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Luna Bliss

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Everything posted by Luna Bliss

  1. @Luna Bliss: Here's your target !! Ding ! Ding ! PAUL HEXEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Is there some reason why manoji should not care about or be interested in another country outside her own?
  3. interesting but sadly this V-dem site seems to lock up its raw data pretty tight (the PDF is just information about the organization it's self.) so all i have to go on is a second had source (Washington post) whish is not exactly known for being a centrist publication. https://www.allsides.com/media-bias/media-bias-ratings#ratings Being honest It does not matter who wins. The U.S. Government and its Economic systems are doomed anyway both parties are basically "good old boys network" so it will always be "more of the same" The divide between the uber welthy and the Poor will continue and any "social programs" they can dream up wont help our own citizens are too hostile having been tough to be so in school educated to be so by people "who entered a classroom in kindergarten and never left" While it is sort of a Meme to Quote Joseph Schumpeter's "Capitalism Socialism and Democracy" I want to point out his thoughts on page 147 But we might do worse than take our lead from the Iron Duke. Intellectuals are in fact people who wield the power of the spoken and the written word, and one of the touches that distinguish them from other people who do the same is the absence of direct responsibility for practical affairs. This touch in general accounts for another—the absence of that first-hand knowledge of them which only actual experience can give. The critical attitude, arising no less from the intellectual’s situation as an onlooker—in most cases also as an outsider—than from the fact that his main chance of asserting himself lies in his actual or potential nuisance value, should add a third touch. I will link the book if your interested it is a remarkable read. https://eet.pixel-online.org/files/etranslation/original/Schumpeter, Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy.pdf The Future is going to be a mess period sold away for cheep consumer goods. I know, it's very likely we're too far gone at this point. But for now, a few less people will die in the coming years due to having health care in the US via the Biden plan, and I'll settle for at least that as I beg people on the forum living in other countries to marry me so I can get the hell out of here!
  4. I've been around musicians most of my life with my Dad being in "the biz". It's not just teenagers, on my first meeting of my ex-husband's lead singer, you don't want to know what he asked me...a perfect stranger he's just meeting...I can't say here. In the music biz, it is far from just teenagers. Yes, as I said, no doubt many men never outgrow it. When we accept the behavior by saying 'men will be men' or 'Men!', as you exclaimed, we are perpetuating a damaging stereotype though, and this is damaging to both men and women. We give men a free pass for expressing an abusive type of sexual interest in women, explaining it away as totally natural when it's really not.
  5. My ex told me things. He was a musician who had signed his first record deal at age 19 and started playing in clubs in the tri-states at age 17. Oh, the stuff he told me that men think they are entitled too. I could comprehend that behavior in a teen-ager, but Trump was pushing 70 when he said that! No doubt that many men never outgrow it. And I guess that's a perfect description of our (hopefully) ex-president -- the self-absorbed narcissist who never grew up.
  6. My ex-husband never talked that way, even among his guy friends. Many men don't. I guess this type of man feels it's not okay to treat other humans as 'things' to conquer.
  7. NBC says Biden is apparent winner in Wisconsin now...10 more electoral votes...99% of votes in now
  8. away with you, sexist idiot! [Moderator Edit: Image with sexually explicit language removed]
  9. I'm not really a fan of hers myself.. I was rooting for Tulsi when they were going at it.. hehehe I never knew much about her...what she stood for. My favs were Warren and Kamala.
  10. Yeah, I see your point. I'd take her however she gets there though, myself... Don't forget too, that these older while males who are so threatened by other races and genders usurping them will be dying through the coming years....I think that's when a woman president will finally be possible. Could be Joe will die too and she will ascend that way...although I do like Joe as much as I do Kamala and hope he doesn't.
  11. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2020/09/18/united-states-is-backsliding-into-autocracy-under-trump-scholars-warn/ https://www.v-dem.net/media/filer_public/f9/08/f908eb53-c0e2-40f0-9294-e067537d8f0b/v-dem_policybrief_5_2016.pdf @Atosuria Daviau A continuation of the authoritarianism we were discussing in the Covid thread.
  12. You are SOOO close to a Godwin already .. hey well you know even the creator of Godwin stated that sometimes it applies
  13. Stop season discrimination!!!!!!!!! 😉
  14. Mango Mussolini declared he already won though...🙄
  15. This looks promising for you...lowering the Medicare age down to 60 years of age (or even 55 as is being discussed as well). https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2020/04/11/832025550/bidens-health-play-in-a-covid-19-economy-lower-medicares-eligibility-age-to-60 More funds are allocated to the so-called 'deserving' people who are eligible for Medicare. This means your medication would more likely be covered with Medicare vs the Medicaid you currently have. With a larger pool of people (a bigger market) we have greater bargaining power in terms of lowering drug costs too. This is why drug costs in all parts of the world are being discussed -- not that you need to move but if we model our system more like other places with lower drug prices we can lower our drug costs too.
  16. No worries...you are doing better than a great many people in the US itself who have no idea what's on the line in this election regarding our health care, or even what a democracy actually is and how Mango Mussolini is an authoritarian.
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