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Nacy Nightfire

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Everything posted by Nacy Nightfire

  1. I think its a thoroughly wierd idea to copy content from one game into another. If it already exists in a game play THAT game, Don't try to recreate it in SL, it will never be as good as the commercial version. Remember Its: "Your World. Your Imagination", not "Your Derivative World. No Imagination.":matte-motes-bored:
  2. I think your energies might be spent in a more creative way, and this type of post sets a negative tone in a forum that works well as a community toward a the common goals of helping others and getting mesh out on the main grid. As to worrying about law breaking, there are far more important issues in the world that don't get addressed having to do with human rights and dignity. Linden Labs, I'm sure, has a team of lawyers looking out for its best interests. Unless your thing is to role-play a detective assigned to LL, I don't think your query has a place here. Try to contact LL directly and voice your concerns.
  3. "Their company, their rules" not to be confused with "your world, your imagination" and I say this without the least bit of irony. This is a private company not a democracy. Linden Labs can establish rules for their customers that they don't themselves have to abide by, for any number of reasons including testing things. And this is perfectly fair. None of us are in a position to question or judge what their intentions are on the beta grid. So yes...you are wrong to be bothered about this.
  4. hmmm how did THAT one get passed the censors? :matte-motes-agape:
  5. That's fantastic Ashasekayi. I can't wait to watch them. Thanks so much!
  6. For anyone on the fence about trying Zbrush, I'd like to say its great fun. I started with Zbrush without any 3d modeling knowledge or skills. There's work involved getting up to speed, but lots of free and reasonably priced tutorials online and a terrific forum Zbrush Central and a 1 month free trial, I believe. Here's a beginning project which took me about an hour to put together to this stage:
  7. Vivienne, your dresses are gorgeous, as always. I get the impression from your photos that there's an inflated rubbery looking bend thing happing in the skirt area. Does the skirt respond like the default system skirt? Do you see this in action in SL or is it an illusion from the photo. I don't see it with the men's pants you designed.
  8. Lol, thanks Medhue, I needed a good laugh this morning. I challenged you to point out where in my posting you were insulted and that challenge still stands. Of course insinuating I'M a "fanboi" and a "special kind of person" ARE actual insults (however I'm a big "kid" so I can take it!). Branding another poster as a "fanboi" seems to be the last refuge of a forum poster who has an indefensible position, yet must get the last word in. It's also tediously unoriginal. And, fyi, there's no evidence I am in fact a blind loyalist to all things Linden. Finally, Complaining about complaining? Two negatives equal a positive. I've now said all I'm going to say on this matter...by all means post again and have the final word.
  9. 1) Yes, I am serious 2) Insults? Point to them. 3) Devoting your whole life to this platform, this sounds a bit extreme to me. I'm not sure that's what LL intended. Also optional. My experience in this game is in no way enhanced by your choice to commit hours and hours in SL. 4) When I buy nice stuff in SL I don't see it as an "experience". It's virtual "cr*p", often overpriced for what it is, but amusing. It's a pixel painting, sometimes enhanced by some scripting, (or a series of paintings to give the illusion of 3d). And I also assume the creator of this artwork had alot of fun in the process, perhaps made a few bucks. If person who made the stuff is agonizing and sacrificing to give me the best possible customer service, they needn't bother. I expect that kind of service (never get it though!) in REAL LIFE not in a virtual world, but those are my priorities. 5) Assault? Are we engaging in some kind of role play I'm not familiar with? If everyone was prohibited from buying and selling stuff, we'd all make do and still have a great time in SL. I run into people with free accounts all the time, they never spend a dime in SL and have a blast.
  10. Medhue you sound like someone who'd refuse anesthesia during an operation so you could yell at the the surgeon to hurry up. If LL decided to tell us NOTHING, no heads up or preparation, just unleashed it when they were ready, you'd most likely be complaining that they didn't give you time to prepare. You'd also be b*itching that there was never an opportunity to test the features and give input, insisting as a content creator your input is extremely valuable. LL has been very inclusive and generous, and they can't win here. And what good does it do to complain, but set a negative tone. I've been in SL since 10/07 and I don't recall ever getting a promise that if I start up a business in SL I'd have some personal stake in this company giving me a right to to expect instantaneous service. In fact you don't have to even rent but the tiniest bit of land to sell in SL and you can put all your product in the Marketplace, so any expenses you incur in SL are simply your choice, not imposed on you. This is why I refuse to spend any money in SL, although I used to spend alot. I find the arrogance of so called "content creators" appalling. As far as I've notice, people are still selling and paying their tier. As to redoing your stuff, that's you option. The entitlement of people who start up a business in a virtual environment run by a private company with its own personal business goals profit motive/needs that will always take precedence, where there is where there is a HISTORY of changes that can impact a business at a moments notice amazes me. By all means, build your house in a flood zone. Most of the time you will be high and dry, but you can't weather the inevitable storms and you don't have a back up plan, its your own problem.
  11. What difference does it really make. It's all 2d pixel images in a virtual world so you can have as much fun on the beta grid as the main grid working on meshes to your hearts content. Meanwhile people who don't build, and therefore buy your stuff, DO NOT CARE whether they are buying prims, meshes or sculpties...it all ends up as triangles anyway. They want good design and novelty. If it means you have to still build things with prims and sculpties until the change over, I should think that would be a piece of cake to you by now. These things will not be outdated and I full plan to keep wearing and using my prim/sculpty inventory. I paid for it or designed it. I like it. I'll continue to use it. And this wait gives you a chance to build up inventory. No one will have a huge advantage going in (which is great), everyone has had/will have plenty of time to catch up on mesh implementation and design if they are starting from scratch, since by now some really great tutorials have been produced and people's questions are being answered. All the horses will leave the gate at the same time. edited.
  12. Ask your question on the mesh forum. You might get someone interested in doing it for the practice.
  13. It's not enough just to be verified as an adult. You have to adjust your Preferences settings in the General tab, called: "I want to access content rated: " and make your selection. In the past, maybe due to a reinstall, my preference switched to PG and it was quite confusing for a while. Good luck and I hope that's all it is.
  14. Gaia, lol, I think you meant to reply to the author of the thread. I have Blender, Modo, Zbrush, Mudbox, Wings3d, and Lightwave, archipelis and sculptypaint an old, old version of amorphium and I still say Blender. The idea that Blender is harder to learn then other programs is a myth. If you never have been exposed to 3d programs the learning curve can be daunting in ANY software package. Many advanced/professional users have not liked the Blender interface, but who cares. They are already advanced users and have access to software packages that cost thousands of dollars with expensive training options. And the newest version takes care of this anyway...you can set your own shortcuts and interface to work exactly as you expect to. Blender seems to me to have the biggest, most generous free source of tutorials on the web, not the least of which are those fabulously authored by Gaia Clary on her Machinimatrix.org website. And for whatever you are going to need in SL, mesh or scultpy creations, Blender is already overkill. (And also I recommend the blender/sculpty specific tutorial series is by SLBlender (BlenderSL?) on youtube.)
  15. Nacy Nightfire


    ...I notice that somehow when words are skipped the humor drains right out.
  16. Nacy Nightfire


    If you'll disclose the location of your wedding we will all (men and women, alike) show up sing: and then we'll throw our prim panties at you. This will surely impress you bride.
  17. This might be a naive suggestion, but blender 2.57 has a bvh exporter. Could you possibly rotate the model in blender, zero out the rotation and and export the bvh so it shows up correctly in Messiah?
  18. That's fantastic that you got it to work! I hope when you perfect it you'll post here the work flow. I'm still finding blender so simple to use that I'd probably not switch over, but I had purchased Messiah during that great promotion,so it would be interesting to know how it works for this purpose. Meanwhile I appreciated the challege in trying to make it work, I learned a lot from my unsuccesfull efforts.
  19. That makes absolutely no sense.
  20. I messed around with Messiah this afternoon for a while. I didn't experience the crashing you described with exporting in fbx or its collada version. That's the only good news. I was able to skin the avie to the armature captured from the bvh file, but I too was unsuccessful in exporting this data. Tried in Blender and in SL..only got the mesh. Frustrating, but it works so well in Blender you might use Blender to skin your mesh to the default armature and reserve Messiah to send out BVH data. In blender its very simple to copy the bone weight data from the armature via parenting wiith just a bit of clean up needed and there's also a script to copy the bone weights from one mesh to another from the objects menu. To date you can't get fancy with the bone structure, the mesh has to conform to the bones from basic avatar. I haven't found it at all difficult to deform them into other sizes/shapes and I'm a beginner at all this. Good luck!
  21. Sorry I couldn't be of more help. I do have a copy of Messiah, but I haven't cracked it open yet since I'm very comfortable with Blender. Having tried mostly unsuccessfully (and believe me I'm quite a beginer at this) to rigg my avatar shape I extracted from SL in Poser, I've learned its no easy thing starting from scratch. Someone else with animating skills may jump in here and if I learn anything messing around with Messiah, I'll chime back in.
  22. As great a deal as Messiah was, Blender is free! And the armature that people are using successfully to skin with their meshes on the beta mesh is a blender file you can download from Gaia Clary's Machimatrix website: http://blog.machinimatrix.org/3d-creation/blender-meshes-trail/meshes-overview/ I'm not sure what the advantage is of redoing the work in Messiah, as opposed to Blender, but perhaps you can export this armature from blender in a format acceptable to Messiah for rigging your mesh. (I'm no expert here, and perhaps this should be the same as the bvh model, but I'm guessing if that was the case, everyone would be doing it )
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