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Kitty Barnett

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  1. The SSL certificate for the downloads site didn't auto-renew 🙈. It should be fixed now though.
  2. Just for reference: Twitter actually outlines what you can/cannot do with automated data retrieval (in Twitter's case an API, in SL's case that would be LSL or reusing data interfaces intented for SL viewers) @ https://developer.twitter.com/en/developer-terms/more-on-restricted-use-cases . I don't see any reason why a similar document couldn't be drafted by LL to apply to SL Especially since part of the restrictions are of Twitter's own design, but other parts are simply rephrasing the various privacy laws that exist in different countries in a context that makes sense for what Twitter is about. I choose Twitter because it has a good mix of real and made-up identies who talk about personal and non-personal things or outright make things up and similarly to SL's profiles, chat and location data, just because you choose to share something with other Twitter/Second Life users, or because something needs to be available for the normal/expected use of the platform when used by human users doesn't mean it's a free-for-all-purpose datamine (or at least Twitter doesn't feel like it can get away with that claim).
  3. You're paying for the item *and* the chance of a lucky roll after payment has been received. If the next roll did not have intrinsic value there wouldn't be any need to (temporarily) lock it to the last person to pay the "slot machine". (In addition you even called the result of the random roll a 'prize')
  4. Lock-in would just prevent the automation from stealing someone's rare; someone will at some point leave up the common you want. Either because they don't want it, or because they've gotten it 5 times already and are fed up and let their lock-in time expire. It can then be bought, you get a roll of your own for one of the other items you want - including the rare - and then it goes back to sleep to wait for anything else on the list to become available. Different scenario then: someone registers X amount of accounts to swap them in and out as the timer hits. They also advertise their service and for a small mark-up to be paid on delivery will attempt to get you the exact item you want. For diserable gachas the bot might grab most of the items since at least one person is a 'guaranteed' buyer of the item which gives the operator a very large amount of rolls for rares to sell at a heavy mark-up. People can get the item they want at the almost at-cost price without having to bother searching the marketplace and you can still get individual rares (for a mark-up) as is the case now. Which would actually be an improvement and I guess I'll stop arguing against it and wait for someone to set it up 😁.
  5. This will get automated fairly quickly: you point a viewer (or a bot) at the gacha vendor, you say which prize you'd like (hover text would be easiest since that's text but texture indicators will work too) and you leave an alt there AFK. If the next item isn't locked you could snipe rares, if the next item is locked for a limited time you can only snipe (un)commons - I'll assume that no one would pass on a rare, although you do get a roll of your own with ever common you snag up - but often you actively want specific common items too anyway and it'll just be a matter of time before someone leaves that common you want up. So go to bed, leave your alt at epiphany and by morning you'll have a good chunk of all the specific commons you wanted with no effort on your part. The only way for a real person to play would be to throw away their first roll on something they don't want.
  6. You're actually paying for two items: the item displayed *and* a random luck-of-the-draw outcome. Can you honestly say that no one will ever pay into it for an item they don't want just for the chance of being able to buy the rare on the next roll of the dice? Since gacha items have RL monterary value due to the thriving reseller market you essentially end up playing a slot machine knowing what the outcome will be, but mostly for the chance to win big if only you just feed it a little bit more money for one more spin to see what the next outcome will be... which to most people would feel like gambling. (I'm not arguing that it isn't allowed under LL's definition but just that it's as predatory as gachas and not an improvement over just selling the items in a regular vendor at fair value)
  7. Those are the only ones I uploaded to Flickr; if I took any more they're not in my inventory and any extras from that far back will have fallen victim to the hard dive failure monster, sorry .
  8. I hated it when LL decided to discontinue Live Help and folded it into the mentor program since both had very different skillsets. I just don't have the patience to deal with newbies but I loved helping established residents with problems or answering questions (and of course nothing beat watching a Linden explain how SL genitals work 😇). In many cases resident volunteers also helped in ways that just aren't feasible for Lindens or support staff because of the time investment. My best memory is still a resident who started a Live Chat in full panic mode because they'd accidentally rezzed something and granted it debit permissions and the prim whisked away and was draining her L$ balance. She'd moved the remaining balance to an alt, but that account would be useless for as long as that prim was out there. So I teleported over to where she thought she rezzed it and we spent at least half an hour just flying around and eventually I found the prim and she deleted it. Account saved! 🥳 It was at that point that a Linden who'd been silently monitoring the conversation jumped in, teleported to us, god teleported the scammer and kicked (banned?) them off the grid with a witty remark. LL can't dedicate that amount of time to helping a single resident, but by just monitoring us he could jump in at the right time and at least take some action (you still don't get your L$ back unfortunately). Another case was someone who'd lost a 'no copy' object (some kind of cuddly animal if I remember) after rezzing it and they were upset because it had sentimental value. This was at the time where items had a good chance of appearing at 0,0,0 so sure enough, I found it hiding there and selecting it made it return to their inventory. 10 minutes later I got a snapshot they'd taken with it as a thank you which made it feel really worthwhile. We also took care of concierge type questions for people who didn't qualify for concierge level, helped people sort out tier by calculating their group bonus, or just answered "why is there a box on my head?!" or directions to a "nude beach" 🙄. TLDR from the ex-Live Helper side, it did serve a big purpose. At the time LL support was somewhat lacking and it can't (and should have never been) a replacement for official support, but it definitely filled a void.
  9. I remember that mall! It's one of the pretty places I used to show off LL's 'Shadow Draft' project (in the early days of shadows LL only did source code drops for it and didn't offer a viewer with it of its own). Hopefully this doesn't ruin your memory of it .
  10. Grid-wide experiences were supposed to be generally available but so far it's only Linden experiences and I think a few residents who participated in the testing. That said, there are already 'shared experiences' out there where someone offers up their experience to the community at large, and which can then be used for griefing (one reason avSitter is banned from executing RLV commands). Even if grid-wide experiences end up being more tightly controlled by LL that then just shifts the risk to the security of the individual scripter. The in-world browser is old and not frequently updated so for force-opening URLs seems like a bad security move until that gets addressed and improved. I can unfortunately see blocking this functionality becoming an option on most TPVs, and then having it enabled by default which would limit its usefulness significantly and it would probably have been nice to have this discussion/announcement happen at the bi-weekly TPV meeting .
  11. My first hair was a GuRL 6 hair because you got one for free if you were under 30 days old. Some I haven't seen mentioned: * Dazzle (later rebranded as Last Call) was one of my favourite stores (unfortunately Ginny Talamasca passed away) * Republic Bay was probably not terribly well known but I got to know the creator (Lika Goodliffe) a little and he made a house I still have wonderful memories of (I later on found he'd also since passed) * TorridWear (Torrid Midnight) made the post iterations of my AO poses * Starax Statosk was always a mystery name and I'd see it pop up with reference to the "Starax wand's magical abilities" - I don't think I ever got to see one I found this in a dusty corner of my inventory:
  12. There's likely not many people who were around for this (or who remember, or who chose to be involved) but I wouldn't mind UI design documents opened up for resident comments again. Back in 2008 there was a landmarks/navigation redesign which I remember seeing and being asked to comment on before viewer work started ( https://jira.secondlife.com/secure/attachment/18733/LLSL-LandmarksEnhancements-FinalIA-08-0626.pdf note page 8 for the new landmarks floater and then https://jira.secondlife.com/secure/attachment/16995/SL_Viewer_Revised_Wireframes.pdf ). While far too heavily browser inspired there were really good ideas there (a 'Received Landmarks' floater would have been nice and prevented the OP mention of searching for landmarks being useless since we're literally drowning in them from spam / share-happy friends) and I think the only landmark related thing we ended up getting was a 'My notes' textbox that never had any follow up use. There have been some ambitious overhauls since then (CHUI comes to mind), but it often feels like very obvious things or existing use cases end up being completely overlooked which is why resident participation feels key and sharing documents like that helps prevent that before the code is committed and everything's set in stone. (EEP being the latest example: environment assets are a good thing, parcel-level control is a good thing, multiple-height levels is a good thing, a 'Personal Lighting' floater is a good thing. But the UI end-result however is very much not - in addition to coupling it with a rendering update that changes how the world looks) TLDR - I like that viewer UI is a focus point, but it would be even better if residents could get involved prior to being confronted with a 'done deal' where our feedback is largely pointless, because no one is going to hit the 'Undo' button and throw away months of work.
  13. Or just have LL implement permissions the same way Android/iOS apps have varying degrees of things they can/cannot do. In most cases people will simply not care, but at least it makes things visible when those functions are used in a script where you wouldn't reasonably expect them to be. Updo Hair, owned by you, would like to: * track your location (=llHttpRequest) * track the people around you (=llSensor) * listen to local chat (= llListen) * communicate/send information to a remote host [ Allow] [ Deny ] (Also updates can be done simply by redelivering an item to all people who have purchased it; no embedded scripts required)
  14. No, it really wasn't. Quarterly wasn't subject to VAT until the price increase. (And support can't agree on what happens to my stipend if I change from quaterly to yearly with some saying I loose it, and the others saying it'll stay L$500)
  15. Is this why third-party L$ exchanges were banned all those years ago? So LL can now - already for the third time - keep on raising the cost of buying L$? 🙁 The premium price increase doubled what I pay for premium (LL price increase + decision to start charging VAT on it which LL didn't before) and now the cost of buying L$ has gone up 10x from 40 cents to $4.20 (I tend to buy around L$15k/$60 at a time for a month's worth of shopping). "Whales will pay no matter what" works in games, but the (over)paying minority tends to at least get the "pay to win" brag rights but you're missing that piece of the puzzle in SL. The model where you (over)charge for basic platform services seems better than to just tax L$ spending residents with increasing amounts of RL money. For instance you have the "in-app purchase of $40 for a name change". Make extra options to wear 1 additional animesh attachments (basic has 1 currently, premium gets 2). Pay-to-win purchase for extra groups, or more picks, or an online status indicator, or one time $40 to have 2FA, etc etc... . Anything that doesn't repeatedly make me feel punished for being part of the minorty that's already giving LL $US...
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