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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. Other than getting holy water all over everyone in the room.. hehehehehe
  2. Most games I see out these days have another team already working on the next version of the game.. Lifespan for most is like 3 to 5 years.. They get their target audience and then resell them the next version after it's ready for the market. ETA: I would compare SL more to steam or Upaly or something with many versions of things than just a thing on it's own..
  3. It's my fault and I'm sorry for going there at all now.. I should have picked different subject matter for my post and should have known not to touch Christianity, unless i was ready to really get back into discussing Christianity.. I should have kept it short and sweet rather than lazily grazing over my own personal experiences. Hopefully things get back on track.. I apologize to everyone in the thread for the derailing of it.. If the mods do anything, hopefully it's just removing the ruckus I've created.
  4. I just came across this video. O.O Tell me this won't wake you up. I know it scared me half to death when I finally noticed it.. I jumped out my skin.
  5. I'm not quoting word for word, other than when they were talking about kicking them out of the garden.. Even that was a re-translation. It all is really.. The book has been tampered with so much and so much lost in translation and words meaning different things over different times than they do now.. So many different people interpret it in their own way.. I just used that to throw a wrench in things sometimes when someone would come at me hard.. The biggest reason I stopped buying into the burning is this.. The burning is also in other religions older than this one.. Some not even around anymore.. It was more than just the beginning that brought me to that.. there is the book of life and also the quick and the dead and a bunch of other stuff.. hehehe I think the biggest thing that really caught my attention was, the transition that Satan made from the very beginning over seas, then to america.. Just the different variations, I was like, what the hell? o0 I used to be really sharp at all this, but really pretty lazy about it nowadays.. As you can tell. hehehehe
  6. I think it was doing Star track, lords of the ring, Harry Potter and Star Wars
  7. I think maybe we should switch the search for things that aren't cults.. Then I bet we'll narrow it down.. hehehehehehe
  8. I find comedies are my favorite thing to watch.. Even then ,sometimes I'll be in a mood where I feel embarrassed for someone in certain parts in the movie and have to either skip passed a certain part or just not watch it.. Where that came from ,I have no idea.. It seems fine the first time, but if I know it's coming i avoid it for some reason.. It's not happening to me,so I don't understand it really.
  9. Yea that does tend to happen to a lot of words, especially these days.. hehehe Remember when cake was something you baked? hehehehe
  10. I find that I can't watch a lot of things that I used to really be interested in.. I think a lot has to do with getting a zillion versions of the same thing.. That and those damn scripted reality shows taking over things like history channel and I forget the other one now.. hehehe I find I look too hard for agendas now in everything, since that has been so taken advantage of in so many things.. I'm just really gun shy on a lot of things I used to find enjoyable. I hate that I'm like that now..
  11. My feeling is,when something gets manipulated for personal gain or control or power over others.. Like the bible has been used, itself.. I've had people, groups, even pastors manipulate me using the bible, before I finally broke away from church and started to dive into the books myself.. The more I study on my own the more I could separate myself and discover my own conversation with who I believed in as well as start to hold my own against people getting in my face about religion. The whole burning in hell forever thing for instance. From my understanding is a crock and one of the biggest things that scares the crap out of people to get control over them.. I remember being so scare of that when I was younger. Then right at the beginning of the books, I found something.. We only ate from the one tree, the tree of knowledge. In order to burn forever, you would already have to have eternal life.. Because you are not allowed back into paradise unless you are purified, it's a fat chance of it happening. For that burning forever to happen, we would have to enter paradise, eat from the tree of life, then become eternal, then burn forever. We would have to have the second part of the formula..Because god can't just go, POOF! you're all set.. it doesn't work like that. They even have a conversation before Kicking Adam and Eve out of the garden about it,showing that it takes the tree of life to become eternal. Genesis 3:22 And the LORD God said, “The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.” I could go on about how politics works the same way..If you ask me political groups and parties are the modern day religions Pulling the same crap.. I've studied my religions hard and when something looks like a duck,quacks like a duck,craps like a duck, it's a good chance it's a duck.. Religions power is fading in the world more and more as political power grows and grows.. I don't follow religions of any kind or believe in ghosts or mythical things anymore.. After falling out of belief of my religion that I put so much of myself into..Which I have to say, is a hell of a lot harder than it sounds, to do.. It's a fat chance that I'll let any group ever manipulate me in that way ever again.. So in my eyes and I'm using the bad version of the word, a cult to me has a very wide spectrum that reaches beyond just religion. I try and seek the truth the best I can with what really interests me.. When someone tries to manipulate me. I'm only going to look into it if it interests me, but I'm still gonna seek the truth and not take their word for it.. OK I think I might have got side tracked again.. I'm not the best and keeping on track and doing long posts.. so sorry if I'm all over the board again ..hehehe Still drinking mymorning tea.
  12. I agree, I was just adding in my own way that, I feel that same vibe in a lot of areas.
  13. I'm not a groupie of any kind or an idolater. I check them all off. Myself, I don't put my faith or fate into the hands any groups or any one person. Not anymore anyways. Groups to me feel like a box and most wanting you to think inside of their box.. political groups, religious groups, cliques, salons, gas station breakfast gatherings, ect. Soon as someone starts to get to where I feel like they are trying to coax me into their direction or to their way of thinking or their group or side. I'm gonna start looking real hard for myself to see what the catch is or I'm gonna start putting distance between me and them if I'm already onto them. When people are motivated by something and all excited and wanting me to share in it with them, I just think it's best to see if they are looking through a clear window or stained glass. A big red flag and give away for me is, one sidedness.
  14. I decided to go find a definition of a cult.. A cult is a group or movement held together by a shared commitment to a charismatic leader or ideology. It has a belief system that has the answers to all of life's questions and offers a special solution to be gained only by following the leader's rules. cult noun, often attributive Definition of cult 1 : a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious (see spurious sense 2) also : its body of adherents the voodoo cult a satanic cult 2a : great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (such as a film or book) criticizing how the media promotes the cult of celebrity especially : such devotion regarded as a literary or intellectual fad b : the object of such devotion c : a usually small group of people characterized by such devotion the singer's cult of fans The film has a cult following. 3 : a system of religious beliefs and ritual also : its body of adherents the cult of Apollo 4 : formal religious veneration : worship 5 : a system for the cure of disease based on dogma set forth by its promulgator health cults The Overlap of Cults and Culture Cult, which shares an origin with culture and cultivate, comes from the Latin cultus, a noun with meanings ranging from "tilling, cultivation" to "training or education" to "adoration." In English, cult has evolved a number of meanings following a fairly logical path. The earliest known uses of the word, recorded in the 17th century, broadly denoted "worship." From here cult came to refer to a specific branch of a religion or the rites and practices of that branch, as in "the cult of Dionysus." By the early 18th century, cult could refer to a non-religious admiration or devotion, such as to a person, idea, or fad ("the cult of success"). Finally, by the 19th century, the word came to be used of "a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious." Examples of cult in a Sentence She has developed a cult following. long after it had gone off the air, the TV series continued to have a huge cult . ETA:I had to trim some of the fat off that quote, it was a mile long.. hehehe
  15. Give it just a weeeeeeeee bit more time.. hehehe
  16. ¿Has intentado entrar en la ubicación de tu hogar?
  17. It's cause she jusss got back from hangin with Carl over thar at thu nervous hospital and needs some, nervine cure. That's a whut I'mma thinkin anyways.
  18. I was just thinking of that meme, then seen you had it here already.. Now I must improvise!! \o/
  19. This guy is kind of funny and I'm really loving his channel.. It's like he does all these chemical experiments just for the fun of it, plus has a sense of humor that a lot won't catch onto right away.. Sometimes it takes watching a few of his videos to know.. Either way it's interesting lessons in chemistry, plus silly, plus sometimes really funny..
  20. From the way it's looking, Getting a sim is gonna be one of the last things on many peoples minds in the U.S. for a good bit.. There is a storm coming and it's gonna be long and it's gonna be a doozy. I've been watching this guy since the first shutdown back in the start of the pandemic and he's been really reliable..
  21. I just put all of my textures and photos on a note card and drop my inventory down from however many items to just a few note cards. If I ever need them I just send them to my inventory from the note card. Just have to make sure the note card is full perm and drag and drop them textures and photos onto them.
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