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Selene Gregoire

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Posts posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. 5 hours ago, Markham Weatherwax said:

    I tell people the above when they are leaving SL forever, but I also say that if they leave their account inactive just in case one day they might return, before they logout for the very last time, delete everything you can in your inventory, save for one shape, one skin, one set of clothes. That's enough to have to start off fresh as a brand new account and not have lots of old objects, textures, scripts, and sounds in inventory

    I hope you are not giving this advice to any content creators because if they follow your advice there will be a lot of unhappy customers with broken content.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 23 minutes ago, Minx Kurosawa said:

    Paying for demos. Is a petpeeve.

    Most say its to avoid c-bots (you get what I mean)

    I don't understand why customers have to suffer because of what c-bots do.

    Yea I know it's just one 1L omg..lmao etc etc.

    But I've seen some that were 3L.. for a demo...

    I've seen 10L and up. Needless to say I don't do business with any of them. I don't pay for demos. Frankly, anyone that does should have their head examined, as my grandmother would say. I see it as money wasted that could have been used for better things. Like a donation to RFL.

  3. 6 hours ago, BloodDoll Lulu said:

    Oh I have deleted and blocked them 100s of times. This person has made 100s of accounts and they probably are tracking me via the uuid. I probably should have said that before. They not only track me but my friends and the times they log in.  They message on new accounts, numerous within minutes and I block and eventually they give up but then track me anyway on a new one, they even did track an alt once though it was for holding gacha stuff and not a name anyone would have known and at the time they tracked it, it was in a private sim alone. There's a lot of stuff they do out of SL too I just don't want to go into all of that.

    There is no fix for this person. I've sent harassment tickets to LL for every alt they made to contact me. This has been happening for a LONG time. I started SL as a teen and now i'm late 20s and pretty much that entirety they've not gone away, I've blocked countless alts.  The sheer amount of alts I've blocked of theirs is more tiresome than a mmorpg grind in a free to play game.

    Online stalking is as illegal as RL stalking. It's past time to involve law enforcement.

  4. 3 hours ago, AmyMayGallagher said:

    First forum post so first of all hi to all.

    The reason why I'm responding to this as i had a similar thing happen to me the other day . I had a skypad one of those great starter ones so i had a place to rezz in and change and so on. I let the sky pad go as found somewhere else but i had not changed my home position so unintentionally rezzed into this skypad one day when logging into SL , well the new occupier was standing there and asked if she could help me . Immediately i apologised and explained why i was there and she was very nice about it , we both wished one another a lovely day and i left immediately and made sure to change my home position straight away. My point is , to use a old LM and then just go AFK without even first checking where you are and if you are in someones land/home was rude , you should have apologised to that person and left immediately. . Their money that pays for their tiers/rents = their personal space and rules.


    Didn't it ever occur to you that sometimes it's not possible to check anything before going afk? I don't know about you but I value my life and the life of my other half far more than I do SL or my computer.

  5. 5 hours ago, Rhonda Huntress said:

    Isn't that kind of what Second Life is?

    I think what Gopi had in mind was more like Surrogates with Bruce Willis. Which, when you think about it, we (humans) are well on our way to a surrogate society with cell phones and all kinds of portable devices. Not a very comforting thought for us pack types. Physical contact (being touched) is very important.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Mollymews said:

    yes this

    for me the Home button is my default click for every situation that isn't what I anticipate or want.  Lagging - press Home. Wrong TP History - press Home. Incorrect destination - press Home. Aged LM - press Home. Uncomfortable chat - press Home. Wrong search choice - press Home. Need to AFK - press Home.

    You must have a normal sized bladder and don't need to just jump up and run. :D

    • Haha 7
  7. 6 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    Oops, no. YOU didn't. Sorry about that -- momentary forgetfulness about how this software works!

    ETA: Fixed!

    Thanks. I even went back and looked to see if it was me. lol

    That happens when you do the highlight to quote thing from a quoted post. It puts the wrong person's name on it. It's happened to me, Love and about 5 other people in the last 2 or 3 months. So I don't quote from within a quote anymore to avoid confusion. ;)

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  8. 6 hours ago, KanryDrago said:

    If I check out a profile and it has on the front page a wish list then it gets shut straight down and I don't bother reading more and just don't bother with im'ming them

    How about the First Life tab? Is that one ok? Cuz that's where I put mine yesterday... 

    I really should go through mine and move most of it to My Favs since 800/900Ls for a bed is a bit much. Problem with that though is I use my Favs for the items I want for my builds to keep them separate from personal stuffs.

    Gah. Babbling again. Sorry.

    • Like 1
  9. 19 minutes ago, Gabriele Graves said:

    You have no idea about my point, just suggesting that rename proves how much you missed it.

    Oh so you are a mind reader and know what I'm thinking. Now where did I put that tin foil.

  10. 3 hours ago, Whirly Fizzle said:

    If it's still happening today, can you post a screenshot showing the error?

    Are you able to buy L$ using the LL viewer?
    If it also fails on the LL viewer, try another region, then if you still get the error, contact LL support.
    Also can you buy L$ with an alt?

    Thanks Whirlz. It may be months before I have a few spare bucks to buy 500Ls with again. I was able to do so on the website just not through the FS 5.1.7. 

    OMFG I was trying to get the popup and it went through and now I"ve spent money I don't freak ing have. Great just *****ing great now I get to go hungry for a *****ing week

    ETA; Sorry. Not your fault. It was a popup that said LL needed more info and provided a link to the SL FAQs. Which were of no use whatsoever. Nothing to indicate I was supposed to agree to Tilia's ToS. I shouldn't have to since I have never withdrawn funds and don't intend to.

    I don't have the LL viewer installed mostly because I so rarely have any problems and never use it other than for troubleshooting.

    Here's to hoping it was just a one time glitch. And possible due to the fact that we changed ISPs less than a month ago so my IP was different but that should not have caused the popup. It never has before when we changed ISP like last year.

    • Sad 1
  11. 9 hours ago, Gabriele Graves said:

    both of you missed my point by miles.

    No, I didn't miss your point but obviously mine went way over your head. I suppose LL could rename it to Aquaintances List to make you happy. 9_9

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Syo Emerald said:

    One of my favortie brands/stores just did the unthinkable: Making the colour black (which they _always_ features for any outfit they offered) a fatpack exclusive. Just...wow. Its so annoying when creators put black/white behind an extra paywall.

    Someone just lost a bunch of customers. Including me.

    • Like 1
  13. 47 minutes ago, Edwards Perry said:

    I am only trying to open the dialogue that ALL OF US have said to each other almost every time we meet .. who among you has not complained about freezing up and crashing out on your way to a party?..  We all complain about SL to each other but here in the forums its all sweet and spice and everything nice... This is the place to let LL know what we need to keep coming back. Your not going to get that Bellisaria house by talking about how cute the moles are dancing around the unfinished regions...

    No, we don't. You do not speak for me.   I do not have problems with freezing or crashing on the tater I'm using now or the one before or the one before, all the way back to my old 386 I started SL on. 

    ... Nah. People like you aren't worth wasting precious time on.


  14. On 8/12/2019 at 3:41 PM, MissMagicCakes said:

    they litterally posted a picture of a yasuo mesh model and said "would you change to this?!" and honestly I'm not even getting that from everyone elses posts either. its just pictures of stolen models and "MuH pOlYgOnS"

    The images being used are not images of avatars stolen from other games and brought into SL.  Only one of those avatas in the images is in SL and it is the one Kanry posted of his own Second Life avatar that is not ripped content. 

    JFHC is it a full moon or something.

    • Thanks 1
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