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Jordyn McGregor

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Everything posted by Jordyn McGregor

  1. New skypad...still standing around looking pretty.
  2. One of my makeup "go-to's" is AlaskaMetro - the price is awesome, the makeups are creative and just are really great looking. For lashes, I would check out Arte (more everyday lashes) or Mia Bilavio (dramatic lashes). Mia mostly does gachas so you can either play for them or stalk them on MP.
  3. I used to get called this all the time on Plurk...back in the days before I saw something shiny and wandered off from it.
  4. My persona stays the same inworld, RL and here on the boards. I'm not able to seperate myself into different personas. Right now I in a dark and twisty place where I have completely retreated into my shell and full on introvert mode is on in my RL and that is how I am in SL too. I rarely talk to anyone inworld, I stay on my skypad when I am logged in and even then, it's not for long. These boards are probably the only interactions I have with people in SL and that's kinda sad, but it's how I like it. My trust in people has been eroded.
  5. Yes but in defense of those who assigned said motives to you...you confirmed them correct - that it's all about attention. We can all agree that you will continue posting outlandish and controversial threads to gain attention and reactions, some will flame you for it, some will charge to your defense....and this will play out all over again ad nauseum till the end of time. I feel I have said my piece and gonna go forage up some dinner. Jordan has left this thread.
  6. Because further up this page, "someone" appears to be trying to get you to. Just a friendly word of advice.
  7. Which is completely your right to do so. Just as it is our right to call you out when you act like a twerp. But please don't assign motives and "projections" to those who disagree with you just because some armchair therapist has a narrative for you to follow.
  8. Actually no it's yours that are creepy. You are forcing YOUR projections onto what I reply to @Bagnu. I have no problems with her being an escort. I have spent a lot of my SL being an unpaid one myself (ie a sl*t) so have NO hangups or problems with anyone who expresses themselves sexually in SL. The only beliefs I have about her are what I express in my replies - that she just doesn't care about the consequences of what she posts because she is all about the attention (which she has admitted to). I have constantly said, I don't have a problem with @Bagnu as a person. My problem is in what she says. But I guess you are spending too much time charging to the rescue and playing armchair psychologist to actually listen to what anyone else says because it's not fitting your narrative.
  9. I'm sorry, but this...no. You cannot spend thread after thread bleating on about being an escort and how people don't accept you for it (when in fact we do, it's just the continuous bleating about it we disagreed with), have white knights and virtual signallers charging to your defense and rescue and building you up into this sort of misunderstood tart with a heart persona and that the rest of us are soul killing meanies, and say stuff like "I'm trying to understand my place here by ignoring all the critiques and advice I am given cos actually I'm really annoying and just want the attention"...and then when asked why you don't change that if you know it's annoying, turn around and say "BLOCK ME THEN." THIS is why you get the negativity from so many on your threads. If you gave one hoot about it, you would do as so many suggested and took a breath and reflected on what you are actually saying, instead of just jumping in and saying it without caring who it offends, how it will be taken and how it's making you look.
  10. Oh believe me, I'm not worked up. Just gotten home from work and debating cooking dinner and in a wonderful mood actually. Like I said before, I do try not to attach my emotions to these boards or I will just up and leave. I just don't like being told I am a "soul killer" just because I disagree with something.
  11. No-one has ever said @Bagnu is abusive. I have to agree with something I saw @Scylla Rhiadra said a while back (and paraphrased by me as I cannot be blowed looking for it), she has always maintained a light hearted dignity when we do disagree with her. No-one is trying to "destroy her soul" or the "essence of who she is"...that is the most ridiculous thing I have seen said! Over and over again, EVERYONE has REPEATEDLY said we accept and don't care WHO or WHAT she is! You do you booboo. However, she has SAID things that have offended people. The disabled person comments, then the moral quagmire about taking sexytimes pics with someone recognisable and seemingly not knowing that it's wrong. @Bagnu has also said I am always popping up to give my two cents and judgment of what she is up to now (again paraphrased) and in some threads I can be scathing in my criticism of what is being said, and in others, I interact quite pleasantly with her. I do not hate her, and I do not actively dislike her. I dislike some of the things she says however. BIG DIFFERENCE. It's become such a scary world where people cannot talk anymore without one side shouting the other down and "cancelling" their rights to have a different opinion and viewpoint on a subject.
  12. I have to say that I am confused by the exchange where @Amina Sopwith says you don't try to understand us, and you reply that you are trying to. My example is coming from the recent thread about posting pictures with recognisable people. You got very mixed responses in that thread. Some comical and fun, but most were indignant that you even had to ask that. Your replies flip flopped all over the place and you seemed to contradict yourself several times and to not really care about the moral issues brought up. Then when things weren't going your way, you appeared to throw your toys out of the crib and left the thread after saying "I got my answer"...to a question even a child would know was a huge "yeah...no!" And from the encounters I have had and seen you have with others, I (again) have to agree with @Amina Sopwith that I honestly don't think you are taking in what we're saying...as so eloquently vocalised by @Seicher Rae. As I said previously, there is only one person on these boards I would say that I hate. There are several I may even dislike. I try not to attach emotions to my postings or I would be a bigger basket case than I already am.
  13. I know her younger sister and actually met her once at a party.
  14. I am gonna raise my hand and be honest here. I do judge people by the company they keep. However, it's not because of a "job" or because they choose to spend their SL being a ho (paid or unpaid). I have been in SL for donkey's years and have seen and experienced some pretty heinous stuff done by some people, and I don't forgive easily. So if I knew someone who was hanging out with or friendly with someone I have had a bad experience with, yes I'll most likely judge them for it, maybe distance myself from them because of it, but at the end of the day, I know it's my drama to act in, not theirs. Do I warn them? Not really. I may say something like "Yeah I don't get on with *insert name here* so I would rather keep my distance and not be involved with anything they are." Other times I am a bit more blunt and say something like "*insert name here* is a 'see you next tuesday' and fudged me over bigtime but hopefully treats you better, so be careful." Just because I had a bad experience with them doesn't mean everyone else will after all. It does however make me less inclined to stay around to watch and question how they cannot see someone for who they are.
  15. Before I do the singling out quotes and elaborating as to why I agree or disagree with them, or add my little spin, lemme just point something out that happened to me and at least one other person I know of on these boards. We had a "friend" of yours harass and attack us for no other reason than the fact that we disagreed with you on these boards. So the knife can cut both ways.
  16. Jordan is going to kick the bejebus out of Orwar when SL let's her log in again for making her refer to herself in the third person (which is STILL creepy!) and for always peeking-her-boo!
  17. And here I was thinking you were a big fluffy bunny of sweetness and sprinkles.
  18. Don't take that personally. I'm in a dark place at the moment and don't really talk to anyone inworld. Yes, cept you creepy third person @Orwar. I do reply when you pop in my IMs to say "hi".
  19. I get concerned when you say you get hatred, because as one of your most vocal thread opponents, I wonder if you lump me into that category. I do not hate you as a person, but I do hate or disagree with some of the things you have said or say you do. There is only one person on these boards I can honestly say I do hate, but it relates to inworld stuff not board stuff.
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