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Jumpman Lane

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Everything posted by Jumpman Lane

  1. Hi, good luck with your mag! Heres a pointer or two. EVERYBODY wants to BE famous. So, make people famous. (Nobodies). People who are already famous are snooty, snotty, and snitty. Make them...INFAMOUS.
  2. hehehe i'm not mentor material BUT a word of advice. Second Life is just like like. You're born then you decide to BE somebody
  3. "THIS is AMERICA. CANT AFFORD TO PAY? make more money! what are you a communist or sumfin." Thats from some movie. Reminds me of the time Torley's reponse to lag was "BUY A NEW COMPUTER." If a new tax (revenue stream) would allow LL to !. Stay in business. 2. Improve the virtual world experience. I'm all for it. Going out of the server farm business which is your bread and butter doesnt make sense to me. Banking on spurious tech few will adopt. Doesnt make sense to me. Banking on taxing an economy that doesnt exist...doesnt make sense to me. Taxing SL after failed corprate misadventures in cutting edge tech. The future of Second Life
  4. Such is Second Life. Is all I'm saying. Will cheap land turn me or anyone else into Gene Replacement, Briggi Bard, Juro Kothari etc etc etc?
  5. Yup, all the Linden CEO"S since Philip have been petty functionaries peddling sugar water. Sansar seems like pie in the sky at best. An excersize in shing up a turd at worst. whatever it is it aint aimed at what remains of Second Life users. The sad thing is they are flogging that cutting edge tech hyping their success in "creating" virtual worlds when the residents created it ant that pioneer spirtit is long dead. The World Building content creators are long gone. The creator class NOW are acessorizers. The visionary spirit that birthed the metaverse (sl-form) is at high fidelity. What remains is a bunch (of pesky lindens) who can monetize a bunch of server farms. Build them a world and Linden Lab can squeeze a few pennies out of it.
  6. Dresden you are a bigger re re than I thought. Hehehehe I was just lamenting in the Cartel's chat a few weeks ago how denuded The Forum Cartel had become, playing some tardy word association game, spamming chat when they should be over here in the forums stirring up trouble. Hehehehehe. At least you are and with ME no less. For that I DO applaud you. But come on. To bow down to a pack of turdy noobs particularly these NEW noobs caws they were PICKING on YOU for NOT being a NOOB. Geeze THAT is NOT in the spirit of C. Norse who founded the Forum Cartel with whom I waged spirited flame wars with and suffered in world suspensions with and over. Lol C. Norse and I became great pals because HE gave as good as he got. So witch up, lil witch! To create an alt to "fit in" with a pack of saps not worth acknowledging is nothing to be proud of. Trying to stay out of trouble when faced with noobs emboldened by the over moderation of these neutered forums is understandable. Yet, eating a three day suspension is far more honorable. I unno just saying. I ain't even mad at ya Dres
  7. Bobbie I actually agree with you 100%. That's my problem with Sansar. I fear it will fail because the current "Residents" of Second Life are very different from the users 4 years ago, more so 8 years ago, much less 12 years ago. I fear that even if Linden Lab delivers on the things many in SL have been waiting years ago for, namely scalability, better rendering and etc would enough of the current "Residents" of Second Life even be interested in using it. I personally don't mind the new tax as such. SL is a business and if exploring new revenue streams is a means to keep the servers up, I'm all for it. I dare say few in the history of SL have loved Second Life more than me and NONE have risked more than I have voicing my very public support of Linden Lab in the past. I've been labeled a fanboy by the now defunct Alphaville Herald, defamed in world, threatened with lawsuits and physical violence irl for opposing Eros LL vs. Linden Research. I've had very my tussles with D3adly Cod3c former leader of The PN, (safely now dead), Tizzers Foxchases flunky minions like Tux Winkler of The Woodbury/My Lil Pony Bronie/ Wrong Hand Turdmunches for the crime on merely "liking" SL. Hehehehe oh well. I DO So don't misunderstand me. I fully support LL. My problem is what happens when/if Sansar should fail. Am I gonna be left with this money-suck tax to pay for the same ol SL 1.0 after being "dazzled" with this pie in the sky vision of virtual reality being the next best thing and lower land prices are gonna turn Tardy12345 Resident into the next Gene Replacement or Juro Kothatri or Briggi Bard? The New Noobs were rezzed into a ready-made world. The visionary spirit of Philip Rosedale is over at HighFidelity. That spirit that infused the Class of 2003 and those they denoobified with the pioneer spirit that CREATED Second Life has long faded. The content creatorrs today are not World Builders they are Accessorizers
  8. Seacrh the old forums. You'll find that Jumpman Lane is NOTHING if not a good sport! I'm STILL in the Forum Cartel!
  9. see...i unno Linden Lab might care just a teeny bit if EVERYONE opts out or more precisley NO ONE opts in hehehehehe. NO! I will NOT leave the Sansar business model to LL. You aint gonna snitch me out to those pesky Lindens are ya? Dud, can I borrow ur VR equipment? hehehehehe
  10. STAY. OFF. MY. LAND. hehehehehehe I pay for it. I PAY for the priviledge of living in the MASTERPIECE built by the greatest architect in the HISTORY of Second Life. It was started in 2005 and completed in 2006 and NO ONE has built a better house in prims sculptie or mesh in all these years. YOU probably never even heard of Juro so what do you care. (Very few without a Legacy name have; but Second Life didnt start they day you first rezzed lmao). If anybody has go visit the A. Butler House or the C. Apollo Home. or Castle Blackmoor. I unnastan that they are kinda like museums and stuff. hehehehehe As an aside, I really don't mind being called a douche bag by the likes of YOU. I mean who are YOU? I've been called much worse by WAY more noteworthy people with VASTLY superior turns of phrases. One of those famous artist Oh's once called me a coockroach. Hehehehe. That Rockstar Flogger P. Neva once called me odious (as if odium smarts lol). Though...a very FORMER sex bed maker refferred to me as The KING of Second Life. Hehehehehehe Get BIG Lil' Resident. Come back when you've BECOME somebody. ("You're MEAN beacuse you use ban lines!" Hehehehehe Go hang out in a sandbox!). Now I GET why L. Carducci never talked to noobs hehehehehehe
  11. I agree Qie. The gamble on cheapening the price is Linden Lab's though. Not mine. If, I'm right they make money on cheap land by increasing the volume from those paying tier and premium accounts. If not, they raise land prices and survive, or don't and Sansar fails. The point is, their MAIN revunue stream IS land. (Thank you for clarifying that fact even more for me by pointing out the relative UNPROFITABILITY of the Marketplace and the currency exchange. They are admittedly small potatoes). Selling server space is The Lab's bread and butter and there is SL's vast GNP vast sums of monies changing hand's on their platform as yet NOT part of LL's revenue stream, easily GOMMED by LL decree. Do I blame those pesky Lindens? NO! I've always made my stand on the side of Linden Lab. So, again we agree. I'm all FOR LL creating new revenue streams. Wanna make a new tax? Make it. Do whatever needs doing to keep the severs up. What I don't want is more "shining up a turd" and calling it progress. They've been talking about better rendering, more scalability, etc.. for YEARS. If Sansar will bring all that then great. However, should Sansar fail for whatever reason and all we are left with is is Second Life 1.0 and even MORE of a reason for them to implement the new tax just to keep the status quo well...I live in a J. Kothari custom so at least my laggy dump will LOOK good. Hehehehe I unno just seems like we are being set up for MORE disappointment. All this nerdy talk about the wonders of virtual reality AIN'T WHY I'M IN SECOND LIFE. Who cares.
  12. Hi, bigmoe I unno seems kind of suspicious. Always follow the monies. Never ask what a piece of nonsense means or try to figure it out. Only ask yourself what it accomplshes.
  13. Ya got any vr equip collecting dust roud the crib? hehehe. You're NEW (i wont call you a noob caws that's rude and I'm NOTHING if not polite). It might help to have a lil history of SL and LL at your finger tips. Perhaps, somebody teaches a class.
  14. I've had private sims over the years, but own a mainland parcel and have rented The Dawson Residence by Juro Kothari for YEARS. Juro's masterpiece sits high on a hill on a parcel large enough to keep neighbors at bay. The parcell I own behind it is surrounded by water and land owned by governor Linden and divided by a Linden road. I love being able to swim and sail on the Linden waterways. It's just way better than being boxed in on a private sim. My only trouble is noobs wandering in, exploring, being facinated by Kothari's build. So, I have to keep the ban lines up. With the draw distance set at 64m I even have an unmatched view. I'm loving it. 
  15. I unno, I'm just a Lil' Lane; but doesn't this whole Sansar deal seem just a little bit fishy? Second Life 2.0 SEEMS to offer SL Residents what they been BEGGING for, for years: better rendering, scalability, LESS LAG. Those pesky Lindens are tossing in cheap land to boot. Nevermind virtual reality. That's just shining up a turd. Them server farmers aint counting on a massive influx of NERDS facinated with a marginal technology to keep The Lab afloat. They are counting on MICRO-TRANSACTIONS (along with server farming-they call it The Land Business) to keep The lab in the black. LL been around 12 YEARS grabbing a penny here and there on every purchase and sale of currency. They shutdown the independent CURRENCY EXCHANGES to eliminate the competition. They gommed Xstreet and bought out the competition getting pennies on every sale of goods outworld, online. Now they want to grab a few pennies on EVERY INWORLD sale of ANYTHING. Don't be fooled by the idea of cheaper land either. They'll make that up in volume by having more residents paying tier (possibly even shunting more free users into premium accounts). Is all the fuss and fanfare of Sansar, just a pesky way of implementing The Lab's new tax on every purchase made in Second Life. If Linden Lab announced such a tax TOMORROW, without the smoke and mirrors of Sansar would it sit well with residents? I unno. Yet, if Sansar succeeds Linden Lab will have a CLEAN finger in the pie of Second Life's economy-a new revenue stream. If Sansar fails, THAT TAX will remain. Those pesky Lindens will STILL eat pie...and Ebbe's sittin' pretty fulla win!
  16. sl is more of a world or a game that's all sandbox playt than a mmo with limited goals, gameplay objectives. most guilds in those kinda games are associations with similar intrests IN ADDITION to the game set strinctures. SL is your world your imagination. Though you can say what's your opinion of people or humanity in general irl, such metaphysical questions related to sl would devole into mesh vs non mesh, or we can all fly and teleport, and value judgments related to such "meatapyhsical" facts of your virtual world. To make comparisons to a mmo where the the the differentia from the genus is much narrower lose meaning. Its like comparing the concepts man to fireman. One's wider than the other
  17. Well first thing. Put "no drama" in the About section of your profile. That inevitably stirs up drama in a few dAys lol. And DRAMA is NEVER boring
  18. Hehehe I'm polite and well-mannered. Don't ya know who I am? I'm Jumpman Lane
  19. Nope, I made a square deal caws having to make day ol alts gets old and innanet meme trash like "doin' it for the lulz" is just that hehehehe innanet meme trash
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