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EnCore Mayne

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Everything posted by EnCore Mayne

  1. putting the shoes on is unnatural for a woman. may be better modelled with a man and construction boots. the removing shoes animation is pretty nice.
  2. part of the allure of SL, at least for me, was the absense of discriminatory judgements randomly applied to a physical body and its social interactions. i have this quote from an oldtimer in my Real Life About that i try to live by: Imagine a world, where race, gender, age, religion, health, location, physical characteristics, class distinction, & socio-economic status do not limit you. welcome to SL.
  3. i'm not sure what's going on since i've been able to use the forum tools made available to us all that prevents known sour pusses from being heard. i highly suggest everyone who's interested in exchanging ideas in a polite and rational manner avail themselves of the same tools. it does seem, to me, that it's always the same individuals who demonstrably exhibit their antagonistic beliefs to the detriment of the issue's fullness of expression. feeding the trolls only sends the topic into a place they desire for all issues.
  4. i am speechless. time for some inner reflections....
  5. so yer saying MoaP is unsafe? i don't mean to highjack your thread, if you're dead set against MoaP i'm outta here.
  6. i don't know what you mean that MoaP is a garbage tier experience. i set up a MoaP viewer (it's a HUD with a few bells and whistles) that i've been working on and played the latest LabGab YT video while i idled about on my sky platform. it's no where near prime time but even now the experience is almost interactive. all the functionality of any YT video is there including pause, rewind, timeline seek, even closed captions if you want. it's all there for the taking. and, while they spoke about a feature in the viewer (some Search function improvements) i was able to pause the vid, open up the search and actually see what they were talking about. IMMERSION MAN! yes, i am exited about the possibility for this tech. please tell me why it's wrong that others would not feel being empowered by this method for the Lab to interact with us.
  7. i see the development of an inworld MoaP with a dedicated LabGab channel. it has all the functionality of viewing YT in a browser since it's just a browser on a prim face. the Lab wouldn't have to do anything different, they could produce the content as they do now. the user could view it live or viewed at one's discretion. this MoaP device could be preinstalled in all new Bellasaria homes with various designs for any number of decors. who knows, there might come a time where LabGab parties spontaneously erupt. having a multitude of viewers spread out throughout the grid (instead of one location) would circumvent the technological limits we have on the number of avatars sharing event content. it might not be the same as being there but that reality's dead if you want a reasonable experience without a sludgefest of lag and crashes. great idea Coffee! if anyone can flesh it out, it's you.
  8. aint life strange? ever since posting to this thread i've been inundated with bot visitors. go figure. boy do i need that bot detector now, hahahahaha.
  9. many good responses. more than i expected. so, there's that. maybe one day people's evil intent can be recognized and ignored for the harm they do to the good people whose contributions to the game (including voicing their opinions on the direction the Lab commands) makes the path we all take easy on everyone. i get it. people are hard to handle. putting a bunch of them together might seem crazy. if we had a common purpose, like, i don't know, maybe if your life depended on it! yeah, even that might not have the correct response. so... is there no way for technology to be invented, especially by the people who nearly invented the virtual space we live in, to make these announcements to the community stay within the confines of the platform? i always found it outrageous for the Lab to resort to social media conveniences, as if they were "playing along" with the general impetus of the web based world. did they not realize their platform was the foundation for a new way to live? was Philip's heart/vision so vapourous as to be totally discounted? was it only about the money? personally, confining myself to what i imagine, coding world breaking technology is not in my wheelhouse, could there not be some clever genius who could devise a way to use or invent a tool for the world we live in to communicate to the people who live in that same world? there are between 30 and 50 thousand people inworld concurrently on any single day. there are MILLIONS of registered accounts. putting a notice on their blog seems defeatish. are they singing to the choir?
  10. adding this post to see if there are any comments on the latest YouTube© Lab Gab (announced through the non interactive "community blogs" section of the Second Life Community website). has anyone ever wondered why the Lab, since Philip's handover to M, hasn't developed a better way to communicate with us (their "community") than to use third party platforms? what ever happened to inworld town hall meetings? is our platform not supposed to be developed for the future of the metaverse? are our limitations supposed to be a secret? don't mind me, this post is for feedback as to the status quo YouTube hype. anyone?
  11. Persephone's post encompasses a wide spectrum of responses to this topic.
  12. doesn't look like there's anything for anyone on the forums to issue an opinion on the series. only thing i found was from LL's attempt at a "Blogger Network". so soon they forget...
  13. just noticed the new privacy link on the main webpage today. odd how their addresses for comments or questions is different from new to old. neither is from the brick and mortar building on Battery. even stranger, the San Francisco address is a mail box depot while the West Hollywood location is boarded up.
  14. there are plenty of russian citizens and individual's businesses in SL. condemn them for their government policies when they have no say over them? is this the place for RL politics? flagged for removal....
  15. well some people have figured it out. i haven't done as much research on those as i can but they certainly look like more than just rotations.
  16. how do you make a deformer that preserves the functionality of the shape sliders and physics? as it is right now i've been able to make the deformer (for the breasts) but the buoyancy and cleavage sliders, as well as the physics, no longer work. i thought that it was a defect in the deformer tech but i just got a deformer that has full functionality. obviously i'm missing something. i'm using blender/avastar to creat and upload. am i missing a checkbox somewhere?
  17. https://edition.cnn.com/videos/tv/2022/09/26/decoded-metaverse-show-spc-intl.cnn
  18. i have, and will continue, hating the method of backwards sorting the various elements of the design links so they follow an unknown order that's not been set in the script yet. perhaps it's bad scripting practise calling for remedial training, but; as the historical foundations have already been set, i will most likely remain quixotic in fashioning said multilink designs. in other words, by the time my script associates any connection to any particular link, or should i, in all likelihood add more prims, i have to unlink, then relink in an opposite order than what i've written. it's mind boggling and i've committed myself to never using manually linked numbers. i just drag select, unselect root, reselect root and let the link numbers fall where they may. this method is workable (i think). i'll try it out when i get back inworld. thanks Fenix. a new day: ================================= tested, tried, and true: if (conditonfortouchability ==1) { if ( llSubStringIndex( llGetLinkName(llDetectedLinkNumber(0)), "rest") != -1 ) { if ( (string)llGetLinkPrimitiveParams ( llDetectedLinkNumber(0), [PRIM_NAME] ) == TabName ) customfunction(TabName); } return;//if "rest" characters not in primname string }
  19. yes, i've named the touchable HUD prims to equate to the string necessary for the customfunction(). as in, touch detect objectname1 sends objectname1 to the function. if ( (string)llGetLinkPrimitiveParams ( llDetectedLinkNumber(0), [PRIM_NAME] ) == "rest1" ) customfunction("rest1"); i've managed to prevent any of the other prims in the HUD from firing with some conditional woojee. hmmm. i just noticed something in the code i've not implemented which gets me to where your input should take this Wulfie. touch_start(integer num) { integer LinkNum = llDetectedLinkNumber(0); string TabName = llGetLinkName(LinkNum); ...; so all's i have to do to catch up all the named objects is this: if ( (string)llGetLinkPrimitiveParams ( llDetectedLinkNumber(0), [PRIM_NAME] ) == TabName ) customfunction(TabName); seems plausible. now that i'm thinking about it, i never had a way to manage any number of excessive, or additional decorative prims i might add. i relied on the if(specific name) wasn't touched then return; now that any and all objectnames are live...how was it i was gonna weed those out?
  20. i have a HUD with a multitude of prims that when touched cause all hell to break loose. figuratively, of course, glad you were paying atttention. anywho, the way i've managed to script the activities is with an if statement. it's all i know. eg. if ( touched == primName1) do customfunction(string1); else if (touched == primName2) do customfunction(string2); ... else if (touched == primName12) do customfunction(string12); you get the picture. here's where your help could be enlisted. there's gotta be a simpler method of sensing the HUD's touched object so i don't have to write out 12 separate if statements. i'm lost when it comes to lists but i can hurt my brain enough for just long enough to use their mojo if that's what it will take. i was thinking (with my very limited knowledge) that i could append a variable 1 to 12 in one if statement so that all touches 1 through 12 could be sensed. something like if (touched == nameX) do customfunction(stringX); anyone?
  21. i dont see the fear, abhorence, or misunderstanding for not abiding an automated bot. of course, there's evil wherever we humans populate our worlds, so paranoids can justify their existence/behaviour. can we not all just get along? would you chase away Tyche Shepherd's gridsurvey bots? come on man, there's gotta be some good left in us.
  22. is there a finer bunch of dedicated developers? i say no. thanks to the quick (instantaneous?) over view from Anastasia Horngold all my contact set data (as well as my camera presets, blacklist, etc) were recovered with Firestorm's Backup Recovery thingy. an important tool fer sure. (any Lindens listening???) no more wading through the thousands of checkboxes and sliders to retrieve the comfort and familiarity i've become so accustomed to living with. and, just for clarification, the "support ticket" i filed was a JIRA BUG report. i'm not all that up on their system so i didn't realize they actually have a Support option (see pic). no matter, the team managed to understand my error and deal with it post haste. once again, much thanks for bringing back sanity to my SL. additional thanks to StarWolff2000 of the Firestorm team for taming some aspects of my straight out-of-the-box Windows11 giving me all manner of grief.
  23. having waded through a number of the responses it's hopelessly obvious as to just what is gonna happen. some people have danced around the idea without actually stating its inevitability. does anyone remember paying any fees before LL purchased Xstreet? [my mistake. Xstreet's fee schedule amounted to the majority of merchants were charged a 5% sales commission. thx Sphynx] and how well did their competitors fair once LL's version morphed into the only way to sell anything? mark my words: LL wants control over EVERY monetary transaction in SL. there won't be a Linden$ bought or sold that they won't extract their portion. and, for the moderators removing negative critiques (Lindal?) these statements shouldn't be construed as evil or nefarious on LL's part. it's actually been long overdue that this step hasn't happened yet. the move might hurt, but in the long run, it's a good thing for the financial viability of the platform.
  24. i'm no expert but looking at your weeny power supply gives me shivers. nvidia's spec sheet for a MINIMUM requirement for the 750 is 300w. if you're upgrading the gpu, i'd look around for a heftier PSU since the newer graphic cards need oodles of wattage. think 700 to start.
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