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Hymn Celestia

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Everything posted by Hymn Celestia

  1. Paul Lost Ursula's Certain "Keys." V A G U E
  2. This Oughtta Do. Anybody, Yahtzee? W H A M O
  3. Does too. Where the cobblestone meets the pathway stone, under there is terrain texture that blends seamlessly into the colour palette I have deliberately chosen; meaning, I quite like the terrain texture (and the cobblestone texture, both Linden-provided) because they work really well with other things and don't tend to compete, as the more super-saturated big-name terrain textures might if you didn't have full control over the estate to make it a default. I see your point that it might be improved upon and that's fair; everything can be improved upon as nothing is perfect. I just don't feel the need to hurry this improvement along like others might, I guess.
  4. Careless, Heavy Absence Loosens Karmic F I N K S
  5. My SL looks great today; landscaping a "happy place" for my close friend.
  6. Tempting. Rolig, your imagination truly V I B E S
  7. It's Pride Month, so "don't ask don't tell" doesn't serve those who need a light left on to show that there's someone else who gives a care. "Don't ask don't tell" is what happens for the rest of the year and it's hard for those who are alone to know they aren't alone for that time. In Pride month, it's not just about who is and who isn't in bed with us; it's about who else can feel safe in the crowd they're standing in. One never really knows.
  8. Al Gore is super cereal about Man-Bear-Pig. I'm usually super cereal in Second Life. So I think that answers that.
  9. The mainland textures that I have to deal with are quite lovely as-is and I don't see the need for an immediate "fix" of any kind. If they can be improved then great... but I'm loving the cobblestones and grass, personally. And, I've loved the snow regions just as well. The atoll textures are unique and lovely. I don't really feel the hate for mainland textures. Edit to add: some of those trees and some of those shrubs are Linden trees and shrubs also.
  10. Love'em both, to be honest, if it's absolutely the right house. I found a ranch that suits me perfectly (i.e. has a nice water view and railway); and I found a mediterranean house that suits my partner perfectly (i.e. has enough green grass and bridges, visual interest); and so I get to enjoy them both. I find the houses very easy to decorate in either theme. The ranch house lets me emotionally immerse in a slower, lazy kind of day with birds chirping under big trees under big cool sky. The mediterranean house lets me emotionally immerse in a blazing hot blistering-sun kind of day lounging by the pool on an exotic (to me) vacation in Greece. Neither of these things is accessible to me in RL, so having access to both in SL is just champion. Love'em both.
  11. So, Always Leave Appropriate Desserts? C A K E S
  12. Ever so enthusiastically do I recommend this store. Also for those people who might have left SL for a few years but are recently returned, and who are still maybe wearing Slink or Freya bodies with little or no interest to change that situation, and who are looking for some good quality free gifts of clothes and shoes. Coco has them covered.
  13. Blerg! Lovely. Everyone, Rolig's Great. W O W E E
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