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Peggy Paperdoll

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Everything posted by Peggy Paperdoll

  1. I don't know who told you that a GT 650M card doesn't work well with SL. The card, by no means, is the card the highest performing card in the 600 series but it's well into the mid-range. The card should provide very satisfactory video for most of your SL time in world.......it will struggle at Ultra settings (shadows will give it fits in heavily populated and textured areas) but you should be able to run medium settings in preferences with no problems at all. High settings will probably give a noticable increase in texture/object lag......but you certainly can expect 25 FPS in all the busiest of areas. The card, itself, won't be a problem with SL. There are many factors besides your video processing speed that will effect your performance in SL (including FPS). The system memory and it's speed, your Internet connection speed and the quality of that connection are two of the three major factors involved in reasonable performance (things not rendering quickly or at all, slow response when try to move around and low FPS). The three most critical factors that will effect lag are (in order) video capabilities of you GPU (including the dedicated video RAM), your system memory (both total amount and speed), and your Internet connection (speed, quality, and latency). Your system has the graphics capability plus the 1 GB of VRAM, system RAM (though you didn't list the memory speed, it should be fine as long as it's not something like 533 MHz). The unknown, for me, is your Internet connection. It's a laptop so I imagine you will want to connect wirelessly but that's not what I would advise if you are looking for the best performance you can get with your new computer. The CPU is overkill.......an i5 Sandy Bridge is much cheaper and it's even overkill for SL. Have fun with your new computer.......it's quite an upgrade from what you are using now.
  2. You won't be able to get your lindens back. Mistake or not, you owe the lindens so that experience should make you a little more observant about what you opt into. But, it's easy to prevent further linden obligations fo the group.......just leave it.
  3. And the question is? ) Thank you Rolig and I'm wishing you a very Merry Christmas right back at you. I have my Christmas music running nearly full blast right now on my computer. You know, Manhiem Steamroller stuff. Thank you.........and Merry Christmas to everyone here too.
  4. I happen to think the problem is related to a poorly maintained computer. Failing to maintain a computer to even the most basic of updates says that it's likely the other hardware making up the system is even maintained to a lesser degree. The mic might have a badly corroded male connector (to the point of nearly falling off the end of the cable) or the female connector could be so loose that you could plug two mini jacks in it at the same time........who knows. Audio devices need drivers too...what about that? I'm going to build (or have built for me) a new desktop after the New Year myself......this machine is having problems that I'm tired of dealing with (the motherboard needs replacing....my CMOS settings won't hold for more than a few boot ups (I have cats and I think one of them peed on my case a few months ago . Little sh**s ). I'm thinking of buying another Windows 7 license for it and installing it myself........but I'm also reading a lot about Win 8. What I've read so far is that there's very little difference in Win 8 over Win 7 except the touch screen support (and the "app" stuff like smart phones......but that's mainly cosmetic). I haven't read too much negative about it (other than the normal moaning and groaning about a new operating system and it's learning curve). Win 7 is the most stable of the Windows OS's I've used........but it does have a different look and it took me a pretty long time to find where Microsoft stashed all the features and settings. Once I figured that out I really like it. Fast and highly customizable. I think Win 8 is probably the same in that respect.
  5. I wouldn't worry about Win XP either if it were on my system. I used XP for years myself. I had issues with its at first until SP 1 was released (huge issues, in fact) but after that it was a fairly trouble free OS (but, I did see a few BSOD's that were unexplanable). My point was (and remains) that his XP is updated to SP 2 (not the current service pack for XP) and the fact that he, apparently has no anti-virus and his firewall is disabled. XP was (and still is) a major target for hackers and virus distributors (more so than any other Microsoft OS). That tells me that the system is not maintained..........who knows what mal-ware is running rampant on that machine? And did you take a peek at the driver he has installed for the GT 220 card? That's probably the driver that came with the card when he purchased it a couple years ago (that card is obviously and aftermarket card.....much more recent than any computer bought with XP installed as the OS). The computer is poorly maintained........or, maybe not maintained at all. How can anyone help someone like that?
  6. The system is x64 and SP 3 does not apply to XP x64.............so I doubt Microsoft supports his operating system. No matter, he's not running an AV and has his firewall disabled on an operating system that has been compromised so many times over the years it's scary that he is even online with it. But, to each his own (I'm glad he doesn't have me on any email contact list).
  7. ... if they could they would still use the V1 wiever .................................. And cry rivers because they can not see mesh. Not to mention call LL every foul name they could think of for making their SL experience so miserable.
  8. Your friend likes to live on the edge, doesn't he? No anti-virus and no firewall on an old and not longer Microsoft supported operating system. That says a lot about the maintenance on that computer. Sorry, I have no suggestions on how to fix his problem......except maybe get an operating system that Microsoft supports (or move to Linux). An AV and firewall would help too.
  9. No they are not.........and if you attempt to equate them and come up with a fix, you will fail miserably.
  10. My experience with threads from people with constant (and freguent) crashes and/or disconnects is their readiness to blame the problem on the Second Life servers (and/or the code that runs the servers), or the viewers. They all but refuse to even look at their system (and to a smaller degree, their ISP). I think part of that refusal is due to a lack of knowledge of what a program like SL requires in order to run decently.....and that's completely understandable on my part. But, I also believe some of that refusal is due to sheer laziness on their part........it's too much trouble to look for and fix the problem on their end (for those I have absolutely no sympathy.......I'm a little jaded I guess and I admire the good people like Rolig, iCade, Nalates, KarenMichelle, Nyll, Chic, RyOyta, Echo/Marigold, valerie, Lindal, and many others for their patience).
  11. Go to your dashboard > Account > Delete Account
  12. I haven't crashed or been disconnected is such a long time that I'm only guessing.........about once a year?
  13. I'm wondering if you are crashing or if you are being disconnected from the servers. TP'ing into or entering a sim does not normally crash a viewer but it often causes disconnects from the servers. A cache problem seldom causes a viewer to crash but it often causes disconnects. The fixes for viewer crashing is very different from the fixes for disconnects. Please discribe the problem in more detail......like is there an error message (and what does it say)?. When the problem happens do you suddenly find yourself staring at your desktop or do you just see the same scene in SL with no changes and your chat goes quiet? I can't recommend a viewer without knowing what's happening..........and I don't know what's happening because of the way you worded your conserns with your present viewer.
  14. Second Life 3.4.4 (268497) Dec 20 2012 13:04:18 (Second Life Beta Viewer) Release Notes CPU: Intel® Core i5-2400S CPU @ 2.50GHz (2500 MHz) Memory: 4096 MB OS Version: Mac OS X 10.6.8 Darwin 10.8.0 Darwin Kernel Version 10.8.0: Tue Jun 7 16:32:41 PDT 2011; root:xnu-1504.15.3~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64 Graphics Card Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc. Graphics Card: ATI Radeon HD 6750M OpenGL Engine OpenGL Version: 2.1 ATI-1.6.42 libcurl Version: libcurl/7.21.1 OpenSSL/0.9.8q zlib/1.2.5 c-ares/1.7.1 J2C Decoder Version: KDU v7.0 Audio Driver Version: FMOD version 3.750000 Qt Webkit Version: 4.7.1 (version number hard-coded) Voice Server Version: Not Connected Built with GCC version 40201 ----------------------------------------------------------------- I hope you know what a beta release is all about. Try using an official, final release viewer before you start fiddling with anything such as drivers or computer settings. Betas are not final releases. They are release to volunteers to find bugs and problems and those volunteers report the the developers for fixing........before it's released as a final product. You are testing the product.......expect issues and report them to the LL development team. Other than that, all I can think of is that you may have your preferences set too high for your graphics adapter to handle. The Radeon 6570M is not a particularly strong GPU but it will run SL at low to medium settings.
  15. Launch your viewer (but don't log in). Under the "Help" menu click "About Second Life". You'll see the basic computer specs listed for you computer. Copy those and paste back here. That's about the only way anyone can help you. Don't start a new thread. Use the "Options" in the upper right corner of your post and "Edit" to add the information and any other comments you want to make.
  16. That being the case then the manufacturer of your laptop (HP, Gateway, Sony, or whatever) is where you probably need to go. Most graphics cards for laptops are customized for the specific make and model of the computer the card is designed for and are not offered for installation from the GPU chipset manufacture's driver update site. You have to get those drivers from your computer manufacturer's driver update site. And that brigngs up a question. Where are you purchasing this card from? If you are buying the card from nVidia then I would expect the nVidia download site to have drivers for it.........but I could not find one (like you couldn't either). In fact I could not find a driver for any ***M or ***MX cards. I looked at the GTX 670 card's supported products and there was no listing of any 670 M or 670 MX product. That's telling me that the card is a custom card for a specific laptop (or line of laptops) that only the manufacturer of the laptop will have the drivers. If you haven't purchased this card yet, I suggest you find out where driver support is before you plunked down any real money for it. If you can't get drivers then the card is going to be extremely hard to maintain in the future (perhaps impossible). Laptops are problematic in some ways..........drivers being one of the problems. Find out before you wind up being very disappointed in your "upgrade".
  17. iCade is spot on for the mechanics of uploading any picture, image, or texture to SL. There are a couple other things you want to be aware of in order to get a good product once it's uploaded to SL. Perhaps the most important is that SL only supports a four image formats......JPG, BMP, TGA and PNG. All those formats are lossless (meaning no compression) except JPG.......I advise to never use that format because the quality is disasterous. The other major thing you need to be aware of is that the OpenGL rendering engine that SL is coded for needs the images/textures to be sized at powers of 2 alone both the horizontal and vertical deminsions. The powers of 2 are 1, 2, 4, 8, 18, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, etc (those probably sound familar to you since almost everything computer uses the powers of 2 for memory and disk size). If you fail to size the image before uploading, the SL software will do it for you to the closest power of 2 on each deminsion that is not already at one of the power or 2.....it always uses the closest power of 2 that is smaller in size (for example if you upload an image that is 300 pixels by 256 pixels, the SL software will resize the image to 256 by 256.........and your image will be squeeshed horizontally). I know that sounds complicated if you don't know anything about image formats or sizes but, in reality, it's pretty simple. A good place to start: http://forums-archive.secondlife.com/109/e6/150360/1.html
  18. The question is not whether "does SL support any graphics card" but "does a graphics card support SL". And what determines whether or not a graphics card supports SL is OpenGL rendering and sufficient processing power to render the sometimes complex 3D envirionment (well, actually, the often very complex 3D environment). I'm positive the GTX 670MX card supports OpenGL and the GPU has the power to process almost any scene in Second Life......you should have no problems in SL due the video card. That's not the same as saying you won't have problems. There are plenty of other factors that can cause issues when making major upgrades to your system (a video card upgrade is pretty major). The hardware contained in the computer must also meet the demands of the new card (power supplies being important). But, usually, if the card fits in the slot it's going to be fine (as long as the PS can run it). The drivers that come with the card are almost guaranteed to be outdated so the first order of business after installing the card is to update them. And know that it's unrealistic to think that Linden Lab can test and verify every single video card/adapter as soon as the card is released by the manufacturer........it can take a while before the tech people can test a card and give it a stamp of approval (months is more reaslistic). You'll likely get that message with any new card on the market. You can ignore it and if the card works then everything is hunky dorey. If not then start looking for other hardware issues because it's extremely unlikely that the card does not "support SL" (unless, of course, the card/adapter is a very low end device........onboard/CPU chipset graphics accellerators, older cards and very low end cards being the common exceptions for supporting SL.
  19. Check after the first 45 days of continous membership.........you didn't read far enough in the sales pitch.
  20. After your posting of the computer specs I see one potential problem that will probably give you some trouble with SL. The graphics processor unit (GPU) is an AMD 7340 graphics accellerator intergrated into the CPU. That graphics processor is not a particularly powerful one. It's great for light wieght graphics like video streaming and other 2D graphics needs but lacking any real capability for 3D graphics. It will do 3D but just not what is really needed for a program like SL. You'll probably be limited to low graphics settings in your viewer's preferences.....medium with lots of compromises on lag (and, I'm afraid, you'll experience an occassionally disconnect from the servers too). It might help some if you up your system RAM from the 4 GB to around 8 GB to compensate for the lack of video RAM your GPU needs (any video RAM the GPU needs will be given by Windows from the system RAM....and Windows will always keep what it needs plus an overhead so it's possible the GPU will only have around 500 MB for it's rendering needs and 500 MB is pretty low for the 3D environment in SL). That's the potential problems I see. It won't have anything to do with Windows 8 but it has a lot to do with the computer and it's capabilities. That computer is not designed for programs like SL so it won't perform well at all.
  21. You're probably not in trouble for your mistake. Lots of people click the wrong button or remove the wrong worn item by mistake.........lord knows I've done myself (many times when I was new). If someone saw you and were offended then they may have filed an abuse report but as long as you were not engaged in some sexual act with another avatar and carrying on with some cyber sex in public the likelihood of LL taking any action is very low (maybe a simple warning but I think that's about as bad as it might get.....and that is only a remote possibility anyway). You don't really need to "park" your avatar anywhere when you log off. When you log off your avatar disappears from the grid and since your avatar is nothing but digital bits and bytes it just ceases to exist until you log back in. If you want to log into the same place each time you come to SL you need to find someplace that allows you to set "home".....not all places allow that for everyone (usually you have to either own the land or be a group member......but some clubs do allow people to set home). You'll have to look around. Info hubs are Linden Lab maintained and they do allow anyone to set home.........but some info hubs are a little rough with griefers playing around with everyone (the less "popular" hubs are better on that aspect).
  22. I've experienced it in pictures I've taken in SL. I found I get pretty results by changing the angle of my camera view to a more overhead view by a few degrees. What I notice in your method using the perspective tool in editing is that all your items on the cutting board are different sizes. That happens with the camera angle change too but it's a little more natural in my opinion. Either way you are distorting the image slightly but using the perspective tool in post production appears to be un-natural. If you will look closely at that appears to be a brie wheel (lower right corner of the cutting board) you see a loss of definition on the cheese texture.........the un-edited looks natural and the edited looks a little blurred with almost no definition to the texture. I think moving the camera angle would help in that respect. Plus you wouldn't have to edit the picture to get a better perspective.
  23. From the complaints I've read on the various forums supported by Linden Lab over the last 7 years I can tell you that what people claim is griefing or abuse is just not griefing or abuse......what is said to be griefing or abuse may be annoying and it may irritate but it's just not quite to the point that LL will take action. Someone coming up to me and saying "Hey sexy, you wanna go to my place for some fun" irritates the crap out of me.......but it's not abuse (and that person is not griefing me. Linden Lab does act on real abuse. But the abuse must be reported to LL in a sensible and comprehensive way. Filing an AR without proper information, exaggerated claims, or false information will go directly to the circular file under the desk. Judging by a lot of the stuff posted here on the forums, I can only imagine what the abuse team has to sort through to even get to the legitamate AR's for real griefing and abuse. "Joey stuck his tongue out at me........ban him because that's the second time he's done that" won't do a thing except clog up the abuse report system.
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