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Peggy Paperdoll

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Everything posted by Peggy Paperdoll

  1. I'm going to take exception to some of what Jadeclaw said. ------------------------------------------- Jadeclaw Denfu said: Answered on 11-15-201212:14 PM As Lindal suggested, talk to your landlord about the necessary permissions. When you have the necessary permissions to set the options in the About Land dialogue, read on: Lindal Kidd wrote: 2. General ban. Usually only available if you own mainland. In About Land/Access, uncheck the public access box. Only you and people you put on your access list will be able to come on the parcel. 3. About Land/Options. Turn off Scripts, Object Rezzing, and Object Entry for "everyone". Only you and (if the land is set to group) your group members will be able to bring objects and scripts onto your land. Don'tdo that. Banlines do not protect from griefer attacks from neighboring parcels. But instead making other peoples life miserable. Plus, it's a major factor in littering. No banlines do not do a very good job of protecting against griefer attacks but I it doesn't make other people's life miserable either (maybe a little inconvenient but definitely not "miserable). And why do you say it's major contributer to "litteing"? Yeah, sometimes when someone hits a banline (or sim crossing, or a security orb they get bounced to some strange location and their vehicle becomes stuck but that is not such a huge problem that you can say it's a major factor in littering. Turning off Scripts and Object Entry kills any aircraft, separating pilot and vehicle, flying is already a pain in the a** with buggy sim crossings and overloaded parcels. Plus, No Copy-vehicles can get lost in that case, that makes you be seen as a griefer. So anyone who turns off scripts and/or object entry is going to equate them to a "griefer"? That's just about one of the most rediculous statements I've read in a long time about banlines, no scripts, no object entry or any other option available to a land owner. Just because it's something you don't like to encounter when you are tooling around in your vehicle or flying machine (or just running or flying around a sim) that person is just as bad as a griefer. Sorry, you are totally off base on that. The correct way (All in the About Land dialogue): Banlines off. They work only up to 100 to 150m and are ineffective against particle spam. And it is still possible to shoot objects onto your parcel. That's how these cars ended up behind banlines: http://sl.jadeclaw.de/Snapshot_405.png Instead add known griefers to the Banned Residents list. That is the only one effective up to 5000m and more. And keeps them off your ground reliably. If they dig out their alts, Freeze, Ban, Eject, Abuse Report is the way to go. Your "correct way" (as stated by you) is a way to set land permissions for anyone's parcel.......but, it's not the "correct way". The correct way is any way anyone decides to set those permissions that works best for that person. Ban lines are good up to 50 meters above the terrain mesh (AGL). Cars ending up behind banlines can be a result of someone hitting those banlines and getting separated from the vehicle..........but, that does not happen all that much anymore (since Havoc 4 was introduced a few years ago). Outdated information. On the banned avatar part. According to the Wiki ..." Ban lines are limited to a height of 768 m above the terrain mesh when you're explicitly banned from the land...". http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Ban#Banlines The Wiki article is old and that 768 m above the terrain mesh is outdated. 768 m used to be the build height but it's now 4000 m that the banlines would be visible for a banned avatar. It works too because I did an experiment a few years ago with my alt.....I saw the banlines at 4000 m but did not see them at 5000 m. However, I was still banned from the parcel all the way up to about 100,000 m (I just could not see the banlines). My conclusion is that banlines are not very effective for general use to deny avatar entry (I agree with that part of your statement). But I disagree with the assertion that because someone uses banlines they are on par with griefers.....that's totally ridiculous. Banning by name works and is effective (well as effective as any way available in SL). Scripts and Object Entry to Everyone. Vehicles can cross without problems, cleanup scripts can correctly remove stuck vehicles. Completely off base. You would like scripts and object entry off (or to "everyone") for selfish reasons so you can drive through my parcel or fly across my property or run scripts from my property. If I don't want you to be able to do all that, then that's my business........sorry if it inconveniences you. You will just have to go around my boundaries (or bounce off them). It's not my problem and, though I don't mean to upset you, I really don't care if it inconveniences you. Build to Group or off, so only you can rez stuff. Autoreturn to a sensible value, normally 10 to 30 minutes, in your case, I suggest 3 to 5 minutes. Autoreturn is the important one here, as it removes anything you do not own from your parcel. That is exactly, what you want - Automatically getting rid of griefer devices pushed or dropped onto your ground. Banlines do not prevent that. If your parcel is surrounded by abandoned or protected land, check, if Autoreturn is active there, if not, file a support ticket to get it activated, if it is privately owned, contact the land owners about the issue. That prevents griefers from leaving their devices there. Auto return is a good feature for protecting your prim usage (and to some exent, making griefing a little less of a problem). Your suggestion of 3 to 5 minutes is sort of arbitrary though. If you want ot use autoreturn for protection against griefer attacks then 3 to 5 minutes is too long (and 10 to 30 minutes is an eternity if you under a griefer attack........ever hear of self repricating prims?). If you are going to use autoreturn for griefer defense set it to as short a time as possible (but no build and no object entry takes care of that). Auto return is best for when you let others build on your parcel but don't want them to eat up your prims (in that case set it for an hour or so to allow the people you let build time to do something other than just rezz something.......but, if they forget to take it back to their inventory then autoreturn does it for them). Security orbs: Check the covenant, if it is rented land, if these are allowed. If security orbs are allowed, set one inside your house and set it up in a way, that it only covers the building itself. And set it then to a very short time. That way, avatars teleporting into your bedroom gets them ejected quickly. For the rest of your property, Freeze, Ban, Eject, Abuse Report is the way to go. I don't understand your advocacy for security orbs and your stance against banlines. Maybe because they can be set to allow you a few seconds to "leave"? Most security orbs I've encountered allow anywhere from 3 seconds to 10 seconds. If you are flying (or driving) you often get that message after about 2 seconds from when you entered the parcel.......and then you have to figure out what's the fastest way off the parcel, turn around or whatever before you get booted from the parcel (and separated from your vehicle like with banlines). And the warning "tape" can be turned off so that there's absolutely no way of knowing if you just crossed into a parcel with a security orb........it's every bit as bad as banlines (worse since security orbs work at any build height unlike the 50 m limit for banlines). --------------------------------------------- Lindal's answer was pretty much right on target. Your's appears to revolve around your ability to fly or drive where ever you want without restrictions. That's pretty selfish on your part. If I don't want people driving across, or flying across below 50 m, or walking across my parcel I will put up banlines and not feel guilty (and not be a griefer either......not even by your definition). And for the record, I do not have banlines on my mainland parcel. I do have no scripts and no object entry. I normally have build on for only group but occassionally I set it to everyone so that people can rezz vehicles to drive on the Linden roads that go along two sides of my parcel.............I have autoreturn set to off (but I keep tabs on my prim count and once in a while I do have to manually return objects (but that's really pretty rare).
  2. You don't have to find the specs for your computer that people here on the forums need in order to offer some help. Just launch your viewer (any viewer) and under the "Help" menu click on "About Second Life". On the dialog box that pops up, on the first tab you'll see the specs for your computer that the viewer reports to the SL servers. Copy those specs and paste them back here. You don't need to even log in to get those specs. You can add those specs by using the "Options" in the upper right hand corner of your initial post and "Edit" to add them or any other comments you might want to give.
  3. Netflex is a pay service just like HBO, Showtime, The Movie Channel, Startz. In order to use the service you have to subcribe to it and pay for it. There are Terms of Service (ToS) for all of the above that you agree to. One of those terms are that you do not "re-distribute" the service. That's why you don't see movies shown in places like Shakey's Pizza or you local rec center. It's also called "pirating" when you distribute copyrighted material (a huge bone of contention here in SL, by the way). Linden Lab does not provide any way for someone to violate others' copyrights (it's not impossible to skirt around that lack of provision but it's not something that is going to be easy for anyone to do in SL and the risk, including real life criminal prosecution, of being caught is very high). To answer your question.........no you can not stream Netflex to SL. Not legally anyway.
  4. Moving is an option. But moving is also doing exactly what the griefers are wanting.........they win, you loose. It's not so bad that you loose (I'm not that proud myself) but by you allowing the griefers to "win" you are, in a small way, forcing other residents to "loose". It's a mini-war.........good residents against bad residents. When the good residents loose by not standing their rightful ground we all loose. Fight this "war" with the tools LL provides........everyone wins that way (except the bad ones).
  5. From the "Community Standards" (different from the ToS, but every bit as enforceable as the ToS): ----------------------------------------------------- Disclosure Residents are entitled to a reasonable level of privacy with regard to their Second Life experience. Sharing personal information about your fellow Residents without their consent -- including gender, religion, age, marital status, race, sexual preference, alternate account names, and real-world location beyond what is provided by them in their Resident profile -- is not allowed. Remotely monitoring conversations in Second Life, posting conversation logs, or sharing conversation logs without the participants' consent are all prohibited. http://secondlife.com/corporate/cs.php ------------------------------------------------------- It appears it is something you should avoid.........but I suppose you could argue that you were only using your "chat extender" to talk to friends at a distance. I wouldn't bank on that as a good defense since IM's are fully capable of that.
  6. An nVidia 610 card will probably not even run SL at ultra. A 610 card is a low end card.....barely better than intergrated graphics. The "M" (for for mobility) is even lower performing than a card designed for a desktop........more performance means more power and more power drains laptop batteries faster (and the laptop manufacturers are always going to go for better battery life).
  7. Both Rupert Murdock and Ted Turner are "hands off" owners. That means they own the business and hire people to run the business for them........then they go off to play (Ted Turner does his yacht races.......Rupert Murdock goes golfing). They don't set an agenda beyond just "make me money".
  8. Not true, Pussycat........just not true. I'm Republican. I was raised in the mid-south (Arkansas). I went to school with black, native American, Polynesian, Japanese, Chinese (you name it) and all those accusations you just made were all but non-existent. Yeah there were some hateful acts and events..........not exclusively directed at any "minority". It happened just as much to people like me (a white looking, strawberry blonde, freckle faced scrawny kid who happens to be 1/8 Cherokee Indian). I dealt with it..........I didn't blame it on my "race". The minorities I knew (and some I still know) were treated just like everyone else.........until those minorities made it about minorities. I now live in California............and until I came here that ugly n word was a very rare word to be used. Sadly, I hear that word almost daily. Don't lump us into some group..........look at yourself. The problems are not just one sided.......you contribute to it more than you think you do.
  9. Rupert Murdock is a business man........not a new man. Ted Turner is a business man.......not a news man. Both own cable news channels. What's your point? I'm not a real big fan of Bill Gates (and he is a computer man) but I own two computers that run his software. I'm also not a big fan of Steve Jobs........but I own an iPhone. Fox News happens to be very competitive in the cable news business..........in fact, in many areas (such as the O'Reilly Factor), they are at the top of the heap. But, I don't restrict my news to only FNC.........I watch CNN a lot too. I get my local news from all four of the major US broadcast networks (ABC, NBC, CBS, and FOX). I don't watch foriegn news channels since I'm only literate in English and I don't really have a desire to know who got into a spat at the local pub in London. My international news (and national news) is gotten from FNC and CNN........the rest is from local channels.
  10. FNC is my "go channel" I'm white looking too.............that's for the dissing. :)
  11. "... My personal expectation is that the GOP will fade over time, and then the Democrats will split. Dems have already gone to the center. There is no left-wing party anymore in the USA. But no party can represent everyone - so eventually the right-of-center dems and the left-of-center dems will break up. But not until they lack a common enemy." ------------------------------------------------ Democrat, Republican, Green, Libertarian, Socialist or any other political party this election is the scariest I've seen in my life. This country was founded on a Constitution. A document that laid down some of the most basic of laws for what the government can and cannot do. There are three branches that make up the United States' government. The Congressional branch, the Judicial branch and the Executive branch. I listed those branches of the government in order of governmental power. You see that the Executive branch is last.........the Presidency is in the Executive branch and it's the "weakest" of all the branches of government. That means the President has the least power. The Executive branch's power is in foriegn policy, Commander in Chief of the military........his job is to protect the United States from from foriegn threats and to enforce the laws laid out by the Constittution of the United States. It is a position of enormous influence over domestic laws.........but he cannot make the laws (that's the Congressional branch's responisibility). I think my President has failed on the foriegn policy miserably.............the Libyian Embassy masscure is the most recent (but his snubbing Isreal is a close second). That is one very big disappointment for me (maybe I should say what I mean..........it's an outrage for me). Then there's the enforcing the laws laid out by the Constitution. By Executive order he effectively changed this country's immigration laws by instructing ICE to ignore the law of the land and use their "best judgement" about enforcing immigration violations...........he by-passed the Congressional branch who is responsible for creating laws with that order (remember his job is to enforce the laws........all laws, not just the laws he agrees with). This is a President that I can never support. This is a President that has come the closest to a King of the United States that I can remember in all the history I've read or studied on the United States. That, to me, is the scariest part. What else is he going to do? Is he going to issue and Executive Order that I have to take my gasoline powered automobile to the junk yard and go buy some solar powered tricycle? Or maybe I can only take a shower on sunny days because I can't own a gas or electric water heater (it has to be solar)? Sound far fetched? Well a year ago I would have thought an Executive Order instructing ICE agents not to enforce immigration laws was simply out of the question..........he did it. And, for the record...........I'm a veteran who opposes Obama. *Just a point to show Vets are on both sides*.
  12. Charolotte and Rolig have both given you the correct answer to the ToS concerning posting of or otherwise devulging private conversations (either open chat or IM). It's a violation of the ToS.......and, though not at the top of the list of worse violations, it's pretty high on that list. But, Linden Lab can only enforce any rule in the ToS if it occurs within the boundaries of one of LL's platforms. They enforce violations in Second Life, here on the forums, the Blogs, Market Place, etc. But they can't enforce a violation over on SLU or someone's private blog. For that you will have to work with the people who have control over the platform where you feel the violation took place. I threw that in because you said "third party". A third party could be a resident of SL violating the disclosure rule in one of the platforms under LL's control..........but it could also be a disclosure on SLU.
  13. I think we all have tons of things in our inventory that fall into that catagory. You have to remember that whoever created the outfit and sold it did so with the idea of making a profit. When someone comes along and buys the outfits then decides it's not for them and resells the outfit (even at a reduced price) that dilutes the original creator's profit. I know real life is different...........many people re-sale outfits for various reasons. But that outfit cannot be easily copied like digital content so there is little danger of someone "flooding" the market with copied outfits (it's called knockoffs in real life and that is against real life laws). The fortunate part is that if that outfit cost you $L500 that translates to about $2 USD. Not like some outfit costing $500 USD in real life and the knockoff costs $200. It's a matter or scale........but it does make it easier to shallow those mistakes when you buy something that really doesn't work for you.
  14. Depends on the permissions for the outfit you purchased. If the outfit is full permissions (or, at least, transfer) it's legal. It's not ethical but it's not against the ToS. Any permission that disallows transfer is against tthe ToS.
  15. Never mind..........Lindal Kidd did what I would expect you to do.
  16. Thank you Lindal.......that was the link I was looking for. Finally.
  17. Just went there..........it's buried or non-existant. I couldn't find it.
  18. Did anyone say SL will fall apart? Sheesh. --------------------------- No, but the implication is certainly there. One popular Linden leaves LL and it's another nail in the coffin for SL. BTW..........what ever happened to Torley?
  19. Try it...........I'm not convinced. Sort of like my President saying it's "classified".
  20. Link it...........or at the very least copy and paste it (but beware, copy/pastes impress me very little).
  21. Philip is gone too..........but that's really old news. People do move on. I doubt SL will fall apart over one (or two, or three, or several dozen) leaving the company. I would assume Osdar made the decision on what is best for Oskar (most people do, real life).
  22. Second Life requires a very solid and reasonably fast Internet connection where most other activities on the Internet don't. For average web browsing dial-up speeds are satisfactory.......and that speed is much too slow for SL. Start by rebooting your router and modem. Simply unplug the devices from their electrical source for 3 to 5 minutes then plug them back in. Restart your computer to re-establish your Internet. Give SL another try.
  23. Google is your friend http://computers.toptenreviews.com/gaming-laptops/
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