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Sid Nagy

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Everything posted by Sid Nagy

  1. Perhaps it is even simpler: People come, people go. The grass always seems greener at the neighbors lawn and the next step in a career and that kind of stuff.
  2. The whole paying to post is insane IMHO. If anything, the Lab should pay us for posting. We give away great ideas and advise for free.
  3. I think it is time to start posting with my newly made alt.
  4. Only downside: The management has no longer control over the prices charged by the outside restaurant company or about what will be on the menus: healthy or greasy fast food or only coffee with a doughnut or a brownie?
  5. Yup, and it would be nice to drop a few changing pictures in the background too. Basically watch a few RL news shows with interviews. They are not for nothing the way they are. The result of almost 100 years of television experience.
  6. Of course they monitor sometimes. Imagine there was a forum about your workspace. I bet you would read here and there and make sure, that you don't get involved in discussions with your work account or even better not at all. That said: Of course Linden Lab sails it's own course. For every customer who says you should go left, there is at least one to be found who is convinced that going to the right is the best solutions. There are customers to be found who want to go backwards, forward or stay at the spot. But that doesn't mean that the input has no value. Good ideas are good ideas to think over and discuss internally. But in the end the Lab has far more to consider than we normally do. Laws, regulations, costs, available expertise inside the company, available staff, will it only be more costs or is there a future profit to make with the plan.... The only thing we have to do is saying "Linden Lab, we told you so" and move on to the next new brilliant idea, like charging for forum posts or putting all the land barons out of business with one stroke.
  7. Wow, our forums have gathered a lot of value over the years, if we all start to count the hours invested..
  8. I always enjoy your viewpoints and way of writing here on the forums. I hope your health issues will improve soon and that we will see you hanging around a lot again in the future.
  9. Just a thought: Maybe a big ocean, where it is only allowed to have sky boxes above 2000 m and no ban lines. Combined with some marina sims where one could rent a place to moor your boat, that would make boating heaven I guess.
  10. Of course not. The LL viewer is a civilized viewer.
  11. No visuals, if it is a podcast. And released trough podcast channels. Don't release podcasts on video platforms. They are for videos.
  12. I understand your satire here, but: Do you watch a 30 minutes TV shows where nothing happens but to heads slightly moving and a few cats hanging around? Seriously? This is totally not showcasing what is possible in this field within Second Life. Compare the Lab Gab with this for instance to see what is visually possible:
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