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Jumpman Lane

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Everything posted by Jumpman Lane

  1. If you mean by making alts then I cannot. Part of an agreement I made with Linden Lab during my surrender at the conclusion of The Great Watermelon War was the deactivation of all my "Jumpman"-named alts, the return of my Jumpmam Lane main, the return of my 5 or so alts not named "Jumpmam" and the prohibition from creating any other alternate avatars. I had to send in a photocopy of my driver's license. Hehehe. I'm ID verified with The Lab. Such are the fruits of my various infamies lol. Hi, Torley!
  2. it was happy except for my near death from chocolate covered hard cannehs. just imagine butt naked, dopey grin, and a death grip on a empty pack of m&m's in meatspace hehehe
  3. i was drunk and sleepy when i picked my name years ago hehehe to get Linden Lab to CHANGE it for free would be a godsend lol but im not pretending to be michael jordan Jumpman Lives came out first anyhow. i'd prefer Jump Lane actually or Jumpy Lane. hehehe i might snitch my self out to nike and get the ball rolling lol
  4. Caws they are wierdies. I've never gone in for that kinda stuff. Closest I ever got was callin myself Jumpman Lincoln Lane and freeing kajiry slave gals. lol...OH and cybering with some gal in her SL hubbies super secret BSDM sax-cave hehehehe. He logged in and said "WHHHHHYYYYY!!!" in some kinda tardy whine. Nearly choked to death on som M&M's I was munching on in post-virtual-coitus bliss and stuff. hehehehehe
  5. I've never been a troll or a griefer for that matter. Usually in forums when folks cant come up with a cogent argument the fall back on innanet meme trash and accusations of trolling, flaming, griefing or w/e. poor saps hehehehehe. It all comes down to the fact that so few can give it as well as they get.
  6. Years ago when the real life Jenna Jameson had an avi in Second Life (and I was tarding around with the bunch who managed her sims), I met a gal named Jennnnna Jameson (who incidentally became the most famous SL pornstar of them all under the new name Linden Lab made her get). Jennnnna got this little missive from those pesky Lindens. .Dear Jennnnna, We are contacting you about your use in Second Life of the name and identity of the celebrity Jenna Jameson. We ask that Second Life residents respect the rights of celebrities in their name and identity. We would ask that you stop using the names Jennnnna Jameson and Jenna Jameson within Second Life, we would also ask that you stop using photos or images of the celebrity Jenna Jameson. Within the next two (2) days, please either reply to this email or submit a Support ticket (http://support.secondlife.com/), to the attention of Harry Linden, and please provide us with: (1) A new first name for your Second Life avatar, and (2) A new name for your Second Life group named “Jenna Jameson.” Your new names must not infringe or be confusingly similar to the name Jenna Jameson. For example, the name Jennasis Jameson would not be acceptable. Please also remove all photos and images of the celebrity Jenna Jameson and any other uses of her identity. If you do not do so, we will disable your access to Second Life until you contact us with appropriate new names for your avatar and group. We will also remove all photos, images, and other uses of Jenna Jameson’s identity if you do not do so. Thank you for your cooperation and assistance in this matter. Sincerely, H. Linden " We had slapped Jennnnna on the cover of my magazine. "Our Jennnnnna is better than YOUR Jenna" hehehe. I'd fallen out with Jenna's land manager flunkies by then so they snitched Jennnnna out to the Lab. She changed her name to Emmanuelle and became SUPER famous in SL porn circles. Then, sadly, someone hacked her Emmanuelle Jameson account and its deactivated now. (B4 any forum rat decides to go hunting up some cheese. I can mention these names. They are all gone from SL).
  7. I think trolls are saps who think being contrarian is "cool". The saddest thing in the world is a nerd at a computer "acting" cool.e.g. "Reformed" griefers hehehe
  8. Geeze Alec u should be more concerned with the Heralds demise than getting tipsy and typing drunk. If ur bored watch true detective or sumfin hehehe
  9. Point out something I ever said that was wrong. A virtual hug or two brought SOMEBODY back. That sex base was Briggi's scripting and CM's and CA's work too. NOT just my antipode's. Because I don't smile and tap dance around issues but tell it STRAIGHT hehehehe, I'm makin it all UP? Think not.
  10. Yup my antipode is back. A virtual hug or do us all he wanted in the first place. So tell him welcome back and He's welcome for getting him the help he needed
  11. I'm sure you misunderstood. More like unleashed friend of The Lab out distributing rainbows and lollipops hehehehe. Linden Lab IS headquartered in San Fran. That's what THEY thought I was doing I'm sure
  12. Well I'm NOT a griefer, hehehehe. I never did it for the LULZ. In fact I never did anything to anyone...that didnt have it coming. If I'm disliked or disparaged of any JUST action I've ever taken ANYWHERE then Cyrano i say ," Thank GOD, another enemy" hehehehe Yus I'm bold brash impudent and vain just like that gasconade. what of it. Simply put, Pix joined that band of permabanned griefers and after the third banning of the Woodbury's (oddly while donning My li Pony avis like WHAT?!?!), it became kinda hard to edit an organ whose chief purpose was to spew apologias and spit propaganda for virtual terrorists (even if so cuddly cute in My Lil Pony avis....er... WHY!?!?!). hehehehehe And if you're refering to that lil suicidal tweet thing years ago, well ask Prok , i WAS TRYING TO SAVE THAT GUYS LIFE. even tho he was no friend of mine, no kin of mine. I reserve the right of ANY antipode to laugh at my opposite when he's down! Mercy is for the weak!
  13. Well APPARENTLY, Pix has joined the Hoard of Permabanned Griefers in Second Life. Tarding about with TIZ and Intlibber. lol. All are banned in sl so i reckon you can mention their names. Uri's been peddling SL Drama as "lessons" at the third-rate college he taches at. (JUMPY, went to Duke afterall, The Harvard of the South). Well you lie down with dogs you come up with fleas.
  14. i unno what drama is EXACTLY; but, I aint backing down to NOBODY. ( I ain't never ran from a Linden and I aint about to pick today to start runnin) I'm gonna express my real feelings bout everythang anytimie. CAWS JUMP REAL(er than J.Lo with her booty poked out in 1998). If someone has a problem with anything I say or do i remind thm that Jumpy onna forced march alla way to The Promised Land. They can walk with me or get outta the way before they get run the f@ck ova But...then again...my SL has been FILLED with drama hehehehehe
  15. Freeze the sap. lock camera and then eject but not ban hehehehehehe use ur land powah for fun lol. oh mute first so: 1.Mute 2. Freeze 3. Lock Camera 4.Eject 5. Repeat They'll get bored. Trust me.
  16. Hi, K, see, I admit it, I'm a retro-noob (blame Linden Lab for suspending me so much hehehehehehe) but GEEZE I used to be able to bet nekid and onna pose ball lickety split. Now i gotta mesh with huds and play around with alpha and getting dressed AFTER takes even longer. Plus I aint wearing them dorky Mesh heads but I admit i do look better thaneva hehehehehe. Anybody got any mesh tips like how to make these sap creators make more clothes for my body
  17. All the Lindens I ever met were princes. All my dealings with Linden Lab have been blanketed in fairness. They have rules. I follow them. Pix is rumored to be banned for cozying up to a passel of griefer. (More on this later). I'm jus' a lil' Lane hehehehe what's wrong with a lil' self promotion lol. Not like I'm spamming the forums or nothing.
  18. No one has freedom of speech on someone else's dime. Saps who fly the Stars & Bars are repping their white pride with a symbol of treason against the U. S. as an aside.
  19. Why those pesky Lindens at The Lab exonerated me of course. Not enuff cool kids in Second Life apparently. Phil wants me to glitter and glow and generally give off light fullbright in windlight and stiff
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