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Teresa Firelight

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Everything posted by Teresa Firelight

  1. I am in a situation where I had 7 premium accounts to keep tier from going up from 35 a month to 70 a month for a mainland parcel I used for a second store location. I decided to close down that store location end of Oct and suddenly I had 7 accounts to look for nice homes with. My plan was to find maybe 2 that I loved and let the other premiums expire when their annual membership ran out. Fortunately (or maybe unfortunately) the LP has been VERY good to me over the past 6 weeks.. I now possess 7 homes that I love ..6 of them with really nice unique special features. One I can see myself giving up because it is pretty similar to another.. but now I have to either choose between the 6 homes I really really like or shell out another 600 USD for 6 premium annual memberships. Game of Homes can get really expensive!
  2. I released it at 7:30 AM SLT, as promised. Something strange on this thread.. I tend to get my posts very delayed. I checked at 7:28 just before releasing and there wsa nothing after my post.. now at 9:30 I check again and see things that were posted before 7:30 .. like the one I am replying to. It seems to be a frequent and ongoing issue for me that I always get a significant delay before I see posts on this forum.. no idea why it happens or how to fix it
  3. apologies... forgot to put location AND RL "emergency" came up. WIll let go at 7:30 AM slt instead -- if you want to check it out: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Pirouette/181/118/61
  4. letting go a log cabin overlooking a large lake.. very scenic.. few close neighbors, near rez zone. Plan to abandon at 7 AM SLT
  5. sorry page was going crazy on me an insisted on reposting old topic instead of letting me make new post
  6. My condolences on the loss of your Dad. That is a very hard thing! I hope you get to name it after him.
  7. My condolences on the loss of your Dad. That is a very hard thing! I hope you get to name it after him.
  8. About to let go a lovely Log Cabin alongside a river, semi-isolated, private road, water on two sides. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Albuhayra/101/128/54 Plan to release at 2 AM SLT
  9. For those who missed Alwin's Vic, I am about to release a similar one.. creek on 2 sides, private street, arched bridges, "private" scenic area with bench, very picturesque and lovely. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Poult/110/184/33
  10. sorry I have lost track. What is the trad in Sallie? is it teh all sand lot near river? if so I am interested
  11. Log Cabin by small lake. Gonna let go shortly. Contact me inworld if interested. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Weavers Rest/108/222/55
  12. I havent hit the penalty box myself yet but I am told it is a 24-hour period .. that rolls forward as time progresses. So from the first one ... but you will still be at 4 of 5 allowed until the 2nd one expires, and so on.
  13. I have been rather lucky and found what may be my "forever" home... as it turns out, I was trying to get one of the parcels posted/pictured here... I did not get it but did get another one what was not listed here but was just as nice. My alt has a nice home too that I got with random trying. ATM there are a LOT of really nice homes coming available as people free up their land holdings in hopes of getting a stilt home. If you are looking for a nice non-stilt home, it is a great time to go parcel shopping for the other models.
  14. Ren you might be ok... they said it would be a stretch to get them out today.. so more likely tomorrow anyhow....
  15. actually what I did end up with is also nice.. a vic at the top of a hill overlooking the ocean
  16. darn! tried for that beach house but did nto get it ... that is exactly the type I was looking for. Oh well.. something similar bound to come up again
  17. about to release a Log cabin .. nice spacing on both sides of it so neighbors are not close... hill behind house so no neighbors behind it. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Twisted Oak/70/70/64
  18. Traditional house (not near water) but with small park across the street and way more space around it than usual. will relesae at 7 AM SLT if anyone is interested. https://prnt.sc/vb81bf http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Downing Falls/223/178/43
  19. The Region that one of my stores is on (uses caspervend) got uplifted today and it is performing flawlessly. Vendors/scripts all working, easy to TP in/out... working great so far
  20. No offense intended Grumpity, but your answer sounds more like something you have to say an LL employee than something you are sincerely convinced of.... I dont see how this is a rock solid for sure bright future for SL... seems like a big scary unknown to me... If you know more that is reassuring, I would love to hear it
  21. Since LL is trying to balance land costs, any plans to lower the tiers a bit more for mainland parcels? I would like to comment on an earlier suggestion. Someone suggested that LL not reduce the basic account's groups by 7, but instead only add 3 new group slots for premium members. That is really not a feasible suggestion because it is not a 1:1 ratio between premium and basic accounts. (Besides as a premium member, I really want those additional groups...) Also, LL is not actually taking away the 7 slots as in making people choose 7 groups to drop. They just wont let them join any more new groups until their group count is under 35. So if someone has 42 groups and does not change any groups, they can still keep their 7 "extra" groups... (of course, in reality, most users drop/add groups frequently, so most basic users will feel this new cap.
  22. I havent had a chance to implement it yet, but I really love the features that store manager offers. I never seem to have time to add new products to the store.. so hopefully now I can find a good trustworthy person to do that for me and keep my marketplace up to date with my inworld products
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