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Selene Gregoire

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Posts posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. I spoke with her last night after receiving an offer of friendship. No, I did not accept and I hope I did so politely. I did take the time to let her know that there will be those who won't accept because we prefer to get to know others a little bit first.

    She did seem to take it well and I do look forward to getting to know her a little on forum. My friends list looks pretty pitiful after all these years. It's gone from over 100 people to about a dozen and none of them ever contact me so... 🤷‍♀️

    • Sad 1
  2. 59 minutes ago, ChinRey said:



    Let me try with a story - it may be a longish one.

    About year or two ago I was lucky enough to meet and become friends with one of the oldest, best, most creative and most popular of the old plant creators - who is also one of the builders I admire the most. During one of our long chats he started telling me the basics of making mesh trees. I didn't wnat to say anything, I jsut gave him a couple of my oaks to show him I already knew the basics. He was absolutely shocked. Not in his wildest dreams had he imagined it was possible to make SL trees with that much detail at such low land impact and lag. That was a rather nervous moment for me, when you stand on the shoulders of a giant it's generally a good diea not to flaunt to him how high you can reach. Fortunately this was a very gentle giant and besides, he had plenty of other things to flaunt himself so it all went very well - except we both lost a night's sleep ina  12 hour marathon chat.

    I have a lot of admiration for the Grand Old Builders of the past. The worked miracles to build this virtual world and they created the foundation all current good content creators work on. But so much has changed the last ten years and so many of them have not kept up to date with the development. Why should they? As one of them ocne said to me, people buy anyway. Even worse, many of them honestly believe they are up to date and know what is and what isn't possible to do with sculpts and mesh and materials and you-name-it and because of the authority they earned from their past works, people tend to believe them.

    Not sure what you're getting at as I never said I was asking creators for suggestions. "By those I feel I can trust" does not refer to creators. It does refer to people I know who have good judgment in such things. I certainly do not go around asking creators to recommend other creators whose work may (or may not) be of higher quality, if that is what you were thinking.

  3. 1 hour ago, rasterscan said:

    Sick to the back teeth of TP crashes, and sudden crashes some even reboot my PC. Dunno if it's SL or the Firestrom viewer but after 16 years to make the game stable I'd call LL a FAIL. I would'nt even play it anymore except I have friends here now.

    It's not the viewer. It's on LL's end and they know this.

    If your pc is rebooting itself, then your issue is either not the same or you're having the same tp issue as everyone else plus there is an issue with your computer. 

    Eliminate all possiblities on your end first, then address the tp issue, if you still have it.

  4. 5 minutes ago, Wondergirl216 said:

    I buy a stuff called ' RF Mesh Rope Coil, bondage, restraint" , here is the link where I buy this stuff https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/RF-Mesh-Rope-Coil-bondage-restraint/5626483

    Sadly, I can't figure out how it works. Can someone please help me ? Apology if I created this topic in a wrong forums. 

    There should be instructions included. If not try contacting the creator since they know best how their creations work with RLV. 

    Make sure you have RLV activated in preferences. You'd be surprised at how many don't know it is off in FS by default. Not sure if all TPVs have gone to this default setting though so check to be sure.

    I think that by linking the product, you should have posted this in the adult section. We'll know it belongs there if it gets moved.

  5. 1 minute ago, Lindal Kidd said:

    Good grief.  If I incorporated all this stuff into my Smart Shopper class, there'd have to be a prerequisite for an advanced degree.  Nice job, though, Marina.

    I was just about to say something about losing all desire to shop and the fun being sucked out of shopping, having to jump through all those hoops but I was having trouble trying to word it so it wouldn't offend.

    Mostly, I just stick with the creators I know or have been suggested to me by those I feel I can trust in that regard.

    • Like 1
  6. 3 hours ago, Fionalein said:

    Inventory size affects log on speed, I bet some people just jumped to conclusions from this (wether they be true or not)

    If that were true then how come it takes longer for me to log in now at under 30k inventory than it did when my inventory was almost 100k?

  7. 2 hours ago, Spitewick said:

    @Selene Gregoire While that may be true on a more widespread basis in the States, California has some very specific laws that outline the exceptions to unlawful gambling-esque machines. Page two in my first link explains it a bit more under “Narrowly Defined Amusement Devices Exceptions”. 

    Additionally, your wiki link points out that “Skill cranes in single-play mode (where the player has only one chance per credit to try for a prize) were found by the Ontario Court of Appeal to be essentially games of chance, and therefore prohibited except at fairs or exhibitions, where they are covered by an exemption.[8]” So there is still speculation on the perameters of legality from one state (or jurisdiction) to the next. 

    Ontario, Canada? I thought your concern was US law, which, btw, state law can not legally supersede federal law. It's the US feds that have the final say so in the US. International law is a different plate of spaghetti. 

    It's up to LL to determine if they are allowed in SL or not. Since LL has been down this road at least once several years ago, they've likely already made the determination.

    Best thing to do is contact LL and ask them what the policy is for SL.

  8. Sometimes, as what happened with my own homestead (M), you have no choice but to restrict access because people would keep parking their nude avs on the landing point, never answering IMs or making nuisances of themselves invading the homes of the people who helped to pay the tier and you can't be online 24/7 to deal with it.

    What's that? Hire a manager you say? When I needed tenants to help pay for the region in the first place and their rent didn't cover the tier because not only am I a nice person, I wanted to pay my part as well, rather than sticking it to my tenants? Fact is, one of my tenants was my manager. Neither of us could be on 24/7.

    My point is, sometimes there are circumstances that require "drastic" measures. I'd rather not wait until something happens that requires "drastic measures". I much prefer to "nip it in the bud". Better to be safe than sorry. 

  9. 39 minutes ago, paragonfanfare said:

    From that post, it sounds more like one of the devs said "hey, I found something that could be causing it, but probably isn't.  Why don't we roll it into the logging release and see if it helps anyway?"

    You got that from this?


    We have a deloy to RC channels that is happening right now.  It includes some extra logging for teleporting and some teleport improvements.    I'll update everything proper  with versions sometime today.  -version



  10. 22 minutes ago, Whirly Fizzle said:

    Well I was bitching about not being able to reproduce the bug.  Now I can haha.
    Me and my big mouth...   :D

    I know what you mean. I kept waiting for it to happen and it never did. But once I stopped thinking about it, it started happening. 

    Augh! Get it off me! 


    • Haha 2
  11. 13 minutes ago, Whirly Fizzle said:

    Yes, "teleport improvements" have been rolled to all the RC regions.


    Unfortunately, for me anyway, the fix doesn't work.
    I know how to reproduce the TP disconnect fairly reliably now & I reproduced it twice within 10 minutes teleporting between RC regions on the new server version  :(

    It's an improvement though.

    Right? o.O

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