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Frigga Freidman

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Everything posted by Frigga Freidman

  1. I've never seen anything convincing to indicate that individual parcels in a region are released; if the status of homes has been changed from "Protected Land" to "Linden Home", it's fair to assume that the *region* has been added to the pool of available homes. Bottlenecks may occur for other reasons, including a glut of abandons elsewhere that 'jump the queue'.
  2. Extremely exciting news from Muniick for this weekend's Happy Weekend Sale! Their entire Wickman Farmhouse Kitchen - in 4 finishes, Adult or PG - is being sold for only 60L$! Note that anyone who has bought this previously should check their inventory for a free update! (The only problem I see is that the pieces are a bit too large - I haven't been able to check how well they scale down, but for 60L$...)
  3. Maybe they’re rationing them so they can roll into the chalets without a large gap between the themes.
  4. Lots of errors here, without my double-checking I can tell you that Sundae Afternoon, Getmah Drift, Plimsoll Mark, Tiki Twilight and Twisted Palms are all stilt houses, not water regions. The first two have already been released. The list I uploaded of still-unreleased regions was created by checking each region on the map a half-hour before the list was posted. It’s a screengrab of the brand new track-list I compiled.
  5. It's Fifty Linden Friday! Fancy Decor has two items on sale - yes, that's 50L$ each. The mirror is 1 LI, and the buffet is 5 LI.
  6. I'm pretty much done with decorating my OW Stilt, and will shout once again that I LOVE IT! I posted pix of the outside and ground floor earlier in this thread, so now here's the upstairs. I wanted to put a mural in the upstairs hallway, and for now will make do with something from a favorite artist (Angie Lewin - whose prints I'll never be able to afford in RL ). The bathroom was a large room to fill, but I'm happy with the result, making use of the rattan chairs I picked up a while back thanks to a half-price gacha at Minimal. The sink/washing machine unit is the one that was on sale a while ago at Kazza - there were two sinks so I got rid of the unnecessary one, but then was faced with its shadow baked into the wood texture, hence the towel. And the bedroom and balcony make good use of items from Apple Fall's very generous Black Friday sale.
  7. Fluke, Gannet Rock and Glimmer Cove released on Thursday the 14th.
  8. Unofficial Stilt Home update - as of 7pm SLT Wednesday the 13th, there are 74 stilt regions (~1,850 houses) where the parcels have "Protected Land" status. See the attached list. (Should have named them differently so they didn't post in reverse order. Oh well.)
  9. It's called the Adeline kitchen, and 2 of us bought and critiqued it here in October (link to my comment and Eddy Vortex's appears a bit later in the thread):
  10. Muniick is selling this set of fireplace tools for 25L$ - the log holder is 3 LI and the fireplace tools are 2 LI.
  11. There are some nice garden-related items on sale for 25L Tuesday at Artisan Fantasy today - the items on the left are 1 LI and the fence decor is 6 LI.
  12. At Atelier Burgundy - these crate shelves look good (love the clamp details) but might be a bit heavy in terms of LI - each color (Old Wood, Oak, White Wood, Dark Wood) sold separately for 75L$, but you get the tall shelves (3LI), wide shelves (8LI) and square shelves (9LI).
  13. At Kazza for Happy Weekend - Studio Lounge Divani set, 60L$: sofa appears to be linked with ottoman and throw 10 LI; Banana palm 2 LI ; side table 1 LI; lamp 1 LI. (The 'Morning Dear' table, chairs, bread basket, etc. from last weekend still available for 60L$)
  14. Vespertine has plants on offer for 50L$ each - the head planter is 1 LI and the philodendron is 2 LI. (Shelf not included.)
  15. This weekend's sale items at Muniick: telephone table/seat 4LI and phone 2LI (Manly Weekend) - 50L$; dining table set 60L$ (Happy Weekend) - details in photo.
  16. Just found - no sign of the beasties, though.
  17. But even if there's another region with stilts added to the west of it, there'll still be more than half a region of empty water, unlike the pier houses along the edge of Starboard Lights. And the location means there's likely to be at least a channel of more open water in any added regions.
  18. As I mentioned in another thread, I was very keen to get a west-facing pier parcel, but after a few disappointing results I decided to click on OW instead. Wound up with a west-facing parcel right next to a lush Mole island. No, it doesn't have an unobstructed view of the water, but I love it. Here are pictures of the exterior, kitchen and living room area to start with.
  19. It's still an unreleased region, directly under Bayport.
  20. I thought I was, too, but after 4 north-facing piers that seemed too crowded, I thought I'd click on a OW. Wound up with something west-facing and stunning, if not my dream parcel. (Pix in the decorating thread soon.) As to the dream parcel - since I'm no longer in GoH mode, I'll share It's a pier in Starboard Lights. The most unobstructed sunset view (and likely to stay that way, as any new regions won't infringe on the water view very much.) I hope whoever lands this one truly appreciates it!
  21. It sounds like you weren't in the market for a Bellisserian house during the large-scale releases of the Vics and Log Homes - the servers became overloaded because of the volume and frequency of home abandons, hence Patch's request to hold off playing catch and release this time.
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