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Donovan Michalski

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Everything posted by Donovan Michalski

  1. Been ages since I posted in this thread...I was standing outside my workshop earlier and figured it was time to revisit it. 😄
  2. I have a few road cars I use for mainland driving that I put together using the vehicle script animats made available after all of his work on these issues. I'm not going to say they're the best cars in SL but they handle mainland pretty well thanks to his script work. Anyone who wants copies is free to drop me an IM or a notecard, and I'll pass 'em your way.
  3. As always, top-notch visual artistry on display here.
  4. After a long time primarily using skins from Stray Dog, I wanted to try something a little different. I found one I liked from Session, giving my av a slightly more aged look that I'd wanted for a while but never could get quite right.
  5. Took this one while a friend and I were out on the Blake Sea, in the midst of our lengthy AFK/not AFK chat session.
  6. I haven't been all that active in SL for a while, so only a few tweaks as of late. Spending a bit of time casually socializing at beach regions.
  7. Hadn't had a lot of time to be on in the last month or two, so I figured it was time for a small update.
  8. Thanks so much - that's actually the "exit", so to speak. It's just a texture on a prim, scripted to teleport you back to the main section of the parcel. I added a bit of glow and a small amount of transparency to make it look a little more interesting.
  9. Wow, this is a really fantastic look. Nice job!
  10. Whenever I can, I like to have a quiet spot on my parcel that I can escape to, just to unwind. Hadn't really put one together since my last rebuild of everything, so I finally quit procrastinating and got it done.
  11. Haven't posted in a while...been buried in the world of scripting, learning the ins and outs of vehicles. My wardrobe hasn't expanded much lately. Not much else has changed though. Still racing, and still looking mostly the same.
  12. Finally got around to unpacking the updated version of the Daniel head that I'd picked up via redelivery a couple of weeks ago. Got it worked into my base outfit folder, sorted out the facial animation AO's, and decided it was time to switch skins. Went with another Stray Dog (Sven, Tone 04) like my previous two, because I didn't want to change TOO much.
  13. Had to give it a try myself. [16:11] YD Speed Camera: ##Donovan Michalski -Aura2-, Owned by Donovan Michalski 280.931458 KpH Fine L$250
  14. Totally not creepy at all. It did make me think of a music video though.
  15. Took this one while hanging out at a friend's mountain drift racing course. Hooray for accidental "looking off into the distance" poses!
  16. I'm generally an open book when it comes to RL. In fact, this is what my first life tab says in my profile: "There's no reason for me to really put anything here, because if you talk to me long enough I'll tell you everything you wanted to know. And probably things you didn't." That said, I don't ask people much about their own lives outside of SL. I figure if they want me to know, they'll tell me.
  17. I just wanted to mention that disabling the velocity interpolation was a great tip, and that alone significantly improves the experience of driving mainland roads at speed. Highly recommend it.
  18. Sounds about right. I only just stumbled across this thread, so it'll be interesting to see how it all ends up. I will say that high speed competitive driving across mainland roads as it stands right now (at least based on my experience with the rally last summer) is a mind-bending experience at its best. Watching the car sail off into the sky for a few moments as you wait for it to return to the road...or driving at speeds faster than the road can rez and just going by the shape of the land underneath...yeah, there's gotta be a better way.
  19. I didn't keep track of the total number of attempts, but I'd estimate at least 50.
  20. I completed the rally close to 30 times with a best time of 12 minutes, 21 seconds. Even got the "rare" Myata prize. (which is why I kept running it, besides entertainment value) So it wasn't perfect, but it was pretty darn good. Still my favorite car for mainland driving.
  21. Given the wide range of people who inhabit SL, you'd probably have to avoid a LOT of places, flag or not. I'm not sure why you would, though. I feel like attempting to avoid people and places that don't fit with our personal viewpoint is one of the biggest mistakes we can make, and one of the biggest causes of problems in society - because we stop seeing them as people just like us, and see them merely as a representation of some political (or other) opinion. All I'm saying is, you can have your faith and live your life as you choose without shunning those who live another way. And your life will probably be much happier for it.
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