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kattatonia Wickentower

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Everything posted by kattatonia Wickentower

  1. DQ Darwin wrote: This is pretty much how it started out Katt.(see quotes) So between Keli and I a star was born. I had started the group after asking a certain person what he meant by "Ladies Who Lunch" and realizing it was quite different from mine (knew that anyway) so I went my way. I had checked the groups found few already using that term, as I explained earlier, there was nothing new or innovative about it. How we all ended up in the group you are aware of . That it irritates someone who would like to claim ownership to it's birth doesn't hurt either. Keli Kyrie wrote: I have heard some talk about a Ladies who Lunch Club and now that the main objector no longer makes a appearance in these forums I thought maybe now would be a good to start the club. The thought of us getting together over salad and ice tea making some people upset is just to tempting to me I love the sound of this club. Anyone want to join me for lunch? Edit: I want this club to have fun so I am changing the title to SLadies who Lunch.   DQ Darwin wrote: Hi Keli I actually have started that group a little while ago inworld. I send you an invite the agenda is the similar...  kattatonia Wickentower wrote: That's interesting Dil, I didn't know that Keli came up with the name. I always thought the group was formed in response to an attempt by someone to dis one (or more) of us by lumping us together and calling us ladies who lunch. As if that meant that our opinions were not to be treated with respect or courtesy. Rather than allowing him to dismiss us this way, we embraced the concept, formed the group, started hanging out together and had ourselves a good time. The afore mentioned someone has regretted his action and wishes he never said the words. So the afore mentioned someone started the name calling, Keli started the thread, Dee started the group and we all joined and started having fun (all except that afore mentioned someone and yes his name with a tic is a kind of ulcer)
  2. Dillon Levenque wrote: Mickey Vandeverre wrote: OK, well the title of the club smacks of pretentiousness. But that may just be my interpretation. Not sure if that's what you're going for or not... And not sure if it is roleplaying or not... If it is roleplaying..Then probably need to step it up a notch. But that would carry across forum and inworld. And probably already has..Based on my own interactions in another thread. There is also an air of exclusivity possibly....which is a bit uncomfortable to see in a making friends forum. caught that when I saw someone I like get peed on when diving into another thread. you might want to be clear on whether it is roleplay or not. Mickey, it is not RP, other than the RP that is inherent in SL (meaning we mostly don't look exactly like our avatars). I suppose the title is pretentious if for no other reason that it reminds you of the kind of ladies who are 'ladies who lunch': vain, self-absorbed, etc. In fact it was just a humorous idea Keli came up with. As for exclusivity, I do think an invitation is required to join the group; if so then I guess there is some exclusivity. Not much—I'm in it, as is Dresden (who would not be a lady even if he was female)—but maybe some. Your reference to what happened in another thread probably is due to some history. For whatever reason at least some individuals find this group a terrible blight on the Forums, if not SL in general. I suppose it has to do with the fact we do little except yak with each other and post pictures. Not exactly world-saving stuff. Because of that there have been a number of relatively negative if not outright nasty comments posted not just in this thread but elsewhere. Most of us (hard look at Dee) are doing our best to ignore all that. We did a rather poor job of that earlier but we're getting better at it. We have, to the best of my knowledge, never sat down to lunch. We do snack from time to time while we're dancing or stomping grapes. That's interesting Dil, I didn't know that Keli came up with the name. I always thought the group was formed in response to an attempt by someone to dis one (or more) of us by lumping us together and calling us ladies who lunch. As if that meant that our opinions were not to be treated with respect or courtesy. Rather than allowing him to dismiss us this way, we embraced the concept, formed the group, started hanging out together and had ourselves a good time. The afore mentioned someone has regretted his action and wishes he never said the words.
  3. no Sylvia, we don't who either although I've heard lots of us say Woo!
  4. Maryanne Solo wrote: It will be interesting to see how Bethesdas characters and clothing have advanced when Skyrim comes out, 11/11/11 (omg its almost here), since oblivion wiped everything off the radar way back in 2002. I hope we can make clothes for it too. The concensus is that the yukky Steam platform might restrict its modability which will make Beth a bit of a laughing stock The new morphs for poser and daz 3d are just awesome and yes, this should definitely have been the default standard. Auntie Ave, could you say that again in English please? Or provide a reference or a link? It sounded so intriguing but I do not know what you are talking about.
  5. Anita61 Anatine wrote: Is this dress available in a smaller cupsize as well? It looks like my avatar would drown in it........ That's my biggest problem with mesh clothing, I'ld like to keep my own size. The jeans look OK, but what happens if your legs are shorter or longer? I don't want to change into a "standard" avatar, I love the way people can create their own special shape and size I agree with you so much. That to me is the biggest drawback to mesh. You have to wear an alpha mask to get rid of your own self in order to wear the mesh outfit. So anyone wearing mesh will look identical to anyone else wearing the same outfit. No room for self expression there. How will we get around this limitation? I loved the fact that sl standard clothing layers are one size fits all. Mesh does not seem to me to be an improvement at all.
  6. wonders how many people actually bothered to look up the writings of Georg Brandes....
  7. Dresden Ceriano wrote: Okay so, here's the issue... it may be that I'm not familiar enough with the viewer I'm using, but sometimes I completely miss people's IMs. I may have set up my viewer so that when someone IMs me (I don't mean when they first IM me... it's when I'm already in a conversation with them and they reply to me), I miss it. Does this ever happen to you? If I'm being honest, there are times when I'll get an IM from someone and ignore it for a while... then I'll say something like, "Oh sorry, I was afk." It doesn't happen often, at least not on purpose (see the second sentence) and I usually am being truthful when I say it. Sometimes I'm not though. Do you ever lie to people like that? Of course, I never, ever really lie about that kind of thing, how dare you accuse me of that? =P ...Dres (I may not respond right away... I could be afk.) Dres, you're a naughty boy, I can tell you really want a spanking. I was told that you should say what you mean and mean what you say, but don't be mean when you say it. Of course, in an ideal situation one should not keep people waiting on purpose or lie to them about it. On the other hand there are times when you simply cannot respond right away and your friends will understand if you explain it to them. If you abuse their trust you may find that they become less tolerant over time.
  8. I don't lie when the music is bad, I just use my own music, there's no rule that say you have to listen to the club stream if you're not enjoying it. But I don't announce it or make a big deal about it, that would be rude.
  9. Keli Kyrie wrote: Sure thing /me loves bacon. and logos. Wonderful Keli, Thanks!
  10. Chris Norse wrote: kattatonia Wickentower wrote This needed to be reposted again. Thanks Chris! But Tolya went away again, dang it!
  11. Dresden Ceriano wrote: Storm Clarence wrote: Dresden Ceriano wrote: Again I'm speaking in general terms... It's not "their" forum... It's not "our" forum... It's actually LL's forum. I fail to see how an us versus them mentality will do us any good. ...Dres Dres, I agree with this. It is me that should have been more clear. I meant it as "us them" with them being other fora. Maybe it is about time we (this forum) win back some of our older readers and posters. Yes, other forum are important and people will continue to read and participate, however, I would like to see the ex-pat's come back and post to "their" forum, too - it all started here. If they don't want to participate on SLF any longer, then I wish them the best of luck wherever they may end up. Even though I was replying to your post, my reply wasn't aimed at you personally, but then you probably knew that... Just making myself clear. I'd like to see the exforumites come back as well, but there has to be something to lure them back in... Don't you think? Firstly, the moderation issues have to be dealt with and I intend to work to see that that happens. It's much needed whether they come back or not. Secondly, they have to be willing to throw themselves into the mix and give it some time to start developing into something more acceptable while still participating. I know that's something you've been working on from the outside. Maybe together, with the help of anyone willing, we can get something done. Though I can be cynical at times, I try to retain a core of optimism... However misguided that may be. I'm hoping, in this case, it's warranted. ...Dres I have to admit, this new version of the official SL forums has been growing on me. For one thing, it's here. However much I liked the old jive forum, it's gone. It's not coming back. The moderation in Lithium land was terrible in the beginning, but then again, many of us were testing it then. It was a new system, people were gaming it to see what they could and couldn't do. Personally I just threw up my hands in disgust and left for a while. Some people, and I'd give kudos if I knew how, stuck around and tried to work with the Lab to see if they could make it better. They did a decent job. I now find it tolerable enough here that I've rejoined the community. It's certainly not perfect. But then neither is the community. And I don't want or need perfection. The posters here are my people. All of 'em. They do SL. So do I.
  12. Pep wrote: "RECLAIM THE FORUMS!" Pep (is reminded of the way in which the ex-Commerce forumites attempted to impose their culture on the RA regulars in the JIve forums; they failed, as is the fate of the lwl/mwh coalition.) Who the heck are the MWH?
  13. Scylla Rhiadra wrote: Ok, so first I thought . . . I should say something about the sniping and nasty stuff going on here. And how no one is improving the image of their "group" by including damning quotes in their signature, or saying overtly nasty things to each other. And how, at the same time, saving the really nasty stuff that you say for a third party blog, rather than saying it here, isn't really an improvement, and is maybe even a bit cowardly, even if it means that, for most people, you seem to be playing nice, when you are really just being nasty elsewhere. And then I thought maybe I'd say that the best kind of lunch is an open, inclusive affair, where everyone is invited. And that a true PICard always says "Engage" to the helmsman, because "engaging" with others, rather than attacking them is what one should do. Then I thought maybe I'd better not say these things, because I'll get accused of being a "net nanny," and maybe disliked by everyone, and excoriated by one or two others for really being a sneaky and slippery manipulator. So, after that, it occurred to me that maybe I shouldn't care if people think or do those things. And then I thought, but I sort of do care. So maybe I won't say any of those things, even though I'd like to. Maybe. Oh Scylla, Don't be afraid to tell us what you really think! Some are gonna love you no matter what, others are going to disagree with you no matter what. But personally, I'd rather read a forum that allows your point of view, no matter what.
  14. I think maybe you might see one or two of mine, could you send them back to me too please?
  15. Keli Kyrie wrote: Melita Magic wrote: Yes. I quickly found it a necessity while trying to run what amounts to a hub, without much help. I do have some help but the keeping track of things and decisions are mine. I also have to keep track of which meeroo has which type of meeroo and who needs a mate and on and on...But it's not a great system, since I have a zillion meeroo nests by now (most worthless), and out of sight, out of mind. Those are the only two types of lists I keep right now. /me wonders if you keep a list of people that have never seen a meeroo. You know I am not even sure if they really exist, kind of that hippo thing. btw that is so sweet of you to offer changing rooms to people.  Yes and the rooms are quite lovely too. A couple of my alts have made use of them.
  16. Keli Kyrie wrote: I never, ever thought this would happen to me especially after what my mom put me through with all of her LWL stuff. But I guess maybe we are all destined to turn out somewhat like our parents. I tried to change my ways so I did not turn out like her. I would use sticky notes instead of a note pad so I would be a person that makes notes and not a member of The Ladies with List Club. Yes she had a list for everything. A list of chores that needed to be done, a list of after school activities that we needed to participate in, a list for the grocery store, a list for the mini-mart of things she wanted me to pick up on my bike ride home from school, a list of places to go on vacation, and the lists just went on and on. Big sigh... I felt like someone needed to make me a list of the lists and which parts of the lists I need to worry about. Well after all this I developed an aversion to lists but at-long-last I find myself falling under the pressures of RL and making them myself. So I am wondering how you feel about list. Here is a list of questions I have about lists: 1) Are you a LWL? (Lady with Lists) Sort of, I'm not very good with paper though it tends to accumulate in piles and my lists get lost 2) If not how do you keep track of things? Rather poorly. 3) Do you use your phone to make lists? No, my phone isn't one of my favorite bits of technology, it's hard enough to make calls with it. 4) Do you use your computer to make lists? Yes, I have better luck with electronics than with paper 5) Do you use some form of handwritten list. I do make them but I wouldn't go so far as to say I use them. 6) Do you make the list or do other people make them for you? I  make them. 7) Do you think this list is too long? No, 7 is a good number. eta, to fix some typos
  17. I've always been intrigued by that image of the Keebler cookie tree. Can I join?
  18. Berlin Mesmeriser wrote: kattatonia Wickentower wrote: There is no such thing as universally agreed upon quality music. Musical quality is totally subjective. What you may think is great stuff may be an anathema to someone else. The truth is this thread is simply a commercial attempt to get people to try your product. well this is the old all tastes are subjective argument. May be true in a technical sense, but it's obvious that the Beatles made better music than Yoko Ono, and if you don't think so, you just have bad taste. Hey, it's a very clever way to get free advertising, don't get me wrong, but it turns me off. And I feel no need to defend my taste in music to you.
  19. There is no such thing as universally agreed upon quality music. Musical quality is totally subjective. What you may think is great stuff may be an anathema to someone else. The truth is this thread is simply a commercial attempt to get people to try your product.
  20. great tune! I've had the pleasure, in my youth, of having seen both ELP and the Who, several times each.
  21. I've always been a bit of a loner. However I find that I belong to many groups in SL. eta to try to get rid of the big bold font and to reduce the excess verbosity eta again to put the Groucho bit back in, he said this about the Friars Club: I sent the club a wire stating, "PLEASE ACCEPT MY RESIGNATION. I DON'T WANT TO BELONG TO ANY CLUB THAT WILL ACCEPT PEOPLE LIKE ME AS A MEMBER". 
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