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Cinnamon Mistwood

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Everything posted by Cinnamon Mistwood

  1. Chalets will be the next theme released. They were shown at the Home and Garden expo or some other shopping event. No release date has been announced. When I first found these new homes (well after they were released - like when Vics were coming out) in my naiveite I thought I had the same chance as everyone else to get a great spot. As I played longer, I realized that wasn't the case. I have decided to change my thinking to pity for others. SL is full of all kinds of people and most of us accept the eccentricities. There are mental health issues, weird kinks I never knew of, disabilities of all kinds. You can find people with control issues, hoarding issues, and other mental health problem of their own to deal with. There are people that are home alone all the time. They don't work for whatever reason and sit at a computer all day living out fantasies. Some of these people have money to spend and time to waste. I work a full time job away from my house and nowhere near a computer. I have family, friends, and love to fill my time. I have a budgeted amount of money to spend on leisure inworld and very limited time to play. Yes, I am disappointed that my odds of getting a great place are virtually nothing and I will play for the throwaways when I have time. I have chosen to feel pity for those who have nothing else and need to have all the power to control what others will get, those that have nothing else to fill their time, or feel the need to hoard. It helps to change how you view others. I was angry for a while, but now I just feel sorry for those who feel the need to do this. I have no idea what their internals battles are, but I am grateful that their battles are not mine. Happy hunting everyone.
  2. *takes a deep breath* Going to abandon my longest owned Belli home. I've had it for a over a year and loved everything about the placement - Water on 2 sides, respectfully decorating neighbors, 2 walking path bridges right off the backyard, and some privacy. I seem to remember derendering some hedges on one side for a better view, but this was everything I was looking for at the time (then log homes came out ❤️ and I got a dream camper location). I want a hopper to have fun with, so tough decision made. I should have everything picked up by 12:15pm SLT. https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Middle Totting/192/176/0
  3. I hadn't thought about wall murals! That gives me a place to start. Maybe a wall aquarium... Hhmmm... Going shopping. I'm also going to dig in my inventory for shelves. I'm sure I have some already decorated ones with books and other random items.
  4. Looking for advice. I was trying to decorate only using stuff I had in my inventory already, so its a bit random in theme. I picked sky and sunset colors and just started digging. I found items I never unpacked in a folder of SLB17 freebie gifts ( the wire chair and the short table with 4 chairs) and some random gacha furniture. Most of the furniture pieces are really short leaving me a ton of wall space to fill. I could just unload my "Wall decorations" folder, but does anyone have any other ideas? More plants? Random art? The walls just look so bare. Most of my decorated homes end up looking like motel rooms because I just haven't mastered the art of clutter like some of you have. I still have 80+ LI to use, but will probably use 20 at least on deck furniture. I haven't linked anything yet, so I'll have more when that's done. Edited to add - I am not opposed to spending $L. I already had a kitchen, dining table, and that orange couch. I did buy that Black Nest shelf with decorations from a 50L Friday sale, but only used the decorations because I already had a shelf I liked. I also didn't like any of my bedrooms, so I bought a coastal themed set. Help a gal out who has no natural decorating sense.
  5. Logs are my favorites! I love the uneven terrain, the kinds of trees in logland and rocks and bushes used for more natural borders that don't look like fences or manicured hedges. There are just enough lakes, streams, and rocky hills to make the hunt for perfection fun! Whoever chose that theme to build has my gratitude. Right now I have a log home tucked into the bend of a lake (so water on 2 sides) and it doesn't even have a road passing by so the mailbox is on the lake not a road. Thank you, Moles, for your creativity and hard work.
  6. I have not been getting the same repeat abandons, but since what I am looking for can be found in any of the 3 styles, I cycle through them for my 5 tries. I have gotten neighbor houses while searching, though. I didn't think I would like OP houses, but they seem to be the only ones with the big back decks facing the water. Regardless, I want a placement that has some water AND some land underneath the house, so cycling through all 3 seems to work to prevent that wasting of a try on the same abandoned house.
  7. I wonder how she got the skyboxes where they are if she doesn't know how to place them. I'm picturing someone sitting in the skybox on the ground and using the editing arrow to lift it a tiny bit at a time while she is standing in it. Before someone told me to rez a box and sit on it first and then edit the box to the altitude I wanted, I did all the parts except the sitting and just flew the thousands of feet in the air until I reached it. 😄 Always a noob.
  8. Try asking your question in the Answers section of the forum. This "missed connections" section is for missing people. Perhaps posting in the Technical or International Answers boards would help with your connection issues. Good luck!
  9. Tomorrow is a holiday in the US, so staffing might be a little short. I'm hoping for a release anyway, though, since I have tomorrow off work.
  10. I'm letting my much loved log house go. I've had it since April. I caught an abandon a week ago and had to make a hard decision since I won't keep more than 1 of a house style. It took the whole week to make up my mind and I couldn't play GoH until my decision was made. https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Backside/168/96/0 I don't know how many logs are in the pool, but I hope the next person loves the location as much as I have. Putting it back at 8pm SLT
  11. Well, your original post and what you just typed out has really evolved over 2 pages. Bellisseria is relatively new in the lifespan of SL. It is very different than the original houses they had available in that it appears to have turned into quite the community for some people. The availability of these new houses changes on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. They are not done building different themes for people to choose from. There is a plan for at least a few years and a set number of themes that will keep people excited. It sounds like you ditched your houses because they were not that special to you. That's a fine reason to let them go. They are considered starter homes, after all. Some people enjoy the hunt for the perfect location. Some people want to try every theme. Some people just enjoy house hopping. Some people get a location that they really enjoy and they stay. It has been pretty easy over the last 3 weeks to find any kind of home you want because they just released a new theme. Today only 3 of the 6 kinds are available. When they release the rest of the stilt homes, there will be a surplus for a few weeks while everyone has fun house hopping and trying for something perfect. After the initial rush of a new shiny some people with multiple alts will keep their favorite houses and let their alts go back to basic for a while until the next theme is released. People will settle in for a while and homes may become scarce again. I am sure the Lab has taken this into account in their economic future and will be on the lookout for the next thing to keep people interested in being inworld and in maintaining extra accounts. I am not sure when in the last 2 pages you changed your post from what was originally posted (have they finally built enough houses? Are people still frantically refreshing the land page?) to the latest thing you posted about all this really being all about the economy of Second Life and extra accounts, but conversations evolve and change. I play in here with my 4 real life adult children. I have met people in real life that I originally met inworld. There will be 5 different people playing on 5 different accounts doing 5 different things from my one IP address because we all live in a multi-generational house. I am sure I am not the only one. Premium Alts are paying customers. Basic accounts are usually paying customers in other ways, but not always. People that login to Second Life take breaks and alts take breaks. I am sure that there are people who walk away from SL and take 20 alts with them as well. The SL economy is not solely based on alt creation and dependent who is paying for premium accounts. Being a business SL would not put all their eggs into one basket and for now they have found a way to bring money in by encouraging people to make some extra premium accounts and increasing enthusiasm. Sound like pretty good business practice to me. I am not sure why the total number of unique users matters much if people are willing to pay for multiple accounts. I also think that Linden Lab WANTS a surplus of homes to advertise to new people who have never been in Second Life. When each house type is available regularly, it will be less frustrating for new people who may be considering going premium.
  12. I believe it was said that it depends on where the center of the house is. If the center of the house is over land, then OL. If the center of the house lies over water, then it is OW. You can get some land under Over Water homes and some parts of Over Land houses can be over the water. Nice and clear, right? Oh, and welcome to the Game of Homes
  13. I'll wait another day. I was excited to try for all the other abandons. I've never found a trad I like and I'm always looking for a better Vic.
  14. How long do I have to wait to play GoH again? Is the hold on abandoning only for the stilts or can I try for other house types?
  15. Margaritaville - a chosen lifestyle based on a mellow, easy going, party lifestyle. No stress. Definitely Gulf coast/Florida Keys It's all this guys fault Jimmy Buffett - Margaritaville (Lyrics) - YouTube
  16. I agree that the house styles invite some personal vibes. We all have grown up in different areas surrounded by different cultures. For me: Trads - middle class housing House boats - a luxury and more like vacation housing not full time living. My current SL houseboat is set up in a space theme, though. Very sterile and clean. Alien plant life is abundant. Trailers - small houses for daily living. Could be boho or shabbier furniture. Vics - middle to upper class. In my RL area the old Vic neighborhoods are very expensive to live in so decorating could be old antique or very modern. My SL Vic has some steampunk vibes. Logs - extreme survivalists or boho artists retreats Stilts - you may be right on it with Margaritaville. With as open as it all is, I kind of hope people don't hide themselves on their parcels. It would be fun to boat around and wave at people having barbeques on their decks and be invited over for drinks and swimming. Won't happen if I can't see anyone though. The stilts invite social living. Chalets - I haven't formed an opinion on these yet. No vibe 😟
  17. When the demo area was opened, they only had 2 designations Over Water and Over Land. It depended on whether they had stairs to the front door. They seem to have added On Pier later. One little change can sometimes mess up other things.
  18. I caught this trad last night after I released the stilt house. I had a bit of a giggle at how very long the entrance path is (the longest I've seen so far). So if you don't like being right on the road, this might be your house. Just think about it. No need to waste prims on a garage and car parked out front. You still have waterfront and can use the prims for an outdoor recreation area instead. It is tucked away in a nice little cubbyhole. I do feel sorry for the mailman though. I'll let you have it about 11am SLT https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Gentle Grove/236/236/0
  19. Okay, here it goes (at 7:45pm SLT) Going to release this Over Land stilt home I caught this morning. It is placed really nicely on the parcel. Two of the home styles have decks that reach out into the water and the other 2 have decks that are completely on land. Its a corner lot with some trees that provide a little privacy and a small mole-built barbeque area. There is a rez zone right across the water passage. If we're all lucky, it might show up on the land page for the water and sand people. https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Clamdigger/128/236/0 Edited to add that the post for choosing the house style disappeared, but ctrl/alt/T (show transparent) showed that a small box is still there and is useable. It worked and was snatched up in seconds! Yay!
  20. If I abandon my stilt tonight, will it be available to someone or will it sit in maintenance until another release happens?
  21. In logland on April 1st 2020 there were tornados and other things flying around. Are we to expect tsunamis on first April 2021? Just a few big waves to give all those water loving people in stilthaven a good soaking. Maybe we'll have chalets to plague with tulip eating locusts by then.
  22. Awesome! Thanks so much for the preview ❤️
  23. Well, I thought I had one in Clamdigger. I am on my phone though. Darn full time job. Maybe it's restarting.
  24. W00T got an over land in Clamdigger. Can't log in to see it until after work. ☹
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