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Innula Zenovka

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Everything posted by Innula Zenovka

  1. I may well have misunderstood something crucial here, but if you're *only* using llTargetOmega(), as opposed to llSetRot() or llRotLookAt() or something, then nothing's actually moving or rotating, at least as far as the sim is concerned (unless the prim is physical). It's all done client-side. And there's no particular guarantee that, if you and I are both looking at the moving sculpture, your pc and mine are going to show the various components in the same place at any one time.
  2. Hello, Josette, and welcome to SL and the forums. No, your account can't be hacked by something in your inventory (it probably turned up there because you've got a setting somewhere set to accept inventory offers automatically). And so long as you don't try wearing it, it can't do any harm. But I would treat such unsolicited gifts from unknown sources with the greatest suspicion and just delete it. There's plenty of good free AOs available in the Marketplace from legitimate content creators, so why take risks with something that may be pirated content or may even be rigged to play some unpleasant trick on you if you wear it or rez it?
  3. Jo Yardley explained how to do this not so long ago : http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Your-Avatar/Sleeping-closing-your-avatars-eyes/m-p/776251#M3083 So I guess you could just make a shape, following her instructions, and switch between the two. If you want to do it by script, you could do it with the built-in animations. I wouldn't recommend it, because it means using quite a fast timer and because it gives you an odd expression, but, for the record, this is one way to do it. There's no built-in "eyes shut" anim, so you have to combine two to make your own. It's the recipe MLPV uses for closed eyes. Put it in a prim and wear it, and talk to it on channel 5. list gAnimations = ["express_disdain","express_smile" ];restartAnimations(){ integer max = llGetListLength(gAnimations) ; string ani ; while (max--) { ani = llList2String(gAnimations, max) ; llStopAnimation(ani) ; llStartAnimation(ani) ; }}default{ attach(key id){ if(id){ llListen(5,"",id,""); llRequestPermissions(id,PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION|PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS); } else{ llSetTimerEvent(0.0); if(llGetPermissions()&PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS){ llReleaseControls(); } } } run_time_permissions(integer perm){ if(perm & PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS){//keep running in no script areas llTakeControls(CONTROL_FWD,FALSE,TRUE); } } timer(){ restartAnimations(); } listen(integer chan, string name, key id, string msg){ msg = llToLower(msg);//don't worry about case if(~llListFindList(["on","sleep","close"],[msg])){//respond to any of these restartAnimations(); llSetTimerEvent(0.5);//may need to adjust this } else if (~llListFindList(["off","wake","open"],[msg])){ llSetTimerEvent(0.0); } }}
  4. You might want to take a look at Henri Beauchamp's Cool VL Viewer -- one of the most up-to-date TPVs, and still with the old, pre-voice, UI that I remember from 2007.
  5. llSetLinkTexture(LINK_SET,llList2String(textures,current_index),0);
  6. I can't remember what the maximum offset acheivable with an animation is, but it's certainly nothing like 2000 metres; more like 5 or 6 at most, I think. To my mind, this is a scripting problem rather than an animation one. What you need is a free-standing poseball that, when someone sits on it, starts to play the animation and then moves off the board and down to the poll at a controlled rate. In the past I'd have made the ball physical and used llMoveToTarget to do this, but now I think I would play around with the very new llSetKeyframedMotion, which, at first sight, seems ideally suited to what you describe. There's no way, unfortunately, for LSL or the simulator to determine what's happening in your animation or even when it's finished playing. So in order to end things when you hit the pool, you can either tell the poseball to stop the animation and unsit you when it gets to there (using the at_ target event with llMoveToTarget or simply at the end of the movement list with llSetKeyframedMotion, or, perhaps, have the prim "water" in the pool tell the poseball when you hit it). I'm sorry if this isn't the sort of answer that you were looking for. But I'm a scripter who works very closely with my animator business partner, and certainly if we were making something like this, getting the diver into the pool on time and then ending the animation and doing something with the poseball would be very much my job, not hers.
  7. To be fair, I've never really bothered to look at their Phoenix or Hybrid modes. I switch viewers a lot, for testing my products (there are normally several different versions of RLV and RLVa both in general use, and I've learned the hard way that some sculpties just won't render properly in some viewers), and I rapidly realised that, while I could keep the V1 and V2 UIs straight in my head, there was no need to confuse myself by trying to learn V1-and-a-bit, too.
  8. There's detailed, and enthusiastic, reviews of it in Living In The Modem World and NalatesThings & Stuff. There's also quite a detailed discussion over the road at SLU, in which several Firestorm devs are participating. I had a quick play with it, after I got over the confusion caused by the fact their "V3" UI in what they call "V3.2" is, in fact, the old V2/3 UI (can't move the buttons about it). I quite liked it, but didn't see anything that made me want to switch from Marine's RLV/Dolphin/Catznip, which are the viewers I usually use. But I realise I'm in a minority in preferring them to Firestorm, anyway, so my views shouldn't be taken as particularly authoritative in this matter.
  9. I think it would be wise to seek The Pokemon Company's views on the matter before proceeding much further.
  10. To my mind, the point isn't that you know your avatar is supposed to be 18. It's how other people perceive her. What worries the club owner is that someone might see your avatar there, take exception to her appearance and AR the club for allowing age play, and that LL might share the complainant's perception of your avatar, because then the club owner is in trouble. The club owner is also doubtless concerned that his or her other patrons are likely to have similar worries on arriving there and seeing your avatar, and decide to go elsewhere. So, all in all, it's a lot easier and safer for the club to ask you to change your appearance or leave than it is to worry about finding itself and its patrons on the wrong end of LL's rather mercurial AR policy. Certainly if they use one of those height detector systems, that's pretty stupid, and certainly the security staff in some clubs are apparently over-zealous and have a bad attitude. But that's specific clubs, and there's plenty more places to go.
  11. She gives her reasons on her blog, Ela.
  12. You will indeed be sadly missed, here, Void. Your unfailing kindness and generosity with your time and expertise in this forum and its predecessors have done so much to open my eyes to scripting and introduce me to something I love doing. Thank you so much.
  13. I think the problem is with your list of textures, which is a single string, that is "123" (as a literal string, rather than an integer). If you're hard-coding the textures, it should be something like list textures =[//these are the uuids of some public domain textures from the Blender.org collection "39359302-6f83-4717-eeca-cbfa7482d6cb", "cae9a7b6-ddf5-986f-6328-885bea69cee4", "f17a9afd-00d4-ab5e-60f3-756afdf649f1" ];integer textures_number;integer current_index;default{ state_entry() { textures_number = llGetListLength(textures); } touch_start(integer detected_number) {if(llDetectedKey(0) == llGetOwner()) {llSetTexture(llList2String(textures,current_index),0); if(++current_index >= textures_number) current_index = 0; } }}
  14. Yeah, there's absolutely nothing wrong with omitting the curly brackets when there's only the one thing to do, of course, and it's really a matter of personal preference. I just mentioned it because I still remember how confusing I found it when I was a beginning scripter, which I think the OP is, and didn't really appreciate when I needed the curly brackets and when I didn't. It was a particular issue, as I recall, whenever I tried to follow people's advice about fixing my scripts to "put in a lot of llOwnerSays to make sure you know what the script is actually doing" and found that just made matters worse, because no one had told me that, if I did that, I really needed those brackets!
  15. Emergence was released in last year, to provide a TOS-compliant alternative to the now-banned Emerald, and LordGregGreg Back, the developer, stopped updating it when Phoenix came along. See his blog post here. So the reason it's not working is that Mesh wasn't around when Emergence was released. It's the same reason Mesh doesn't work in Phoenix, either, though they're going to put Mesh in Phoenix at some point. Why not try Cool VL or Singularity? Both already have Mesh, and Singularity looks and feels not unlike Emergence.
  16. @eref -- while Kwakkelde is completely right, and you can say if (message=="close")llSay(0,"the vision fades"); I strongly suggest you write it slightly differently, like this: if (message=="close"){ llSay(0,"the vision fades"); } The reason I suggest using the { } there, even though it will work perfectly well without them, is that it only works because you want the script to do only one thing (that is, say "the vision fades") if the message is "close". If, though, you wanted it to do two separate things -- say "the vision fades" and then say "goodbye", for example -- then you would almost need the curly brackets because if (message=="close")llSay(0,"the vision fades");//it will say this if the message is "close"llSay(0,"goodbye"); // it will say this so long as it's heard a message, no matter what it is That's probably not what you want; if you want it to say the two lines only if the message is "close", then you have to have the brackets, like this if (message=="close"){llSay(0,"the vision fades");//it will say this if the message is "close"llSay(0,"goodbye");//and it will only say this if the message is "close", too} That is, if there are no curly brackets after the "if" statement, the script knows it should only excute the next line if the "if" statement is true, but doesn't know the next line is anything to do with the "if" statement and goes ahead and executes it anyway. But if it finds an opening { just after the "if" statement, it knows that everything from then on in depends on the "if" statement being true until it encounters the matching } bracket. I mention this because I didn't understand it properly when I started scripting and it took me ages to realise why an "if" condition that I knew worked with one line went crazy if I added another one. And it's so easy to forget about this if you are revising the script and add something extra you want to happen if (and only if) the if statement is true. And when that happens, it's so hard to spot what's gone wrong!
  17. I'm looking for a stylish pre-fab store rather urgently. The footprint of the plot is 30 x 44, with the shop front on the long side (it's part of a row of shops). I want a contemporary or futuristic urban style, two floors, and not overly-primmy. Grunge is fine, so long as it's not excessively so -- we're maybe in an edgy part of town, but I don't want it to look as if we're about to call the receivers in. Anyone got any suggestions as to where I might look? Very few listings in the SL Marketplace actually tell me how many prims the builds comprise, and I don't really want to schlep round looking at a load of different places in world.
  18. But Phil, see my point above. Since a Concierge Level account in the UK has to wait till 4pm our time before there's anyone around in Concierge Help to attend to some urgent problem with the sim for which we're paying a couple of hundred quid a month plus VAT, why do you expect LL to have people around 24/7 to deal with spammers, irritating though the spammers certainly are?
  19. Yes, it is normal, and usually the spam gets removed before too long, but remember the moderators are probably on SL (or at least US) time, and it is a weekend. Live help's not open till 4pm our time, remember, Phil.
  20. It seems to be a recent bug. I've returned a couple of items on separate occasions to a friend and she's kept on getting such messages, which have then suddenly stopped for no apparent reason. On the other other hand, she's returned some of my items and I only get the one notification. Most odd. My friend is on a Mac, using Firestorm, and I'm on Windows using (mostly) Catznip (based on 2.8) and RLV (based on 3.2). I don't know if any of that makes any difference. But I'm not at all sure she gets the notifications every time I return something (we're building partners, so we keep on returning each other's components to stop the platform getting too cluttered).
  21. What Rolig said. Additionally, you can always AR her for harrassing you with IMs and mute her. For what it's worth, I never tell people I'm muting them -- if they want to waste time sending you IMs and notecards you're not going to see, then let them, say I.
  22. That sounds like a problem with your viewer communicating with the website -- it looks as if it's timing out, for some reason. Have you tried uploading pictures from a different region and, if that fails, rebooting your cable modem?
  23. Very good news indeed. But the explanation in the jira that "a new boolean variable will need to be added to the mesh asset. the variable indicates whether this mesh should be deformed or not" leaves me wondering whether any mesh clothes I presently own, or presently available, will be deformable or not, and, in consequence, wondering whether to buy any more until the matter is clarified. I think an explanation would help a lot of people.
  24. I've certainly used this feature, in both LL's 3.2.2 and in the version of Marine Kelley's RLV that's made with it. I can't get in to check right now, but, as I recall, after you've clicked Post To My Profile Feed and the box opens for you to enter a caption if you want, you then have to click the Refresh icon above the top left of the image actually to enable the button that posts it to your feed.
  25. I see what you mean. In that case, though, it looks as if only about three or four people on my -- very extensive, because I hardly ever bother to remove anyone -- friends list ever post anything on their feeds. I mean, three or four out of getting on for 500. OK, a lot of people represented on my friends list are probably inactive accounts by now, but it still suggests -- at least if my experience is anything to go by -- that very few people actually use this feature. ETA -- looks like you are most certainly correct. A post by a friend of mine showed up on my feed at some point today and, while I was delighted to see my friend is pleasantly surprised by the latest viewer, I know for a fact I didn't opt to follow her.
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