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Ansariel Hiller

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Everything posted by Ansariel Hiller

  1. Not a good idea! People not using Emerald will see the hat floating around you because their viewers don't know about the secondary attachment spots. You should only use those spots for invisible attachments!
  2. No it's not impossible. You simply need to attach the hat on another attachment spot (for instance nose or mouth) by right-clicking on the object in inventory and select "Attach to", then right click on the hat and select "Edit" and move it into the correct position. You should use a posing stand for this so your avatar stays in a fixed position and doesn't move around because it makes it easier to adjust the hat.
  3. Yes. But you will receive your first stipend payment (300 Lindens) on Tuesday already.
  4. Nothing. Everything is ok. The bonus is paid 45 days after upgrading to a Premium Membership. Unfortunately, this info is hidden somewhere in the many webpages and/or in the Knowledge Base.
  5. You know, in German there is a famous saying that goes something like this: "How you shout into the woods echoes back to you." Means if you insult other people and call them names just because something didn't behave as you expected won't help you anything but rants back at you. The phone number of the billing support was quoted twice as far as I know. Get on your phone, call LL and explain them what happened and went wrong in your opinion. Maybe LL will be so kind and cancel the transaction so you can buy Lindens from your other credit card. Apparently, this would be the first thing to do, but instead you prefer coming right here into the SL Answers forum and rant about LL how evil they are and committed fraud because you didn't know how things work. This will get you nowhere but only banned if you do like you wrote you will do, whereas a simple call explaining the situation in a friendly manner might have solved the issues within minutes!
  6. You should call billing support - and avoid terms like those in your initial post: If you have a non-technical issue with your account related to billing concerns, you can call the Linden Lab Billing team at the following toll-free numbers: US/Canada: 800-294-1067 France: 0805-101-490 Germany: 0800-664-5510 Japan: 0066-33-132-830 Portugal: 800-814-450 Spain: 800-300-560 UK: 0800-048-4646 Long distance (not free): 703-286-6277 The Billing team is available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.
  7. Yeah sure... From USA... And forgot english...
  8. Because nobody will add anybody to their instant messanger for answering questions. And: Posting 3 or 4 times every few minutes makes it not faster to get an answer. We are not official LL support and not looking into here every minute.
  9. Maybe it would help if you tell us what language you understand so we can help you better.
  10. If you have the same problem, then read the answers above. All you need to know and what to do is already explained there.
  11. And almost at the same time, another avatar touches the object and initiates another session. But bad luck, the order the session on the webserver is reversed because of the different routes taken through the Internet. And voila, big problem! So to be serious: If there is no way to synchronize the order of the clicks and the request on the webserver, it's useless.
  12. You're welcome. If this solves your question, please be so kind and mark the question as solved. Thank you!
  13. Could be. But I thought he might want to use it for some sort of sign-up thing or something like that. Which leads me - again - to the question when - if ever - llTextbox will be implemented...
  14. Of course the connection is lost. Which leads me to the question: Why do you still want that information then if he leaves your website? Or do you want to trace a user's browsing history?
  15. For that kind of implementation you don't need a proxy server. Your web server will get that data already. And also this still won't work if more than one avatar at the same time is using the shared web content.
  16. And how should the proxy server do that? And why should somebody connect to SL using your proxy (if that's what you meant)?
  17. It's a web browser running, streaming the web content directly to your viewer and not going en route via LL. So how should that be possible? It's basically the same as parcel media. So no way to get that data. In fact, this is the least piece of privacy I expect from that feature!
  18. Ich denke das Einfachste wäre bei der kostenlosen deutschen Billing-Hotline anzurufen und nachzufragen: 0800-664-5510
  19. This is also from the FAQ: If a USD deposit or item purchase is flagged for manual review, a message alerting you to this fact will be displayed after the transaction is initiated. Manual reviews are usually done within two business days. Upon reviewing the transaction, we may hold it for up to seven days. The volume of holds we must place prohibits us from automatically notifying you that we're holding your funds, but you're welcome to contact us at our Support page to inquire about the status of your pending transactions.
  20. Did you buy the Linden Dollars with Paypal? First time Paypal users are subject to fraud reviews according to the XStreet FAQ: Fraud reviews In order to expedite our Customer's transactions, we conduct reviews several times through out our business day and into late night hours. First-time PayPal users should be aware that all first-time Xstreet PayPal user transactions are automatically flagged and held for a manual review by our fraud screening software. This is normal and necessary in order to insure that we can continue to operate in the present-day environment of the internet and of Second Life, which by its nature includes a nonzero risk of fraud. Depending on changing criteria, our automated fraud prevention software may flag and hold any PayPal transaction at any time. This proactive approach to fraud is necessary in order for us to continue providing risk-free services to the Residents of Second Life.
  21. I assume you are on XStreet. Doesn't this work? https://www.xstreetsl.com/modules.php?name=Currency&file=easybuy
  22. I don't know. I just gave it a try and I'm also forbidden to download the sources for 1.23.5...
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