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Harper Held

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Everything posted by Harper Held

  1. Intelligentsia divorced from the lumpenproletariat is both irrelevant and redundant. Personally? I'm less worried about virtual world intellectualism more worried about real life anti-intellectualism.
  2. Just got the mention @Scylla Rhiadra and it made my week. Thank you! I have nothing going on LOL which means nothing to say most days though I came by today to ask for feedback on a new computer. I spend enough L$ on skins etc I should spend more time showing them off here. 💕 "The good old days" of 2010/2011 taught me the importance of OpSec and minimal attack surface. Lotta fun times, a few genuinely scary people and my favorite are the ones who fell somewhere in-between. As for 2030? I didn't expect to live to see 30; I just turned 55 irl. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  3. Art is political; I assume this means we can't talk about the SLEA in the forums now either...?
  4. Tolerance implies putting up with, Social Justice implies rights, which are inherent to human nature. Also
  5. It's been 14 years and I'm still miffed that name was being squatted. Not surprised, of course, but yeah...
  6. The beatings censorship will continue until morale the dialogue improves...
  7. I don't know -it's a huge world, isn't it? A big wide multiverse -an entire virtualverse.one might even say. I don't look to these forums for political debate. Those very rare times I wish to read the specifics of the collapse of western democracy I know where I can go. That's not what I'm in SL for, though, myself.
  8. I just meant as far as controversies go, this is a bit of a nothingburger. DG is nice but I won't be shutting down my regular grid for it.
  9. Myself, I'm a part of a couple of communities and have access to land on a temporary basis. I have to admit to some creative restlessness and a general fomo kinda itch that's in my head telling me i could get a homestead for a couple months or an 8192 that no one would ever visit or ... or... or... At the same time, other than building I'm spending 9/10ths of my time doing the same thing that I did when I had land and premium; shopping, visiting people, and going out dancing.
  10. So...two weeks later.... Anyway. I had a bunch of mainland and had to get rid of it because of a combination of a budget miscalculation (I thought I was more broke than i was) and my RL best friend asking me uncomfortable questions like "you're spending $100USD a month and getting what, exactly? This is better than your opensim vps how, exactly? For this much cash couldn't you save for a better computer?" and I don't have a good answer...an answer I felt was solid and I felt I could defend. I'm going through a lot of angst about that now, a couple months later. Part of it for me, personally is FOMO and not wanting to regret missed chances when I'm living under a bridge in a few years. I'm sure that's leading to a lot of distorted thinking and perceptions on my part. So, idk; I guess I'm saying that I can relate and going through my own version of it. It's been some time since you posted, @Marianne Little, and I hope if nothing else the health issues are easing up for you.
  11. I saw three camping chairs at 7 Deadly Skins and thought that was a blast from the past...
  12. Haha don't get me started on opensim! rn I've got active "Han Held" accounts on like 3 or 4 grids, not counting my own grid ofc... so much for the hypergrid making logins obsolete!
  13. It's true! I have my 2005 acct in most of my SL families and we end up bickering. What is it with alts that makes that so fun? 🤣
  14. Yeah, I've got a TON of accts that I can't remember the password/emails for which will never log in to the grid again. That's most of mine, in fact.
  15. Feel free to take this with a grain of salt -but that's the opposite of my experience. I had a male alt for a while 11 years or so ago that I was using for sex stuff and even outside of the sex sims I would encounter women who would be this combination of aggressive and at the same time hurt/offended if I didn't sleep with them. I had no idea how to deal with that and I wound up deactivating that account in part because that dynamic made logging on to him feel like a drag. I say "take this with a grain of salt" but where I had that avatar hanging out and also my personal lack of coping skills might mean this isn't necessarily a typical experience.
  16. There's alts, then there's accounts. I have approximately 40 accounts total -many made as one-offs and some of them deactivated. Originally, I was going to use Han Held as my primary/banking account so I made probably 6 accounts and explored the grid with those. They're all toast at this point lol I started logging in on Han and then got drawn to sl history, misc forums and different groups. Currently? 1)Han Held (not sure if main) 2)2005 account -for vanity 3)Two variations on Hannah$WHATEVER to move off of Han/for sl-family RP 4)Some slex alts to see if I have better luck in slex sims as someone who isn't Han Held 😜 and to do a NSFW project that isn't tied to Han (less about shame and more about social obligations Han has which distract me from getting anything done!) [edit]my accounts are all either women, or transwomen
  17. Are there lonely, vulnerable people in SL? Yes? Then there are political and religious cults in SL too preying on them and recruiting. On a kinda related note: I've seen religious groups in SL that claimed to be 100% serious which made me raise an eyebrow since they were being run by people who'd spent years setting up religious themed bdsm groups. Butttttt Getting back to the original question; yes, I'm sure there's cults in SL. I haven't run into them but I haven't been trying to, either.
  18. I've had a disturbing number of SL dreams. On an unrelated topic -does anyone know where I can get one of those "first lives" from?
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