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Innula Zenovka

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Everything posted by Innula Zenovka

  1. Sounds like you will have to go through the manual verification process, as described here by Jeremy Linden -- sending them a scanned copy of appropriate ID. Alternatively, if you just want to access Adult content, you can do that by getting payment info on file -- either go premium or just buy some L$ or something in the marketplace using a credit or debit card, or PayPal if that's available to you (which it isn't, at present, for non-US residents)
  2. What's not true? It's certainly true that I've never, in practice, found a use for @getdebug_AvatarSex in any of my stuff, and that's despite the fact I can be pretty sure most of my customers use RLV. When I first read about the function I was really pleased. Then I started trying to think how I'd actually use it, and very rapidly realised it would be way more trouble than it was worth, since I'd have to let people override it manually anyway to allow for the many times it would give me inappropriate results. People are well used to having to select which gender anims they want to use from a hud or menu, as you say, or sit on an appropriate poseball, and it just seemed to mean a lot of extra work and complexity to make something I knew wasn't actually going to solve more problems than it created. The solution Vesta and I use in our furniture at the moment is simply to either to produce separate Masters' and Mistress' editions of stuff when it matters, or provide different menus. It's pointless trying to second-guess what gender or genders the Master or Mistress's submissives will be in any given case, so we let the person controlling the menu handle that. It's also true that I've never actually come across any RLV toys made by anyone else that use it. That's not say there aren't some, and I'd love to take a look at any you suggest, 'cos I'm always looking for new ideas. but, as it is, I just haven't come across any.
  3. Thanks, Ceera. That's a good idea. I've dropped notes to a couple people whose doors I like, explaining what I'm doing asking them if they can help. Maybe I'm misunderstanding the complexities, but it seems to me that they must have to make the base wood textures, in order to put the mouldings and door furniture on, so I'm hoping something comes of that. Though I'm in no tearing hurry; like so many things I make, this is a spin-off from another project. I was working on some scripted effects for something completely different, and thought -- hey, it would be fun to use this technique for a magic wardrobe. So maybe it'll still be sitting half-completed on my platform, along with lots of other stuff, when your sims are finished. In the meantime, if anyone does feel like making some textures for an ornate and vaguely sinister piece of furniture, which is nevertheless rather tempting to open, please let me know.
  4. I want to make a magic wardrobe -- as in The Lion, The Witch and .. except it's not going to be Narnia you end up in -- and, while I can find no end of lovely decorative dark-wood veneer textures for the doors, I can't find anything in matchiing wood, only plain, for the rest of it. It seems like the sort of matching set it should be easy to find, but I can't. Can anyone assist me?
  5. Way back when, the old forums had a thread, Transparency and Alpha Channels: The Definitive Guide pinned to the top of the forum as a sticky, so innumerable people -- including me -- who went there to ask about this issue found some enlightenment straight away. I gather this lithium stuff doesn't allow for stickies -- heaven knows why --- but over in Scripting Tips we've got links to useful resources in the older incarnations of the forum (and elsewhere) posted as a reply to a pinned post by Lexie. I'm wondering if that might not be an idea here, too.
  6. Unless you're using RLV, that is, in which case you can switch between body shapes in your inventory by script, in the same way you can change any other worn item.
  7. Intan is a system, and a very good one, that rezzes poseballs for couples dances all over a sim, if you want. You touch a remote unit -- which can be anything that contains one of the copiable Intan remote scripts, and this gives you a menu of the couples dances you've loaded into the main unit. The main unit, which can be hidden anywhere, then delivers a pair of posealls to where the toucher is. The couple jump on and and off they go, tripping the light fantastic. They delete themselves when you get off. The system doesn't, as far as I recall, come with any dances, but the great thing about it is that you only need to buy one copy of each dance you want in order to animate as many people as want to dance it. So it's ideal for large clubs. It supports couples dances from most of the main animators, and isn't too difficult to set up, so long you're good at reading instructions and following them carefully. Otherwise Intan can recommend trained people who will install your dances for you for a very reasonable fee. Danceballs, of which there are many, are good for individual dancers. Again, you only need one copy of each dance to animate multiple people. Basic idea is you touch the big dance ball (typically it's rezzed well overhead) and it offers you a menu of dances from which to choose. So an ideal set-up for you would be an Intan for couples and two dance balls for singles, one with men's dances and one with women's. The only thing to watch out for is that you buy singles dance balls that are capable of delivering different dances to different people at the same time (unless it's a line-dancing club or something!).
  8. Glad it helped. I think if you want to control the speed, llRotLookAt might be what you want (it works on both physical and non-physical objects) and, as I only discovered the other day, with Void's help, you can just use the formulae Chalice gives there to get the rotations you need for the rotation "target" in llRotLookAt. Certainly worth a play.
  9. I asked Blondin Linden about this at the Adult Content Users Group meeting that's just finished. He confirms it's a mistake and has promised to get it fixed.
  10. We used to have high hopes for llCastRay way back when. Since the only place it works at present is, apparently, mesh-enabled sims on Aditi, is it reasonable (and/or correct) to infer that it might hit the main grid if and when mesh does? And if we do get it, might that not provide another option?
  11. I am not sure I understand exactly what you want to do, but you might find this little tutorial by Chalice Yao over at SLU helpful. Even if it's not what you're trying to do, it's still worth a read -- it was her walkthrough that got me on the road to understanding how to use llRotBetween.
  12. It's one of those things that you think might be useful, but I really don't think it is. People who script stuff for RLV (as I do a bit) have had that functionality for ages -- @getdebug_AvatarSex -- but I've never found a use for it in practice, as opposed to theory, and I've never, in fact, seen it used.
  13. As Peter and Rollig have said, using collision events with a melee weapon like a sword isn't going to work. The usual way to do it, as I understand it, is to fire off llSensor in the same control event you use to swing your sword. If it detects your opponent is standing just in front of you, then you register a hit.
  14. Thanks for the heads up, Nyll. I've put this on the agenda for Blondin Linden's next Adult Content User Group meeting (http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bronlen/107/224/36 tomorrow, 18 April, at 11 am SLT, if anyone wants to attend). ETA -- For heaven's sake! I've just tested it by creating an alt and verifying her with my UK passport number. It accepted it with no difficulty. Apparently, as PeeWee suggests, Jeremy has got it completely wrong. He seems to have confused Age Verification with Payment Info, which many people do, of course, but not all of them are paid by LL to write articles in the Knowledge Base, and then has further compounded the error by, it would seem, getting it mixed up with fact PayPal hasn't worked for non-US residents for several months. If he isn't sure, why on earth can't he ask one of his work colleagues to check what he writes?
  15. As PeeWee suggests, you need to set your preferences generally to be able to access Adult content. Your Preferences tab should, in a V2 viewer, look something like this. After you've set it, you need to relog.
  16. No, you won't hear anything about the result of your report; see Linden Lab Official:I've filed an abuse report, I haven't heard a thing, and the offender isn't banned -- why? LL used to publish a digest of "incident reports," at least those that resulted in any action being taken, giving the time and place of the incident and noting what was done as a result, but no names. I think it was last updated in January last year and seems to have vanished since.
  17. Are there any megaprims close by (maybe a sim surround or a giant sculpted prim) and are you trying to sit on some scripted furniture that offers a variety of sits but doesn't use poseballs? This sounds like a very common issue, you see, that drives furniture makers like me nuts. For technical reasons I won't bore you with, if you're inside the collision box (which isn't the same as what you can see, necessarily) of a large prim and try to sit on certain things, the sim gets confused and thinks you're trying to sit on the sim surround or the giant rocks or something, rather than the furniture. There is a workround, fortunately, most of the time. Simply drop this script default{ state_entry() { llSitTarget(<0.0,0.0,0.1>,ZERO_ROTATION); llRemoveInventory(llGetScriptName()); }} into some of the child prims of the furniture on which you're having difficult sitting -- doesn't matter which prims. Just use Edit-Linked Parts and drop this into chair legs or whatever. It will then delete itself after setting a dummy sit target and then, with luck, you should find you can sit on stuff.
  18. That sounds like a looping error to me. Try integer TEXPointer = 0; list TEXLISTTemp = llCSV2List(llStringTrim(gNotecardDataTEX,STRING_TRIM)); integer max = llGetListLength(TEXLISTTemp) -1; llOwnerSay(llDumpList2String(TEXLISTTemp,"\n")); while(TEXPointer < max ) { integer wall = (integer)llList2String(TEXLISTTemp, TEXPointer++); string tex_name = llList2String(TEXLISTTemp, TEXPointer++); vector repeats = (vector) llList2String(TEXLISTTemp, TEXPointer++); vector offsets = (vector) llList2String(TEXLISTTemp, TEXPointer++); float rot = (float) llList2String(TEXLISTTemp, TEXPointer++); vector color = (vector) llList2String(TEXLISTTemp, TEXPointer++); float alpha = (float) llList2String(TEXLISTTemp, TEXPointer++); llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(wall, [PRIM_TEXTURE,0,tex_name,repeats,offsets,rot]); llSetLinkColor(wall,color,0); // llOwnerSay("Wall is "+(string)wall+":"+(string)[PRIM_TEXTURE,0,tex_name,repeats,offsets,rot]); } in the link message (I've tested it, but simply by reading the card rather than in a build).
  19. Try cleaning up your data before processing it, thus, and see if it helps: if(data != EOF){ data = llStringTrim(data,STRING_TRIM);//chop off leading and trailing spaces if(data!="" && llGetSubString(data,0,1)!="//"){//if there's still anything left and it's not a comment //process it }} It can't hurt, and at least it would rule out one cause.
  20. default{ state_entry(){ llSay(0,"Wow, thanks Cerise!"); } } Yay! So easy. Thank you so much.
  21. That's what I thought. When I raised the question in the SLU thread, it was because I was making something that uses llTextBox and was a bit nervous that some people might not be able to use it. Admittedly the device I was making also uses RLV, so that meant I only needed to worry about TPVs, but certainly we've had no complaints from people who can't use llTextBox, as yet.
  22. I don't think there's any way with LSL to control viewer settings, though I'm open to correction. The only way I know in most cases for scripted objects to control your viewer settings -- as opposed to the behaviour of what's effectively an in-world object normally controlled from your viewer, like your camera -- is to use a specially compiled viewer (like RLV, which won't be any help here) with an API you can access with LSL functions such as llOwnerSay().
  23. Depending on who's using the item, you might also consider using not llWhisper but either llOwnerSay(float_text) or llInstantMessage(id, float_text).
  24. The only "God Mode" of which I've ever heard in SL is http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/God_Mode. No, your collar can't give you powers reserved for LL employees, if that's what you are asking!
  25. Can anyone think of a TPV that doesn't support llTextBox()? Cool VL, Dolphin, Phoenix and Singularity all do, as far as I know, and I think Imprudence does, too. ETA We had a chat about this a while ago in another place, and no one could think of a viewer in reasonably common use that doesn't support it.
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