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Peggy Paperdoll

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Everything posted by Peggy Paperdoll

  1. If some guy beat me up, then I'd leave them.Not even close to grammatically correct. The sentence is speaking of a single "guy" who beat a single "me" up. Where in the world does the plural pronoun "them" tie into that sentence? It's simply an incorrect use of the pronoun "them". In that sentence the only correct pronoun is "him". Every bride hopes that their wedding day will go as planned.A unique sentence. "Every bride" refers to a group of brides so the use of "their" is just as correct as the use of "her". The context with the pronoun "their" implies that there could be a single wedding day planned for all the brides (such as June 1) but it's not clear by the context. But if the pronoun "her" was used there is no implication of a common wedding day. The sentence can have a slightly different meaning depending on what context it taken by the reader of the sentence.......it's correct either way but it is a little ambiguous.
  2. It may be acceptable but it is grammatically incorrect. It is politically correct though. Up to the 60's (wasn't that about the time that Gloria Steinam started burning her bras?) the "accepted" gender neutral pronoun was "he" or "him". The English language has changed (or evolved) mostly out of convenience but, in this case, it was for political reasons. There is no harm with the "them/their" usage when the context makes it obvious what the meaning is. It' when that context doesn't add up that problem arise. I'm sure it will all evolve some more as time dictates..........I just hope it's not for political reasons like this evolution was. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Historical alternatives to gender-neutral pronoun [edit] Universal "he" **Only uploaded images may be used in postings**://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/9/99/Question_book-new.svg/50px-Question_book-new.svg.png" border="0" alt="Question book-new.svg" width="50" height="39" /> This section does not cite any references or sources. (January 2012) Main article: He The use of "he" to refer to a person of unknown gender was prescribed by manuals of style and school textbooks from the early 18th century until around the 1960s, an early example of which is Anne Fisher's 1745 grammar book "A New Grammar".[12] The customer brought his purchases to the cashier for checkout. In a supermarket, anyone can buy anything he needs. When a customer argues, always agree with him. This may be compared to usage of the word man to humans in general. "All men are created equal." "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind." "Man cannot live by bread alone." ------------------------------------------------------------------ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender-neutral_pronoun ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ No one said English was a simple language to learn the correct usage. It's probably one of the hardest with so many contridictions (like this example) or words that are spelled the same with different tenses ("read" a book or I "read" a book) or words that are pronouned exactly the same but very different words all together (reed, read, red, read). The world is not going to come to an end over any word, grammatically correct or not.
  3. A viewer going non-responsive is a viewer that has crashed. It's the same as your browser going non-responsive or your operating system going non-responsive. If a program cannot be controlled then the program has crashed. For any help people will need computer specs. Go launch the program (assuming the crash does not happen at launch) but don't log in. Under the "Help" menu click on "About Second Life". You'll see the basic computer specs listed.....copy those and paste back here. Don't start a new thread but use the "Options" in the upper right corner and "Edit". There is another symptom that does (in a way) resemble a crash. It's when everything appears to be normal except you can only spin your avatar around......you can't walk, run or fly and you can't TP anywhere. You are just stuck but everything else looks normal. If you stay that way for any length of time you'll also notice that there is no chat and everything is just "quiet". That is not a crash (but it might as well be since you can't do anything) but a disconnect from the servers. Your connection type to the Internet is important for help on that problem.
  4. It's the "(2012") part that threw me (still does, in fact). A minimum 2012 card would be something in the nVidia 600 series or the AMD/ATI 7900 series cards. I bet an old nVidia 7600 card would still work.......even the older 6600 maybe (neither would do well but I bet they would work ).
  5. "minimum current generation (2012)"? I'm not sure what that means. If you are talking about the latest, highest end cards from both nVidia and AMD/ATI then these two are near the very top: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Viewer/Radeon-HD7970-or-Nvidia-GTX-680/m-p/1753559
  6. You asked for advice about what video card to get to run SL. I really don't think it's possible to get any recommendations from anyone here that is not based on emotion. I'm an nVidia user and my emotions naturally run with nVidia (but, I'm also very well aware that my bias is entirely based on my personal preference that has been developed over the years by experience with both AMD/ATI and nVidia). It's identical to my Intel preference over AMD.......it's all emotion. That being out of the way the closest I can "recommend" is to go with what you want.........both chipsets are more than capable of running SL at the highest settings with power to spare. There is a point where more GPU is wasted for SL. You can have the best GPU ever made placed in the most powerful computer ever built connected directly to the Linden Lab backbone to the Internet and still not have the graphics quality that most of the well known online graphics games available. The reason is simple. Those well known, popular graphics games have 100% of the graphics that make up the scenes professionally made. Those graphics are tested for rendering speed (and, I'm sure, many other rendering demands for game play). The graphics are downloaded to and placed on the users' machines for quick retrival when the game calls for them. And most of the "action" that occurs on your monitor is locally housed (such as scripts). Your computer has to deal with all that during play and everything except positional data is right there on the hard drive waiting to be called into action by the program. SL has almost none of that..........it's all housed remotely on the LL servers (for most people that's 1000's of miles away). The Internet and every server along the long path from your computer to the LL servers and back to your computer is going to slow that access down for "game play". Your GPU can render everything almost instantly..........and you'll see some lag due to how long it took for everything to reach the GPU to be rendered on your screen. If there's a tiny hiccup along that path (to the servers, and back to you) you'll have a little more lag to contend with. That lag is not due to the GPU falling down.......but it's going to be there just the same for you to see. The content that makes up SL is millions times more than the content that makes up the most advanced online game (way more than any home computer can ever store). Every time your viewer calls for any content that makes up SL the asset servers have to be searched (terrabytes of data have to be searched for even the smallest of objects/items).........that takes time. That time is seen on your end as lag. And then there's that professionally made content vs user made content. I'm going to guess at 95% of the content making up SL is user made (but my gut says that that is more like 99% +...........I'm being conservative). User made content is amateur made content. It's not efficient like professionally made content. A texture that is twice as large as it needs to be or is 32 bit color depth when it needs to be 24 bit will take much longer for even that best of the best GPU to render........it will show up as lag on your screen. Most of the textures in SL are much too large and contains unnecessary alpha channels. And then the content that is not even graphics related.........such as scripts. Your connection and your CPU have to deal with everything. The GPU will deal with the graphics but that poorly written script has to be processed which takes time........and before the graphics can be rendered the script associated with it has to be processed (that often shows up as lag). Add all the factors that are beyond your (or anyone's) control and wind up with a point of which anything more is being wasted on SL. You simply do not need the best of the best GPU's for Second Life.............you need a good one but not the best available. You need to decide on what your bias is. What you are willing to pay for (the nVidia cards are slightly more expensive). How the drivers are installed (nVidia drivers are a little easier to install). What the power supply demands are for each card (nVidia typically wants more power). That the physical demensions of the card is for placement in your computer case (that varies with the cards within each chipset vender manufacturering designs). If you truly have no bias (probably possible, in my opinion) then maybe my post will help.......otherwise you can take it as just another person's opinion. One more thing and I'm done. If you use your computer for other graphics programs (such as video games, image/video editing, etc) the check the benchmarks for those programs.........take the one that best meets your needs. Second Life will take care of itself as long as you stick to the high end GPU (either chipset maker's).
  7. Your parcel extends from the ground up to infinity. The build limit only extends up to 4000 meters though......you won't see prims placed on your parcel's space if they are up in the sky beyond your view distance. Just because you don't have anything "in" your house does not mean that prims are placed on the parcel. If you are the owner or the land and not renting from someone other than Linden Lab then you can check the about land to see how many prims are placed on the parcel and how many prims are available. You can also see prims owned by others and you can return those prims. While you're "About Land" you should set the permissions to allow only yourself, maybe a few named others or any group you have the land set to allow building or prim rezzing only.......exclude all others. You can set the permissions to prevent object entry too (excepting the same people you allowed to build). It's also a good idea to forbid scripts. If you rent then contact the land owner (the person you pay rent to).
  8. Who gave you this "linden" land? If it was Linden Lab then that's a Linden Home (as iCade eluded to) and you can abandon the land. The Linden Home is the only land LL will give you.......but they do allow the first 512 square meters tier free for any other plot of Mainland. If you own it then you can abandon it at any time you wish (Mainland or Linden Home). It might be that someone "gave" you land in that they allowed you full use of the land through group permissions when you became premium.......if that's the case then you won't necessarily be able to abandon the land (only group owners can do that.....and it appears you are not a group owner). You can check to see if you own any land by going to your dashboard > Land Manager > My Mainland. If it says "You do not own any parcels" then you don't own any land and you still have the 512 sq meters tier free available for your personal use. And you can check to see if the land you were "given" is group owned by (still at the dashboard) Land Manager > Group Land. If you see one of the groups you are in showing "Donation" then that is the group owned land you were "given". Talk to the person who created the group and "gave" you the land if you are being assessed and tier fees. Otherwise just quit going to the land and find your own.
  9. Back in the days when bots and gaming the traffic system was a huge problem I was as at a town hall meeting (one of the few I have attended in my SL life). I forget who the Linden was but when the question was asked the answer was along the lines of "Just don't create an army of accounts". I don't think LL's stand about accounts has changed much since then. However, the official limit is 5 per household. Since LL cannot determine where a "household" begins and ends it safer to say 5 per email address (which is more like what LL enforces.......when they enforce the limit). As long as you keep your accounts well within the ToS I don't think LL is going to take any action against..........possibly ask (or demand) that you limit your accounts if you do end up with that "army".
  10. I haven't heard of any promotions for the quarterly payment plan. But there may be one....I'm already premium and pay the quarterly option so I wouldn't get the promo offer anyway. What I do know is that when LL makes promo offers the "special" rate is for one payment period only after which the plan goes to the regular rate. For the quarterly plan that rate is $22.50 USD per quarter. It's been that way since I've been in SL (2005). That special price is never a "forever" thing........just for the first payment period that is being promoted.
  11. If this is mainland then you can have your land terraformed any way you want it to be. Let her "report" you..........that will be one AR to hit the circular file as soon as it's recieved. However, if this in Estate land there very well could be some convenant rule that requires you to adhere to terraforming rules. If this is the case check the convenant or contact the Estate owner or manager. You could play a game though.......tell her to "level" her land to match yours. But maybe you aren't like me. :)
  12. Pay attention to Perrie's warning. It's easy to get caught up is some of these schemes. Even Internet savvy people get fooled (like Perrie almost did earlier this evening). I did a couple screen shots of his shots and circled the area you need to pay attention to whenever you are on the Internet and some site wants personal information (even if it's a site you are comfortable with such the example Perrie posted). It's hard to see because of the image size (plus a couple JPEG saves) but look in the address bar of your browser. If the site wants personal information, like the SL forum log in screen, take a glance at the header for the address. If it does not say "https://***" when it should then get the heck away from the site. Perrie saw it but if he was just a little more careless he would have been a victum. Get in the habit of glancing at the header everytime you visit a site......even the "well known" sites. Great post Perrie.........thank you.
  13. People (me included) use the term "alt account" all the time to refer to another account they might have (or to refer to another account someone else might have). The term can be misleading to some......I believe you might be one of those people. In the truest sense of the term (to my way of thinking......which might be the same as yours) "alt" implies that the account is actually the same account as the main account. In SL that is not the case. An "alt" account is a stand alone account all in itself..........it's exactly the same as two different people each having an account. The accounts are not related to each other in any way except that a single person owns tthe accounts. Linden Lab treats them completely separate with no ties to the accounts at all.. A minor distinction but an important one when it comes to things like "sharing" inventories (there are two inventories for a main and an alt.......not one like I first thought when I joined SL) That is why you can only give transferable itmes to an alt (or main).....the inventories are separate, just like the accounts are separate. The down side is griefers use that distinction to keep coming back when they are banned. Both good and bad to the way LL treats accounts.
  14. Your SL username is like most other usernames. It's a unique name of your choosing to identify you not only to others but to the serivice that you chose the name for. It is what keeps track of everything you do while using the service. It's tied directly to everything you own or are entitled to with the service. You can't change it due to those ties. Next time you join a serivice that requires a username that you can choose, take care about the name you choose......it will either bless you or haunt you as long as you use the service. You made a bad choice.........you can learn to live with it or you can "kill" it (start a new account with a name you actually gave some serious thought to and then cancel that account........cancel, not just abandon).
  15. I can't be certain but it sure sounds like you were fooling around with the selling of the land and accidently put it for sale to anyone at 0 (zero) lindens. It's easy to do but you should have recieved a warning when you set the amont to 0 (at least you used to get a warning........it's been years since I sold my land for 0 to my alt so I could I could retain the land when I switched premium accounts). But it is odd that your neighbor ended up with it since a land bot would scoop it up in seconds (if not sooner) unless your neighbor is running a land bot himself. About the only thing you can do is contact the person who bought the land and explain it was a mistake.......most honest land bot runners will give the land back (most, but not all).
  16. Enjoying your Linden Home What you can do You can: Decorate your home with furniture or other items from Second Life Marketplace. Your partner or friends can help you decorate as well. Linden Home parcels work just like any other parcel of land in that regard; who can rez objects on your land depends on the About Land settings. See Managing land for more information. Customize textures used in your Linden Home via the control panel. See Using the control panel. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Linden-Homes/ta-p/700103 ----------------------------------------------------------- Google is your friend.
  17. Along with iCade and Syo I'm going to caution you in the future about paying attention to who are logged is as when making purchases. Most items are no transfer so when you buy it for one account, it's for that account only (your alts will need to buy the item as themselves if you want them for other accounts).' About the only possible way a creator will take a "return" (or give you a refund) is if the item is "no copy/transfer". The reason should be obvious in that any item that is "copy/transfer" can easily be distributed to you other accounts before you ask for a refund or replacement sent to your alt........a creator has to think about the thieves (unfortunity that's life these days because of the lack of concern on many people's part about the dishonest among us). It's not really a matter of the creator being "nice to you"......it's about the creator being businesslike. It's not the same as real life when you return something to the store and carry your reciept in for a return or exchange..........virtual goods are easily copied and stolen where tangible goods are a little harder to copy and/or steal.
  18. Using the official Second Life viewer open "Preference" (under the "Me" menu). Click on "Move and View". Near the bottom of the dialog you'll see "Single click on land". Expand the options (there are only two..."No action" and "Move to clicked point"). Select "Move to clicked point". Apply (if it requires) and then close the "Preferences". Now when you click somewhere on the ground your avatar will move to that point. I'm not sure if the third party viewers have the feature, but I'm pretty sure they do. The location may be different in the "Preferences" though.
  19. You get $L300 per week (paid Tuesday after midnight SLT). That is the linden dollar equivilant of just over $1 USD. Some of the older premium members get $L500 or $L400 per week depending on when they became premium (those payments are grandfathered in for life and, as long as they remain prremium members without interruption, they will continue to recieve the $L stipend). You can spend the $L anyway you want in-world or on Market Place. You can look at it as a reduction of your membership. $L300 per week is $L1350 per month (using the average of 4 1/2 weels in a month). The average $L per USD has historically been $L250 to $1 USD would translate to $5.40 USD per month reduction in your membership......so that $9.95 per month fee (for the monthly plan) would be $4.45 USD a month (of course that assumes you would be purchasing linden dollars on a regular basis).
  20. As a premium member you are eligible to own Second Life mainland property (there are other benefits but you are specifically interested in land). The land benefit entitles you to a tier (fee) free 512 square meter parcel. That parcel can be anywhere on SL mainland. A couple years ago LL started the Linden Home project (to entice new premium members and an effort to introduce new members to land ownership). LL provides a single home on specific mainland continents 100% free of charge....the Linden Home is in lieu of the 512 tier free land benefit. You can have either but not both without incurring the fees associated with owning more than the 512 tier free land that LL has allows had in place. If you don't want the Linden Home then don't apply for it. Instead search for a parcel of land on your own and purchase it from either another resident or LL.........you pay for the land with Linden dollars. As long as you don't go over the 512 meter limit you have no additional fees to pay real dollars to Linden Lab. If you go over the 512 meter limit you will have additional charges to pay.......those charges are paid with real life money directly to LL. See: http://secondlife.com/land/pricing.php Land use fees are paid monthly but membership fees can be paid either monthly, quarterly or annually.
  21. Next check your system registry for problems (AV's and anti-spyware don't usually check the registry for problems........just malious software). A damaged registry is also another huge contributor to the problem. You mentioned that the problem might be in another program that you use.......that is another hint that the problem is in your system. I've heard of people having to wipe their hard drive and completely start over with their OS to fix the problem. If Trend Micro sees nothing the try some other AV........Trend Micro is a big name but it's not ammune to missing problems. Download another reputable AV suite and run it (make sure you disable your Trend Micro before you run any other AV)........AVG has a good reputation. So does Comodo. Avast. Their are many and all free (and as good as if not better than Trend Micro).
  22. I hope when you read about others having this problem (on the forums, I assume) that you read some of the answers and suggestions on how to fix the issue. The problem generally revolves around some sort of malware (virus and spyware....that type of stuff) Run your anti-virus and anti-spyware programs.
  23. That's 3D modeling. Try this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6OEshHH8k0 Maybe it will get you started. I have little interest in 3D modeling so I'm probably no help. You're mention of Photoshop and GIMP is what made me think you were just starting with clothing........neither of those software packages are very good for texturing 3D models. Maybe search for 3D Max, Maya, Poser, or Blender will get you where you want to go.
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