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Solar Legion

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Everything posted by Solar Legion

  1. .... VBO is an OpenGL function, not the entirety of OpenGL. If you really want to try disabling OpenGL in your chosen Second Life client, you'll have to shut off rendering of everything as every client out there bloody uses OpenGL as the renderer ..... Oh and it does not matter when you bought your computer - older hardware is older hardware is older hardware. You may have bought the machine eighteen months ago but the parts inside are not eighteen months old. Heck they weren't even "new" when whatever machine you bought was assembled.
  2. Again, that's nice. And again, reality doesn't care about your opinion. Have a pleasant existence.
  3. That's nice. All utterly irrelevant but still nice. When a normal person asks you if something runs, they do not mean "does it load" and in the case of Second Life they do not mean "can I log in" ... Sorry, no. Chrome Book types are as I described them - that is reality. As is the fact that the answers you gave are not what was actually being asked. Believe as you will. Reality will keep not caring.
  4. No worries - I likely came across as a bit sharper than intended when making the correction. There are some types that just ... rub me the wrong way. But yeah, your options are very limited and some will require a fair bit of technical knowledge or at the least a competent tutorial. As it stands, you're not going to be able to use a "normal" Second Life client on that machine - not at what most would truly call "acceptable". Bearable? Perhaps .... As has been suggested, if you can use the Google Play Store on that machine, you could use Lumiya.
  5. You are "Flydragon" - not "Cykar" I did not respond to you a moment ago. Now I am.
  6. Cykar, I know very well what I am talking about - thank you very much. You make a habit of pretending "loads the program" means "useful" or "works" - loading and actually being properly usable are not the same thing - at all. You like to tinker - lovely. You also took the "system requirements" page - which has not been updated in a long time - at face value. Not so lovely. Getting a program to load does not mean it is usable - that's reality. Just as my description of any Chromebook is reality. You don't have to like it nor do you have to agree - both are quite irrelevant. Your opinion doesn't change anything.
  7. A Chromebook is not a laptop, no matter which company builds it nor what their user base might try and state. It is a mock Android Tablet, designed truthfully for little more than use as a basic word processor and web surfing device. There really is a reason why they are far cheaper than "normal" laptop machines.
  8. It is also one of the many reasons why some view Complexity as being an absolutely worthless value - at least for anything beyond one's own machine. Which is how it should be. Users need to tune/tweak things so that their experience is good and their machine renders things well. Any attempt to enforce a Complexity value beyond that needs to be put down.
  9. Reality contradicts that one on a daily basis.
  10. Objects you create go into the Objects folder. Objects you buy (such as boxes that need to be unpacked) go to the Objects folder if you bought them "in world" whereas Objects bought over the Marketplace go to your Received folder. Yes, there is a script function that can create folders (as Love mentioned above) but by and large an Object Opened (not Edited) will dump its contents into a folder it creates in your inventory.
  11. It's a public forum - people will respond as they see fit (within the confines of the Terms of Service). Considering there are people logged in right now (including myself) the issue is either your machine (in which case we'd need the information Cindy mentioned above to even begin trying to help) or somewhere between you and LL's servers. In short - it's your connection.
  12. OP posts in a public forum then tries to police who responds .... Reminder: Anyone can respond in a public forum. Don't want that? Don't post in a public forum. Signal boost anyone - seeing as OP places everyone that dares to disagree with them (and refuses to dance to their tune) on Ignore?
  13. Alternately it is something that only happens on certain systems. But hey, it simply can't be that, no...
  14. And right on cue... We have the Raven Maven popping in with her ulterior motives and brandishing the nuclear chip on her shoulder concerning volunteer helpers.
  15. Sansar is being designed for a wholly different user base. That user base is the sort that was weeded out back when they had a decent Orientation system.
  16. Keep right on laughing, it hasn't changed anything. The "basic" version of the client failed simply because they tried to target a section of computer "users" that they really shouldn't have. That's the reality. You find it amusing that someone recognizes this and dares to state such, openly. That's nice.
  17. You may find reality amusing... It is still reality, like it or not.
  18. Sorry, the fact that Linden Lab tried at all to create a "new user friendly" version of the Second Life client showcases just how much of a failure such a venture really is. Most functions - even some added in by Third Party clients - are either set up in "common sense" ways or are simply not all that hard to figure out. The online documentation could use an update and a proper Helper or Mentor program established again, possibly some proper updates to Orientation ... But that really is about it. The truly advanced stuff is hidden until explicitly enabled/told to show.
  19. That was an absolute disaster of a fuster cluck ....
  20. Note my forum avatar. I am well acquainted with JOMO. There really is a difference between a Hybrid and a full Anthropomorphic type. Kitsune (Fox-people)? "Fairy Fox" avatar that is somewhat outdated. Same for many of their Hybrids. Oh yes and said Hybrids are a "full package" type: Very few of what is on offer can be considered components. Said Fairy Fox? The ears and tail are more than a bit big for a "normal" sized shape. And that is just one example ....
  21. From the sound of it ... The original creator may well have moved on.
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