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Emma Krokus

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Everything posted by Emma Krokus

  1. Found another failed payment - again from a customer who bought 2 items. Both were delivered but I only received payment for only one. Is this a pattern others are seeing? I'm continuing to raise tickets for these - I haven't had an answer as to whether I need to do this in order to get paid. For merchants with high sales volumes this must be a total nightmare!
  2. Ok, so we don't file a JIRA for missing payments but do we have to open a support case for them instead? So confused... :womanmad:
  3. Great idea Pamela - thank you for sharing . I just had a response: I am sorry for the inconvenience caused by the technical issue that you are having on the Second Life Marketplace web site. The Marketplace Team is aware of this issue and they are working to resolve the problem as quickly as possible and get affected Merchants credited. You may read more about the issues along with an updated post from CommerceTeam Linden on the Second Life Commerce Merchants Forum thread, located here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/New-Payment-System-Questions/td-p/2061429 Hmmm....
  4. Ugh took me ages and I found 3 missing payments (2 from today from the same order of 5 items made by one person) - hopefully just very delayed... but the other one is yesterday's. And I am not a high volume seller...
  5. Thanks Sassy. I guess their system is NOT able to run a simple query to reconcile the data. /me stamps foot. :womanfrustrated:
  6. So how do I find out what has been ordered and delivered and what has been paid for - is this transaction history vs order reports? I really don't want to be doing this... /me grits teeth.
  7. [1] WELCOME MESSAGE - When you enter a club the host should welcome you... a) at once! The see my name pop up on radar and should show me they watch for new arrivals (also means you are often greeted by your original SL name as the one you chose later isn't shown on most radars). b) when I come into view, closer to the stage. c) don't mind if they don't say "hi" all that soon but at some point it'd be nice. d) think DILLIGAF (do I look like a give a f...) [2] GESTURES a) I hate gestures! b) Some gestures are OK but I'm bored seeing the same gestures all the time and everywhere. c) Some gestures are OK and I don't mind if the same ones recur. d) I love gestures, can't get enough of it! [3] CAPITAL LETTERS a) Oh my god, stop the shouting! It's totally impersonal and I don't read that stuff. Also makes notices harder to read. b) I hate it in chat but it makes notices more readable. c) For general announcements everyone in the club should see they are ok. But not for normal talk. d) I don't wanna miss anything the host is saying and caps are really helpful. [4] WOW WORDS (e.g. wow, omg, sexy, awesome) a) I'm so damn bored by it... is really every DJ awesome and every host sexy? Be more creative in notices and chat! b) Hey, sometimes it's just true, no need to hide that. But don't overuse it! c) It totally energizes me when hosts do mood upping shouts! [5] TIP SHOUTS (hosts asking patrons to tip the DJ, DJ's asking on mic to tip the host) a) If a DJ/host is good they'll get tipped. No need to beg for it. b) Once in an hour is ok. Sometimes you get lost in talk but actually wanted to tip. c) Once every 30 minutes is ok. It doesn't hurt to friendly remind people that someone is working for their entertainment. d) People should be reminded often that there are people on stage doing a show. [6] NOTICES a) I prefer a quick overview (DJ, Host, When, Where, What), preferably in caps. b) I prefer a quick overview (DJ, Host, When, Where, What), preferably WITHOUT caps. c) Most of them look all the same, I want a more creative touch so it's actually fun reading them. d) I usually ignore them because they don't say anything of interest to me. When I wanna know when a specific person hosts or DJs I ask them. If you send me more than 1 notice a night I am out of the group faster than you, Vaughan, can say WOW **<3**.
  8. I really am no expert but I wondered if someone could be wearing a script that updates every now and then? Disabling scripts in the sim wouldn't stop that if the script in the attachment was already running...
  9. See this thread: /t5/General-Discussion-Forum/PC-vs-Mac-What-makes-one-better-than-the-other-for-Second-Life/td-p/2058129 Gave me loads of useful info from knowledgable forumites. Emma:)
  10. Under Linden Exchange you have a category called PROCESS CREDIT HISTORY. You should see the amount being processed to Paypal there. It should say the amount and IN PROGRESS. Emma
  11. Did you rezz the clothing on the ground to remove the dagger? I think you can't do this while you're wearing it.
  12. Thanks Feldspar - and that's a pretty impressive performance, especially as it's a laptop. (Even though I will definitely go for a desktop myself.) My question at this time is on which OS SL would perform best. Though I may well be asking "What's a nice PC for SL and how much does it cost?" next. Having had no experience ever of Linux I think that's not something I want to consider right now. Maybe next time... . Emma
  13. Getting local support is a good point you make here - thank you! Emma:)
  14. Thanks Madelaine - I haven't use one either since I last reinstalled the OS... - CD/DVD drives are handy as cup holders though... hmmm.... Emma
  15. 75 fps? Wow - I'd be in heaven... (and a better internet connection....) And it's interesting to read of yours and Madeline's experiences of running other os's on a mac without too much hassle... Oooh that's thrown a spanner in the works! Hmmmm... Emma
  16. Hmmm... for running Second Life pc = faster & better performance for SL, more options for other SL related software, easy to upgrade the ystem, cheaper, possibly less reliable mac = their users love them!, less options for other software, easier updating of OS & drivers, possibly more reliable, may be possible to upgrade Is that a fair summary? I'd still love to hear some more views. Emma
  17. Thank you Madeline and Madeleine - you're both raising issues here that are important for me to take into account too. Emma
  18. Having almost exclusively used windows pc's, I am now looking to get a new desktop specifically for SL. Assume I am happy to learn a new (to me) OS and have an unlimited budget :D. In your opinion / experience, what features / issues would make you recommend either a PC or a Mac? Thanks in advance for your thoughts! Emma :)
  19. Thank you Rolig - beautifully clear. I was expecting something tricky !! Off to experiment... though not ready for mesh yet... Emma
  20. Hi I tried the script too... but getting an error at line 24 - the "fo" should be "for". Works just fine now. Emma
  21. Hi Rolig:) Thank you for posting this! Sorry for the late response - I would be interested to see rotation around the X axis - especially as I would then have the 2 scripts to compare ... and learn from. Emma
  22. Rolig Loon wrote: It's hard to be specific without knowing what you mean by "moving a switch", but generically this is just a matter of putting your script in the root prim (your cut-prim door itself or the hinge prim, if present), and then designating a specific prim in the linkset as your switch. You don't need to click your drawbridge to raise or lower it. You could click any prim that it's attached to -- a lever, a secret panel, a doorbell ..... integer gIntSwing = 90;/*//-- use -# to reverse the direction of swing, eg. -90; --//*/rotation gRotSwing;integer switch_prim = 2; //Or whatever the prim # of your switch is.default{ state_entry(){ gRotSwing = llEuler2Rot( <0.0, 0.0, (float)gIntSwing * DEG_TO_RAD> ); } touch_end( integer vIntNul ){ if (llDetectedLinkNumber(0) == switch_prim){ llSetLocalRot( (gRotSwing = (ZERO_ROTATION / gRotSwing)) * llGetLocalRot() ); } }} This is Void Singer's simple hinge action. Hi Rolig:) Thank you for posting this - trying out the scripts posted here is always educational. I wondered what change I'd need to make to this script to move all of the linkset EXCEPT for the switch prim. Maybe that isn't possible though... and one would have to use a remote trigger from another unlinked prim? Emma
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