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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. you could just im them..if you were worried about filling up their IM's you could send them a note card instead and if they accept it then you know they are on.. if you are in any of the same groups you could look in those..otherwise i don't think there is sposed to be an indicator for people that are not on our friends list unless they set something up like one of those online indicatores that we can set out on our lands..
  2. it really doesn't sound like sl has the problem.. it just sounds like a lot of people may not understand it or we think they won't..ya just never know how much a closet case someone is until ya really know them..and then still maybe not even then.. for all you know that other person is going home to their wife and dressing up llike a pig and the wife a farmer and playing old mcdonald had a good time lol people front a lot..everyone has a little freaky in them ..some may just not have found it yet or just feel the same way you do about thinking everyone else will think their thing is too strange.. hehehehe it's a strange world and getting less strange in that sense all the time hehehehe *Winks*
  3. this is true..it's basically only showing in V1 viewers..those of us that use V2 do not see the resident ..just the user name or display name or both depending on the choices in the viewers..
  4. actually if there was a user name called Live report then you would be running aorund with someone elses user name.. if that person were a well known merchant there could be..thats just an example..but a lot of these things were brought up by residents beforehand.. griefing could also come into play with people using what looked like a real user name and someone thinking someone was griefing when it was someone using their name as a display name.. there had to be a way to separate existing user names and display names..
  5. the only thing is older residents grandfathered in before the change to names have that style of name and it may become confusing if someone chose a display name that could be mistaken for a user name.. i think thats why they went with the dot and lowercase..
  6. it's all RP inworld as far as whoever would be concerned with what someone calls what they do in here.. second life merchants are not subject to local or state or federal income tax..not until they cash out..which is the actual point that it becomes income..what they call themselves after that could possibly be subject to a business license depending on thier location and the laws of the local,the county and the state.. if they are on an external website taking rl money for items in world and giving them items in world in exchange..thats also a real world business.. second life is pretty much just considered entertainment..
  7. honerken wrote: Now why would a perv need to use his imagination when he can see all the glory at a nude beach? i said there are more perve minds at a beach with bikini's and swim trunks than at a nude beach.. they both have perves..just more where people are wearing something..
  8. ya the groups will show a last login date..if there is one that is open enrollment that she is in you could join that to see the last login date.. i hope for the best for your friend.. SL may just be the last thing on their mind at the present time is all.. i hope you find out something so you can feel more setteld .i know waiting or not knowing is terrible feeling..
  9. ya you can't even walk or dance or anything really but chat..it's like pose stand world hehehe
  10. AmyNevilly wrote: oh btw, looks like I just got recognised for my contribution!!!! As the result of your contributions to the community, you have earned a new rank. Your new rank is Member. To learn more about ranks and roles on Community.secondlife.com, please visit here. Congratulations, AmyNevilly! 100 posts and the forum bot gives you the M ________________________________________________________________ CEKA BIDNESSES Come on down an get a mobile home or don't we don't care INC. CEKA's GYNOCARAGIST INC. GOOD CREDIT,BAD CREDIT no matter to us..we get ya to the doc faster than those other guys nomatter how broke ya are in your brand new chebby CAR!!!.. Come on down to the Unified Bonified Red house where people of all shapes colors can buy furniture that is made for evabody in the whole \o/ world at the RED HOUSE furncher store
  11. AmyNevilly wrote: I think some of your replies are really unfair. I don't understand why we aren't allowed to use the forum like everyone else? People seem to be more focussed on our signitures than on our interesting discussions wili :matte-motes-frown: Take a step back for a second and read what we write on the forums and you'll see we're actually trying to have a valuable debate with people. Instead you decided to focus on signitures.........TROLL i think mine was as fair as it gets..since we are all subject to the rules..i figured i was doing you a favor since you are so concerned about using the forums like everyone else instead maybe LL seeing that you were not following them.. i was just trying to help.. some people just see things from one perspective i gues..open your hearts to those trying to help you.. i don't want them to pull your posting rights because of you avoided or misunderstood reading the guidelines to the forums you wish to be a part of.. how is that deserving of being assulted with the word troll? silly wabbits lol
  12. you sure read a lot into what i said.. i'm not breaking any rules by being informative..and if you saw a threat in my post then maybe it's time to unplug..creating drama where you cannot find some is kind of silly..
  13. BAM!! you are a Mole tattoo just playing hehehe there may be some on the marketplace also. i can do a quick look since i have it open.. here goes..try and see if this link works for you to the market place..there are tons.. Mole Tattoo's I'm really suprised that someone didn't make one of those hairy gross moles..there is always a couple in the crowd that hit the other end of the bar LOL
  14. exactly..thats what i think got them disabled in the last forums.. i'd hate to be the one flagged as the one that got them blocked again LOL
  15. you shoudl ask LL whats up and file a ticket if you haven't already.. just be real clear whats going on with as much detail as possible or it can take a few days to get around the normal trouble shooting guestions they will ask..at one response a day avg that we had with them..it took a week to get a simple answer.. so be specific and detailed heheheh
  16. i'm not sure..i didn't see them till someone said something about them as well LOL
  17. if you can prove they are sharing it with others and you don't give them permission to do so..then yes you could AR the profile with the image option so LL can see that they had said this in their profile as well.. this way there is no dispute of you photochopping the profile image.. it would be LL's actual screenshot of it so to speak .. then if you catch them sharing it they have a little proof that they were advertising it as well..
  18. if they post a conversation in their profile you had with them you can AR them..if they name you in their profile and trash you..you can AR them just having a logged conversation is not an offense..it's when they share it that it becomes an offense Disclosure Residents are entitled to a reasonable level of privacy with regard to their Second Life experience. Sharing personal information about your fellow Residents without their consent -- including gender, religion, age, marital status, race, sexual preference, alternate account names, and real-world location beyond what is provided by them in their Resident profile -- is not allowed. Remotely monitoring conversations in Second Life, posting conversation logs, or sharing conversation logs without the participants' consent are all prohibited. 
  19. they may want to check the guidelines out.. just saying.. Spamming, Solicitation and Advertising: Spamming is not allowed. This includes aggressive self-promotion. No advertising or promotion of specific Second Life merchants, Marketplace listings, products, or services, unless the forum area is specifically for the buying or selling of Second Life products or services, for example, a “for sale” or “wanted” forum. Do not reference other websites offering any product or service. Note: It is OK to have a signature line with a link to your Second Life profile or information about your Second Life business. 
  20. it shows up in a General rated search for me..i'm on a V2 viewer with the updated search filters..if it was filtered it would have not showed up for me..
  21. is this something that is picking up where two textures meet?something we can't see until it gets formatted?
  22. glad to hear i am not normal..i'd hate to miss the next season of spartacus lol
  23. i'm willing to bet there are more perved minds at a beach full of wet bikinis and swim trunks than at an all nude beach where there is nothing left to the imagination of whats under there..
  24. most people i know have cable or satelite tv..regular tv is for when those go offline for some reason..there are lots of nude things in all hours of the day..heck we even get spartacus gods of the arena and blood and sand..and now we are getting it through our internet also.. regular tv in the U.S. would not be the best way to judge what americvans watch during the day.. some may choose sheltered life on regular tv..but there is a choice not to be so sheltered as well..
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