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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. exactly..thats what i think got them disabled in the last forums.. i'd hate to be the one flagged as the one that got them blocked again LOL
  2. you shoudl ask LL whats up and file a ticket if you haven't already.. just be real clear whats going on with as much detail as possible or it can take a few days to get around the normal trouble shooting guestions they will ask..at one response a day avg that we had with them..it took a week to get a simple answer.. so be specific and detailed heheheh
  3. i'm not sure..i didn't see them till someone said something about them as well LOL
  4. if you can prove they are sharing it with others and you don't give them permission to do so..then yes you could AR the profile with the image option so LL can see that they had said this in their profile as well.. this way there is no dispute of you photochopping the profile image.. it would be LL's actual screenshot of it so to speak .. then if you catch them sharing it they have a little proof that they were advertising it as well..
  5. if they post a conversation in their profile you had with them you can AR them..if they name you in their profile and trash you..you can AR them just having a logged conversation is not an offense..it's when they share it that it becomes an offense Disclosure Residents are entitled to a reasonable level of privacy with regard to their Second Life experience. Sharing personal information about your fellow Residents without their consent -- including gender, religion, age, marital status, race, sexual preference, alternate account names, and real-world location beyond what is provided by them in their Resident profile -- is not allowed. Remotely monitoring conversations in Second Life, posting conversation logs, or sharing conversation logs without the participants' consent are all prohibited. 
  6. they may want to check the guidelines out.. just saying.. Spamming, Solicitation and Advertising: Spamming is not allowed. This includes aggressive self-promotion. No advertising or promotion of specific Second Life merchants, Marketplace listings, products, or services, unless the forum area is specifically for the buying or selling of Second Life products or services, for example, a “for sale” or “wanted” forum. Do not reference other websites offering any product or service. Note: It is OK to have a signature line with a link to your Second Life profile or information about your Second Life business. 
  7. it shows up in a General rated search for me..i'm on a V2 viewer with the updated search filters..if it was filtered it would have not showed up for me..
  8. is this something that is picking up where two textures meet?something we can't see until it gets formatted?
  9. glad to hear i am not normal..i'd hate to miss the next season of spartacus lol
  10. i'm willing to bet there are more perved minds at a beach full of wet bikinis and swim trunks than at an all nude beach where there is nothing left to the imagination of whats under there..
  11. most people i know have cable or satelite tv..regular tv is for when those go offline for some reason..there are lots of nude things in all hours of the day..heck we even get spartacus gods of the arena and blood and sand..and now we are getting it through our internet also.. regular tv in the U.S. would not be the best way to judge what americvans watch during the day.. some may choose sheltered life on regular tv..but there is a choice not to be so sheltered as well..
  12. i use them at times for certain things..they come in handy.. i just don't set up my posts each time because i am usually thinking about my response rathrer than dressing it up.. most times it is to highlight something and to also separate different highlights.. if you like them you should just use them if you want..don't worry about standing out..it's not like something bad will happen to you if you do hehehehe *winks*
  13. if you are trying to do this through the market..it's not a good day so far..at least for me ..i've had 4 fails and one stalled.. it's one of those days again lol
  14. thats somethign i would be curious about..would there be UUId problems in some way with an inventory that was from another with a different UUID.especially things that had a no trans perm on them..wouldn't those have to be changed somehow? just something that has me curious is all..
  15. REAPER Firehawk wrote: I encountered this dude in one of the sandboxes named Talby; didn't catch his last name, but he joined in May; he immediatly tried to order me off a ship of a friends then hit me with a IM griefer and has managed to crash my SL about 10 times currently. Can someone in Linder Labs get OFF their duff and DO something about people doing crap like this? Or maybe investigating 10 consequietive client crashes in a row? just AR him..they won't know anything till you do..
  16. i think he was meaning PIOF accounts and closing the doors on throw away accounts.. thats how i took it anyways.. i don't think they will do that either..but again ya never know with them..
  17. if you ask me they could have still kept the teen grid and still put it on this grid.. all that grid really ever wanted was content access anyways.. being on the same grid that could have been possible at least with the market place.. access to it and from it could have been the same as it was before..but now they would have been able to buy content and sell it to and from the main grid.. i doubt they will get rid of the teens...but you never know..
  18. i believe forgot password is at the login screen to get to your dashboard..try dong it that way..
  19. Mayalily wrote: Philip Rosedale is a real life person? Never heard of him. So what u saying Ceka, I'm not understanding what u r saying? i'm just saying
  20. they should have you answer some personal questions when you go to change the password.. isn't there an option that says forgot password? that should get you to your security questions.. thats what got me there when i forgot mine and wanted to update my password..
  21. here are some preperation videos i found in world that may give you a better idea of what to expect down the road.. you are not catholic are you?
  22. check your emails make sure you give them the email you are using..you can respond from email as well..plus try phoning if you can.. also see if you can get to the point where it asks you your private security questions.. but really ..the first thing i would be doing is stopping any banking info and getting in touch with CC companies to stop activity on your cards and account..
  23. you can in sims that allow it..it's allowed in moderate as long as the land owners don't have a problem with it.. unless you are talking about people that would look at someone who is nude and give one of those PFFT remarks.. Pfft them back then tell them those pants make them look fat hehehehe
  24. Wili Clip wrote: Can you name your baby as Philip Rosedale?:matte-motes-grin: are you trying to cause a scandal that would make the whole tiger woods thing look like he was stealing only a kiss? you are talking the downfall of second life and all who exist in it..no you cannot name it that!! are you insain? heheheheh
  25. wel the way i have seen it work..you find a man then fall into intranets luv and one day or a few minutes later have sex and then he leaves from the pressure of the drama of spam kicking after your prim baby is couple weeks old. then you have it at a hospital where they have this whole rp birth thing setup for you..then you have it and are happy for a little bit..then you have to support it and the saddness starts until you find the answer to all your problems.. you go out to the clubs and hit the stage to support it cause the man sends no support.. then you get old like really fast..cause all this happens in like a month
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