violence that real women have to face? Do you think it helps to stand against men like this and call them 'damaged', denigrate and belittle them, and then act surprised when they lash out? Perhaps you could treat people like humans and try and understand what causes this, what they get out of it and what they think about women, rather than telling them they're all sick. This a repeating theme in your posts, and it's not just poor understanding, it's increasingly harmful. Attempting to minimise the experiences of women (which you've done) and men (also done!), making the defensible appear indefensible (done), hyperbole (done-diddly-done) instilling your own narrative at the expense of others (da-da-da-da-done) and when all that fails, calling people sick and mentally defective. Congratulations. You're part of the problem, not a part of the solution. We'll continue on without you.
  24. You don't tell us what Operating System you're using, which makes it pretty difficult to instruct you further. This is the help service for Second Life, and is not suited to solving problems on your own PC. You could contact a local supplier or advisor, or a friend, to help you with this. We're just random folks who are a really really long way away, and know nothing about your PC. Best I can do is link you to a few tutorials, and hope you can determine which is applicable. Driver sources: NVidia AMD Intel And tutorials... For Windows 7: Update via Windows Update For Windows 8.1 and 10: Update via Windows Update For Mac: via Software Update If these don't cover what you're trying to do, or you've tried them and they're not working - please update your question with further information.
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