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Peggy Paperdoll

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Everything posted by Peggy Paperdoll

  1. Due to the wording of your question I'm not completely clear on what you want. But I think you want to cancel your premium membership.......or maybe downgrade to basic. To cancel your membership (either premium or basic) go to your dashboard, then expand "Account" and select "Cancel membership". If you want to downgrade to basic go to your dashboard and expand "Account" and then select "Premium Membership".....near the bottom of the page you see where to change your account to basic. If you are premium the changes will take place when membership expires at the end of the billing cycle.
  2. You can report them but I seriously doubt anything will be done about it by LL. It's not a ToS violation unless they commit fraud in the process. Just asking for $L, though, is not a violation. You have options.....ignore (my preferred method) or mute.
  3. When you downgrade from premium to basic the downgrade takes effect at the end of the period that your membership is paid through. So, if you downgrade today and you've paid the premium membership through 7/k20/13 then the downgrade will take effect on 7/21/13. Until that time you are still premium.
  4. Windows 8 won't be the problem if, when you get your new laptop, Second Life has problems running on the new machine. The operating system itself is perfectly compatablel with the Second Life viever. It's the other components that will determine whether or not you will have problems with SL (or even able to run SL at all). If you know what the specs are for you new computer (a Christmas present? ) list them here and people will be more able to answer your question. If you don't know those specs the make and model will help (but only in a very general sense since those specs are seldom what is really included with the machine.....but they are close so that would help a little). To give that information use the "Options" at the upper right corner of your post and "Edit". Don't start a new thread since that causes more confusion for anyone trying to help.
  5. I think you are asking how to delete your account (or an alt's account). You, the resident, cannot directly do that. Only Linden Lab can delete any account. You tell LL that you want the account deleted by going to your dashboard, clicking on the arrow to expand "Account". Then just click on "Delete Account".
  6. That stinks........I'll be at work with people who are boring.............phooey!!!
  7. Why does everyone say the world is ending tonight? I thought the Mayan calendar went through Dec 21, 2012.......that means it's tomorrow night.
  8. Here's a start. https://www.google.com/#hl=en&sugexp=les%3B&gs_rn=1&gs_ri=hp&tok=BrCbJ7QSInC-4UULvgquaw&cp=14&gs_id=1i&xhr=t&q=morphing+with+gimp&pf=p&safe=off&tbo=d&sclient=psy-ab&oq=morphing+with+&gs_l=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv.1355534169,d.cGE&fp=2afa5d44ccb651f3&bpcl=40096503&biw=1536&bih=782
  9. Charolotte Caxton gave you the link to Linden Lab support. Your friend needs to submit a support ticket to Linden Lab.......no one here can help beyond the advice that has already been given. It appears that your friend's account has be 100% compromised. That means that the person who took over your friend's account as already changed the password and email..........your friend cannot access the account anymore. Your friend cannot change the password once someone else has taken over the account (like what it appears has happened). Have your friend create another account and then have him/her submit the support ticket to LL. Give as much factual information as possible in the ticket. Linden Lab is the only one who can fix this problem.........they have methods for determining who is the rightful owner of the account so your friend must follow their instructions. And just a note. An account that has been taken over by someone is an account that is no longer "yours" until the account is recovered by LL. Your friend is going to have to prove that he/she are the true owner of the account.........it may not be possible to do that to LL's satisfaction which means the account may be lost forever to your friend. If there is any payment method information that your friend placed on the account then it is imparitive that your friend notify the provider of that payment method (credit card, debit card or PayPal). The person who took the account over has complete access to that payment method and can spend a lot of real life money on your friend's behalf. There is a lot of personal information that can be gained by the theif........your friend needs to act quickly to protect him/herself. Both financial and personal safety is at stake. And one last thing. The thief can only access anyone's account by gaining the password to the account. That's why it's so important to create strong, hard to guess or break passwords (and change those passwords regularly). Never give your password to anyone.......even your best most trusted friend in SL.
  10. Sometimes a simple rebooting of your computer will solve problems like what you discribe. Don't do a restart......do a complete system shut down, leave it off for a minute, then reboot. I agree with Lindal, it sounds like your graphics card/adapter reset to a different monitor resolution (such as 800 by 600).
  11. If you could sell your Linden Home as you want to do that would be a deal sweeter than the old First Home benefit for premium members. At least back then the new premium member had to purchase the land from LL at $L1 per meter ($L512) before they sold it for a profit........needless to say that program was discontinued because of the abuse going on with wide spread land flipping so rampant that honest premium members could not get the land (the land flippers bought it up as fast as LL made the land available). I was one of the lucky ones and got my land before the cheaters figured out how to exploit the benefit. If LL allowed what you desired there would be no Linden Homes available for new members..........they wouldn't even have to lay out the initial $L512 before they sold the land (that's a hefty profit margin......what is the profit percentage of something that costs $L1 when the cost to the seller is zero? Think that over for a minute.
  12. After Rolig mentioned that a snapshot to inventory is full permissions by default I tried it. As I said in the Permalink post I made, it's been a long time since I have saved a snapshot to my inventory and wanted to know for sure. Well, using the SL official Viewer 3, I was wrong. The snapshot is defaulted to full permission for the creator (you do have to allow full permissions for the next owner, as Rolling said, but the creator can do anything he/she wants with the image by default). That being the case, I just don't know what the problem might be unless Sharmaine is not the creator............so something weird happened to change the permissions. The permissions for the creator are greyed out which even the creator cannot change the full permissions for him/herself. I'm including a screenshot of my save to inventory snapshot that I did to see the defaults.
  13. It's been a long time since I saved a snapshot to my inventory (I always save to disk now) but I believe the permissions default to "no copy, no transfer". You need to change the permissions to "copy, mod, transfer" (assuming you are the creater of the texture/image). You should then be able to "save as" to your hard drive.
  14. There is no reason why SL will not run on Windows 8. Win 8 is pretty much Win 7 with touch screen capablilities very much like smart phones and tablets. There are changes to the operating that do make some drivers not work well so it's important to have the latest drivers for you hardware devices (or, at least, drivers that have been written since Win 8 was released to the public). You didn't give any computer specs which would help a lot for people to try to help you out. You can do that by launching your viewer (you do not need to log in) and under the help menu click on "About Second Life". The box that opens will show your basic computer specs. Copy and paste those back here. Use the "Options" in the upper right corner of your post and "Edit" to add the specs and/or any comment you want to give that might help. You mentioned that you didn't know how to update your driver. I'm posting a screen shot from the nVidia driver download page with the information about driver updating circled in red. It's from the nVidia site but AMD/ATI download site will have similar links to how to install driver updates (in fact, AMD has short video tutorials that may be easier......video tuts are actually a little more difficult for me to follow but that's me). The information and method for any driver update are basically the same so I'm showing where you can find the nVidia information (it will help no matter what your hardware manufacturer is) http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us
  15. The only way I know of to change graphics settings in preferences is to go the preferences and make the changes. With all the different slider settings for all the different features and graphics settings it would be near impossible to have "presets" beyond the broad settings of "Low", "Medium", "High" and "Ultra" that LL already provides. You can go to the "Advanced" tab and fine tune your settings to accommadate almost any desired graphics. You can also go to your graphics card's settings and tweak your card even more (though that usually doesn't accomplish much in SL).
  16. Yes I do know that desktops have CPU's with intergrated video adapters........most (if not all) the Intel i-series CPU's in production today have the GPU incorporated in the CPU. However, the auto-switching function was developed for laptops in an effort to save battery life. Desktops get their electrical power directly from the commericial (or if one has an indendent power source) power supplied by copper wires......they do not depend on stored powered supplied by a battery. There is no advantage to having such a system if you have a discrete card installed in the computer. The auto-switching should be disabled in a desktop......though I guess you could still use it if you wanted (I have an Intel i-5 but it's an older generation i-series CPU and has no intergrated graphics so I can't check it out for you). If the OP is using a desktop and has the auto-switching enabled then the solution just might be to turn it off......it's doing no good what so ever and because it's enabled it could very well be the source of the problem he/she is experiencing. I went to that link you posted. I'm not impressed at all. It's a sales pitch for someone selling software. I find it hard to believe that any software can sync up two very different GPU chipsets and deliver anything more than headaches. Intel and nVidia? I doubt it..........I doubt it very seriously. If the OP is using that software then that is a very big potential source of the problem. An nVidia GTX 285 video card is more than capable of running SL at high settings without breaking a sweat.........at ultra, it's going to work but still capable enough to deliver satisfactory performance (there will be a FPS hit just as any card on the market today will take a hit) My mid-level GTX 550 Ti runs ultra at a 10 to 15 FPS hit. And at mostly 40 FPS without shadows a 15 FPS hit still has rather smooth video. I don't use ultra because I don't like how it makes SL look (too stark and contrasty).
  17. The GTX285 card is an old card (4 series back from the current series which is 600 series) but it's a pretty powerful card within the 200 series.........more than capable of running SL at high settings. I don't know what you are talking about with that "red" or "purple" stuff but I do know that any video card (new series or old) is going to work very hard with SL settings at "Ultra" (the highest settings you can set in SL). What's the temperature of the card when you have those "red" indicators? That is what "burns" a card........heat. Most video cards and CPU's have an upper heat threshold of 105 C. The heat threshold is the temp that once reached is, putting the component in danger or burning up (really, physically burning itself up......destruction). The GTX 285 is powerful enough that, even at ultra settings, it should not burn up. If it does then something else is going on (such as dust build up on the card). Get hardware monitoring software (there are plenty of good free ones available on the Internet) and monitor your temps......that will tell you infinitely more than some "red", "purple" indicator color. Temps in the 90 C plus range are temps to be concerned about.......less than that, it's pretty much normal. You are running a laptop that has the CPU intergrated video chipset (the HD4000 video). You, apparently, also have the discrete GTX 285 video card. Your computer is designed to auto-switch from the HD4000 onboard chipset to the discrete card when the video demand warrants it..........with the more recent CPU's with the auto-switch technology that happens very well (it didn't used to be the case because it simply didn't happen all the time.....the HD4000 video says your computer is a recent one). It's an either or thing............the two video adapters do not work together. The HD4000 works when the video demands are low and the GTX 285 works when the demand is high. Then never work together (if they do, then that might be your problem).
  18. Peggy Paperdoll


    Your avatar appearing as a cloud (and staying that way) is caused by a connection problem. And a very common cause for connection problems when using SL is using a wireless connection. Due to the sheer amount of data being transferred back and forth to your computer when using SL you need a solid, constant and fast connection to the Internet. No matter what you hear about wireless being fast, it's not near as fast as a wired connection (and it will be a while before it ever catches up.......if ever). So first order of business is to ditch the wireless (if you are using it) and connect via an Ethernet cable (Cat 5e cable).
  19. You're dreaming if you think you can use a captured IP address to effectively ban a determined griefer. LL doesn't use IP addresses to ban.......they simply block the username for minor things. For the major, hardcore, bans they block MAC addresses from the computer of the user they want to permaban. An IP block is so easy to get around it's almost stupid. All this "I'm going to protect myself and ban all alts with a particular IP address" is showing your ignorances. That method of banning is probably about the funniest thing you could do to entertain a griefer (and, in turn, invite them to return for some more fun). IP addresses are not considered personal information. An IP address points to your ISP who, in turn, routes whatever it is that needs to be routed to you (and that part of the address is personal and private........it requires a court order for the ISP to disclose that information). You would have to hack the ISP to get the hard address to the person's computer........and you might wind up in jail over that (griefers might be a pain in the a$$ but I don't think many are smart enough (or dumb enough) to go that route.......that's for the hackers with some reward other than sh**s and giggles (which is what your typical griefer is in the game for). Use your IP sniffers at your own risk........you might find out what a hardware ban is all about if you go too far with it. Then you'll find out how expensive it might be to get around that type of ban (yes, it can be done.......if your smart enough and have some spare computer components laying around and know how to install them).
  20. Well that question might "say it all" for some but I sure left me scratching my head. And what does Peggy do when she has an itch (especailly an itch on the head)? She cranks up Google. http://www.ign.com/articles/2012/09/19/patterns-could-be-the-next-minecraft
  21. Put your original skin back on ("wear" it). You cannot take off a skin or shape......they must be replaced with something else.
  22. I don't know if I want to get into this discussion since it's pretty much pointless. But I believe you (Kwakkelda Kwak.....geeze what an ood name ) are correct......or more correct anyway. The last time I ran concurrent avatars I saw no decrease in FPS for either........they were almost identical depending on the sight line each avatar was viewing. If I had only one avatar logged in and was getting 40 FPS, when I logged in the second avatar my FPS was still 40.....on both avatars. It's too confusing for me to run more than one avatar at a time so I don't do it any more (I'm not try to go for any bragging rights that some people think is so important.......if it works well and there is not apparent lag then I don't care what the FPS is). But here's my objection to all this fantastic FPS, GPU RAM usage and, even system RAM usage. If you are runing multiple avatars on a single computer then you can have only one active window. How the heck can anyone measure anything (FPS, video RAM, system RAM, or anything else) on an inactive window (or a window that is put on the task bar)? As soon as you click on the window to make it active then that is the window that you are making measurements on....that window you just left is now inactive and there is nothing being measured on that window any longer. 40 FPS on all four concurrent log ins? Yeah, I believe that since that's exactly what I observed years ago........but you are not measuring the FPS for all four windows at the same time (you are measuring only one). Someone's blowing smoke. And it's typical for users of a certain operating system. I don't know why that is but it's very common. There are three major operating systems in use in today's computers. Each has it's strengths, each has it's weaknesses..........the only way one might be better than the other is that a particular OS better suits one's computer needs.
  23. I just searched in-world. None of the three sir names you listed returned a resident. I searched just "Courtney" and came up with quite a few so I took a guess that your last name began with "K" (you actually said it did). I found one return.."Courtney Keneinan". I looked at the profile and the SL born date is January 30, 2010. It matches what you said in your post.........so maybe? Give it a try.
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