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Kelli May

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Everything posted by Kelli May

  1. I've been able to access the new avatars on one account but not another. Both accounts are of a similar age (2007 and 2008). I'm using the same viewer for both. The Library is visible in inventory and the folder structure apparently intact, but the new sub-folders don't appear. Searching for the components by name doesn't help. @Lindal: thanks for the suggestion. I'm not using Firestorm, but I hacked the relevant files in the folders for the viewer involved. It didn't help, unfortunately. I do have premium accounts, but the one affected isn't premium so support probably won't touch it. @Rolig: I suspected it was something like this, but deleting the relevant inv.gz file hasn't changed things, neither has manually deleting the entire cache. Note that another account that shares the same cache is not affected (happily, fiddling with cache hasn't caused it any problems, either). eta: None of the solutions worked, imcluding a clean installation of the standard viewer. Thanks to those who tried to help, it was appreciated. After some time, the problem fixed itself and the avatars appeared.
  2.  Mixing and matching Daisy skin Carla brows Maria shape Kimberly eyes Wyatt hair, just for the heck of it Kimberly shirt Carla jeans Elizabeth shoes My own AO.
  3. Prokofy Neva wrote: You shouldn't have to force newbies -- after all, the target audience -- to fuss with windlight, no, no sale. And it doesn't matter if you have a good or bad graphics card because it's not about their colour so much as their movements and the look in their eye which is not about the lighting. Glad you see my point. But it's not "some are mesh and some aren't" -- they are ALL mesh with this latest batch. And no, you can't separate out parts, which just goes to show the previous poster didn't really try them. There's no way to. You click on "take off" -- it goes nowhere. It's all or nothing. Inside the folders, if you remove the hat, the hair comes with it. I tried removing the AO -- I couldn't. Maybe that's the glitch but that would half-way solve the ghastliness if I could do that. I also want to point out that their gruesomeness is exactly "au natural" -- as it happened, I had had these glitches with my previous avatar, no matter what viewer I was on, whereby the system was dressing him in white system clothing on top of the regular clothing I have and claiming that clothing was "missing," forcing me to "take off" the white pants etc each log-in. So a Linden did some procedures on my account, and when I next logged in, I literally was like a newbie -- a brand-clean screen, with "choose your gender" which is why I even decided to get the new system avatar in the first place. So it's not an issue with a shape or something, these are what they are. I realize that there's always a concerted set on the forums who serve as strident fanboyz and fangirlz fiercely loyal not only to the Lindens but their chosen creator crew, and refuse to concede any criticism. But sorry, the truth has to be said. Whatever the creative impulse here, the implementation is ghastly. You clearly have no understanding of how SL avatars work if you make a statement like that. I've removed/replaced parts of each avatar, worn and mixed and matched to my heart's content. I mentioned this in previous posts - using shoes from two of the new avs on my alt. I now also wear the eyes from the av I've photographed on that alt; they're very pretty and detailed. Each av is just a set of components like any other in SL. If you can't understand how avatars work, you aren't qualified to comment on them. You don't even realise which avs are in the current set (traditional default bodies plus mesh clothing) versus the previous set (add-on mesh bodies with the default SL body concealed by an alpha).
  4.  If you post an av in an ugly pose with unflattering lighting, it will look ugly. No photoshop, other than cropping. Just a change of lighting.
  5. Yes, I've tried some of the avatars, and some of the clothing and hair from the others. I even wrote a little about it. I've also noticed one or two 'in the wild' on newbies. I thought they were a great improvement. Perhaps this is just a clash of taste? I'll admit that I haven't worn them for long, because I have better in my inventory. That hardly renders them 'gruesome'. I've just checked a couple of the male AOs and they're not to my taste, but to suggest that they're going to damage newcomers' interest in SL is quite ridiculous. You mentioned mixing and matching components, particularly skins. Why would that not work with these avatars? How is that different from the avs of the era you mention? A lot of the components will transfer to other avs - hair, skins and shoes, certainly (I've borrowed the nude heels for one of my more impoverished alts). The clothes are less useful that way, but by no means are they all write-offs. I did notice that if you wear one of these male AOs on a female shape, it notices and detaches itself with a warning message. Other than that, there's a lot you can work with. I always thought the boy-next-door skin was unntaurally orange, and rather short of detail anywhere but the face. No accounting for taste. I'd happily wear some of the new skins if I was starting out, although an option without a hairbase would be helpful. None of them are commercial standard, but they don't stand out as unpleasant. Certainly not enough to send me throwing money at a replacement. (Aside: someone might know if they're based on the Eloh skins? There's something of a resemblance to my eye.) If the AO is such an issue, and I'm really not convinced it is, then what's to stop people from removing it? For a newbie, it's easier for them to understand the idea an AO if they can see one attached. If it was never attached, they'd have to learn about it from other sources. Starting with an AO, they can at least get the idea that an attachment to animate their av is an option.
  6. Really? Because I thought they were a vast improvement on anything that had been provided before. They're certainly better than the weird, cardboard statue full-mesh avs that have been baffling newbies for the past several months. True, they aren't perfect. The proportions (of the ones I checked) are still out, and the clothing isn't mix-and-match enough to satisfy my need to customise. The point, surely, is that these are starter avatars. They aren't meant for 'experienced' residents - and I use the scare quotes because despite your years in SL, your knowledge of how the av works seems to be basic at best. Hair coming off with hats? It's pretty normal for hair creators to sell hair/hat combinations. These avs give a newbie a decent starting look, and let them see how an avatar is put together (something the last block of avs failed to do). I've seen plenty of much older residents walking around in worse. The point of the SL av is customisation. Don't like the AO? Buy a different one (or pick up one of several, quite acceptable, free ones). Same goes for anything else on the avatar. Few people expect to wear a starter av forever; however good they might be, we'd all be wandering around like a bunch of clones. You mention Blue Mars not changing their avs, but LL have constantly updated what is available. The av I started with would look ridiculous today: painted on clothes, lumpy system hair, staring eyes, play-doh skin and no AO. It's been slow progress and usually a couple of steps behind what the rest of us were wearing, but it does move on.
  7. Actual system specifications would be more helpful: CPU, GPU and RAM. The details you've given "Mobile Intel® 4 Series Express Chipset " suggest a laptop, quite likely with built-in graphics. This probably doesn't meet the minimum system requirements for running SL. nae8ean wrote: ...please fix this issue to support my driver version: on windows 10 Q_Q If you're expecting LL to read this forum you are mistaken. This is a users' forum and LL barely even look in. Even if they did. don't expect them to patch SL to make it work on your specific system any time soon.
  8. I do, although that time (as far as I could tell) I actually was showing as nude. Solved by a sculpt bikini, as I remember. By turns, frustrating, amusing and titillating.
  9. SirLeighBastard wrote: I find it extremely amusing to tell people that their clothes have not rezzed and that they are appearing nude to everyone else. ***Call me Miss Cheevus If you're extremely persuasive, you can suggest they take their clothes off and put them back on again a few times to force them to rez.
  10. I think a lot of existing residents won't realise they exist, and most newcomers won't realise the avs are anything new. Innula Zenovka wrote: This is very worrying. Here we have quite a significant announcement from LL and no one has yet declared it marks "the end of SL as we know it™" or called for the CEO's resignation. ... Well, I'll do it just to get it out of the way. *clears throat* The sky is falling! The sky is faaaaalling!!
  11. They use the default SL avatar base. I think the point is that LL have moved away from the awkward and hard-to-customise full-mesh avs that were the recent option. The new ones are what most people are wearing: a default av with mesh clothes. They're new in that they're a new set of avatars from LL, not a new technology.
  12. ChinRey wrote: Kelli May wrote: ...but still has the same slightly T-rexy arms. I think that's on purpose actually. They've been optimized for PaleoQuest. It just seems a pity no-one on the avatar team seems to notice this. Tweak the shape just a little (+20 on arms, -10 on legs, maybe +10 head size) and it falls much closer to natural proportions. All the mesh still fits perfectly.
  13. I just tried the Daisy avatar and it's a huge improvement on any previous starter av I've seen. Quite a nice skin with good facial detail and no exaggerated shading. It has nipples but a Barbie-doll crotch, which I suppose is a reasonable compromise. The shape is roughly 5' 10" (178cm) tall, but still a little disproportionate. Arms are too short, legs a little too long and over all, a bit skinny. The entire avater is almost 8.5 heads tall, which is a little exaggerated but not as extreme as many out there. Very nice rigged mesh hair that I'd be happy to wear on my main av. Clothes are cowboy boots, shorts and a plaid shirt, all in rigged mesh. The shorts and shirt are one piece with a single alpha. With the red hair, freckled skin, features and tall, leggy shape, this looks like a clear attampt at an Amy Pond/Karen Gillan avatar. The outfit is a combination of clothes she wore in episodes of DW*: I'm not sure if she ever wore the boots, shorts & plaid shirt all at the same time, but I've seen them all at different times. *apparently we're blocked from naming the show here. It has a blue police box and sounds like Doctor Woo! eta: just had a quick look at another avatar, this one called Amy. This one is a little shorter, but still has the same slightly T-rexy arms. This one, at least, has separate sweater & skirt components although the sweater alpha extends further down than the mesh. All-in-all these look very good. Despite the niggles on the proportions (and the shapes are mod, so it's fixable) they are so much better than any other starter av. The blow the mesh-bodied avs out of the water and should be much easier for newbies to transition to dressing their own avatars.
  14. Looks like I'm having router/connection issues, and the server work earlier this week was purely coincidental.
  15. Rusty Sciavo wrote: We are married in RL, will be married 4 years November the 7th, 2015. Who has been married longer? Rusty Sciavo You both been married the same length of time. Is this a trick question?
  16. SirLeighBastard wrote: Kelli May wrote If anyone has any other suggestions, I'd be happy to hear them. Walk. ***Call me SirLeigh I'm too lazy.
  17. Whirly Fizzle wrote: There are a number of people suffering from frequent TP disconnects on the HTTP RC viewer (http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Alternate_Viewers). If you are using that viewer you may find that's the problem. It should be fixed if you roll back to the default release viewer from https://secondlife.com/support/downloads/ Relevant JIRA issues: BUG-10598 - logged out when tping from one LM to another BUG-10607 - [CoreHTTP] Teleport issue failed at region and disconnected from SL viewer BUG-10624 - [CoreHTTP] I am not able to teleport anymore. Teleport goes slowly. BUG-10625 - [Core-HTTP] Attempting an intra-parcel TP when a forced landing point is set leaves TP screen hanging at "Requesting teleport" instead of showing "Could not teleport closer to destination" error. Interesting, but not the problem I'm having. I hope it's useful for the OP or anyone else suffering. I'm using the Catznip viewer which hasn't been updated in some time, plus that issue seems to have come up some days before mine. I've not had this kind of problem in years, and I remember when TPing with too many attachments could crash you. A router reset hasn't helped. I haven't noticed problems with websites or streaming media (in or out of SL). Even when a TP is successful, they are often much slower than normal. Intra-sim TPs seem OK. I haven't noticed a pattern of busy sims being worse than quiet at either end of the TP. It's not limited to one account, or as far as I can tell, one viewer. I've just tried with Singularity and crashed on my 4th TP attempt. If anyone has any other suggestions, I'd be happy to hear them.
  18. I've had this a lot since the server work yesterday. I was hoping it would stop when they declared it complete, but it's carried on today too. I'm finding a lot of other network-style issues too, like attachments slow to attach/detach.
  19. This has been asked a few times, and the short answer is "it's hard to say". A longer answer: Pre-paid debit cards don't have a good history of working. VISA-backed debit cards which draw on a bank account work perfectly for some people, not for others. Also discussed here and here.
  20. Rhonda Huntress wrote: Kelli May wrote: Amethyst Jetaime wrote: I agree about gift cards. However some debit cards do work because they are branded ( Visa or MasterCards etc ) AND the bank that issues them makes immediate payment. Mine works like that. My bank will pay up to a certain amount, just like a credit card, even if I don't have money in my account. Of course they come after me then and charge me a hefty overdraw fee LOL, so I'm sure the money is in the account. ditto on that. Everything I've ever paid to LL (tier, subs and L$ purchases) has been via debit card for over nine years. If your debit card can also be run as a credit card (like I have to do at a lot of gas pumps) you will not have any problems. Most cards work this way but there are a few that are different. It's all up to the bank that issues the card. In other words, if you hand your debit card to the waitress and she brings you back a slip to sign, your debit card will work with LL. Not to say you're wrong (as far as sign-for-it debit cards working for SL), but if I hand my debit card to a waitress, she's overwhelmingly likely to put it in a portable EPoS and hand it back for me to authorise it by PIN. In the UK at least, signing to authorise card transactions is extremely rare.
  21. impyog wrote: ... how do i upload the custom skin? it says in my kemono resource pack that i need three different files and gives the dimensions but i have no idea how to seperate/crop them from the psd, which has all of the parts and things together. i can give a screenshot of the files i have if that could help anyone give me some help, ha is there a good way to navigate the in-game menus for customization? they seem a little haphazard for me. i mean, i'm navigating them and getting where i need to, but it's all a little complicated. idk, maybe it's just something i have to get used to? ... Skins are uploaded as image files, usually .png, through the Build... Upload menu for L$10 per upload. I'd recommend the Creation Forum for more detailed help on skin creation, and some Photoshop/GIMP tutorials if you aren't familiar with working with layers. I'd back up Chantilly's advice to get familiar with the basics first, too. You can't change the main menu but you can rearrange the toolbar buttons. You can either drag buttons from one bar to the other, from place to place within either bar, or remove them. If you right-click either bar and select 'Toolbar buttons' you can get a palette of available buttons and further options. Also, you can change the navigation bar just under the menu. I prefer only a single toolbar across the bottom of the screen and remove all the social media nonsense, for example.
  22. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: I agree about gift cards. However some debit cards do work because they are branded ( Visa or MasterCards etc ) AND the bank that issues them makes immediate payment. Mine works like that. My bank will pay up to a certain amount, just like a credit card, even if I don't have money in my account. Of course they come after me then and charge me a hefty overdraw fee LOL, so I'm sure the money is in the account. ditto on that. Everything I've ever paid to LL (tier, subs and L$ purchases) has been via debit card for over nine years.
  23. Only Marketplace purchases are sent to Received Items. Items bought in-world don't go to Received Items and never have. In-world purchases are either supplied as an object that you have to unpack, in which case it it'll go to your Objects folder. Otherwise you'll receive a folder* that'll be sorted alphabetically or in date order, depending on how you have Inventory set up. *Occasionally I've been sent a folder containing an object which I then had to unpack to get a folder containing my purchases. Some vendors are just set up poorly.
  24. Welcome to SL! There's no solution to your first problem other than choosing different animations for your Animation Override. The software doesn't track intersections of body parts. One of the issues is that some animations are based on avatars with unrealistically short limbs and skinny bodies, with no care taken for where the limbs end up. Mesh is a whole can of worms but it can be worth the effort. Effectively you'll be hiding the regular avatar body with more alphas, then putting a new mesh body (or parts of one - mesh feet, hands and boobs are popular) on top. There have been a lot of threads on this recently so I won't repeat the advice that's already been given. Here's a search for MESH on this board, and a link to a review blog. I hope they're useful.
  25. SMASH in Whisky is right on a Linden road, so you can drive up to it. It has a helicopter landing pad, but I don't know if they let patrons land there. It's not super-unusual otherwise, although it's a great build and setting, being built into the snowy landscape with steps up to the outdoor dancefloor. The club where I DJ is in a re-purposed industrial platform on a desert planet. I've seen others on space-stations, oil rigs and desecrated churches. Unusual is quite usual in SL.
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