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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. I suggest you file a ticket over on Machinamatrix or try to catch Gaia in the Blender-Avaster group in world and point her to your post.
  2. You don't tell us how you purchased. The Lindex is a currency exchange. You can buy L$ two ways. One is to let the Lindex find the best price for the fastest exchange, this the INSTANT. The other is a limit order (Best Rate) where you set the price and wait for some one to take your offer. Today the best price is L$267-L$268/US$1. If you are not framiliar with currency exchanges, you need to read up to understand how to get the best price as quickly as possible. I have a series of articles on the Lindex and an old tutorial: http://blog.nalates.net/tag/lindex/ You can cancel you order without cost and place a new order or just wait. The current spread is L$8, not much. There are L$24,000+ @ L$267waiting for someone to be welling to sell at that price. At L$268/US$1 there are L$11 million stacked up waiting and $14 million @ L$269 and another $L15 million at L$270. If you are willing to take L$266, you'll probably make a deal in less than an hour, may be minutes. Or if you are willing to take only L$258/$1 the Lindex can fill it from current standing sell offers, instantly.
  3. That's a huge PNG file. Learn to use JPG's for this stuff. On a 30Mbps connection I lost patience waiting. Search the forum here to find the best ATI driver. The latest is not always the best. ATI support for OpenGL just isn't all that great.
  4. Sky, your biggest problem is AMD does not support OpenGL as well as NVIDIA does. If you run searches on this forum for NVIDIA and AMD/ATI problems you can see which has fewer problems. Depending on the laptop, you can run into various limits. Older laptops were often limited to 2GB of RAM. For SL you are going to want 8GB or more. You will also want a network card that supports the G and N protocols. Most laptops run the network at 2.5Mhz. N will bump that up to 5Mhz, closer to what you get with a wired connection. In this case faster is better. Your router/wireless access point also has to support G & N protocols. In terms of bang-for-the-buck, the i5 is the best deal. The i7 costs 50% more for 25% more performance - generalizing. Pay attention to the number that goes along with the i3, i5, or i7. There are six generations of iCore processors.You can easily end up paying 6th gen prices for 3rd and 4th gen iCore CPU's. Each generation runs faster and draws less power. Also the letter designators affect price. An i5-6600K is the top of that level. Without the K it should be cheaper. Chips with numbers less than 6600 should cost less too. Bigger numbers cost more. Again, I'm generalizing. The latest information for what is considered the minimum for running SL is here: https://secondlife.com/my/support/system-requirements/index.php? The information shows the minimums. This means turning off shadows, ambient occusion, and Advanced Lighting. I run a Core2 Quad and GTX560 and am borderline for shadows. So, how much muscle you need for that laptop depends on how nice a render you want. Anything short of a GTX980 or GTX1060+ is not going to cut it for Project Sansar... well, we can't be certain but, common hardware is not providing good VR. A top of the line 2015 gaming machine is needed. The new 10 series NVIDIA video cards are designed for duel image VR rendering.
  5. If you are going to go to the trouble to make your own avatar skeleton, you should make it Bento compatible. Otherwise in 3 to 6 months you will have to do it over to be compatible with the new avatar. The Bento Skeleton as it is configured today is in the Wiki. There are files there for Blender and Maya. There is the skeleton layout in an XML built into the viewer. Use the Bento Project Viewer to get the latest XML file. You may want to attend the Project Bento UG on Thrusdays. See User Group schedules in the Wiki. See: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB4WLXGM10aLOxbw01-e5LQ
  6. You have gotten good answers for your specific 'name floater' question. However, on where to get tech assistance... well here. But, there are also classes on viewers, building, inventory management, and everything else regarding Second Life. You'll find support in-world in varous groups. Plus, there are entire regions dedicated to training. The Destination Guide and search can be used to find those. There is also YouTube and the SL Wiki. Both of those resources have a large amount of information and training. Then there are the blogs... Inara Pey's, Strawberry Singh's, Scope-it, mine, and many more. Google your question to find those. When you can't find an answer for a question, you are probably using the wrong names to describe the problem. Also, when you ask a tech question include information about your viewer and computer. Use the viewer's HELP->ABOUT... to collect the information. Paste it in with your question. There are about a dozen third party viewers. If we know which one you are using, we can often tell you the click path to fix something. Firestorm is by far the most popular viewer with power-users. They have a very active support group in-world and regions devoted to helping people and training new users. Find and join their group if you use Firestorm. There is no comparable group for Linden Viewer users, AFAIK.
  7. We generally consider an error something that pops an error message. I assume that isn't happening. The mesh just isn't behaving as you expect. Yes? You haven't given us enough information to provide much help. Which version of Avastar? Which Blender? Which viewer version? Are there any animations playing? What about the default animations? Without anything to go on, I would assume the default animations are causing the movement. That would suggest the weighting isn't as clean as it should be. But, that is a VERY VERY speculative guess. ...and you do know about Porject Bento?
  8. I use Memory History Tool (MHT) and Open Hardware Monitor (OHM) (both free) to see what is happening when I start to get freezes and crashes. With Firestorm and only 6GB of RAM I find I start getting freezes when Firestorm consumes memory and I have <1GB available. At <500MB the viewer, computer in General, becomes unusuable and I have to restart the viewer. Having Chrome running along with the viewer is a really bad idea, as it too eats a lot of memory. If I know I'm going to be in SL for an extended time I often restart the computer to give myself the most available memory. This week I'll max out the memory, 8GB. I expect that to give me a bit more time before freezes set in. How long I can use the viewer is dependent on where I go. At The Crossroads Event it is minutes. Is it the build or the avatars there? I haven't been able to decide. The garbage collector in OHM helps a little. Whether this is Firestorm or my computer (some driver) I can't tell. When I bring my new Win10 machine online I'll have a better idea. When teleporting I usually see a drop in memory used. After TP the viewer is sluggish regardless of where it is in memory consumption. How long it remains sluggish seems to depend on the complexity and population of the new region. Texture download and decompression seem to take longer in FS. If FS has left <1GB of RAM available and I teleport I sometimes see the freezes start. So, I can see how one would think it is teleport related... and in your case it may be. But, I suggest you get the tools I mentioned and see what is happening with memory and temperature. I hadn't cleaned my computer in some time. I was getting freezes in all viewers. BUT, I knew my computer was running cool from previous tests... wrong. The CPU heat sink was in dire need of cleaning. I was hitting the 'Throttle' temperature (about 82C) for my Quad Core2. Now freezes are directly related to memory leaks and most pronounced in FS 4.7.7. Recent updates to NIVIDIA drivers didn't make a difference. But, I have yet to find the leak on my machine. Is it FS or my GTX560 or ...?... I have yet to determine.
  9. Estou usando o Google Translate ... Espero que isso é compreensível. Metendo a grade beta / visualizacão pode ser um problema. Se você não tiver sido antes, tente, em seguida, aguarde 24 horas e tente novamente. Você pode tentar mais vezes. Se você ainda não fez isso, depois de 24 horas, entre em contato SL Suporte e explicar o problema. Se você tiver sido antes, evitar o uso de 'Last Location' ou 'Home' como seu detination login. Tente 'Ahern' ou 'Morris' ou qualquer outra região que você sabe está instalado e funcionando. Há um ciclo de atualizacão de inventário que refresca seu inventário em 6 AM EUA, horário do Pacífico após o seu login. Isso pode ter um efeito sobre a sua capacidade de iniciar sessão pela primeira vez. Não há outra mágica para fazer o login. Se não for possível após 24 horas de tentativas, algo está Brooke. contate o suporte.
  10. Alwin gave a good answer... There is land in SL that is restricted use. There are places that only Premium Members can enter. There is land that reuires you be a member of a specific group and have their tag active.. There is land that requires you be on an owner made white list. There is land where the owner requires you to have financial information on file. There is land where your avatar must be over 30 days old to enter. There is land that requires you accept an Experience to enter. Of course there is adult land where you must have your G-M-A settings set to Adult. There are only a couple of these that you can do anything about. The rest are up to the land owner. If they want to let you in, your good. Otherwise, you are out.
  11. The problem with changing languages is the viewer is only an interface and the language interpreter lives in the servers. There are some development systems that use other languages but, they have to translate their source into LSL... which becomes limiting.
  12. Well... you can, but... They didn't make it easy. I feel you. The reason we are where we are is legacy. The current system wasn't so much designed as it evolved over about 10 years. Things are beter than they were. But, for a new person I am sure it is frustrating. May be Sansar will be easier. To make my life easier, to have a 'blank' avatar to start from, I made a nude avatar outfit. Actually several. I have a nude classic avatar and a nude Slink mesh body, hands, and feet avatar, and a couple of others but, you get the idea. When I want to build a new outfit I replace the current outfit with a nude outfit and start dressing.
  13. We can try to answer you, but realize the behavior you see now will soon change. We are getting more attachment points and bones in a new avatar. For more info on this look up Project Bento. I have a series of articles on Project Bento. The result of all this is older prim jewlery will likely never work well with the current mesh hands or the newer coming mesh hands. You might be able to get a 'pose' that locks the classic hands in place, stop bending and roatation at the wrist. This would allow you to position the ring correctly in relation to the mesh hand. But, we will soon be able to animate the fingers. That will again present the problem you have now. I am discarding more and more of my older prim jewlery and classic clothes. The mesh stuff looks so much better.
  14. Rolig is precisely correct... but, let's try something a bit more practical. If you are alone, you can pretty much do whatever you want because no one is really watching. With a million or so people logging in each day, there are not enough Linden staff to police the place. So, the Lab responds to complaints and it is very debatable as to how well they do that. It's like there is never a cop around when you need one. If you go to any of the nude beaches or landing places where new people show up, it would not be greatly unusual to see a male with an erection walking around. In RL that is generally considered lewd behavior. But, SL residents tend to tolerate it. The Lab only finds out about it if someone reports the person. So, lewd for purposes of the ToS is what someone you interact with might report. Nebulous enough? But, that is the practical nature of how the ToS is enforced. If you wouldn't do something on the street in front of your home with neighbors looking on, don't do it in inappropriate places in SL.
  15. If you can launch the viewer, do so and before logging in click HELP->ABOUT... and copy that information into your post. You can edit the post using EDIT within OPTIONS in the upper right of your post. Without more information all we can do is guess and that often results in along and tedious process. Look at system requirements, make sure you have a machine that can run SL. As pointed out, updating to Win10 can mess up the drivers for HD 2000/3000 graphics drivers. An alternative is to try a viewer with lower requirements. Try the Singularity Viewer, see: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory
  16. Saul and Rolig gave good answers. A way to understand the Lindex is to understand it is a currancy exhange. If you have traveled internationally, you have problably had to exchange you homeland currancy of the local currancy. The Lindex works the same way. If you are interested in undresrtanding more about the Lindex and possibly getting more L$ for your money, see: http://blog.nalates.net/tag/lindex/
  17. I think you are confused. The confusion comes from the sellers and buyers seeing price differently. In the Lindex we can say a seller is selling L$ and buying dollars. If dollars are expensive it takes a lot of L$ to buy one. If a car is expensive we pay lots of dollars to buy it. Our frame of reference is what decides what is expensive and cheap. So, for a L$ seller a price of L$239/$1 is cheaper than paying L$258/$1. But for a L$ buyer a price of L$268/$1 is more expensive than buying L$296/$1. In one case a lower number is better than a higher number while in the opposite case it is reversed and higher is better than lower. (Prices from 7/29/2016 – 8±AM) Until someone is willing to offer L$ below L$258/$1 (bigger number is lower price for L$) or someone is willing to bid more than L$268/$1 (smaller number is a high price) nothing happens, no transactions. I took this from my blog post here: http://blog.nalates.net/2016/07/29/misunderstanding-the-second-life-lindex/
  18. Ban Lines generally mean the owner has limited access and yuo are not on the list to get in. The parcel ID message suggests the server is having an issue. Try later, hours later. The Ban and ID are likely unrelated, unless you haven't included all the pertinant informaton.
  19. Freya is right. Yours is a connection problem. Depending on where your grandparents live, they may not have a connection that will support SL. A satellite or DSL connection likely will present problems. DSL is a problem as you get farther from the central phone exchange. At about 4,000ft DSL is so slow it barely supports SL. Satellite connections have terrible latency, lag. If you can get connected via satellite you'll likely hate it. There are newer wireless connections in various parts of the world. The ISP connects to your home/office via a wireless signal. If that signal is weak, you will have problems with SL. In such cases the only thing you can do is talk to your ISP. Then there is your in-home wireless signal sent by your router. It can vary form terrible to great depending where you are in the house. If it is an older router, it will use slower protocols. You are looking for G or N protocols for use with SL. If the router your grandparents have doesn't support those, use a wire connection. Buy a cable. Freya linked to my troubleshooting guide. Use it to figure out where the problem is, you, the ISP, or SL.
  20. Since this is your first forum post, I'll provide some of the basics we normally assume SL users already know. RLV is an advanced type of viewer interaction with the SL world. It is a programming API (way of talking to the viewer) who's name comes from the name of the first viewer to have the feature: Restrained Love Viewer. As the name suggests it is has a BDSM application. But, is used for other applications that need control of your viewer. Stargate devices often make use of it to avoid you having to do a bunch of clicking and permission giving. RLV programming is found in various objects within SL. They talk to the viewer via chat. The viewer talks to them and the objects are programmed to respond with animations, sitting or teleporting the avatar and much more. The protocol for the programmers is to first ask the viewer if it speaks RLV, meaning they check to see if it is RLV command capable. If it is, you never see anything in chat. If your viewer is NOT capable of RLV, for instance the main SL viewer isn't, then you see the first querries from the RLV system in chat. But, after an initial 3 tries the devices are supposed to shut up. Also, commands like you are seeing should never been seen. Chat has a couple of million channels to use. Local chat uses channel 0. No other text sent to any other channel is seen in chat, unless you specifically tell the viewer to show it. The channel system allows the viewer and in-world objects to interact. For security reasons the RLV commands are not normally allowed. But, in third party viewers you can enable them. If you want to dig into RLV and how it works see: Second Life Tutorial: RLV, Mesh, and Folders – How it works, How to Use You may have inadvertantly bought an RLV toy. In which case it is poorly programmed or inadvertantly left in deug mode. Many toys have a user enabled/disabled debug mode, which you may have accidently turned on. Or if intentionally purchased without understanding how RLV works, you may be missing the RLV Relay... check out my link.
  21. Waifus, I'll answer a bit differently than the others... Is it illegal to spam in Second Life? It is difficult to determine what is and isn't spam. In one context a comment may be spam and in another the same statement might not be spam. So, in general I'll say spam is not illegal... because the Lab seldom engages in enforcement because of ambiguity of what is or isn't spam. However, the one receiving the message will clearly know whether it is spam or not. What is clearly illegal, violates ToS, is harassment. The Lab takes action on harassement reports. When delievering messages moves into the realm of harassment it is defintely considered spam and a violation of ToS. The challenge of marketers is to deliever a message without spamming the target audiance. Not an easy challenge when you can't know how your targeted demographic will respond. You should be able to tell from the others responses that spam draws a visceral response. In general people do not like it. So, if you are trying to sell something, the blow back from over messaging (spam) is way undesirable and may produce highly counterproductive results. At best the sender gets blocked by the majority of the target demographic. At worst they get banned fomr SL. I suggest you consider other ways to get your message out.
  22. Freya, you are wrong on so many points... Cool VL Viewer is made by Henri Beauchamp, a crusty French character. He has never liked the V2, 3, 4, and soon 5 user interface made by the Lindens. So, he built a viewer he likes that uses the old V1 user interface. He has kept the viewer up to date and it has all the latest Linden Viewer features. Henri likes to poke at the Firestorm and Linden developers. He fixes things and removes bugs from his Cool VL that still remain in FS and LL viewers. He also often adds new features before others can get them added in and working. I could probably make a good case for it being the cutting edge viewer... but, that V1 UI hurts the surface of that argument. I don't use his viewer as my main viewer because I don't like the V1 User Interface. I currently don't have a copy installed. But, for a time it was one of my alternate viewers. You'll find from talking with Henri that the viewer is not in the Third Party Viewer listing because he doesn't want to do all the paper work. It is complient. But, we do have to take his word for it, which is the case with all the other viewers listed. The Lab doesn't test them for compliance. Even the programmers he pokes at I have never heard speak of him commiting any dishonesty or abuse via his viewer. Some feel that it better supports older hardware than even Singularity. I used to test viewers, but have never tested that claim.
  23. At a quick glance it appears no one has mentioned the problems with the viewer and avatar height. Let's start with whether SL actually has a measurable size and reasonable scale. It does. Just open your build panel and you'll find everything is dimensioned in meters. SL is generally metric. But, avatars can be changed to display dimensions in Imperial. Regions are measured in meters. As VR becomes more common the departures from accurate sizes and proportion in SL will become more noticeable. So, Jo Yardley when building 1920's Berlin built everything to scale - correct size. Scale is a problem because of camera angle and an error in the avatar shape control panel. If you make an avatar 6'-1" tall via the panel, the avatar is actually 6'-7" tall... more or less. Those two things seriously throw things out out of proportion. Read Penny's article: A Matter of Scale. I was inspired by Penny's article on the subject of camera placement and wrote: Second Life Camera Position Tips. In general builders have decided to use prim dimensions as the final measurement standard. To get avatars proportional and the actual intended height in scale to the rest of the prims I made: Model Shape Tool as a visual aid to help shape an avatar. When building in Blender and other modeling programs it is important to get things scales correctly. Look at Blender Measurements for SL. Once you decide to hold to real life dimensions, you can use RL sizes in SL. So, the avarage height of an American male is 185.6 cm (6 ft 1.1 in) and female average height of 170.9 cm (5 ft 7.3 in). But, don't expect that to work without fail. Some builders ignore scale and proportion. When you visit their builds, things will look odd if you comply wil RL dimensions. So, some of like Penny push people to build things to scale and keep then proportional. Explore her blog for more information.
  24. There is no right answer. Best pubic hair is a personal preference. In the forum there are numerious discussions of genitelia and other realted topics. It is always a good idea to search the forum before asking a question. Saves you waiting for us to answer.
  25. Look through this tutorial to see if it helps: http://blog.nalates.net/2012/05/23/blender-retopology-clothing-update/
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