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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. You should probably read up on what an affidavit is and how the legal system sees it. If you get away from what corporate news says and spins, you'll find an affidavit is sworn testimony according to all the law sites and and universities. Simply said sworn testimony is sworn testimony. Try Legal Zoom for a start. Swearing an affidavit is the same as swearing and sitting on the stand in a court room. The Detroit attorney you reference fails to point out that the one swearing must state what is opinion or belief to avoid perjury charges just as they do in the courtroom. Most states prefer in-person testimony subject to cross examination. But, they all make clear in several situations the affidavit must be accepted as testimony. (2009 California Code of Civil Procedure - Section 2009-2015.6 :: Article 2. Affidavits) This spin started because someone thinks affidavits are some lesser form of sworn testimony, as you seem to think. Even the Detroit attorney you reference says they are the same as courtroom testimony. In both cases witnesses can be wrong, confused, misunderstanding, lying, and on and on. But 1,000+ people giving testimony is a lot of smoke. Do you really think they are all wrong or lying? And no one has challenged their testimony. They are just doing their best to stonewall and ignore it.
  2. I'll disagree that it takes a "stronger" person. I think only curiosity and intellectual honesty is needed. With all the claims of 'fake' news how can one not question everything? As Cancel Culture moves forward it may soon take a strong person... You speak of groups as if they were a conscious entity. Groups are people. People form groups of like minded people to work together. I think it is a problem when a group becomes an authority. How does on find 'irregularities' if diversity of opinions and thought are not tolerated? Big Tech is snuffing out diversity with their intolerance. Twitter has now silenced all the major conservative voices on their platform and about 70k of those following them. But, Ali Khamenei remains on Twitter and continues to call for genocide and the annihilation of the West and specifically Israel and America. They have essentially made an echo chamber for the Left. What happens when SL doesn't fit their agenda?
  3. Realistic. Fair enough. Explain how you know these people are not objective? To me that sounds like opinion and confirmation bias on your part. This is one person of 1,000+ that came forward voluntarily and signed affidavits. And that does not count the people testifying to various other facts in the election process. Also there are the election laws on the books that are widely known to have been violated. The Trump/Giulliani team had no way to find all these people that knew about this stuff. Maybe some of them. Both Rudy and Sidney talk about the flood of people contacting them and offering testimony. They were then asked to prepare and sign affidavits and warned of possible perjury charges if they lied. What grounds, other than opinion, do you have that these are not good patriotic Americans concerned for their country? They aren't even all Republican party members. Some are Democrat members. Do you have any proof otherwise? The hearing didn't have time for all 1,000+ of them to testify. So obviously Trump's side picked the ones they thought would serve their purpose best to bring to the hearing. I don't see a problem with that in an adversarial legal system. It is the way it works. It is up to the State Representatives to sort through the cherry picking and decide whether to look for fire under the smoke. Do you have a link to where the legislature made a decision? Christo Aivalis (video you linked to) has done the same thing with this video that you claim Giulliani did. He pumps out his opinions, picks one instance from 1,000's and offers no counter proof, only an emotional response. He does a basic Alinsky 'attack the messenger' move. I don't consider that realistic, just opinion. We see both sides getting one extreme example and painting everyone on that side with the same brush. Thinkers know better. Explain how a sworn affidavit or violating an oath before the legislature is different than being under oath in a court. Both carry the same penalties for perjuring one's self. These people are already suffering personal and in some cases violent attacks from the Left. How much more risk to they have to take before you think they are telling the truth? Consider that America's mail-in voting is the most unrestricted system on the planet and wide open to fraud. The rest of the world, even with CoVid, severally restrict mail-in voting because of the risk of abuse. And there are many that simply disallow it. If you want to check that out, the Independent Sentinel of Wyoming did a piece on it quoting several reputable sources that also quote more sources and studies. (Ref) Or you can research it yourself. Knowing that this election used high risk processes why would anyone object to investigating the election? As it is now, the election has been decided. There is no legal way to turn that round. As much as I dislike it, Biden is the President. The US Constitution gives the decision making power to the people via their state legislatures. Not Congress, not the Supreme Court, not the President nor Vice President. It is done. The decision is made. Swearing in Biden is just a formality. The most the Supreme Court can do is decide that a State did or did not follow their election laws. If they were to find they didn't, it gets kinky. The State has to find some way to rectify the mistake. But, a State cannot over turn a Federal decision. The Feds have accepted and certified Biden was chosen. The Congress has no way to change its decision. That would require new election law at a Federal level and Congressional law cannot change the Constitution so it looks like nothing can change what is done. It is done. It appears the most a State can do is change its election laws before the next election and ensure they will be followed. Thus the demand for an investigation that would either way eliminate this drama at the next election. At this point protecting SL and the country are pretty much the same thing. If elections are fixed, we essentially get dictators. Pack the court like Hugo did in Venezuela and we are done and that means SL too.
  4. Skell gave a great explanation. Be sure you understand what he is saying. I made a picture to illustrate the problem for a JIRA feature request. There is a way to combine shapes. But it requires importing/exporting and XML file editing.
  5. So what do you do with the under oath testimony made before the Georgia legislature, the conflicting statements from the Dominion and Smartmatic, the under oath demonstrations of how easily Dominion machines can be hacked, the testing results of court ordered confiscated Dominion machines, video, and the more than 1,000 people signing affidavits swearing they saw irregularities that would result in significant fraud? You can't look out your window and see which group reporting on these items is lying. You have to get information from somewhere to make an informed decision. Corporate media is not providing it. Internet searches provide references to amazingly consistent stories from corporate media that nothing happened, no fraud. If you talk to cops and prosecutors you'll find that when they hear everyone's stories matching they suspect they got together and agreed on the story. Likely lies. Witnesses never agree. Nor do independent news sources. The alternative news says the opposite and they provide links to the court records, video of testimony. Who do you then believe? It takes some effort to sort the propaganda from actual news. I'll stand by the idea it isn't easy to find the truth. It is relatively easy to tell when something isn't right. But what's wrong?
  6. There is an employment/jobs section here in the forum. You may have better luck over there.
  7. Yeah.... been there done that kind of thing.
  8. No. I know the facts. I'm right. True the issue can't really be debated. Which is why you are smart not to try. I suspect you've bought into the propaganda and are being lead. So you can only see one side. 😢
  9. The informed recognize Alinsky's Rules for Radicals tactics when they see them in use. When you can't defeat the the merit of a statement attack the messenger. Since you have no evidence that that would beat mine you are smart not to put it out there. There simply is nothing to support that viewpoint other than lots of rhetoric and propaganda.
  10. That isn't what corporate "news" is doing. While you are correct that is the difference between news, speculation, and editorializing. The line between editorializing and reporting has long been obliterated by corporate media. Which is what makes it so difficult to get actual news. As an example of not thinking their coverage through CNN is pushing the story Trump instigated the riot with his speech. Then they are saying people were leaving the White House area well before Trump's first speech. The time between speech and riot is supposedly the single most significant item in the impeachment indictment. But if people left before they heard Trump, how did he insight them? Wouldn't it only be possible for those that heard him to be instigated? The time from his speech until they Capitol was breached was short and that is part of the 'evidence' it was his speech that triggered it. CNN saying since weapons were not allowed in the White House area, they had to go get them before going to Capitol Hill. Have you thought about where they would have to go to get weapons? How much time to travel from WH to their stash then to Capitol Hill? That seems to imply some pre-planning. Anyone got evidence of that? Can anyone show a pattern of Trump supporters rioting? No. The 'riot' is out of character. Part of why it was so shocking. But that it was Trump and his people is a story that is falling apart... not in corporate news. But the truth is out there. Way too many people were taking video that day. We are seeing more of those showing up in independent media. CNN has been interviewing John Sullivan and describing him as a Trump supporter. Then later Sullivan releases a video admitting he is long time Antifa member that dressed up as a Trump supporter to break into the Capitol. So, we know there were fakes in the crowd. We can argue about how many. As more and more personal videso come out we may just know. CNN may have just inadvertently provided the exculpatory time-line evidence Trump needs to beat the impeachment charges. I believe if you listen closely to any news you can decern way more than they are saying. The true always seem to leak out. Corporate media will fight it endlessly.
  11. I didn't link. I asked someone to define and explain what they were stating. I don't have to trust a news source to hear their answer. Then I asked them to think, which would refute the insinuation they were behaving as a libtard as was sort of implied in someone's earlier post. It is sad you haven't found news sources you trust. It isn't easy and I can't say there are any I trust 100%. But much of the information we want can come from people actually involved. We just have to put the effort in to find them. Separating from the corporate media is not required. Adding in non-corporate independent sources will at least show one where to ask questions. The way you write it would seem you feel you are being lead. Does that mean you are a helpless victim and there nothing to do but be lead? whataboutism ... That doesn't mean what you seem to think it means. But... you probably know that and you spun it for your purposes. I didn't ask what about BLM or their behavior? Asked how one used their criteria to decide if BLM was a fascist sympathizer. Did you miss that nuance? Probably not. As to BLM protesting institutionalized police brutality... you need to define what a protest is and may add how it is different than a fascist riot. Then you might provide some proof of systematic police brutality. Everyone talks about it. No one bothers to prove it. All I ever see provided is a few anecdotal examples from people someone know. Got proof? Or are you one of the lead?
  12. Now that is an interesting spin on the material you are responding to. Didn't really insult you... he did frame it so you would look like a libtard if you threw a tantrum. It is like saying 'I know crows fly.' Did you fly and are you therefore a crow? He probably shouldn't have used the term, regardless of whether it is accurate and descriptive or not. It gave you an out and allowed you to avoid answering the question. Which you seem to have taken and used as an opportunity to slam Trump. I am curious if you can point to any of the agencies' listings of him as a potential predator or pedophile? I'll even make it easier. Can you point to any list of potential predators or pedophiles? Regardless of who is or isn't on them? Since you likely have genitals, aren't you a potential sexual predator and/or pedophile? I hope those two question get you thinking. For others, I hope they can see the inanity of a government "list of potential anythings".
  13. So... does the fascist sympathizer have to do both, advocate and plan to install a dictator? Using your criteria how would you class BLM when they insist on getting what they want or burning America down? Perhaps I misunderstood your post I was responding to. It didn't seem to espouse canceling them from just your platform but canceling them in general, everywhere. If they are canceled in general do they really lose nothing?
  14. Butts are a lagging issue... ...they always bring up the rear... 😁
  15. You have-to-have full permissions. When you import a shape it is your creation, as far as the viewer and SL system know. Since it always comes back to you as full perm it has to be a full perm that is exported.
  16. Older heads do not necessarily use the standard neck sizes to fit. Many fit to the Maitreya neck which is non-standard but way popular. Slink matches the standard neck size. So Maitreya targeted heads may have a fit problem. GA.EG makes their heads with an SL Neck (std) and Maitrya neck. Zoom in and see if it is a fit problem. If it is then look to see if your head or body HUD has a neck size setting you can change.
  17. Slink HG is in two versions, Classic (Applier style) and Redux (BOM). Not a lot of designers have made updates for the BOM versions. I have a great wet look from Izzie's that is applier style. I haven't seen an update for BOM style. The original package came with a BOM layer but the Applier isn't working with Redux... which may be a problem on my part not theirs. Oils and water wet looks get a bit complex for BOM. You need a system layer (usually a tattoo) and an applier to get the shine and 3D look. This makes them hard to advertise without confusing people and near impossible to search for in the MP. There is also an SL glitch in EEP that makes materials enabled bodies and heads look plastic. Combined it is tough getting things to look right. Seren is right, demo demo demo. NSFW image 'R' rated of wet water drop skin
  18. I agree. Names of colors just aren't accurate. I think that is just the nature of things. But, often the swatch on the HUD and the texture/color that ends up on the clothing aren't even close. I find it trail and error. ...should be a song title...
  19. The SL system offers no simple way to combine shapes. Moira's technique to copy values is likely how most people combine shapes. If you are a bit braver and have multiple bodies or shapes you want to use the head with... then I think there is an easier way. It is possible to combine shapes but it takes some effort outside SL. I use Firestorm to manage my shape mixing. Firestorm will let you export and import shapes. The exported shape has to be full perm, as most head shapes are. Purchased body shapes are usually no-mod. Shapes that come with a body or skin are often full perm. Wear the head shape you want. Body does not matter at this point. Export the shape. Use Developer (press Ctrl-Alt-Q to add/remove to the top menu)->Avatar->Character Tests->Appearance to XML. It exports as an XML file. It can be edited in a simple text editor. I suggest Notepad++ a free open-source editor. It has some XML editing features. You likely won’t need them. But they are nice if you want to do more than delete rows, like tweak the shape values. XML files are human readable text files with a consistent format a machine can read. To edit a shape file for the purpose of combining shapes one simply deletes an entire row/line of text to eliminate a setting. The name of the setting in a row is like the name in the viewer’s shape editing panel. For a head shape we remove all the settings-rows that are not head-shape settings. There are non-settings-rows that make up the file's structure. Those have to stay. Once you have the edited head shape file saved, open Firestorm. Wear the body shape you want. Right-click your avatar and select Edit Shape. Notice the IMPORT button at the bottom. Click it to import the settings for the head from your edited file. Save and rename the shape. Done.
  20. How do you know who is a 'fascist sympathizer'? What criteria does one use to decide? So... what is it you are going to deprive the fascists of to disallow them?
  21. You can have a great Internet connection and a horrible connection to Second Life. You need to test your connection to the SL system. See Troubleshoot Your #SL Connection. The SL Viewer by Linden Lab is not going to give you an IP Address. You can get an address from Firestorm and I think most third-party viewers.
  22. The Lindens usually only react to someone spamming the forum. Blatant self promotion that becomes annoying usually draws complaints from others in the thread. Then the Lindens do something. But, answering someone's question and providing them a link or set of links is seldom a problem. You'll find many people posting links to stores or items in the marketplace all through the forum.
  23. One thing that can cause this is a large flat inventory, meaning everything in one folder. On a more practical level, somewhere between 3,000+/- or more items in a single folder. The better your connection to SL the higher that number can be and the worse the connection then lower. If this is the problem, you must file a trouble ticket to have support fix it. Whether it is or not, it is probably time to file a trouble Ticket and the Lab look at it. Use the CONTACT link bottom of this page to get to support.
  24. Thanks for the correction. To get help from the Lab's tech support you MUST use the Linden made viewer.
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