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Freya Mokusei

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Everything posted by Freya Mokusei

  1. You must be new. Power and control fantasies are some of the oldest and most prolific, as well as being some of the easiest to fulfill in online spaces. They're often encouraged (in Second Life) by both sides as a transactional arrangement (using your example, one partner chooses to 'submit' while the other chooses to 'lead'). The choosing is central. In Second Life it's not possible for another user to have status over you automatically, one must choose it, making shame-inducing or degrading behaviour impractical. Indulgence and hedonism are natural things to want to explore, and substantially safer to do so in a virtual environment, it shouldn't be much surprise to see exaggerated fantasy material.Degrading becomes a subjective but prevailing taste pandered to by those who market sex. Sex may be sex but sex also sells, and Second Life - as with the rest of the Internet - suffers slightly from Porno Vibes. Much content is produced to heteronormative tastes and the "straight white male" gets a lot of consideration in the Second Life economy, for both activity and sensory rewards (e.g. looking at "pleasing" things). Some of the choices for stock imagery suck, sure. We don't have OFCOM or the FCC or advertising standards bodies, and there's no requirement for "water shed"-style censorship, so the content is very different to other media. Important to remember though, that these images aren't chosen in a vacuum - they're part of a culture that's over-compensating for the fact that these dynamics are highly sought-after (by those looking) but rarely satisfied. Does this diverge a little from "real life"? Maybe - but the messages are the same. Is it any more harmful? Nah. Pretending morality has a definite answer to a complex cultural issue that you don't agree with ("it is simply wrong!") is childish and unrealistic. It may not be what you want to see - that's fine and you're doing the most you can do by complaining about it - but you don't get to control what's popular, or decide what's unfair or offensive to others.
  2. Going for the prize for vague post of the day. You're "bigger or smaller", compared to what? Do you feel bigger on the screen (perhaps your view is zoomed in, Ctrl+9 will reset)? Are you smaller against other furniture? Does your height actually change if you get a height measuring script, or in the viewer? Could it be shoe layers, or a mesh avatar thowing things off? Perhaps your shapes hover setting? Does a character test fix it? Can you include a picture or... give us a clue. It could be a bajillion things that you're doing wrong.
  3. Whooa, nope you can't. Casino's and specifically-allowed gaming devices are only allowed on Skilled Gaming regions. To access those you need to be an Authorised Participant, which requires the following:- At least 19 years old. Payment info on file. Not living in prohibited states (list at the very bottom of the page here). See the Skilled Gaming FAQ for reasons why you might not be able to access these regions.
  4. Freya Mokusei

    Tunnel problem

    You could:- Make the tunnel phantom (which ignores collisions) Use a poseball + prim movement (e.g. a 'ladder' script) to override the physical movement Your avatars bounding box (this would be your limitation) will probably significantly higher than 1.0m, and so you won't be able to walk inside it. Crouching does not alter your bounding box, and it has a minimum height. You can test your avatar bounding box (actual height, not visual height) using llGetAgentSize.
  5. bebejee wrote: every linden is like real gold to me on here. Here's your mistake. Linden dollars aren't at all comparable to gold, they're tokens with no value. The further your perspective diverges from reality, the more likely you are to have experiences that you rate as "poor" or "unpleasant". Linden dollars don't get refunded, they don't get investigated, and they definitely don't get stolen by the Marketplace. This could not be spelled out more clearly by the Terms of Service.
  6. Alwin Alcott wrote: how can i apply for the 100k? Without tips you'd need to work 4,000 hours per week (and fit 24 weeks of time into a single week) as a dancer. As an escort, only 3,334 hours. Alternatively you could make L$714 (~3USD) in tips per hour every hour of the week (if you needed to sleep you'd have to make L$1,086 (~4USD) in tips every waking hour). In doing this, you'd also make your employer about L$24K off-the-top of your work. Reckon you'd deserve a rest after all that. Would not be at all surprised to hear the 10-100K claim creates a very bottom-heavy bell curve in reality and that only a very small minority of employees ever reach even the 10K mark.
  7. Not sure RLV can restrict voice chat. I'd try running through the troubleshooting steps in the SL Knowledge Base:- https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Using-voice-chat/ta-p/700169 Often if SLVoice.exe can't get a signal out, it'll not be able to connect to the Voice servers. Expect it to be a local installation or security issue.
  8. Not surprising, it's old AF. Would be surprised if you could still play Minesweeper on that thing. Chip-based GPUs are generally poor in 3D performance, and yours was released eight years ago. In exponential computer years that's like being 4 million years-old. Put it out to pasture, or take it out behind the farmhouse and shoot it. Suggest a new, full and free-standing graphics card that was released this decade. For Windows 10, you might consider one that's compatible with DirectX 12. Second Life is a full 3D virtual world that will drive your graphics subsystem significantly harder than any AAA+ online game (e.g. GTA 5 or whatever version of Modern Warfare is current). [Source]
  9. Eventually. It's only Wednesday, so you've only been waiting 3 business days (I assume you meant to write 2016). Second Life states that it might take 5 business days. It's also well-documented that credit is processed in batches, so it may well take longer than 5 business days.
  10. Oh goshhh I'm starting a thinggggg. If you guys start fighting over me, jello is mandatory. I'll poke ya tonight as well, Maddie. Just in case!
  11. It's not. The forum censor gets a little vigilant is all. We've had a lot of spammers advertising pirate shows and movies (and viruses) by creating junk posts here, so Moderation teams on the forums have had to play catch-up and block a few words to try and prevent this. It doesn't, in any way, limit acceptability in the rest of SL. Spammers see forums as a target, because they're crawled by Google.
  12. There's few as cheerful as I. I'm not sure why scripted Vegans would be sexually enticing (not judgin'!), but there's plenty of creativity still here. Check out some of Bryn Oh's stuff, or wait for Burn2 (previously: Burning Man in Second Life) to come around, as two very high-visibility examples. Plenty of of us are still here making magic happen. There's good privately-owned sandboxes around, but for a Linden-owned sandbox, yeah, gotta be premium.
  13. bebejee wrote: Yes it said that content has stuff that belongs to so-n-so company and cant be played in some places, both music and movies, but I love watching other things like documentries and personal videos so its all good. Yeah that's Youtube and its fairly hacky DMCA process at fault, not "SL servers" as first attributed. Fortunately you're quite right, there's plenty of new media to watch.
  14. bebejee wrote: I was half way through the video but in their case the video started from the beginning while I continued uninterrupted from where I was, thats great. It shows full screen by default you dont have to do the embed thing as posted above to have that You have to type or copy/paster URL in local chat for them to play on the screen. Very good and useful information for the OP, thanks! This is how the personal-use media screen that I coded works as well - it performs the /embed/ trick itself whenever it hears a Youtube URL. It's more likely that Youtube-side issues prevent playing of certain videos in-world (e.g. Video deleted, DMCA actions, adult content warnings). Some videos that contain these types of features may not work as cleanly in SL.
  15. Will be around in-world tonight if you'd like to change this. I'm terribad at meeting forum folks, others have pestered too but I'm yet to push myself. (Though - and not to tarnish the opportunity - I expect you were included in the summary of my interaction - 'meeting' is kind of a quaint concept online.)
  16. Wow, then I did a better job than anticipated. I'm glad you found my words helpful, of course I can't say whether SL will have as powerful an effect for you. It took me a while (of course) to get where I am today, but it's not an uncommon story and there are many amazing moments along the way. Meeting people online has always felt great to me, and once stories involve more than one person they can really end up anywhere. There are many other perspectives and I'm sure, given a little time, other posters will talk about about their feelings and the ways they've become invested in SL and why. Enjoy your time here, there's nowhere else quite like it.
  17. I'm not one to convince anyone - I just say things how they seem to me. I've been here for 9.5 years, averaging ~4 hours per day in-world. I balance this with a busy day job, strong 'real life' relationships, reasonably frequent travelling and also caring for a much older relative. I fill my time with many close friends and romantic partners (which take time/skill to acquire, but worth it!) - we hang out, roleplay, get into discussions, watch Youtubes, movies, TV shows, anime. I learn about other peoples' lives and values, their feelings and drives. We go to popular sims and cause playful trouble or party and invite as many as we can. I meet new people and run around them in circles while exchanging pleasantaries and questions. On my own I enjoy building/texturing, scripting, exploring/shopping, writing and creating music - all of which I do in-world. I've used SL to learn, to expand my horizons beyond the level of my own eyesight. I've used it to contribute to good causes, to help people and to provide comfort to those who sometimes struggle to find happiness in their real lives. I've used SL to help me get a Bachelors Degree and a job in real life, to help me write a book, to develop artistic style and meet/collaborate with other creative folks. I've used SL to help with social phobias and mental health issues that I've suffered with since my early teens, and to practice confidence and develop practical coping strategies. I've met so many great people I would've otherwise never had the chance to meet, learned what matters I can certainly see that if you're on the young side of SL's demographic, that it feels like you're a bit out of touch at first. I still sometimes get that at age 29, though I'm creeping closer to the middle all the time. Advice there is to look around for others with your energy level - other young folks are here (usually just beneath the surface), and young at heart is certainly a thing and I've met many great people in their 50s and 60s whom I had to sprint to keep up with. Second Life doesn't ask for money, but it will ask for time. The more time you commit, the better I tend to find your experience in SL becomes. Is it worth it? Depends what you do with it. I hope this helps. My story won't be your story, but your story could be great, too.
  18. Shared Media is an alternate approach, compatible with many types of streaming movie and does not require use of About Land - you can set it up easily and anywhere that allows rezzing. It's not "synchronised" but it's easy to do a countdown in chat or otherwise check you and your friends are at the same point in the video. For YouTube, I find the best way to watch is to swap a YouTube URL from its default format, such as:- [http://www.]youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ To its 'embed' style, which looks like:- [http://www.]youtube.com/embed/dQw4w9WgXcQ There are other tricks for other video providers. Note that I've used square brackets to avoid turning these into clickable links, and preserve the bolding (which shows the part you need to change). The advantage with /embed/ is that it shows fullscreen on the media surface. Good luck!
  19. //UPDATED Lindal Kidd points out that a second user is having the exact same problem you're reporting. I agree with her that you should contact support in the event you've tried everything else. -- This service isn't designed to help people who are new to the Internet. If you're not confident at buying items online, perhaps ask a local friend to help. Remember that all Second Life sales are final (no refunds), so please use caution before placing orders. Some tips, which may help:- Remember to Log In before shopping. Once an item is in your cart, you shouldn't have a problem reviewing your cart contents by clicking the Cart button. If you're viewing your cart on a separate browser tab, hit Refresh in your browser to see an updated version. Make sure you have adequate funds in your Linden Dollar (L$) account. If you're having a more specific problem with one part of Marketplace, update your question to be more clear
  20. Not sure we can help, sorry. You could try Contacting Support, but I doubt they'll process refunds for you.
  21. You can only assign one full texture per face. You can, however, hollow and cut a cube to give you a prim with two faces on one side. (I'll upload a pic and attach, demonstrating).  In the above picture, each texture-able face has a different shade of green assigned. --- Script-wise, you shouldn't have any problem adjusting the functions already in your example. Just remember you can use the same link number (LINK_THIS or LINK_ROOT), and just specify differing faces.
  22. You might have to clarify. Are you looking for help with:- Creating a single prim with an upper and lower face Writing LSL code that only addresses a single prim Both?
  23. It's not possible. The Internet has transmission latency (what you call lag) on it because cables are different lengths and qualities, and service varies (+ a hundred other variables). Everyone's connection will differ. You could use Parcel Media instead of Prim Media to at least be able to control the stream (play, stop, pause) from a central point of authority, but this won't solve latency issues.
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