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Solar Legion

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Everything posted by Solar Legion

  1. Locked? Probably. Removed? No. Not even with edited posts/removed responses. Leave it as is and roll back any edits made in attempt to clean up one's image/pretend things were not said. ETA: Yes, I'm quite irked and have been beyond fed up with some of this - it is well beyond time for some users to have to own their words.
  2. Shops come and go all the time with no guarantee their products will remain usable whatsoever Breedables are one heck of a 'gamble' in this regard. Doubly so for any that do not allow for making them 'permanent' in some way Ignorance of the Covenant stipulations is no excuse whatsoever - if you're not going to read it in enough detail to make sure you don't get hit by a Report ... Don't go renting or picking up a parcel there
  3. Putting this into its own post/response here as well: This thread is - as is usual for the OP's MO - a half and half thread. Half serious and half trolling - the latter is in the presentation (over the top honestly) but the overall premise is dead serious. The entire thing is so out of touch and over the top as to be beyond ridiculous. As is this notion of reporting anyone who dares to be honest. It is here partly for the Drama as one can easily figure out just by the fact that it was announced that the OP is sending in Reports as opposed to simply Reporting and moving on.
  4. M'kay ... So the usual from one poster and now another diving deeply into the conspiracy/paranoia hole ... It is exactly what it appears to be on the surface as anyone who has bothered to pay attention over the years could tell you - no "social engineering" or any such BS happening here. Stop it.
  5. Unless a user is bombarding you using more than one account ... You can block a user from sending you DM/PMs here on the forum and block them from sending you IMs in world as well. after that all you need to do is open your inbox one last time and delete/close the existing messages.
  6. I see that we are still coming up with "solutions" in search of a "problem"
  7. I see we're doubling down on the "think of the children" angle ("younger people") ... No, younger users aren't going to be so easily taken in by such a dialog box as they're by and large used to such things as spoofing attempts. and will be on guard/paying slightly more attention.
  8. There is no need to put up another blog post showcasing the official dialog boxes - if it looks like the llTextBox input, it is not "official". There is also no need to "rewrite" the function as these dialogs do not look anything whatsoever like the actual, Viewer based inputs that would be used for such information. ... Anyone got a drink? An edible perhaps?
  9. If you honestly think the Text Box is "official looking" .... It is beyond time to go through that open door and pack it in. This is a function that has existed for the majority of the time Second Life has been around. It is a function everyone has seen in use at least once - if you're going to claim you have not, sit down and peddle those wares elsewhere. I do so love how every single excuse in the playbook is now being dragged out in a desperate attempt to frame this as an actual problem that needs a solution .... Beyond the ones we already have in place, such as the simple fact that no TPV or even Linden Lab will use such a dialog in the manner this thread has been covering. Someone got hooked thanks to being distracted - that is indeed bad. They need to do what they can to recover their account. If some of you are really so adamant on your stances ... Just petition Linden Lab to shut Second Life down entirely and be done with it - everyone will be "protected" then, now won't they?
  10. Peeve: People trying to solve a 'problem' as old as the Internet (older if you look at the varied forms) that has no proper, workable solution. You cannot protect everyone from their own foolishness or gullibility - get over it, deal with it, drop it and move on with your life. Steps are already taken to mitigate quite a bit and help as many as possible within reason. People will fall through the cracks - aid them in fixing their mistake and move on.
  11. The problem is not passwords. The problem is users/people.
  12. Frankly and bluntly - Linden Lab has already done what they can reasonably do while also not taking extreme measures or absolutely breaking functions. If this does not satisfy a user ... Well the door is right over there.
  13. The same way one got bite requests from certain Vampire games, invites to another's Dance HUD and other normal uses.
  14. Because that is where they spawn by default. All scripted dialogs I have run into will spwn in the upper right hand corner - text entry, multiple selection button dialogs, simple scripted notifications (wth the usual "Ok", "Block" and "Ignore" buttons) and such. Even the yellow Debit Permission dialog shows up there.
  15. Its a generic, LSL scripted input dialog - it doesn't care what Viewer the target is using. It can be customized to state it is part of any Viewer. One of the reasons I find this so incredibly lazy is simple: This sort of dialog would stand out like a sore thumb to anyone who is not on Firestorm. Unless this was incredibly carefully scripted ... Well suffice to say it'd be a dead giveaway to have this pop up on the LL Viewer or any other TPV. Firestorm was selected due to how widespread its userbase is. In short, this is not a TPV security issue. Let alone a proper one either. No Viewer would use that generic dialog for such a function if it were ever implemented. As an example of this: The 2FA dialog is not that generic type. Nor are any of the Viewer level imput/dialogs.
  16. So .... Someone is actually trying to Phish users ... Using an LSL scripted Input box .... I have heard of/seen some rather lazy attempts float through here but this one .... No Viewer whatsoever is going to pop such a dialog under Timeout circumstances. Eve if they did make such an alteration, the dialog would not be an LSL Scripted type nor would it be able to pop without having the Timeout settings in use or for that matter without having updated to whatever version would have such a 'feature'. ... I do hope no one has fallen for this ...
  17. Ah yes, another thread cleanup ... Time ti either accept that there will be some deviance or shut the entire forum down. Either/or. Doing otherwise leaves things unresolved and frankly PMs/External communications is not a viable/desired avenue.
  18. Not all responses can be used as jumping points to make one's own observations/comments. In this instance it would have been far better to type up the response without a direct quote and filling in any needed information piece by piece so as to avoid sounding as though one is weighing in on an existing sub-thread.
  19. It is indeed, absurd. By the "logic" presented, all security systems everywhere (be they SL or RL) are scams. All of them. No exceptions. Yes, that is exactly how it is coming across. Welcome to life. Navigate it.
  20. Oh believe me, I understand that one. To add to the above, here's a screenshot of the most recent set showing the reply and reaction notifications:
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