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Selene Gregoire

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Posts posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. 2 hours ago, Bitsy Buccaneer said:

    I think it's different in the new Linden Homes neighbourhoods than mainland. It's so much like a suburban neighbourhood that no signs of life at all can give it a weird feeling, a sort of uncanny valley aspect. The ability to cam through walls changes the equation of course, but I can understand what Coby's saying. Just some signs of life, someone to say hello to.

    With it being all or nothing, and the popularity of a locked down parcel, it's not just understandably not knowing what the neighbours are up to. It's more like not having a clue what any of them even look like.

    There are easy ways to find the parcel owner's name and IM them if there is a green dot on the parcel. I would have thought that to be rather common knowledge but on the other hand this is SL and there is a lot to learn. Not even the Lindens know it all. Individually. Collectively, they might know as much as (benefit of the doubt here) 99%.

    I get what Coby is saying, too, and I don't disagree with her. Wasn't meaning to play devil's advocate either. I wasn't aware LL allowed subdividing of the Linden Home parcels. Other parcels yeah but I wasn't sure about those particular ones. 

    I have the misfortune to be a fence sitter on this one. I'd rather have it both ways. Dividing a parcel seems to be the only option other than a skybox, which, I understand, are allowed unless that changed recently. If I could afford premium, I'd probably get one, build a garden at ground level and set up a skybox/platform.

    I have a home in SL now and a job that pays well on Hither. No one bothers me there. It's quiet. I can build to my heart's content and I couldn't have asked for a better boss. So I am content, happy even. Drop by sometime and have a looksee and please watch your step in the construction zones. Be prepared to duck! Oh and the neighbors? Best neighbors in all of SL.

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  2. 2 hours ago, Bitsy Buccaneer said:

    Male friend got kicked out for standing around wearing a kilt properly. Someone had to cam carefully to look. 🤷‍♂️

    Well... define proper. Depending on the time period, practically nothing (lèine cròiche or saffron long shirt) underneath followed by codpieces. The question is, which is true for the particular person standing in front of you wearing a kilt? Many won't ever say while a few will admit to something other than the long shirt.







  3. 1 hour ago, Matty Luminos said:

    This is why I am on SL, and not any other game.

    I do play one MMO. I've never used voice in STO* on either of my lifetime accounts. I'm going to have to start deleting characters because they are almost all maxed out if new levels don't get added soon. Sure, my fleet buddies (UNIVERSAL) use voice but they know I have hearing loss and don't have a problem with it. That is, when I'm in the fleet. Sometimes I get booted because they need the space for new members and I haven't logged in in months. For me, it's the best fleet in STO.

    I really do wish LL didn't require to log in every week to get stipend, unlike other MMOs like STO where you can go months even years without logging in while your "credit" builds up... then you can go on a huge shopping spree! Ships, pets, clothing, weapons, silly fun things like party poppers and fireworks.


    *Star Trek Online

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  4. 7 hours ago, Coby Foden said:

    Why should there be a need always to hide yourself from your neighbors when you are in your garden?

    Why do neighbors need to know what I am doing in my garden? Nosy neighbors. Busybodies. Evesdroppers.

    What we do on our parcels is our business, no one else's. If we chose to allow others to know our business that is our choice. If we choose to not allow nosy neighbors to know our every move, that is our choice. Personally, I prefer the latter. I've had to deal with too many nosy neighbors over the decades in RL. Not even going to tolerate it in SL.

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  5. 3 hours ago, BelindaN said:

    Forum Angels is the group I set up for the fashionistas Selene......free to join, blah blah, but we don't make enough use of it. The one day when about ten of us were in world, and it would have been perfect for a school photo, I had no time, and time zones play havoc anyway...………..especially when I can't stay on after 12.00SLT.

    I always feel I'm missing out when the USA comes out to play...……. 9_9

    Is that noon or midnight SLT? Cuz those hours are the ones I'm usually logged in. Noon to midni... ok well no I don't usually stay up that late. I try to shut down between 9 and 10 and leave the late nights for the weekends... when I can manage to stay up late and awake.

  6. 4 hours ago, Talligurl said:

    No, not before SL had mesh, just before I had it. So I suppose they had had issues with girls with mesh bodies and that particular animation, and so they were not taking any chances.

    Either way, if you got no warning or no one bothered to get you into IMs to talk to you about it... it was still a petty act, although possibly one induced by panic. Which makes the club look even worse. BS like this is why I gave up on clubs years ago, RL and SL, including owning and operating. In SL they are a losing proposition for the owner. Clubs in SL do not make a profit, contrary to what club owners want you to believe. They lose money.

  7. 2 hours ago, Talligurl said:

    Though back in my premesh days. I was dancing at this club in a G rated area, wearing a very respectable dress, but the dance animation included some high kicks, and I suddenly found myself flying as i got ejected from the club for being indecent.

    Wait... what? before 2012 (?) when mesh bodies came out (Maitreya's Lara was 2014) some club booted you for being indecent doing high kicks in a dress? Wow. People think I'm a prude. That beats me by a few thousand miles. Seems I have good reason not to associate with many people. RL or SL. ffs. That was just... petty.

  8. 38 minutes ago, Talligurl said:

    and when he is not a doormat, he is a tiny kitten, pretty much the same view.

    Before mesh bodies I never worried about it because no bits. Now mesh bodies come with (more or less) and I have to remember to make sure nothing can be seen from below. AS if women don't have enough of that kind of stuff to worry about in RL, now we have to deal with the same crap in SL only worse. System bodies do have a few advantages.

    • Like 2
  9. 29 minutes ago, BelindaN said:

    I know, it makes perfect sense. Thing is, I'm  a social animal, so I encounter lots of avis. And I'm selective believe it or not.  If the initial chat doesn't pass muster that's it.  But it seems that the charming chatterboxes, the one percent, the ones who don't offer a tp home, still conceal that predictable agenda, and none want a loose informal hang out occasionally friendship.

    Which is what we have with the Forum Angels.... we chat in world occasionally, we hang out very occasionally. We have fun. That's it. No obligations, no expectations, just informal. 

    Not good enough for the vast majority of guys. I'm not really complaining because there's plenty to do anyway without that crap. Tomorrow I might just have a clearout. :)



    I can't disagree with a single thing you have said. Well... except for the Forum Angel part. Never heard of that before. I expect it's by invitation only. Something I'll never get since I'm no angel. lol :D

  10. 58 minutes ago, BelindaN said:

    Just now.... guy I've seen on and off for a while sends IM. Wants to meet up. I don't have much time left in world, but offer to meet him for a dance.

    No reply, he just logs out.

    Now that has peed me off. He didn't relog so it wasn't a crash. I think he was after something else.......and I think he needs a recalibration. It ALWAYS goes that way.........

    If it were me, I would be asking myself why do I put up with such behaviour if it happens every time. My answer would be enough is enough. Block, remove, done. If it were me.

    • Like 4
  11. 8 minutes ago, Lixingke Kujisawa said:

    Eructation is simply a fancier,

    I was kidding. I'm one of those people that say burp when I mean burp, fart when I mean fart. Although I do use flatulent from time to time when calling someone a flatulent fardling. I love Anne McCaffrey's colorful metaphors. Spock could have learned a thing or two from her.

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  12. 17 minutes ago, Alwin Alcott said:

    you'r lately really hardly able to response calm isn't it? .. take a break.

    There is nothing agitated about my response. It was full of information that you apparently did not know.  Since my normal profession is Accounting I have that knowledge and can pass it on. Makes no difference to me if you accept or reject my knowledge. That's on you, not me.

    I am given to being blunt and quite frank because I lost all patience with people who make erroneous assumptions about me and then try to perpetuate those erroneous assumptions. You can thank SLU for that.

    I'll take a break when I determine I need one, not when ordered to do so. 

  13. 1 hour ago, Alwin Alcott said:

    it's dangerous to mention numbers.. those aren't globally.
    As example, in the Netherlands you have report ALL income, including the 5 dollars from SL. And depending on your taxable income-scale you start paying 36.65 %  from receiving  1 and up...till even a rate of 51.75%.

    So the USD in front of the figure didn't clue you in? And were you not aware, as I stated in one of my posts, that ALL US income must be reported to the IRS by US federal law? LL has to abide by the laws of the country they are domiciled in. LL is in the US. LL must report all withdrawals (income) to the IRS, including those that fall below the threshold. That is how the IRS knows you owe taxes. If LL didn't report the 1099 incomes, LL could be held liable and we all stand to lose SL over it.

  14. 3 hours ago, Pamela Galli said:

    Unless you are one of the very few privileged people who are above the law. 

    They aren't really above the law though. Bribing judges, intimidating jurors, officer kickbacks, all those things show just how truly weak and scared the "1%" is. They know the real power lies within the people. That is the real reason the "1%" are so desperate to continue the lie and keep the less fortunate believing they [the "1%"] are all powerful until someone finds the spine to take them down.

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  15. 2 hours ago, Oz Linden said:

    That's true only for direct person to person voice calls. Any group/local/conference voice is anonymous because you are connected through a mixer. 

    That's what I was forgetting... the part about it only possible in person to person voice calls. Thanks Oz!

    You know, we really should stop all the shenanigans in IMs at the TPV meetings... 

    I'm kidding! ^_^

  16. On 8/22/2019 at 6:30 AM, anthonytorino said:

    There are some truths about Texas and some that are simply to narrow because Texas varies in ideas, political support and community.

    Here in the south side of Houston, People around the surrounding annexes tend to be more moderate and liberal. It is a cultural melting pot, and Dallas and Austin also follow that pattern.

    Further south in galveston is a whole different place, where it is an island community a different then mainland Texas with a wide variety of people.

    Suburbs away from main cities tend to be more far right, and conservative towards others. 

    In 90% of the main texas regions especially along I45 , no one can drive worth a darn and are straight up disrespectful especially in pickup trucks.

    My two favorite places in Texas are Austin and Galveston. San Antonio runs a close third. Of course, I knew those places best in the 80s and before. A lot has changed since then.

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  17. 4 hours ago, Alyona Su said:

    They call it "voice", but it's really "Televisions, screaming at kids, being screamed at, burping, farting, disgusting-sounding gum-chewing, health-related labored-breathing, loud-slurping from a glass or straw, chuckling, and anything else that is nasty/annoying/gross/uncalled-for/irritating that you can think of sound-application" Who wouldn't want to listen to all of that by having that feature turned on?

    You forgot one.



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