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Sammi Boa

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Everything posted by Sammi Boa

  1. Yes you were right Rowan and it was soon sorted thank you.
  2. Been trying to purchase linden dollars in my viewer today and even tried it Dashboard and it keeps saying internal error try later ???? Has anyone else had this problem today?
  3. Are these full sim size private homesteads for 6999 ld rental per week? I'd be grateful if you could I'm me (Sammi Boa) inworld please.
  4. been over 2 hours since I was was unable to get back on so hey oh its effecting us here in UK too .
  5. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I wondered why it was sooooooooooooooooooo quiet and no one talking to me . That explains it hee hee Thanks for letting me know 'Sid' . wonder if its worth trying again to get into SL. Its 22.15 here in UK grrrrrrrrrr
  6. Oh yes LittleMe Jewell I got same notice re 'Something unexpected happened' etc and I checked LL online status saying all is well which is really annoying grrrrrrrrr. However, its a small crumb of comfort to know we are all in the same boat as it were. I thought things were slowing down on SL so thought 'ahhhh log out and in' . BIGGG mistake hee hee. Warm regards to everyone from a dippy Brit
  7. Hee hee not sure on that one but I can imagine thousands of bots running around having a great time while we are out in the cold. Opposite our Sim (Binneed) there are a permanent 6 bots all with full profiles but still bots who are parked under water all the time. they all leave at the same time and come back a few hours later so they have to be bots. A little bit weird having 6 full avatars under the water all the time. Welcome to the Twilight Zone hee hee
  8. Yes same thing again. Good old LL do not do a restart on our sim for 3 weeks and when they do one they have issues as per usual and yes I agree with LittleMe Jewell re you'd think they would have had a smooth and trouble free system by now its very frustrating to any of us be we premium or not, to spend a lot of money in SL and not get good service . So frustrating Warm regards to everyone from Sammi
  9. Ohhhhhhh and just to say that I do not consider myself to be 'melodramatic' as a nurse in the NHS in UK its the last thing I am . However, I'm just trying to show how Frustrated I and many others have been feeling with SL and if we feel like that yes we go and others come so please try to understand when someone is stating their point as it does not mean they are getting 'melodramatic' etc. Regards to all and take care
  10. Yes I agree, SL is not a game and is totally different in its programming etc so yes, your right on that one. Regarding boating and sailing on SL? Yet again my ignorance is showing as I'd no idea what it is like for them Coffee so your point has taught me something. Daft thing is that I do a lot of kayaking/horse riding in RL so I should perhaps give Kayaking a try on SL ha ha. Ohhhhhhhh I'm not mad at LL but very very frustrated as I think they could do more but the fact they do not see to be, at least on the surface, to be actually doing more does mean people will leave and after 15 years nearly it would be hard to go but even my patience is limited. I've met so many nice people on here and that has made SL very special to me and to say goodbye to my long term partner I met on Day One here would be hard. I suppose really that while people my leave here in frustration, other new comers join SL so that takes up the slack and SL will go on but, please please SL, look after the more long term members better than you do now as we are still supplying a lot of revenue to LL and, over the long term, a lot more than some of the new comers. Ok guys (everyone I mean) my humble apologies if I've spoken out of turn as no offence meant in the typing of my text and if I have caused any offence it's down to being a little dippy and slowwwwwwwwww of mind ha ha. Take care everyone and if you want to say hi in SL just let me know. Warm regards from Sammy XXX
  11. Yes I agree, SL is not a game and is totally different in its programming etc so yes, your right on that one. Regarding boating and sailing on SL? Yet again my ignorance is showing as I'd no idea what it is like for them Coffee so your point has taught me something. Daft thing is that I do a lot of kayaking/horse riding in RL so I should perhaps give Kayaking a try on SL ha ha. Ohhhhhhhh I'm not mad at LL but very very frustrated as I think they could do more but the fact they do not see to be, at least on the surface, to be actually doing more does mean people will leave and after 15 years nearly it would be hard to go but even my patience is limited. I've met so many nice people on here and that has made SL very special to me and to say goodbye to my long term partner I met on Day One here would be hard. I suppose really that while people my leave here in frustration, other new comers join SL so that takes up the slack and SL will go on but, please please SL, look after the more long term members better than you do now as we are still supplying a lot of revenue to LL and, over the long term, a lot more than some of the new comers. Ok guys (everyone I mean) my humble apologies if I've spoken out of turn as no offence meant in the typing of my text and if I have caused any offence it's down to being a little dippy and slowwwwwwwwww of mind ha ha. Take care everyone and if you want to say hi in SL just let me know. Warm regards from Sammy XXX
  12. From what I've been told is that LL bots that go around SL sims to check things out re lag etc are not working properly so some sime like the full sim I rent has not been checked for 13 days and at one time before that it was 21 days and without the regular restarts we used to get this situation is getting worse . My computer is an i9 with SSD hard drives and loads of Ram with a 3070 graphics card and it plays all my games really well but after nearly 15 years here I've about come to the end of my patience with LL not looking after Second Life . A lot of aviation people in SL are very annoyed and after my last experience of flying in Blake Sea welllllllllllllllll I can see that if I cannot enjoy SL its time to go which is a shame. So LL , get the restarts done every damn week and look after your loyal customers on here or many will start to think about leaving. Warm regards to all from Sammi
  13. Hi everyone. just getting used to Firestorm but when trying to look at another avatar or when out shopping I like to click and see my head turn towards what I'm looking at. For some reason Firestorm has suddenly stopped doing this. I must say that in Singularity it did it for me all the time but not the same in Firestorm and I'd love to enable look at objects and my head moves. Its nice in group chats as you can click on whose talking and its a polite thing to do . Be ever so grateful for any help re this. Warm regards to all
  14. Well over on Binneed sim and all those in area, we've not had restarts for 3 weeks and sim crossings are terrible for flying or boating activities . So as I rent Binneed I'd be grateful for a restart ASAP. To be honest, its always like that over here ie 20 odd days between restarts and, frankly, I'm suprised at comments such as if sims go longer than 10 days for a restart LL will do a restart for sims going over this time scale . So please lets get back to weekly restarts as its just sheer lazyness . I've been on SL for 15 years and getting frustrated with lack of restarts . Warm regards and have fun everyond............... lack of restarts permitting of course XX
  15. Hi Mollymews and thanks for your plain advice and I understand what your saying despite being a bit of a dip mentally hee hee. Take care and again ta very much for your reply . XX
  16. Oh gosh bless your heart for your advice Lindal, that was so kind of you and I'll do what you suggest and have a look around. Daft thing is that I got the sim for a very fair price and thus do not expect to be greedy and make a big profit and will have to see what anyone offers. The area where I'm situated is ok for flying and suddenly in last couple of days, sim crossings are good but even on open sims, with so many ugly tower blocks going up to 4000 meters it does give low FPM (fluctuating rapidly) and they can drop to 2 or 3 fps and up to 50 again and this, over open sims does seem bad. Sorry, I'm digressing hee hee. Again ta ever so much for your advice as its very much appreciated. Warm regards from Sammi XX
  17. Oh gosh bless your heart for your advice Lindal, that was so kind of you and I'll do what you suggest and have a look around. Daft thing is that I got the sim for a very fair price and thus do not expect to be greedy and make a big profit and will have to see what anyone offers. The area where I'm situated is ok for flying and suddenly in last couple of days, sim crossings are good but even on open sims, with so many ugly tower blocks going up to 4000 meters it does give low FPM (fluctuating rapidly) and they can drop to 2 or 3 fps and up to 50 again and this, over open sims does seem bad. Sorry, I'm digressing hee hee. Again ta ever so much for your advice as its very much appreciated. Warm regards from Sammi XX
  18. How easy is it to sell a mainland full sim? I have an airport on my sim and its owned solely by myself and not group owned. I wish to sell it at a very fair price and not worried about making a massive profit. However, it it hangs about and I'm still paying tier on it, if I were to abandon it , would I have to still pay tier on it etc? Any advice would be gratefully received and warm regards from Sammi
  19. How easy is it to sell a mainland full sim? I have an airport on my sim and its owned solely by myself and not group owned. I wish to sell it at a very fair price and not worried about making a massive profit. However, it it hangs about and I'm still paying tier on it, if I were to abandon it , would I have to still pay tier on it etc? Any advice would be gratefully received and warm regards from Sammi
  20. I'd love to buy a full sim but as I want one on coast they are hard to find and then after paying a crazy price, you have to pay a tier for the sim you buy. So looking to rent a full sim on coast and prices do not seem any less than they were earlier this year. My partner and I are keen on flying but if you buy/rent somewhere near coast say separated by a half or full sim. Eventually some buys that sim and puts up sky domes up to the height limit and then security systems make it impossible to fly out to coast. Been on here over 12 years and way things seem to run, the way prices seem way over the top it makes enjoying SL harder. Sorry guys just a dippy minded person going on and on so pay no attention and warm regards to all.
  21. Hi everyone Been on SL for 12 years and a year a go I got the Belleza Freya body and desperately would like a nice mesh head to go with it. Sadly, while I know what I'm doing with the mesh Freya body, I have no clue on what is easiest or best head to pair with the above mentioned body. Mesh heads look so complicated and that has put me off going for it as I'm not the sharpest knife in kitchen draw. Sooooooo, having said that, if any kind soul can give me some advice on an easy to used good Bento mesh head I'd be so grateful . Ta ever so much and warm regards to all from Sammi
  22. Ah last, others seem to be thinking about something I'd never been able to understand, why are not all the continents of Second Life been so isolated from each other for so long? It would, in my ever so 'umble' opinion give Second Life a vital injection into its extensive body of enthusiastic life, More communication, more business and allowing others with similar interests to get together and enjoy Second Life that much fuller. As an avid aviatrix in Second Life, it would give both myself and everyone else, a much much larger world to explore. I'd like to be part of this initiative and join this group. Warm regards to all from Sammi
  23. Yes I've got same problem here in the UK. I was on and just logged out for a few mins and tried to get back in again and got silly message saying they could not log me in and check my caps lock was not on etc. Tried my alt and that said same thing. This must be a big problem to happen so quickly and all we can do is wait to see what happens an hope they get us back on again soon .
  24. Oh gosh thank you Ren. I note what you have been kind enough to put in but to be a pain in bum can you tell me where I can find that particular Abuse Report Category in SL. MANY thanks for your help in this mater and I've saved all the gory text so will take it forward. Regards with thanks from Samantha,
  25. I've been on SL for nearly 8 years and seen a lot of changes. But tonight on here, after asking a group associated with this retailers products, for assistance. I recieved from the owner of a particular brand of avatar associated products so much bad language and insults that I actually felt asaulted. I would really like to ask for help in asking for redress or even making others know about this persons lack of manners and texted bad language. Over a few years now I have purchsed his products as I felt they were very good. I asked some of the group members for help over a particular problem and they were kind and very helpful. However, tonight I received an IM from him he was very insulting and his language was disgusting. I was able to keep myself responing in kind in the hope that he would see I ment no offence. This did not work and sadly he just lost it completely. I kept a textual record of his ranting and would like to complain about him buttttttttttt how do we do it? Thank you and sincere regards
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