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Selene Gregoire

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Posts posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. 5 hours ago, chardonay Babii said:

    Think about it, multinational companies worth billions and governments struggle to stop hackers stealing info and selling it on the dark web.   Do you want to take that risk and trust this company can protect all your sensitive RL  info to collect a few Lindens from a content creating business? I wouldn’t do it for a thousand bucks, I’d leave it in there.  FYI I read the terms and privacy policy. That’s the contract terms I would have to agree to but won’t do.  It’s not a knee jerk reaction it’s experience.  Once bitten twice shy. The Tilia team say they have good intentions but sorry guys for me the risk outweighs the potential benefit.  

    If you never cash out you never have to agree to the Tilia terms. It is that simple. I never cash out and didn't have to agree. Of course, I'm the one that brought up the fact that the way they were doing things was coercion and they did back track on making everyone agree when they realized I knew wtf I was talking about. They know they would lose in court which is exactly where they were going to find themselves if they had persisted.

  2. 1 hour ago, Suteruni Susanto said:

    Can someone explain why my main account suffers serious lag while my alts do not?

    Everywhere I go I have to turn avatars off or it is almost impossible to move. Some shops are impossible for me to visit, for example Apple Fall.

    When friends come online or go offline or even send me an IM, I freeze or crash. 

    I've tried all things suggested and nothing works for my main alt, in the meantime,shopping is HARD work for me,  decorating my land is.

    I kind of feel my account is screwed.....and it's a premium account too,my alts are not.....

    The only problem may be my inventory, which has around 140.000 elements or the number of friends I have, close to 250 of which 3/4 are inactive.

    Removing old pre-mesh stuff en friends is a hassle with the lag too

    Is there a way to contact LL so they can check my account or something? I can't find anything so far...



    The accounts are probably on different servers. You can get LL to move the one with the issues but it's going to take a major effort on your part to get it done. 

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Urban Harvy said:

    I tried to cash in on a few lindens for  US$  and got this message... grrrrr:


    [Second Life] Information Request


    Second Life Support <secondlife-support@lindenlab.com>

    12:57 PM (2 hours ago)
    to 068a4b48-47f9-4805-8cc9-2c44132bee15, me
    Greetings Urban Harvy,
    We received and reviewed the information you recently provided but were unable to match your personal information to any records because either the information was incorrectly, or there is no file match. To make sure that your information is correct, please supply the following request(s):
    1. A clear front and back copy of your government-issued photo ID. Please be sure that the image is not blurry, is free of glares, and that all writing is clearly legible. The ID must not be expired and must be valid for the next (60) days.
    2. Please submit your Social Security card.
    We thank you for your patience.
    Kind Regards,
    Compliance Department

    "the information was incorrectly" WHAT? Incorrectly what? Drop shipped? Punted? What?

    "Please submit your Social Security card"? WTF?

    Someone at LL does not know how to word things to be clear and concise. You NEVER SEND YOUR SS card to anyone. 

    PROOFREADING IS YOUR FRIEND. So is proofreading 3 times, not just one or twice and do it backwards! Be thorough. Enough of the half baked, FFS.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 minute ago, animats said:

    There's Drivers of SL. An event every week.

    There are many motorcycle clubs in SL. They even have "ride leaders". But I never see those guys on mainland roads. I expected they'd have group runs, like RL bikers, but in over 2000km of SL driving, I've never seen a club run go by.

    They're called Road Captains in RL.

    Runs like you are thinking can only be done in RL. SL can't handle the load.

  5. 7 hours ago, Fritigern Gothly said:

    I would like to point out that Relay For Life (RFL) accepts donations on behalf of the American Cancer Society in the form of Linden dollars.

    You can visit https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/American Cancer Society/124/74/21 and donate there.


    Note that this charity is verified and 100% legit. Feel free to ask around or do other forms of research if you wish.  🙂

    Excellent idea!

    • Like 1
  6. 15 hours ago, Summer Woods said:

    Of course the first post I make on these forums would be me saying goodbye to strangers.

    Long story short: Got pretty devastating news. After struggling with what to do next I've reached my decision. My real life's changed. I no longer wish to devote my time to Second Life. I'm closing that chapter. I'm going to delete my account despite it being over 11 years old. This is what I need to do. But if I were to do that do my lindens just disappear? Seems like a waste Honestly I'm thinking about going around sim hopping and just giving people what I have left if the moment I delete my account they cease to exist. 

    It's almost bittersweet saying goodbye to SL...

    So hello/goodbye forums. I had fun lurking and learning about you guys from the shadows. 🕶️

    Sorry to see you go Summer but you have to do what you have to do. Take care and I wish you and yours all the best in everything you do from this day forward.

    • Like 3
  7. 3 hours ago, Amina Sopwith said:

    No, I'm saying I think you made a clumsy comparison. That's not "moral brow beating" or "coercion", though it's interesting that you see it that way. And I know you've made inaccurate assumptions about me. But it's not Grief Olympics and not actually even relevant to this discussion (how many relatives does someone have to lose to gain the right to dislike your comparison?) so I'm not going to stoke that one.

    I do not think that losing SL can be likened to the deaths of immediate family members. You're free to make the comparison, I'm free to find it "frivolous".

    It actually didn't cross my mind that you might "change" what you wrote. At best, I suppose I hoped you might have said something along the lines of "Yeah, actually, that was a bit silly. But you know what I mean." Which I do, but still...it was clumsy.

    Walk away. Just walk away. It's not worth it.

    Anyone who refuses to allow tenants to be able to ban a griefer form the parcel they rent isn't going to understand. It took years for them to get the necessity but by then it was way too late. We were long gone and never looked back.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 minute ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    One thing likely to be useful for people driving is a HUD that shows nearby rez zones. In part, this is useful if one becomes unseated from one's vehicle, but it's also nice to have if you are touring and want to stop for a bit along the way to check out a parcel you've passed. That certainly is part of the joy of driving the mainland for me.

    There are commercial HUDs available on the MP at various prices, and varying degrees of sophistication. I can't recommend one of these because someone in Drivers of SL gave me a free one. (It's not brilliant, but it works. I may upgrade eventually.)

    For Bellisseria, there is also this map (with SLURL links) to "Landmarks" of the continent, including a variety of rez zones for both land and sea, as well as public areas. This one is badly out of date, but it works well for the western part of the continent -- if anyone knows of a more recent one, I'd love to see it.


    Also, Bellisseria has very tight turns. And a lot of roads that go nowhere. And frankly, a lot of the streets look identical to each other. I very much like driving there, but I've found that it's really useful to have your map open while driving so you aren't continually getting lost or wandering down dead ends.

    But that is half the fun. Party pooper. :P

    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  9. 2 hours ago, Matty Luminos said:

    It just occurred to me that the reason I don't have any interest in using alts (even the ones I have don't get used) is because all the different looks I have, I still use my main avatar for them. 


    43 minutes ago, Lewis Luminos said:

    You've hit on something I can relate to here... I hate changing my main avatar's look, and aside from quality upgrades, I don't change it much at all. When I'm inspired to make something different, I have to use an alt.


    So... you are two different people. Good to know. 


    • Haha 6
  10. 1 hour ago, Alyona Su said:

    I would demand a proactive refund on my Premium subscriptions then just dust off my many characters at Star Trek Online and Neverwinter and keep myself entertained after a quick shrug. Because Lifetime Subscription to Star Trek Online was the bestest investment for my entertainment EVAR!

    Such a good bargain at the time I paid for 2 STO lifetimes. That's a fairly hefty chunk of credits building up. \o/

    • Thanks 1
  11. 2 hours ago, TiaShaw said:

    4gb graphics Vram is barely enough even at 720p... 32gb ram only helps IF you log multiple accounts at the same time. 4.2gb per instance of firestorm. I have tested probably more than i have actually just ran around and explored.a Gtx1060 6gb is the bare minimum i would suggest to anyone. For 1080p  for a good result.  Just my opinion. I bought and tested everything in graphics from  gtx 570 up to my twin gtx1080ti’s (2nd card is dedicated stream encoder) with a intel I9-9900k locked at 5ghz. I have spent alot of money in the wrong places. Sl doesnt care if you have more than 4cores but the faster the better. 

    SL and other MMOs run just fine on my single GTX 1050 2GB.   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  12. 47 minutes ago, Caerolle Llewellyn said:

    You must be quite tasty, lol. ;)

    I must be. lol 

    I dunno. When my skin is wet it's very slippery (not oily) and it's difficult to hold on to me. I can slip away easily. I don't use lotions and such either.

    Yeah I know I'm weird. Or just a throwback. lol

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